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It was an otherwise quiet day in the green, vast territory of the Pridelands...barring the speck of gold that was enjoying the fresh warmth after the few months of cold and bringing with it all new green shoots, all new young animals and of course cubs. So many cubs. Mountains of cubs. Granted, none from their King which was a little worrying for the royal lineage, but still many cubs!

And Uchao was feeling the instinctual weight to procreate, but also just the panging loneliness of his mateless bachelorhood was starting to leave its mark, not that he didn't mind being a bachelor...but seeing all the happy couples around was definitely having its effect on him.

He wanted a mate, a family, someone to cuddle up with on the cold nights and someone to talk to. So today he was rather wistfully taking a walk through the lands and hoping for a change of pace to take his mind off of things. And it worked, for the most part, but his mind was still set that he needed himself someone, a mate, a partner, someone he continue his role in the circle of life with before he became like the blades underneath his paws.

However just as quickly as his mind sank into his thoughts, they were quickly thrown out of it by a cream-gold tint out of the corner of her eyes as he paused and looked in the direction of the colour that was currently stalking a small herd of gazelle.

A lioness! One of theirs no doubt and so focused! Uchao silently watched her, sinking his bulk closer to the ground so he didn't interrupt her hunt, he'd seen her around now and then but'd paid her little mind barring a faint appraisal because...well...for being a rogue she was a very capable hunter. And very beautiful, at least to him. Not that he'd said it to her, of course.

Watching as she focused her soft purple eyes on the gazelle, her shoulders rolling in preparation before there was silence, stillness, only the wind...and then a pounce and a scream of prey as she'd easily snapped the small prey animal's neck in one leap. Needless to say, the golden lion was equally easily impressed as she watched the victorious huntress turn with her prize and begin to drag it back home just as he rose to greet and congratulate her.

"H-Hey!" He called out, catching her eye briefly but still walking as she gestured with her head to converse while they moved. Efficient. But he did as instructed. "That was amazing, how you did that I mean...granted I know it was probably easy for you being a gazelle and you so good at hunting- NOT THAT I'VE- y'know, watched you hunting before, it's just this was the first proper time and, well, you're great." He wished the world would swallow him whole at this very moment, what was that? Just blethering on while she couldn't even respond to him, was she even listening? Probably not and he didn't blame her...still she was looking at him whilst he spoke, maybe that was a good sign?

"I'm're...Kiwara? Right? I've only seen you around briefly here and there, never actually met you till now! already know that since we're meeting right now..." Smooth Uchao, very smooth. "But I'm glad I did get to meet you because-"

"We're back."

Her voice almost startled him as he looked up to the giant monolith that was pride rock and saw as she'd briefly dropped her kill to lap at her paw and muzzle before looking at him with those same gorgeous coloured eyes.

"It was nice to meet you, Uchao." Was her blunt and simple reply as she dragged the carcass up the rock to where the others lay, no doubt to feed hungry mouths or to add to the other assortment of kills that other lionesses and lions had caught on the day and Uchao was left there...stunned, simply watching her retreat and feeling his chest beat like a foolhearty drum.

Oh dear.

It hadn't even been five minutes, Uchao, you great bumbling fluffy headed fool, you can't honestly fall for someone that quick. He was correct of course, you couldn't, he didn't feel like some infatuated adolescent but....something about Kiwara just sparked him with interest. The level headedness, the cool almost aloof personality but the genuine concern for the certainly affected him someway. A way that he wanted to feel constantly now.

Maybe he could see her again? Maybe he could talk to her or even go hunting with her, now that would definitely be an interesting bonding experience, either way all he knew was that he wanted to spend more time with her. Get to know this mysterious, but alluring lioness that he'd built up so highly in his mind already...or at least not spend so much time alone. Spending time with other males was fine but not what he was after.

"Are you coming to eat?"

Again she'd startled him from his thoughts and he blinked up the dirt path to priderock towards her as she stared at him expectantly and with partial confusion no doubt as he just stood there partly gawping before nodding with a meek expression and ears pressed to his fluffy golden-brown mane as he made his way up.

"Y-Yes! Yes, sorry, just caught up in my thoughts."

This prompted an arched brow from her before she nodded and made her way to where she'd left her kill. "I hope they were good thoughts."

Watching her quietly as he followed and reminisced briefly on the image of her soaring through the air and killing the gazelle with such practiced ease, he smiled faintly to himself and nodded to her words. Feeling a fierce blush on his cheeks that was thankfully protected by his golden fur, he would get to know her, he would get to know her likes and dislikes and even if nothing came from it he'd at least have an intriguing friend. But oh how his heart quietly hoped for more.

"Yes, they're good thoughts."

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