Aulani was wandering the lands again. Some days she found herself on the borders, wanting to know more. She attributed this to her father, a 'devilish' lion always on the move, as her mother would say. The tan female shook her head. Never having actually met the male, she could only imagine what he was like. She heard stories from her mother and mother's friend, but they were just that, stories. One day she would go out and find this lion they had spoke of.

For now though, she just meandered the Pridelands. She reminisced about her childhood, especially the fun adventures she would have with her brother. He would always claim they were pirates, which Aulani would quickly deny. But now that she was older, the thought of how intriguing that would be? Pillaging groups, taking what wasn't hers. The idea was thrilling. If she had told her mom about it, it would quickly be dismissed. Could she be an undercover one? Live a dual life?

A frown appeared on the lioness' maw as the thought entered her mind. Well, there was only one way to find out. Lifting to her feet, Aulani decided that this would be the next path she would try taking. Would it work? Only time would tell.

The day was young, and Auri'etalpalli intended to enjoy it to the fullest. His life was one of leisure and luxury. The male had carved himself out a piece of paradise in a more secluded region of the pride. His den was next to a large a tree, one that would have been perfect for a leopard to perch in. Truth was, there was still the lingering scent of a leopard by it, but that had never bothered Palli. The leopard that swung by from time to time was a chatty fellow and pleasant to be around.

Next to the tree was a small outcropping of rock that made for a perfect hiding hole. It wasn't that Palli disliked being amongst the rest of the pride. Rather he was a bit of the social butterfly and a harmless flirt. Everyone need a place to slip away, a place to relax and simply be alone. His den was that safe place for him, a place to take a break from the niceties and pleasantries.

He left his den behind him, though he hadn't made it very far before he noticed the shape of another lioness. It was one he wasn't familiar with, and he knew quite a few of the pride members. Being within the Pridelands, he had never met anyone unpleasant or untowards, so he approached Aulani rather boldly. His confidence was clear for anyone to see, "Good day!"

Aulani paused as another spoke out to her. Her head tilted, her blue eyes turning to focus on the other that had called out. "Good day, if you could call it that." The female said in an unamused tone.

She looked up and down the male. He didn't seem to have anything of interest for her on his personnel, but, was there something else the lion could have in his possession that could be beneficial for her? She'd have to figure out how to find that out. For now though, she might as well make some small talk.

Aulani hated small talk.

"From around here?" She asked the other. She wasn't one to mingle with other pride members on a daily basis, so knowing who was and was not a member of the pride was always a mystery to her. "Gotta name?" Aulani was a very abrupt lioness.

Well this one certainly needed some spice in her life to perk her up, Palli thought. The smile he gave her was amused, as if he wasn't quite sure whether he should take her short words seriously or not. It was a lovely day! The sky was clear, the sun was as bright as ever. He wouldn't let some female bring him down, and so Palli pursued his original intent undaunted.

"I would," he confirmed with a nod of his head, gold mane falling over his eyes. He sauntered over to her, and was unable to help but give her a quick once-over. She was an interestingly marked lioness, though her colors certainly seemed to fit in with the regular pride lions. There were a large amount of gold, charcoal, and pale lions within the pride. It was rare he stumbled across any with bright pelts or intriguing markings.

"Palli, it's a pleasure to meet you, whomever you are. I suppose you have a name as well?" It would seem as if the male would not be an easy lion to push away. He was brimming with confidence, though there was no real merit behind his confidence. Palli was just cocky at times.

A 'hmph' sound emitted from Aulani's throat.

"I do." She said, in reference to her name. "But I don't just give it willy-nilly to strangers. A name is a bit personal, don't you think? And while you may want to give it up so easily, Palli, I choose not to." The lioness smirked.

"You can call me whatever you wish to for the time being. You got to prove to me you are worth earning my knowledge that is my name." Unless Palli decided to find her family to weasel it out of them, she would not share it so soon. She did not see this lion going out of his way to find her mother or siblings, if they were even still around. It had been awhile since they were last seen, and lucky for her, they looked quite different from herself. Most took after her mother, with her dark red pelt.

