This was a mistake. Dread filled her body as she looked down into her own reflection. The charcoal lioness sat next to a small pool of water that was popular as a cub's play area. On the surface of the water rested her image, her cheeks undeniably swollen. She was getting fatter, and in more places than one. JB was trying not to focus on the most obvious source of swelling, which was her belly. It was one thing she just wasn't ready to face yet, though she supposed in some weeks she would have no choice.

There was no denying she was pregnant, and stupidly so.

This was what she deserved for sneaking a boy home into her den. JB hadn't intended for things to go the way they had, but they certainly did. For a little while, she hadn't realized she was pregnant. It never occurred to her as a possibility. The moment she did was when she went back to being a recluse. She hid away from her family, and avoided Shujaa to the best of her abilities.

It was getting harder to hide her pregnancy, and she wasn't quite sure how to tell the male that he could expect to be a father. She didn't have anything against Shujaa, and certainly he had a right to know. JB just... wasn't ready yet.

She sighed, and wondered how much longer she could get away with concealing the pregnancy. JB wasn't that far along, but she already could tell that she was getting heavy with cubs. That or there was just a lot of them in there.

JB wasn't sure which thought scared her more.

Something was off. JB seemed to be...ignoring him. The golden lion had thought things were going well with the lioness. He had shown her the hunt, invited him back to her den and... Oh boy. Was she upset about...that? She didn't seem like it when he left that evening...

Shujaa sighed. Every time he had tried to go to the lioness' den he found it empty. The male did not know her normal hunting grounds to try finding where she was, and frankly, he was worried if her pestered her their relationship would be over. (Was there a relationship there? Hell, Shujaa did not even know).

He thought he would try one more time. If she wasn't there then...well...it was a nice run while it lasted. Strolling up to the den, the male waited outside. Should he just walk in? Cough? Soemthing?

"JB?" Shujaa called from outside. "Are you there...?" He did not want to just waltz in. If she didn't respond, he'd take a peek.

"I...I just want to make sure your okay." Her scent hit his nose. He knew she was here, definitely do not walk in. "I...I am sorry if I upset you on the last visit..." he did not even know if that was why she was upset! Oh goodness.

"Do you think you could come out and talk to me? I get it if you don't want me to come over here anymore," He shifted on his feet. "But I...just want to make sure you are okay." He repeated, sighing.

If would have just looked around, he would notice the lioness at the water’s edge. Then again, he had a lot on his mind currently that Shujaa’s focus was not 100%.

What... was he doing?

JB stared at the golden male's back as he stood in front of her den. She had known he had come around a few times, but JB had always managed to expertly evade him. At one point, she had climbed up a nearby tree to evade the male. There were things that just took time with JB, and when she was ready, she would come around. Right now... she wasn't sure that she was, but here Shujaa was anyways, talking into her den like she was actually right there.

It was harder to hear what he was saying from her distance away, but she could make out a few of those embarrassing words. Ugh. She bowed her head, trying to think of the best way to approach this now. Shujaa obviously had gotten the wrong idea, and she did like the male enough to not want to cut him out of her life. He had cubs on the way too, now, and he deserved to be in their life.

What it meant for them, she did not know.

It was time to come clean, but that did not mean she wanted to. Grumbling to herself she stood up, abandoning her reflection upon the water to walk up behind Shujaa. "What are you doing, Shujaa?" she asked, exasperated. The charcoal lioness was carefully going to avoid hinting that she had heard most of what he had to say.

"You know you can just go in if you want, you've already been in before." She shrugged her shoulders. Yes, she was avoiding bringing up the pregnancy, but if he couldn't notice by now it was his own damned fault.

At the voice behind him, Shujaa quickly turned his head. "Oh. OH. You..er...So you weren't in there... You were...out here...all along." Shujaa. You are an idiot. the voice in his head told him. "Er---did you uh...hear any of that?" He really did not want to repeat himself.

The first thing Shujaa did notice about the other was her face. There was a slight puffiness to it Shujaa wasn't sure he had observed before. He shrugged it off, not looking much into it.

"Well..I did not want to just go in without you there. I mean...I know i have been in there before but..." he paused, eyes shifting past her face, towards her actually body. Was her entire body...getting bigger? But. she was normally a sleek lioness, one that was fit for the hunt; she wouldn't just let herself go all of a sudden.

