xxxxW I L S O NxxxC A M D E NxxxH A W T H O R N E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Will

              AGE 17

              BIRTHDAY 9 May 2029

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 12in, Poplar, Fox Fur, Inflexible, Spiraled shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unknown

              FACECLAIM Childhood - Roshon Fegan [x]
              Adulthood - Keiynan Lonsdale [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Spanish, Scots-Gaelic, some Haitian Creole

        xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
            ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

            HOUSE Slytherin

            YEAR Seventh

                Quidditch - Chaser
                Music Club

            BEST LESSONS

            WORST LESSONS

            CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Con artist
            DREAM JOB Professional Quidditch player

            xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                OWL SCORES

                  NEWT SCORES
                      Astronomy ~ A
                      Charms ~ O
                      Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                      Herbology ~ A
                      History of Magic ~ A
                      Potions ~ A
                      Transfiguration ~ EE
                      Alchemy ~ A
                      Cursebreaking ~ A
                      Muggle Studies ~ O
                      Study of Ancient Runes ~ EE
                      Wandless Magic ~ EE

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ CURIOUS Will likes figuring stuff out, mainly how stuff works. Sometimes he'll work out stuff with his twin but he liked the technical side of it a bit more.
              ◊ DEVIOUS He loved pulling pranks, mainly because he loved seeing the before's and after's. He liked that calm before the storm anxiousness and then the mayhem the prank caused.Not bad mayhem though, funny stuff.
              ◊ ADVENTUROUS Will never tried to shy away from a challenge no matter where it came from, even from his own brother. He always enjoyed finding the craziest things they could think of to do.
              ◊ CRAFTY Not like actual crafts, though he has gotten pretty good at paper mache, but at planning. Pranks don't work nearly as well if there isn't planning.
              ◊ OBSERVANT To try and stay out of trouble, Will liked having eyes and ears everywhere. And if that made him nosy, so what. At least he knew some of the good stuff before most of the adults. And it kept him at least two steps ahead in almost everything. Except Izzy goddangit.
              ◊ BOSSY He doesn't mean to be, it's just that sometimes he has ideas and plans that he likes seeing done the exact way he wrote them. It's not his fault some people just don't listen when he kinda knows better.

                  Playing pranks
                  Watching quidditch

                  Being cold
                  Being told something is impossible
                  Mini versions of food
                  Being ignored
                  Being called "the baby" or "the youngest"

                  Figuring out pranks
                  Learning Quidditch

                  Always has ideas

                  Likes to think his ideas are the best

                  Being left alone
                  Deep space

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Will was born twelve minutes after his twin brother to their parents Joseph and Naitanna Hawthorne. He doesn't really pay attention to that information though, and actually he's the one that usually tries to boss around his brother. Or at the very least plan out their ideas. About five years after their birth their parents sat them down to discuss adopting a little sister and soon enough they brought home a little girl named Isabella. He didn't really mind her, until after learning that she was actually older than he and Jack, at least technically. This somehow made him the "baby" of their family which annoyed since he was the same freaking age as the other two. After that not really much happened; he started school, made friends, pulled some pranks, learned some Quidditch. Normal junk.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  ◊ FIRST YEAR His first year at school was actually pretty fun. He was, of course, surprised that he had gone into Slytherin when there were almost none in his family and maybe he'd been a tad worried of what his family would think but thankfully his fears were unfounded. And he finally got a familiar to bring to school!
                  ◊ SECOND YEAR Will's second year was awesome if he did say so himself. He made first string as a chaser in quidditch which had been a-mazing. He hadn't made any goals but it had been fun stealing the quaffle away from older years and cackling. He doesn't have a clear idea of what he wants to take as far as electives but he'll figure something out.
                  ◊ THIRD YEAR This year was pretty alright; besides his lackluster Quidditch season, he managed to make it to nearly all his elective classes on time and was very excited to have Andi join him in Slytherin. (Unlike another certain friend who's sticky sorting left him hanging).
                  ◊ FOURTH YEAR The year started normal, as normal as it usually did, so he didn't really think it would change. Right up until he noticed his twin acting off. At first when he started disappearing and making up random excuses, he figured out rather quickly that he was in some sort of secret relationship and as much as he'd love to torture get the info out of him, he kept his distance. That was until he realized what sort of relationship his brother had found himself in, right after he was dumped and left feeling like a sac of s**t. Will rallied most of their family and friends to get some nice sweet revenge and as awesome as it had been, he still feels like it wasn't enough.
                  ◊ FIFTH YEAR This year was pretty ok even with the threat of OWL's hanging overhead. He got passed over for captain (whichwasfinetotally) and he ended up somehow befriending the other Will in Slytherin. He and Jack had overheard a seriously public breakup and offered their condolences and services, which he took. Payback mach 2.
                  ◊ SIXTH YEAR This year was a m e s s. Will had a stupid plan on how to finally get back at Dagrun and it backfired so spectacularly that he was still reeling from it. He not only realized he'd been treating her like that dumb pigtail pulling bully since about third year but that he also was a real and true coward since after realizing this and abandoning her in Hogsmeade, he hid from her the remainder of the year. If she hadn't been dating a literal mountain he'd like to believe he'd try to approach and explain himself.
                  ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                  Parents - Joseph and Naitanna Hawthorne
                  Siblings - Jackson and Isabella Hawthorne
                  Grandparents - Thomas Hawthorne, Melinda Gonzales-Hawthorne, Gerald and Jarai Ellis
                  Aunts/Uncles - Lochland and Cydney Ellis, Leslie and Nastassia Lovell, Arianna Hawthorne-Wynters, Seth Wynters, Chantale and Rose Ellis-Hall
                  Cousins - Mackenzie Hawthorne, Aine Ellis-Hall, Theodotus Ellis-Hall, Louise Ellis-Hall, London Ellis, Ridley Lovell, Mahalia Ellis, Ian Wynters, Galen Hall

                  Best Friend - Jackson Wilson
                  Gideon Edgeworth
                  London Ellis
                  Andi Masters
                  Cian Quinlan
                  Donner Eide
                  William Bennett

              ENEMIES None
              PETS A hedgehog Han


          UPDATED 1/10/19

          UPDATES MADE
          ■ Age, Year, and Bio updated for new year

          PENDED BY Weasley 12/12/17
          ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [05/16/2018]
          RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY Weasley 4/23/19