The Pridelands were in peak form that morning. The sky was cloudless, allowing the sun to shine down upon the pride and bathe it in its warmth. Uzalishaji had woken up early, leaving his mate behind to rest back in the den. He had taken his time making it to the nearest watering hole, and took even longer to quench his thrist. It had been a long time since he felt pressured to move quickly. His cubs were all adults now, some had children of their own who were maturing. Some may call him crazy, but he really missed having cubs. They were all of them, every single last one, a handful, but entirely worth it.

He missed the excitement of the morning as the cubs stirred and demanded to be fed and to play. The golden lion had loved the little adventures he set out on with his children, tailing mysterious bugs or flighty antelope. He had adored watching them mature into fine adults, and had been broken when some of them left to pursue their own life goals. The love and the heartbreak came as a pair, but he wouldn't have traded it for the world.

Every moment had been worth it.

For a while he had wanted more cubs, the problem had always been approaching Kiasi about it. He had figured in time she would decide if she wanted more children, but it had never come up. They had been without cubs for so long that it seemed like a distant memory to Shaji. Perhaps she was just done with creating more offspring. She had two rather large, beautiful litters that Shaji had adopted and sired. That was more than enough for any lioness.

But... surely there could be a few more?

He made his way back to their den, walking quietly in through the entrance. "Are you awake?" he asked quietly, just in case she was not. Shaji once again tried to build up the nerve to ask his mate about cubs, but he could already feel his will dwindling. He wanted babies badly, but he wasn't about to pressure the love of his life into it.

Kiasi had never been a particularly deep sleeper, though she absolutely adored laying around in her den, especially when the first hints of sunlight crept up and warmed the tips of her fur. When Shaji had gotten up to go to the watering hole, as he so often did when he first woke, she rolled over into the spot he had been occupying simply to steal the bit of warmth he had left behind in the rock face. All four of her paws stretched out, languid and comfortable, and she settled back into a lazy, half-doze.

Until he came back.

"Hmmm?" Her voice rose in a sing-song hum as one eye opened and rolled up to look at her darling mate. Instantly, she realized he had that look he always did when he wanted to talk to her about something, that half-anxious, half-excited gleam in his eyes that made him look like he was either going to explode or faint. It was cute, really. All these years and he had still never dared to cross her.

Ah, well. She supposed her lazy morning was over.

With a great yawn cracking her jaws, she shifted so that she could at least sit upright, raising her pretty eyes to meet his own.

"What is it, love? Spit it out."

He had woken her, and Shaji felt a little apologetic for disturbing his love when she was trying to rest. Their lives were simple and pleasant now. The demands on them were few, and they could simply enoy each other and the life they had built for themselves. Shaji spent most of his free time visiting his children that remained within the Pridelands. To him, this family that he had miraculously managed to become a part of was everything. "I'm sorry, dear. I did not mean to disturb your rest."

Shaji slipped over to Kiasi's side and seated himself next to her. He inteded to give her a few minutes to wake up properly, but his mate was very keen. Red eyes glanced to the side, carefully avoiding meeting the expectant gaze of his partner. Uh oh. This wasn't the first time something had weighed on his mind, and he tried his best not to bother Kiasi with it. Shaji had been holding back the desire to ask about having more cubs for what felt like ages. He had managed to clumsily avoid spilling his desires.

He was worried about the answer, because if it was 'no' he was not sure his heart could take it. Shaji would end up some senile old lion trying to cubnap any youngling he came across. "It's nothing, really..." He really couldn't meet her gaze, because he knew what kind of a trap it was. If he looked at Kiasi, he really would be forced to lay bare all that he had been hoping for.

"Okay, so it's a little something." Crap. He had snuck a glance at her, and it was enough to do him in. "Our cubs have had cubs, funny how time flies and all that." Shaji could barely contain his nervous energy. It bubbled to the surface, making the gold lion sway a little from side to side. "I uh... I miss it, you know? It was crazy and overwhelming, but I miss those days."

Kiasi sat patiently, waiting for her gentle-hearted mate to finally come around to the point of what he was trying to get at. It was her life as the more ambitious, keen half of their pairing and though many might have thought she'd have lost her patience with him by now, it was a balance that she was all too happy to undergo. Her tail flicked behind her, to and fro, as his round-about words came together into what she could only assume was his true desire here.

