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† The Videl Academy † (O/A)

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When the clock strikes twelve, the school becomes Hell... 

Tags: Horror, Mystery, Story, Supernatural, Academy 

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Caligula Beoulve (approved)(♞HeadBoy♞)

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The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:11 pm
My creator is The Emerald Sorcerer

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████████ † [̲̅B][̲̅a][̲̅s][̲̅i][̲̅c] [̲̅I][̲̅n][̲̅f][̲̅o][̲̅r][̲̅m][̲̅a][̲̅t][̲̅i][̲̅o][̲̅n] † ████████

Nickname: Dust Devil or Cal
Birthday:September 23
Species:Cursed at birth to become a demon of the winds!
Hair Colour: White with light green tips (often changes)
Eye Colour: Crimson (changes to gold when dust devil awakens)

████████ † [̲̅P][̲̅s][̲̅y][̲̅c][̲̅h][̲̅o][̲̅l][̲̅o][̲̅g][̲̅i][̲̅c][̲̅a][̲̅l] [̲̅&] [̲̅S][̲̅c][̲̅h][̲̅o][̲̅o][̲̅l] [̲̅I][̲̅n][̲̅f][̲̅o] † ████████

♞Yuki Dokuro

♞. Flying using his innate wind powers he can ride wind as a fish swims trough water.

♞. Meat all kinds beef to fish etc he is what you may call a meat eater.

♞. Songs of the wind spirits that carry the voice of the wind.

♞.Cooking not many know that he cam cook at all he doesn't look the type.

♞. The dojos he spends most of this time there taking his excessive amount of power out on the practice dummies.

♞. Mountain climbing he has been doing just that during his younger days exploring the unknown without a care in the world.

♞.Crafting has a knack for crafting things with his bare hands through trial and error.

♟Loosing control of himself and hates the fact that he must always try to be in-control like having a itch that won't go away.

♟ Ruined food never waste a delicious meal.

♟ Weakness to him this irks him since being a demon ''might makes right'' at least to him. Weaklings are an eyesore but, his not heartless he knows not everyone can be strong. His the go to guy if you want some toughing up however.

♟ Holy objects things of divine nature seeing how that is a weakness he detest it.

♟ People assuming that his destructive and evil person just because his a demon. Having to face the facts long ago that he was different, and that people fear what they do not understand.

Health: Physical - (Physically fit and toned) l Mentally - (Split persona but it is much more than that dust devil is mostly under control for now.
Dorm Room
Grade: Fourth Year
Occupation: Head-boy
Club Member: culinary club

Class Schedule: (Four lessons max, 3 lessons is optional for Fourth Years which gives them one free period. Must Correspond)
Period 1: P.E
Period 2:Science
Period 3:Foreign Languages
Period 4: Assassination

████████ † [̲̅S][̲̅t][̲̅u][̲̅d][̲̅e][̲̅n][̲̅t] [̲̅A][̲̅t][̲̅t][̲̅r][̲̅i][̲̅b][̲̅u][̲̅t][̲̅e] [̲̅&] [̲̅A][̲̅b][̲̅i][̲̅l][̲̅i][̲̅t][̲̅i][̲̅e][̲̅s] † ████████

Ability 1: ♛. Daimonikós ánemos (Demonic wind): Caligula has the ability to tap into demonic energy from the lower plane,and infuse them with wind mana thus creating demonic wind. With this power he controls the wind albeit a more powerful and destructive corrupted force of nature. With creativity he has learn to bind the wind to his will allowing him to come up with some very creative and destructive attacks. ( will list some moves he can do in detail)
❶Wind Walker: Caligula can transform his body into wind itself increasing his speed immensely. In this form his body takes on the wind looking like himself but made of wind he can dodge attacks much more effectively. This form is mostly used for evasion however he cannot keep this form for long the amount of concentration needed takes a toll so he uses it in bursts.
(Note: He can only use this ability three times in a fight and afterwords takes a day to recharge.)

❷ Wind Blade/Wind Javelin:Caligula can create a long sword out of pure wind using it cut even thick trees in half like a rock blasting through parchment.
The next ability he can create a javelin and use it effectively for mid range reach. With the Javelin he can throw it at targets with incredible speed
once it hits a target it explodes violently releasing a torrent of powerful wind blowing away targets or cutting them up like a ribbon.

