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[Rp Log] Birb and Mouse(Calico Lily/Windflame Bloodrider)

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:35 pm
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Kesmi's Teepee

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PGM's Teepee(Her old one)

Windflame = Red
Calico = Orange red
PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:36 pm
His dark coat stood out in the greenery of the forest around him, though that didn't bother him one bit. His red eyes observed his surroundings carefully, though he attempted to keep the growling in his stomach quiet. It had been days since his last meal, though it struck him that he ought to eat at least once a day. However, he hated showing himself to the world. He tried to stay in hiding; away from everything. He hated that he continued to want to live, yet hated life. Those he cared for had all left him behind; speaking empty promises. He growled under his breath at the thoughts that churned in his mind, willing his focus back into his surroundings. A rustle of sound caught his attention. As carefully and as silently as he could, he began stalking the sound. The trees eventually broke away to reveal a rather hearty, young stag; one, he noted, that was of the more common variety, and not another of his particular kind. There was a definitive difference, though he supposed he didn't really care. He inched ever closer, getting ready for the thrill of the chase and the kill.  





PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:37 pm
The trees were her friends, talons sank into the bark of a gnarled old oak as she peered around. Magenta eyes watching the smaller vermin scuttle about the branches around her and escaped from her snapping jaws. The Mare didn't seem to care about these smaller mouthfuls. They were nothing, no she was after something larger. Shaking herself free, large wings taking her to the air, Calico circled, carried by the warmer updrafts. She was a predator, much like her parents. Shaking the 'mane' out of her eyes, she glanced down at the open vista below.

It was there she noted the hearty stag. Her own stomach rumbled as if she hadn't eaten all day, Calico was a glutton in some aspects. Atop her demanding talents. Keeping to the upper drafts, a screech typical of her father's species ripped itself from her throat. A war cry of sorts, to let the 'hunt' begin... Unknowing of the stallion who stalked the same prey.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:38 pm
Just as the screech unearthed itself, Windflame moved in for the kill. However, the sound of the screech seemed to have startled--and alerted--the stag to his presence. Cursing words that would melt the ears off innocent foals, Windflame burst out of his hiding place and immediately took to a fast gallop, chasing after the stag, pumping his leathery wings to give himself speed. He did not fly so much as he glided along, slowly gaining speed on the stag. His eyes burned fire, the chase pumping new life into his limbs. It had been so terribly long since he could just feel his bloodlust, rising from the depths of his very being. He ignored everything else around him. He was so close; so close now. He searched for the right moment to kill the stag; he knew without a doubt he would dine well. He would need the strength to continue his wanderings, after all. The energy would also allow him to avoid others at all costs, though, to his consternation, he would soon be discovered.  





PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:39 pm
Blast! The other had gotten to the deer before she could sink her claws into it. Pulling back a moment she dropped in over the stallion to sink her talons into the stag's flesh about the shoulders. Pushing her weight onto the stag to drive it more into the ground. Growling, her own wings fanning themselves out showing orange and black under feathers. Puffing herself up she looked squarely at the stallion. How dare he get to her meal before she could get first bite.

"I said, this was mine." she puffed letting her talons sink further into the meat. "Did you not hear me? Pet?" Her ears flicked slightly as if to half hear whatever response was to come. Her own head lowered to tear and swallow what laid beneath her talons, minding to stay clear of what he was holding.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:40 pm
Bloodlust slowly fading, Windflame's burning red eyes stared at the odd mare before him. She was such a strange creature, and he'd thought he'd seen it all with the herd he used to stay with. Seeing the mare tear into the front half of the stag, he, too, began to tear into it. He needed food, and he didn't want to bother answering the mare. He had no idea what she was talking about, having not heard her while in his bloodlust. As soon as he had satisfied his hunger, what caught his attention was the word "pet." He snorted. Mares. All of them, whether beautiful, wild, insane, they drove him crazy. The lot of them were useless, vindictive creatures that believed they owned the world. Bah. He stepped back and away. "I am no pet of yours," he finally retorted, meaning to leave her with the dead stag. He would find another, in a different place. He didn't think he would be found so easily. Pet? he thought. The nerve. Well, no matter. He didn't intend to stick around long enough for the mare to make a difference to his current way of life.  





PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:42 pm
Calico had dug deep into the stag's chest and tore out its heart. Lifting her head, the dripping organ in her jaws she started at the stallion. She squinted at him over her catch, using her wings to lift her into the air, the corpse dragging along to drop whatever was left in front of the stallion. She landed a little farther off to enjoy her 'treat'. "I call everyone 'pet', if you are not kin, you are dinner." She mulled over, rolling the heart a little watching it smear more blood against her talons. "You don't smell like kin. Though you look like them." She turned her head ever so slightly, her 'mane' shifting almost falling from her head. With a wing she attempted to resettle the trophy. She mostly wore the thing to show she was a hunter, not many liked those without hair. Even if she was born with a scruff of a mane. It didn't last and this was its replacement. "You in that much of a hurry to leave?"  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:43 pm
"And why should I stay? I have no reason to," he replied in a monotone way. He paused as she dropped the stag in front of him. Apparently all she'd wanted was its heart. Some predators were so strange. "Kin? Dinner?" he asked, not sure this mare was exactly sane. Not that he had met many sane mares in the first place, save a few exceptions, but still, this one was likely the oddest he'd ever had the displeasure to meet. "I am not family to you, mare," he continued, debating inwardly to devour the rest of the stag or to continue attempting to leave. "Nor am I a meal for you. Do not test me." Windflame decided he would continue to dine on the stag after all. He really didn't want to have a conversation with the mare, so if his mouth was full, he could at least ignore her and also have an excuse to keep his mouth, well, shut tight. He carefully eyed the mare. She seemed to be of mixed breed. She had claws instead of hooves, an oddity he didn't know his kind could develop. Did he mention he didn't like mares? No? Well, he didn't like mares. Hated them, actually. They were nothing but trouble, and this one in front of him spelled trouble multiple times in a row. He was in no mood to entertain another flighty mare.  





PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:46 pm
Calico crunched on the heart she had taken from the stag before turning her gaze towards the stallion. A blood ref tinged her magenta gaze, but it quickly faded as her ears twitched. From his tone, he seemed to question her sanity, well.. She had been told her father wasn't the sharpest tool in her mother's arsenal, but he was quick and killed for pleasure. Some could say that she took that side from him.

"No, no you are not. You look like my kin, the dragon side of my family. You certainly don't have the tendencies of those from my father's side." she reached out with a taloned foot. "But I would see you far from an easy dinner. Besides." Her drawl coming to a purr. "You're too pretty."

Discarding whatever was left in the bloody pool near her talons, Calico moved closer to the stallion, there was a fire in her eyes. Spaded tail snaked out from between her tail feathers to sway behind her. She was at least half Kalona, the rest of her was Gryphon. Her head raising up to inspect the stallion as if he too were a slab of meat laid out for the scavengers. She was far from 'scavenging' for her meals. But what would it hurt for a closer look.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:49 pm
He swallowed the last morsel of meat as he half-listened to the mare. However, when her utterance of 'you're too pretty' flew from her mouth, he reacted in, well, a non-Windflame way. He blinked and fell his jaw actually drop. He was that stunned. He knew he attracted quite the attention with his appearance, be it fear or awe, perhaps even admiration, but beauty? As she approached, Windflame found himself mentally startled to find he was backing away. It wasn't so much that he was scared of the mare--he himself was rather fearsome, and he had little to fear in the first place--but that her approach and how she looked at him made him wary.

He was not a meal, in any sense of the word's meaning. Not food, nor mate material. He already lost himself to two mares who betrayed him before. Mares were not to be trusted. Even his own daughters had left him behind. But for a mare to call him pretty was something he was not prepared to deal with, inwardly or outwardly. What warped sense of humor did this mare have? "I am kalona, not dragon," he corrected, after managing to close his jaw to speak. "I have met dragons." And they were something of a different class altogether. Why did crazy mares keep bothering him? Why couldn't they be like the normal, skittish kinds that left him alone, in peace of mind?





PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:50 pm
The expression on his face was priceless, PRICELESS. The look in his eyes, the easing away from her as she all but swayed in his direction. Her feathered wings flicked slightly at her sides before folding themselves back into place. "But what makes Kalona that much different from a dragon? You share the same wing structure, same strong need for meat." She pointed out as she stopped a short distance away, talons digging into the soft earth beneath them.

"My grandparents are pure dragon, like my mother." Her head tilted slightly, her mane moving with it. "Perhaps they are the ones you have met? Cynder?" her head went the other direction after asking.

She had known that her own grandparents were dragons, the only ones she had met. She didn't really want to think of there being others. For now her attention was on the stallion in front of her. Stretching her neck some, she took in his scent, one she would always remember. "You smell spicy, like a fire that can never be quenched by the heaviest of rain." She purred once again, watching him with cat like eyes. "Did you know that?"
PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:54 pm
His luck seemed to be going on a streak of bad this particular day. He had backed into a tree, and he did not wish to turn his back to the vulnerability of this crazed mare. "I do not know who this 'Cynder' is," he responded, falling back into his monotone voice. A mare that could fly and then fall as fast as a falcon was something to be wary of. He hated how she was making him react the way she did. He hated this mare for no other reason than that she was a mare; and he also hated her for making him feel emotions he had long thought locked away. Anger simmered under the surface, but he clamped it under control. No, mares did not induce feelings from him. He was beyond that. He repeated his usual mantra to himself to keep calm. Mares are nothing to you. Mares are nothing to you. They were demonic creatures in all forms, no matter the breed.

His red eyes looked into the distance, past the mare. He did not wish for eye contact. But, perhaps if he kept conversation with her, she would keep her distance regardless. "I know a dragon female named Iolanthe," he added after a long silence from his last words. "Kalona may have similar wingsets, but we cannot fly as dragons do. Dragons produce fire--kalona do not. The only thing we have in common are our predatory natures." He hadn't spoken this much since... well, since the time his daughter Blackfire stayed with him. She had been whisked away by another kalona he'd adopted into their small herd some time long ago, but she appeared happy... Happiness and Windflame did not exist in the same breath. If they did, it was because there were others involved who said his name and then expressed their happiness within his hearing presence.

His ears flicked forward in alarmed alertness. "I do not care for my scent, nor shall I ever care." He tested the tree trunk behind him. Could kick it down to distract the mare and make his escape? His bloodlust was already gone, so he did not, for once, wish for a fight to break out. And though he loathed mares in general, he was not one to abuse them without reason. His daughter Blackfire was no exception; if he recalled, she said he had shown "tough love" and had finally had enough. Again, he was not prone to feelings nor was he prone to showing something so strange as affection any longer. That had disappeared along with his daughter. He sighed to himself mentally. Why was he still even here in the presence of this strange female again?





PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:56 pm
"Lolanth... Who?" She paused tilting her head to one side, her gaze looking galaxies away. The name sounded familiar, perhaps it was someone that grandma Cynder had mentioned? She just couldn't put her talon on it, she would have to ask her mother or grandmother about it. Her face turned skyward before that an eye rolled in its socket towards the kalona once again.

"I don't think that is entirely true about Kalona," She remained where she was, "I think we are closer then that, and your wings are more capable of flight, if you really work at it." Her own sister had large leather webbed wings, where her own were that of her father's kin. "My sister has wings on the idea of yours. If you really tried, who knows where you could go."

She had him back into a corner, trees surrounded them and she felt like the cat who had a mouse in a corner. But unlike the hungry cat who hunted, she had already sated that lust. Another purring trill came from her throat as she wove closer bringing herself to his side, her spaded tail reaching out to try and wrap over his chest. She was a minx at times, playing with those she shouldn't.