He always had been a family lion, it was what had drawn her to him in the first place - or he to her, either or.

"You want to have more cubs, is that it?" True to her nature, she cut through his rambling and went straight to the heart of the point. It was all she said for a moment, seeming as if she were waiting on his answer by the way she phrased it, though she already knew that it was what he was getting at. Her eyes slid away from his ruby red ones, out to the freshly woken world of the Pride Lands, considering what it would mean for her lifestyle to have another bunch of rowdy cublets. Truth be told, Shaji had always done a spectacular job of keeping her free of a majority of the responsibility and if they really wanted them, the time would need be soon.

"Shaji," his name was a sigh on her tongue as her eyes closed. Heavens, but she did not have the will to refuse him even if she did dearly love her beauty sleep. "Alright, once more."

Her eyes opened and leveled on him, strict but oddly amused when coupled with her expression.

"And after they are born, that's it. Okay?"

His mate always knew how to cut straight to the point. Kiasi possessed strength in all of his weaknesses. Shaji was a gentle soul, one too afraid of disturbing their peace to even take the chance of having more cubs. The fact that he was even hinting at it now meant that he had been holding onto the idea for a long while. When she clarified his intent, he nodded his head almost demurely. She had the strength to say for him what he could not.

Anxiety gripped his chest so hard that it was painful. This was the moment he had feared the most, the slightest chance of rejection terrified him. He could come to accept not having any more cubs, but it was something that he direly wanted. If she said no, he could not blame her, and he would not pressure her further. There was no reason to cause a rift in their harmonious relationship when he had already had the time of his life with his first litter. His life had been as perfect as it could be. There had been so much joy and happiness that he would not risk losing it or her.

Kiasi was everything to him. He was deeply fond of her for her strength of will, her determination. He could still remember when he first met her, a little overwhelmed by a group of rambunctious cubs. Even then she managed to hold herself together. She was impressive, through and through.

"Really?" his voice rose an entire octave as excitement shook through his body. Unable to contain himself, the lion jumped up and excitedly paced around his lover. "Right, of course. Absolutely, only once more." It was obvious that he had not thought she would agree. Cubs were taxing, and they were getting older as the years passed.

But for a moment in time, he was a young lion again, barely out of adolescence. His eyes were bright with joy, his movements quick and happy. The life in him had been rekindled. "You are the greatest gift I have ever received, Kiasi." Impulsively, he marched back over to her, nuzzling his face against her.

It was almost worth it, seeing her heart so suddenly rejuvenated, the spring in his step. She had always been a selfish lioness and, in fact, she had raised several selfish, independent females that would go on to wreak havoc beyond their pridelands. It was a point of pride within her, her ability to be both feminine and commanding, to pass that on to another generation so completely that they had no need of her. It was her legacy fulfilled. It seemed unlikely, then, that her greatest love in all the world was a soft, gentle male.

Shaji would have given her the world if she had asked him to, it was all she had ever needed. After years and years of walking together, side by side, it was hard to imagine her life having gone any other way. He had raised her first cubs as his own, loving and doting, and raised their own litter with just as much devotion. He had contributed so much to the hearts and souls that were her legacy that she found it so very hard to refuse him the chance at it one more time.

So, weary already over the thoughts of countless sleepless nights, she followed his prancing gait with a lazy smile beneath her bright eyes. Older though they might be, they were not too old. Not yet.

"Oh, Shaji, I am a gift to this world but I could not be half as glorious without you all these years, my love." She leaned her head into his nuzzle, letting her eyes lull as their weight sank into one another for just a moment, before she pulled back and lapped gently at his chin.

"You're being kind," Shaji answered softly to his mate. Through and through, he was just a normal, simple lion who lived a normal, simple life. Kiasi, in his eyes, was a truly miraculous creature. She possessed an unlimited fount of strength and will, beauty and power merged into one perfect being. He was so underwhelming in comparison, and often considered the miracle it was that she had even chosen him to be her mate. In these lands, she could have taken any male.

That he was the one she settled on was deeply humbling for the golden lion. More than that, she was willing to give him so much, and he was so convinced he did not deserve it. All he did was love her to the fullest extent of his being. He cherished every moment she was near him, even when they slept, her warmth beside him was the most calming experience. She was the constant in his life that he needed, the beauty he longed to return to every day he spent out and about in the Pridelands.