❸ Cyclone Fury:Caligula channels the power of the wind to create a power cyclone that draws in enemies whipping them up
and throwing them away like a rag doll. This attack is a aoe based in nature.

❹ Wind orbs of devastation: Creates orbs the size of soccer balls ten in all they float behind his back and he shoots them forth to target enemies and explode with the force to destroy trees and blow holes into the earth the size of large

❺ Wind elemental: Calling to the winds Caligula is able to summon a powerful elemental to aid him in battle. The creature stand at 8ft blasting away enemies or suffocating them.(last five post, can summon two at a time,
the elemental can be destroyed if hit it core center four times or a powerful attack will due.)

Note: This is not all he can do i'm just listing some for creativity sake.

Ability 2: Demonic Energy manipulation:
User can create, shape and manipulate energies of demonic origin. They would be able to do all kinds of unholy things with their unique type of energy. Things like creating blasts to creating or summoning beings of demonic energy. Users would even be able to summon demons themselves, through ritual use of the energy.

Note: After unlocking this ability when facing Nemesis he decided to learn more about this power.Two weeks of intense training he has master the use of this demonic energy within him.

Drawback[This ability runs off of energy from himself,so it is limited in use it starts off 250% but every move he uses takes up 20% of it. Once it runs out he must wait eight post to be fully charged up. I will keep a charge counter at the ready.

Ability 3: Shadow Flare: During the two weeks of intense training Caligula had unlocked another power deep inside. It is both physical and magical in nature as is darkness from deep within manifested to the real world. When using this ability black energy that resemble tiny black stars begin to flow around Caligula. Once the move is fully charged the black particle gather around his enemy or enemies,becoming so dense the air feels heavy. Once cast the particles explode all at once creating a massive explosion as dark the abyss itself. This move is a mix of abyssal darkness and hell fire combine to make a unholy union. This power is derived from not only himself,but the curse his mother placed on him years ago. As they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
Drawback: This is a last resort type of move as it uses up,so much energy it can leave him drained,and in pain. Another drawback is that he needs time to charge the attack about five post before he can unleash the power. Final draw back is that he can only use it two times since this a fairly new ability.

Ability 4:
♛.Demon Evolution: (Locked for now)

    -Strength: 6/10
    -Durability: 6/10
    -Speed & Agility: 7/10
    -Stamina: 6/10
    -Weapon Proficiency: 0/10

    -Magical Strength: 8/10
    -Magical Durability: 5/10
    -Magical Energy: 6/10
    -Magic Control: 6/10

████████ † [̲̅P][̲̅e][̲̅r][̲̅s][̲̅o][̲̅n][̲̅a][̲̅l][̲̅i][̲̅t][̲̅y] [̲̅&] [̲̅P][̲̅e][̲̅r][̲̅s][̲̅o][̲̅n][̲̅a][̲̅l] [̲̅I][̲̅n][̲̅f][̲̅o][̲̅r][̲̅m][̲̅a][̲̅t][̲̅i][̲̅o][̲̅n] † ████████

☀Caligula comes off as boorish to others looking on the surface although he is boorish his also a man with a strong conviction. Not the type to sugar coat things he speaks his mind but, he knows when to hold back. A meathead trough and trough Caligula is a very active person and just as active he can be just as laid back and calm. When it comes to the mind Caligula is actually intelligent and posses a keen eye of a taciturn individual despite what his persona may display(his head boy for a reason).

☀Unusual for a demon he has honor and uses it to protect the school which he considers his new home; for this reason he is known as the honorable delinquent. For all his rudeness and bluntness Caligula is not evil his just a man who lives by his own rules but, respects the rules of others as well. He may not seem like the sensitive type he posses an open mind doesn't mind listening to others sorrows and pain because he himself has scars.To those who call him friend he is more of the big brother you never had ,and to his enemies the embodiment of the ragging winds itself.

☀ Due to certain events over the last few weeks he has grown more mature. Making him grow into a more refine person. He know his goals more clearly,and has become more determine to protect the ones he loves.

Relationship Status: Currently taken.

☾Losing Yuki
☾One day fully loosing control and loosing his will and very identity to his demonic impulses to destroy!
☾ The destruction videl academy and losing his new home the fear is real as he would feel that he let everyone down in the end
❶ The son of a watch.