And then it struck him. If JB was watching his eyes, the sense of knowing filled them.

"Are...are you..." he gulped. He couldn't say it out loud. shitshitshit.

"Is...this why you have been avoiding me?" He asked quietly. Maybe they should continue this conversation inside the den, so prying ears couldn't hear. "We should go inside."

"Look at me, and ask me that question again," JB replied, her tone flat. Oh yeah, she had definitely heard every last bit of it. She hoped it made him a little uncomfortable, because her body was making her very uncomfortable, and he was partly to blame for that. Yes, it took two to tango, but JB never expected to take with cubs from one encounter with the male. The Pridelands were fertile, but she did not expect to be included with that saying. Her mother had two large litters as well - JB was likely doomed.

At least the male she had chosen to lay with wasn't an idiot. JB was impressed with how quickly he caught on to the situation at hand. It wasn't like JB had just gorged herself on a meal before seeing him, so there was really only one explanation for her girth. She was not pleased, far from happy about it, but she was also coping. JB was taking things one step at a time, because if she tried to think too hard on what was happening to her she would probably snap.

"It would have been easier if you didn't keep checking up on me," she told him with a sigh. Standing up, she led the way into her den, expecting Shujaa to follow her. It didn't matter if anyone around them heard, a few of the lionesses in the surrounding dens were already gossiping their tongues off about her situation.

"I was going to tell you, I just wanted time to figure out how I felt about things before I did so." But, he hadn't given her enough time. She felt a little annoyed by it, but now was as good a time as any to talk about her pregnancy.

"I mean, if you didn't just flat out ignore me, I wouldn't need to check up on you. I was tempted to go to Otea to make sure you were okay, but I did not think that be the best. I know you like your privacy and all, but..." but what, Shujaa? He bit his tongue, refraining from saying any more.

He followed her into the den. Nothing in it had really changed from their last visit.

"How do you feel about it...?" Shujaa asked after a moment. "Does your father know?" Or had she been avoiding him too? If Shujaa had known any earlier, he probably would have been over almost every day, instead of the once or twice a week outings he had been doing.

"I know it's a lot to take in. I'm not quite sure what to think about it as I wasn't er---expecting this." JB wasn't either. They were going to be such GREAT parents. "But, if you would rather, my den is on the north side of the pride, in a pretty secluded area. Not many know if it," he hinted, meaning her father's prying eyes wouldn't find her, unless Otea told him, which Shujaa hadn't really talked to her about the relationship with JB so he really did not see that happening.

"You are welcome to stay in it until they are born." They...not one...they. Gulp. "I can stay outside so it's not...uncomfortable for you." He was trying to be a gentleman about it. He and JB weren't mates, as much as Shujaa wanted to be. He knew the female wasn't ready, and this was probably going to set them back.

"I needed space," JB explained with a simple shrug of her shoulders. There was no apology, because she felt like she had done what she needed to do for her own sanity. So yes, she had ignored Shujaa and evaded him like it was her job to do. In the end, she just hadn't been ready to face the realization that she was going to be a mother... an ill-equipped one at that. She had never been a mothering sort of lioness. She didn't have that natural instinct to care for young ones.

From what she had seen of cubs, it was just a constant tragedy where they all tried to get themselves hurt and give their parents panic attacks.

"Not too many questions, please. I am fine. No one knows, and I do not want them knowing yet. I didn't want you knowing yet either, but I'm making an exception because you're here." If it was up to her, she would have waited until the cubs were born to announce that she was having cubs. If her father caught sight of her now, he would smother her and pry her with questions that she had no desire to answer. It was easier to deal with this pregnancy on her own.

But that didn't make it right, so here she was with Shujaa in her den again. At least the damage had already been done if things took an odd turn. "It's... fine here, honestly. I am good at avoiding everyone, so I'm not that worried about it. Truthfully, I'd rather have the cubs here. It... reminds me of my own cubhood, and being in my own place is more comforting." She had no idea how Shujaa would take that. It wasn't like she was shutting his offer down because she disliked the male, and it certainly did not mean she would shove Shujaa out of her life or their cubs'.

