I am Carrie Okuru and this is a PNN news flash. High level talks among various diplomats at the League of Regions broke down today when discussing a way forward in ending the crisis in Unova. Delegates from Kanto, Johto, and Unova are unified in their condemnation of Kalos while the Kalos delegation claimed that Unova, and other unnamed governments, forced its hand to invade the region to secure supply of elemental mineral resources vital to its own forces, economy and thus the region's security. The delegation from Hoenn, which had only made modest gestures of support towards the Indigo Three, spoke up in direct denunciation of the Kalos delegate's excuses and proclaimed his government's support for the Indigo Alliance.

Much to the world's shock the Sinnoh delegation was quick to in turn condemn the Hoenn delegation's response, proclaiming that taking the side of the already larger alliance would do nothing more than further back the Kalosian government into a corner and prolong the conflict. Civil discussion quickly fell apart at this and the Kalosian delegation along with the Sinnoh delegation called a vote on dissolving the League of Regions. With the Alola delegation absent and the allied regions refusing to acknowledge the call the League of Regions was officially dissolved as both Kalos and Sinnoh pulled out.

Immediately after the dissolution of the League of Regions the Hoenn government publicly declared war on Kalos, laying the blame completely on the region's leader, Lysandre, and citing his war of conquest and wanton use of biological weapons of mass destruction, specifically the legendary Pokemon Zygarde. The Sinnoh government would also make a declaration further condemning the actions of Hoenn and the Indigo Alliance at large, however reiterating their stance of neutrality.

Speaking for the Indigo Alliance, champion Lance welcomed the ascension of the Hoenn region into the alliance and hopes that with their support the war will be put to a swift end and the Kalosian government can be made to pay for the damage they have done.

In related news the terrorist organization known as Team Neo Plasma, an offshoot of the radical Pokemon rights group known simply known as Team Plasma, have made public declarations over hijacked Xtransceiver waves to declare their support for Flare's invasion and called for the destruction of the Unova government and Pokemon League, of which they proclaim to be corrupt. Before leaving the Indigo Plateau we asked the head diplomat of the Kalos region if they accept or decline Neo Plasma's vow of support, however they declined to answer our questions.

This is Carrie Okuru, signing off.