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The ground was freshly wet from a recent rain, and he could feel the moisture press against his webbed paws. Even the air smelt heavy and damp: wet leaves, soaked moss and dripping ferns. But the sun shone bright, and Rian knew spring was pushing her way back into the world.
He shook his rain-damp wings and continued through the brush, heading towards the sound of rushing water. As if he needed more. Occasionally he sniffed the ground, following a scent that matched his own. Bears would not be out of hibernation so early. There was yet another frost to come this year, or so he believe. It had last year, and he kept track of the weather as best as he could.
If it wasn't a bear, it had to be another like himself although he hadn't met another bearkin in many years.
The river took him by surprise, the cold water rushing over his fore paw. Rian had been lost in his own thoughts of the weather and memories of long ago.
He did not see anyone around, and couldn't smell them if he tried. Although the faint scent of bear lingered in the air, but seemed to be pulled down with the force of the flowing river.
Rian drank deeply, enjoying the taste of melting glaciers and snow.

wc: 222