This tale begins with a witch and ends with a demon. Deep in the American wilderness a woman gives birth in a old mansion used by witches in a bygone era. Once the baby was delivered the witch Circe held the baby high finishing the last incantation of a curse forever sealing the infants fate. Five years passed and the young demon life was nothing ,but endless task at his mother command. Their relationship was more akin to slave and master rather than parent and child.

Caligula would spend endless hours attending to the mansion,and its many interdenominational rooms. It was not all bad as he would experience many different things many creatures and other such wonders a only magic could offer. Sometimes his curiosity would get the best of him,and he would explore the rooms when his mother was not watching. Being only five life was full of adventure,mischief and mayhem what else could a young demon want? perhaps a better mother. Never in his life had ever recall any affection from his;mother it was all commands and promised punishments if he failed in his seemingly endless task.

He learn that failure was not an option the scars on his back were never ending reminder. The only times he could let out his frustration and anger was when he was in ''Colosseum'' in reality it was another door leading to another location. In here Caligula would be put to the test against monsters,demons fiends etc for his mother amusement. Normally she held a seal on him to suppress his demonic powers until it was time for him to fight for his life; allowing him to fight using 50% of his powers. From Caligula point of view these fights were outlets for his rage usually ending in brutal deaths results for his enemies for demons do what demons do. All this bloodshed had dull him act of killing was lost on him no remorse he might as well be like the monsters he killed.

The storm brewing inside the young boy could not be controlled forever and he vowed he would escape this life of puppetry and slavery. Another day at the Colosseum Caligula was fighting a stone giant against a foe like this normally his wind powers were useless ,but he is a demon far more capable than any child his age could possibly be! He was allowed to use more of his power against this foe so he took the chance to shatter the seal with pure rage unleashing the demonic winds in all it fury. He didn't stay to fight no he fled with the very wind at his back blasting trough the many doors leading to his freedom.Shooting up into the air like a rocket he was among the clouds 'heaven'' in the dark of night the moon at his back this...was freedom.

A voice in his mind replaced all feeling with terror for a few minutes as he knew it was her his mother in his mind? no telepathic speech. Circe'' So the fiend finds his freedom among the clouds ,but you know that I know I can give unrelenting chase after you. Fear not however my interest in you have long but vanished .You'll likely be consumed by your own demonic power; to be banished hundred years or obliterated by some priest I care not a wit which. I only offer one warning if you ever return here I shall obliterate you'' The tone in her voice carried more than threats in it spoke of promises of terrible death by her hands.

Fear this time would not hold him the demon of the wind was free as he blasted off trough the night sky never again laying eyes on his mother. For three long years Caligula would live in the wilderness a vagabond in cruel world.

❷ Her Name is Magnolia.

For three years Caligula lived in the deep wilderness living life just like the many beast that dwell within them. Feared by most of the creatures living here Caligula lived atop a mountain in a cave a fitting home for a wind demon. Deluding himself on being safe and sound Caligula would be caught unaware when demon hunters came calling. All he knew darkness for a few hours as the light came flooding in he remembers chowing down on a deer leg he was roasting over a spite. He awoke to unfamiliar voices and a white glow on his chest another seal?

Propping himself up he notice a woman in an all green clock approached him without fear or i'll intent. Her hair was long and wavy the color of silver and piercing eyes reminded him of the sky on a sunny and cloudless day.'' Finally awake good my name is Magnolia. I've been given orders to eliminate a demon causing devastation around these parts creating black tornadoes and such. I've other ideas maybe you could use that power of yours constructively I tell you this the path you walk now will lead to your end one way or another.''

Caligula bore his teeth like a animal back against a wall and leapt at the woman only to be laid low by her fist ''' This one still has fight in him ,but he will come around...eventually lets go!'' The woman was not alone of course she was the leader of this band of demon hunters; not all were just human but a collection of demons,humans, angles and other supernatural beings. Awoken by sunlight Caligula lay in a tent in a comfortable bed,getting up to explore his new surroundings he was surprised to feel calm and in control. Shaking his head and recalling what the woman said he came to the realization their are others like him.''Others like me'' he said his voice a whisper as he headed out of the tent. Greeted by the gaze of ten other humanoids he felt at ease he sense no danger nor malice.