"This is my home, Shujaa," she told the lion with a soft sigh. "But, you are more than welcome to share it with me. I know I'm going to need the help."

Shujaa sighed. Don't ask too many questions. he repeated in his mind. That was easier said than done. He just found out he was going to be a FATHER and she didn't want him to ask a lot questions. The male should be angry at the statement but he wasn't. He was at fault just as JB was for what was going on currently. They had no one to blame but themselves.

"If you are sure. I know I have never met him, but I don't want your father to stress you out or anything. If you ever feel the need to leave, it will always be open." He meant it. The two would be bonded forever with this litter. He hoped she would take him up on his offer, but ultimately if was her decision.

"You can't avoid everyone forever, just so you know. Avoidance will leave to panic and panic can lead to stupid things. Like sitting out front of your den thinking you are in here while you talk to the nothingness that is actual inside." He chuckled, trying to make light out of the situation.

At her offer, the male's ears perked forward. "Share it with you...for the sake of raising the children?" The questioning tone he had made his eyes narrow slightly. Or did she mean as a more permanent dwelling? He shouldn't push it. Poor JB had so much going on right now, she did not need him to pester the future together. Right now it would be all about taking care of her and the unborn cubs.

"I would be happy to stay," he purred quietly. He was going to be a FATHER. His heart was pounding quickly. "Can I get you anything? Probably not antelope as we see what that leads to," he joked again. Come on JB, just do a little laugh.

"Oh, he'll stress me out for sure, but I can't hide away from him forever. Besides, he's practically the most eager cubsitter you will ever come across if we feel we need a break." She loved her father, but he was overbearing at best. With most of his cubs gone, he seemed to focus more of his attention on the ones that had remained within the Pridelands. He had lost track of Otea for a while, but now that he found her again, at least JB had someone to split his time between with.

Her sister was the perfect, if unknowing, distraction.

"Just watch me, Shujaa," JB challenged. She had already spent years practicing avoiding lions she did not like. Her skills in the area, she believed, were unrivalled. If she wanted to avoid someone, she would. She could have dodged Shujaa completely this time as well, but since he was already here at her den JB had assumed that the time was now to come clean about the pregnancy. Waiting to tell Shujaa until the cubs were born was just a little... too cruel. "Besides, it not my fault you would assume I was in my den. I bet all the neighbors heard you." The charcoal lioness teased.

Normally she would be miffed about her private affairs being aired to the public, but considering what she was undertaking right now that was a minor slight. JB had bigger fish to fry, and that right now was figuring out how to raise cubs. She hoped there was only one or two. That she could handle. Any more and she would lose her mind.
She looked away from him, a little uncomfortable with delving too far into their dwelling arrangements. She had made the offer, and that was about as best as he was going to get from her right now. JB was trying for the sake of the cubs, and for Shujaa himself who at least deserved the chance to be a parent. Though she wasn't sure where this would take them in terms of their relationship, she was willing to try. "Yes, for the cubs. They deserve to have a father in their life, might as well make it convenient for them and keep you in the same place as their mother, right?" She wasn't entirely shutting down the chance of a relationship, but she certainly wasn't going to make it easy for Shujaa.

"I am fine, Shujaa," she told him with an arch of a brow. She wasn't so pregnant yet that she couldn't take care of herself! "Besides, it's not like I can get pregnant again."

Couldn't stress...cause early labor? Just don't think of it, Shujaa. he scolded himself. He still needed to meet this father of hers, and he had a feeling that would be soon. What would his reaction be? Probably excited, by the sounds of it.

"Ehhh...." he shrugged just a bit. "The lions around here don't know me too well, so it should be fine." He grumbled slightly.

For the cubs then. That's it. "That works," his answer was hort. He did not want to make the lioness even more uncomfortable than she already was. "If we need to change that arrangement, just er---let me know." If it meant him leaving and staying away from her then so be it. But, they would try.

"Okay...if you are sure." He sat, awkwardly just a ways from JB. He did not want to seem overbearing towards the other. If she needed something, he was sure she would ask... wouldn't she? The cubs weren't born yet, so there was no need to overstay his welcome. "I think I'll head out now. If you need anything, just let me know." Shujaa rose to his feet, giving JB once last glance before heading out. Well, today turned into a fun series of events.