"So, Palli," her bright blue eyes glanced curiously at the male, "what is it you will do to get it? Or, are you someone who strays away from a challenge?"

What a weird one!

Palli tilted his head curiously at her. When she refused to give up something so simple as a name, he couldn't help the laugh that rumbled in his chest. The sound was warm and subdued, as if he was enjoying a private joke that Aulani was not privvy to. "Fine, fine. I'll call you whatever I please then, since I have your permission." All this fuss over a name! He hardly needed to know her name to know her.

He stepped up to her, towering over her with an amused glint in his eyes. "Nothing, beautiful," he purred. "I'm going to do absolutely nothing to wrench your name from your tongue. Why give up the honor of addressing you however I please? I fail to see what I really have to gain by knowing something so simple as your name."

Palli didn't understand her. Was this a game that he was supposed to indulge her in? If so, he was hardly going to play by her rules. He liked the little bit of power that she had slipped into his paw. That, and he was curious to see how long it would take for her to get annoyed by being called 'beautiful'. She'd give it up eventually, Palli was confident of that.


Aulani's ears flicked back to show slight disgust in the name. "Oh, you are one of those lions then. Thinking it's an honor? Shame." The tan female said with a shake of her head.

"You could have so much to gain by knowing my name," she purred, stepping towards the male, eyes glinting in the sunlight.

"Coming from the perspective of a female, those type of names are none so flattering for us. So, keep it up, and I'm sure you will see where it will lead you. Or, not lead you too." She shrugged, her words holding other meanings. "But, you do not wish to even try, which tells a lot about you as a male. False confidence probably due to the fact you are lacking in other areas." An eyebrow quirked at the thought as she craned her neck to observe the male in his entirety. Mhmm, lacking.

Straightening her sight, she met his gaze again. "I think our talk is done. Don't you?"

"You're the one who won't tell me your name!" Palli objected with an arch of his brow. How ridiculous it was for her to insult him for coming up with something nice to call her instead of all the crude and crass things he could say. For all the things he could have said, he was being exceptionally kind. In his experience, lionesses liked to be flattered, even when he wasn't trying to get anything from them.

"You're the first to complain," he countered, feeling his patience for the female dwindling. He liked challenging lionesses, but this one was just downright abrasive. "Allow me to assist you - just because someone calls you a nice word doesn't mean they want anything from you. Perhaps they're... uh, just being nice?" His gaze upon her was critical, his mind tossing and turning between whether she was worth his time or not.

"I'm not going to stand here and defend my masculinity to you, but neither am I going to take the low route and insult you. So, beautiful, since you won't give me your name, I suppose we have no further reason to chit chat." How unpleasant!

"Being called beautiful should only be reserved for those who actually have relations with the other. Or as an actual compliment. Using it as a petty nickname is nothing 'nice'." The lioness snapped.

She backed away from the other, although her gaze still rested on him.

"You do not have to defend your masculinity to me. I can already see right through it from the nickname. Now, if you would be so kind to excuse yourself, last I checked, I was here first, and did not initiate this conversation." She sat on her haunches as her front paw lifted in the air to make a swirling motion, indicating he could turn around and leave. Her tail curled around her front paws as it the tuft quickly beat the ground.

"Goodbye Palli." She would not leave her spot just yet.

"That's your opinion," Palli answered with a frown. The longer he was in this lionesses' presence, the less he liked her, and in general Palli liked just about every lion he came across. He hadn't come around such an unpleasant female in a long time. The lioness had a chip on her shoulder, but Palli wasn't going to waste his time trying to figure her out. He had better, more enjoyable things to do.

"Wow," he laughed, the sound amused. The audacity of this female! What was she doing? Making a den here? Palli couldn't help the eye roll, and he didn't think anyone would blame him for the action. "Whatever, beautiful, you can have this spot all to yourself. I won't hold you up any longer."

There was no drive for him to try and maintain ground with her. His interest in her had dropped off the face of the earth completely, and wanting nothing more to do with her, he'd not create more conflict between them. Instead the dark male passed by her without another word, heading deeper into the Pridelands to find more pleasant company.