"But I like your scent, it's not stale like the rest around here. Boring and grey. You, you are full of color, spicy enough to makes one's mouth water." she said almost putting her muzzle over his back to inhale his scent even more. Sure she was invading his personal space, but where did the boundaries really lie? She wanted him, more then she ever thought she would want a stallion, even if she had to tow him along by his pretty braided hair. "What's got you so on edge? Scared of this little bird?"

WC - 305  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:01 pm
She was touching him. He growled low and deep in his throat. "Let this one out of your grasp," he commanded in a soft, very firm tone. Danger levels in his mind let out warnings one after the other. He was in such shock he had reverted to extremely-dangerous-do-not-provoke-in-case-of-death mode. How dare this "little bird" as she called herself touch him!? His expression contorted to pure rage, though he did not move from where he stood. "Simply because you said we are closer does not mean that you can touch me," he nearly snarled. He was barely keeping himself in check. Anger was threatening to erupt, but he held as long as he could to his former calm. "I do not care for you nor do I care to know of your family, vixen!!"

She was all over him! Windflame's instincts were officially in fight or flight mode, but he was stuck. He was battling with his emotions of whether to simply rip this mare wingtip to wingtip for touching his being or to escape and vanish for the rest of his long-lived life. "I am not scared of you," he snapped, "One as young as you should know your limits!"

His snarl let loose as he tore away from her touch, disgust and rage intermingling, red eyes blazing like the inferno the mare described him as. He would not be reduced to emotions like this with yet another useless female. And of course, though he knew he was indeed extremely biased, he had had enough. Females seemed to refuse to understand to stay away from him. His emblazoned glare finally focused on the mare, fully taking in her appearance. Her mane nearly outdid him. Her appearance reminded him too much of his past mate Ringlet. He would not stand for another mare.

He should have just left as soon as he could. In his rage induced mind, Windflame knew he wasn't thinking clearly. He snapped at the mare in physical warning. "Do not come closer. In fact, do not follow. Go your own way, vixen," he snapped out as the vestiages of his control began to slip away. Bloodlust was one thing, but his rage was difficult enough to control.

As his rage overtook him, Windflame found himself panting at the amount of effort it took to try to calm down. Being a kalona, bloodlust and rage were his natural instincts, and they were difficult to control. It occurred to him that perhaps the female was provoking him on purpose, and he had allowed her to provoke him. The thought was fleeting, but it was enough to allow him to settle his rage. He was still angry, but he had escaped the grasp of the female. He did not know her name, nor did he want to. He wasn't going to share his, and really, he had better things to do or worry about, such as making sure his existence was never again in the presence of another female. Grunting as his panting slowed, he began to walk away towards the forest in the hopes he could lose the mare in the thick of the trees. Honestly, no matter what he demanded, he had a feeling that this mare wasn't one to listen.





PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:02 pm
"Darling, if I had you in my 'grasp' as you put it. I'd have my talons in that pretty hide of yours." She purred, her tail slipping from where it had curled, dragging along his chest as it went before snaking away back to between her tail feathers. "You have all the space you would want to run away. To flee from this little bird." She was pouring on the charm, letting it drip like water in a spring thaw.

She could feel the rage flow off him like a waterfall, she soaked it in, letting the scent fill her nostrils. Was he really that angry to be around her? Stepping away from him as he snapped in her direction, her wings fanning out some, wafting the air around them. In the same motion the mane she called her own slipped from its place and fell to the ground like a discarded pelt. Leaving Calico the bald mare she was. Bald like the most of her family.

"I am the daughter of a horror bird, we have no limits. We make our own rules and take what we want." Her tone changing from the casual purr, to one of someone in charge. Ears pinning themselves back she watched the Kalona walk away from her, the rage and anger still thick in the place he had been.

"I am sure we will meet again. I know your scent and I can always find you." Lowering her head as he just walked away. Deflated, she was exhausted, it took all she had to not chase after him and drag him back by his tail. "I will find you again, Pretty."

WC - 278  
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