xxxxxxB L A I R xxxG I L E Sxxx L O C K W O O Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» None
              AGE »» 15
              BIRTHDAY »» July 31st, 2029
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Amami Rantarou - Anime
              BLOOD STATUS »» Pureblood
              WAND »» 13 inches acacia and phoenix feather
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, French, Latin
              ACCENT »» Received Pronunciation
              PET »» Half-kneazle named Alfred

              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Learning new things
              xxx»» Quiet times
              xxx»» Being ignored
              xxx»» Art
              xxx»» Being the focus of his parents' attention
              xxx»» His brother
              xxx»» His cousins
              xxx»» Technology
              xxx»» The cold
              xxx»» Drawing
              xxx»» Painting
              xxx»» Puzzles

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Blair is quiet, not speaking unless spoken to and often not speaking unless the person is being respectful. He ignores those that are acting rudely, and maintains a distance from rowdy individuals as a result. He also tends to spend long stretches of time by himself, unless he is with his brother.

              xxx»» Blair is also quite resentful. Ever since he was young, he always was told he was the second-born and thus was the 'spare heir'. He doesn't like it when he is thrust into the spotlight and forced into situations he doesn't like. He is most resentful toward his brother, who, through no fault of his own, thrust the spotlight on him when they were younger and Blair hasn't been able to escape it since.

              xxx»» Blair is rather intelligent and doesn't have to work hard to accomplish anything academically. He has an easy time with studies, and can complete complex problems with ease. He also has an easy time figuring out puzzles of all kinds and loves to stretch his mental prowess.

              xxx»» Blair is also creative. He loves to create, and enjoys drawing and painting quite often. However, this is tempered because his parents don't feel it is becoming of their children to pursue any sort of artistic pursuit, feeling it a waste of their talent.

              xxx»» Blair was raised to be an exemplary young man, minding his manners and knowing how to act appropriately in all social situations. He rarely acts in a manner that could get him in trouble, and finds others that act in such a way boorish.

              xxx»» All in all, Blair is rather stifled. He rarely gets to act in what he feels is how he wants to be, often bowing to his parents' expectations. They were the ones that emphasized that, while he was the second son, he could easily inherit should something happens to his brother. As a result, he has learned to wear a mask to hide his true thoughts and feelings.

              xxx»» Painting and drawing
              xxx»» Academics
              xxx»» Socially uncomfortable
              xxx»» Introverted
              xxx»» Losing himself
              xxx»» Flying

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Blair is the second-born son of Chandler and Blodwyn Lockwood. He doesn't recall much of his early life only that he felt that he was happier then. However, his father had decided to hire on a nanny to get the boys to essentially 'grow up', and their mother, who they had seen regularly at that point, grew more and more distant with each passing day until they rarely saw them.

              xxx»» The nanny, of course, instructed them both in what they should know and what was expected from them. Byron, as eldest and expected to inherit, was more the focus of the adults, and Blair was able to relax and feel as though he might be able to lead the type of life he wanted. However, that all changed when he turned seven.

              xxx»» Blair, of course, revealed that he had magic when he turned seven when he was trying to avoid going to his lessons and hid somewhere in the manor. However, the nanny easily spotted him as the location began to glow brightly because Blair thought it was too dark. He didn't know why it was so important, but he realized that his parents started looking on with expectation at Byron as though they were waiting for him to perform feats of magic. However, they never came.

              xxx»» Blair was suddenly and uncomfortably placed into a role that he didn't want. His parents, while they still focused on Byron, started paying attention to what Blair was doing as well, and Blair found himself shrinking further and further into himself. He didn't realize it at first, but he strongly suspected that as the years passed and his brother didn't show any inclination of being magical, they were preparing for the worst and focusing their attention on the 'only' magical child they had. While Byron did eventually get his magic at age ten, that didn't stop the attention from still remaining firmly on both brothers, and Blair found himself pretending more and more that he was okay with it all.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Blair arrived at school and was innediately sorted into Ravenclaw. However, Byron was sorted into Slytherin, marking the first time the two had ever been separated. As a result, Blair mostly kept to himself and rarely interacted with anyone. The only thing of note he did was join the school art club, where he again kept to himself.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Art Club
                  SECOND YEAR »» Blair continued to keep to himself despite the fact that he had been betrothed to one of his classmates over the summer. He also met a girl in art club, who decided that he was a good person to follow around.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Art Club
                  THIRD YEAR »» Blair continued to be confused by Cady's attempts to befriend him. He also had to contend with new classes, and continued to engage in antisocial behavior.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Art Club
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Fourth year was no change for Blair, save for that Cady seemed to be completely invested in making sure she stuck around him. That in itself confused him, and he stuck with his usual attempts to keep to himself.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Art Club
                  FIFTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SIXTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Ravenclaw
              YEAR »» Fifth
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -
              DREAM JOB »» Artist

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Straight
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Bethrothed
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Isolde Blodwen

              xxx»» Parents Chandler and Blodwyn Lockwood
              xxx»» Twin brother Byron Lockwood
              xxx»» Paternal Grandparents Horatio and Imogen Lockwood, Maternal Grandparents Chrysanthos and Jillian Meadows
              xxx»» Uncle Hyacinth Meadows ♥ Abigail → Chrysanthemum, Delphinia, Sherwood
              xxx»» Aunt Anthea Harden
              xxx»» BEST FRIEND - - -
              xxx»» Cadence Gregory (kind of)
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -


01 01 2019 ««
Updated Age, year, and bio ««

Weasley 1/23/18 ««
~ ♥ Cara ɱк [05/16/2018]««
kiska 05/14/2019««