He bowed his head, licking the top of her head tenderly. These were the moments he looked forward to the most, and for a while the thought of having cubs drifted away because he was just so complete with her here. If they had decided to not have cubs, he would have still been just as happy, just as warm and welcoming. Having cubs would add to their lives, but not having them wouldn't have stolen anything away. Shaji would still give his mate one hundred percent of his devotion and dedication.

"But, you know, I'm happy to be a part of you and your life. Even if our first litters were little hellions," he teased sweetly, turning his head to nuzzle her again. For the rest of the day, he could be perfectly content to just be in here with her. "I kind of hope the next ones will be just as perfect." For all the faults and quirks some of his children possessed, he loved every single one, and to them they were all perfect the way they were.

Kiasi made a soft sound under her breath as he licked the top of her head, shifting her weight so she could lean herself into the strength of his legs, every bit in that moment a lioness wanting attention. There was not a moment in their life that Shaji did not worship her, she knew, and she was forever grateful - she was a soul that needed a lot of attention. Always.

"I have always been glad that you are here, Shaji, and not just to raise my little hellions." Though her eyes were shut, she felt his nuzzle and heard the affection in his voice and it made her smile, bright and pleased. When she finally cracked her eyelids again to look at him, framed like Mufasa himself against the dazzling backdrop of light cascading into their den, it was with no less affection than he leveled upon her. Others could say what they would about her tendency towards apathy and selfishness - if there was room in her heart for anyone, it had and always would be her sweet Shaji, who had taken both her and her Firekin blood cubs under his wing.

"You are a wonderfully selfless lion, my heart," she leaned into his nuzzle again, returning it with ferver, though her happy smile was slowly turning to something a bit more mischevous. "It is a wonder our cubs never take more after you, it would do the world a lot of good."

Then, with a small, put-on pout, she turned her large eyes up to look at him.

"It is breakfast time, Shaji, your lady is very hungry."

"If we're being honest, you drew me in the moment I saw you with all those little red babies. While our children are indeed beautiful, you were always the most stunning lioness to me." He loved her most of all, even with all of her children and eventually their children together. Shaji never would have been drawn into the family if it wasn't for her strength and grace. There was something magnetic about the way she carried herself, even now as they came into their older years. The passion and love he felt for her had never dwindled over the years.

Shaji chuckled, a deep warm sound rising from his chest. "They are far more interesting and wonderful because they take after you!" he protested with pleasure. Shaji was glad to be the simple foundation to his amazing family. He would always place himself in the center as its calm, loving strength. If his children ever needed him, he was there, never judging and always willing to do everything for his family. This home he had made for himself with Kiasi meant everything, and he would do all he could to maintain their happiness.

The gold lion would have been content to starve and spend the rest of his day in the den with his mate. But when those beautiful big eyes turned up at him, he stopped mid-cuddle to obey his mate's whim. "Oh, of course!" He laughed again, peeling himself back away from his mate with a warm smile. "How dare I forget to bring home a feast for my love." He actually was a little ashamed to have brought up the request for cubs without feeding his starving mate first. How could he possibly be a good father if he couldn't keep Kiasi in fair health?

"My most sincere apologies. I will bring you home a treat to make up for the slight." He stepped back from his mate, and as he turned to leave the den there was a very obvious pep to the step. The gold lion was practically dancing.

He really was going to have cubs again!

Kiasi blossomed under his compliments and the undying affection that had no wavered an inch in all the years they had been together. It was what kept her love of him going strong, she knew, and it was the difference between what they shared and what she heard other lions speak of - the cub love phase had never faltered for them and despite it all, she still found herself taken with him day after day. That was what happened when a lioness felt adored - that and well fed.

A pleased laugh bubbled up from her throat as he sprang back, uncertain as to whether or not he was truly ashamed of himself or playing at it - maybe both. It was always so hard to tell. She shifted back to find the comfortable, warm spot he had left behind.

"You are a soul too kind, my heart," she called lazily, parting her jaws on the last syllable to yawn. He was a good mate and a great father, even she knew that with all her selfish ways. As her head settled down atop her paws so that she could catch a quick nap before he returned, she watched him dwindle into the distance with a youthful pep to his trot. It was amazing what a simple thing like promising him cubs could do to motivate him.

With a soft laugh dying on her lips, her eyes shut. She'd best get her beauty sleep while she could.