The woman before was there as well, the two locked gazes Caligula felt at ease instantly. Magnolia: '' Finally awake don't enjoy hitting kids sorry about that...you needed it though'' she finished with a chuckle before growing serious. ''You're among friends here we wold rather have you join us then kill you trust me'' Her tone took on a softer tone comforting. Caligula looked at her hard '' words of comfort ...some sort of trick!? but no you don't seem....you seem different how can I trust you? or anyone for that matter'' the way he spoke those words it was clear he was no normal child. Magnolia crossed her arms over her chest '' By trusting me now if we wanted you dead you'd be dead by now. As for trust you can trust me right now come with us you'll find your fit I promise''. Her voice was comforting to him he knew in his heart he could trust her.

Caligula would spend the next six years with Magnolia and her demon hunting ban growing as a person, gathering life skills, learning to control his powers and most of all finding his own identity. Magnolia herself understood his plight for she is a half demon and half angle considered an abomination by sides of the light and dark ''spectrum''. She was more of mother than Circe ever was Caligula found some measure of peace in that regard ,but life is not fair and some scars never heal. Even as he begun to control his powers he still had that demonic urge to destroy.Magnolia raveled that since he was cursed by powerful magic he may never fully escape his demonic urges.

The best thing he could do is suppress it and control ,but there will always be times when he would fully lose control forever cursed. Caligula faced that realization head on however; ever eager to learn about the wide world he would not give into despair. learning form these kind souls Caligula began to understand that life was not fair ,but doesn't mean you have to fallow a predestine path you're free to choose your own road in life. He would enjoy his life on the move until that faithful day a letter came just for him.

Biogrophy Theme: Love Like You

❸ The School For Oddities.

The stream carried on with a soothing sound only water could make, sitting by his lonesome a fishing line wrapped around his large toe Caligula relaxed. These days have been peaceful of late he took full advantage of it. When he felt a bite he yanked his foot up taking a five foot catfish along with it on to the grassy area where he sat. He gather some ten fish this day and was planning on taking them back to the camp for a feast. A letter from the sky stop him in his track a letter addressed to him and he never had letter in his life, taring it open with eagerness. Reading the letter he learn that he was being accepted into a school for people like himself.

Once he showed everyone at the camp their expressions were all knowing were they too once accepted? Magnolia explain to him the importance of this academy and strongly advised him to go for his own sake, saying '' young people should experience new things that is how we grow''. Taking that advice to heart in few months fourteen year old Caligula was off to the academy he vowed he would visit his adopted family every chance he got. Adjusting to a life of rules where he wasn't killing or doing some other dangerous task took time and at first he truly was a delinquent. Causing mayhem and breaking rules until he met the headmaster at least reminding him that he was here for a reason.

Buckling down and taking his classes more seriously Caligula found his time at Videl enjoyable. He spent the next three years paving away for a life worth living. In his third year Caligula was awarded the position of head-boy I tittle he would carry on to his fourth year. No longer seen as just a delinquent but an honorable one his usually the one stopping the bulling his your bullies bully. Having been here for three years now Caligula has befriended and made enemies just the same. Now on to his fourth year the wind demon is eager to see what this year has in store.

☀ To become a teacher at Videl academy some day.
☀ Become successful chief
☀Maybe some day marry Yuki ,but that is in the unreachable future.


Fun facts:
☀ Has a all silver motorcycle that he calls Squall.
☀ Has a tiny meat grill in his room that cleans everyday often cooks in his room though some may find it odd.
☀He often receives income from his adoptive mother as ,well as doing choirs around the academy for extra cash.
☀Spends most of his time at the dojo or other places to calm his mind to do some training.

Additional features:
Caligula Personal Theme: Re:Re
Caligula's Battle Theme: Force Your Way
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 2:10 am
♞ Caligula Beoulve- HeadBoy- The Dust Devil♞

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User Image

♍ Mental State: Stable
♍ Mood: Feeling good/hungry.
♍ Items:
♍ OOC:

Main Theme: Sparking

Battle Theme-Stage of Death

Biogrophy Theme: Love Like You

''Aggressive state - Dust devil''
User Image

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

Rush And Crush
Vice Captain

Greedy Noob

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 1:40 pm
Everything looks good except for one thing.

-You have 50 points to spend on both trees you're currently at 67 (Same thing with your other character)
Other than that it's good to go

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 2:10 pm
Rush And Crush

Crap I should of been paying more attention to the points alright it shall be changed.  

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

Rush And Crush
Vice Captain

Greedy Noob

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 2:44 pm
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