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        --------------------《The Pieces of Me》-----------------------------------

        Hello! My name is Braxton L'Éphémère

        Some people like to call me "The Ephemeral" Braxton L'Éphémère

        I am 31 years old, and I am Male

        I am [height] tall

        I identify as Bisexual

        I am Human Bard/Rogue

        --------------------《This is who I am!》-----------------------------------

            Braxton is an enigma wrapped in a protective shell. He has a charming air about him, an oftentimes carefree attitude, very relaxed and laid back. He has a sly wit, a devilish grin, and an abundance of confidence that came come across as cockiness. Braxton has a love for the arts and the expression behind it. He revels in stories and experiences of strangers, it along with his travels inspire his music. If there is one thing that Braxton hates more than anything in this world, that would be complacency. Other dislikes includes hecklers and staying in one place for too long.

        Powers and Abilities
            Bardic Song - A rousing tune played on Braxton's lute. It gives him and his allies buffs to their health, defense, and willpower, while discouraging enemies, causing them to do less damage and take debuffs to their accuracy. Usage: 1 per battle, lasts for 3 posts.

            Shade Step - Using a shade flask, Braxton vanishes in a puff of indigo smoke, allowing himself a quick retreat, or enough time to maneuver around an enemy. Usage: 2 flasks per battle, lasts for 1 post.

            Illusion Magic - Braxton has the talent of illusory magic. He uses this talent to aid in his thievery and in an effort to escape unseen. These talents include throwing his voice, disguising himself (height withstanding), muffling sound, and creating hallucinations.

            Simple thievery tools including a lock-picking set, and shade flasks for concealment. He also has a black, hooded cloak and an ornate, bronze masquerade mask to help hide his identity.
            He wields two finely made, stiletto knives that he uses gracefully in battle. A sewn in section on the inside of his cloak conceals throwing knives for ranged battle.

            Other valuable items on his person includes his honey colored lute, a brass flute, and a silver amulet with a vibrant sapphire in the center.

        The History
            Braxton was born in a seaside port city on a continent east of Maldria. He was raised by his single mother who adored him more than any gift she has ever received. However time spent together was not always a luxury, so Braxton befriended a Fence of the local Thieves Guild. Besides learning the way of the streets, Braxton came to love all things art. He would sketch landscapes on parchments with a piece charcoal, he would happily listen to the bards spin their stories by fountains and tip them with coin he pick-pocketed earlier in the day. Finishing his day, he would scale the arches of an ampitheatre and secretly watch the dramas often reserved for those of high status.

            Coming into his adult years, Braxton found exhilaration in living a double life. By day he would play music and perform tricks for tips in the plaza, but by night he would dust off his cloak and mask and make his rounds, pinching a little wealth from those careless enough to flaunt it. Now a fledged member of the Thieves Guild, Braxton finally found solace in a group of people that were willing to call him a friend. The rules to abide by were quite simple, but one of the most important rules specified that murder was not the business to be in. Due to an unfortunate circumstance, Braxton found himself breaking this rule. Forced to leave his friends, his mother, and his home, Braxton stowed away on a trade ship and set sail to Maldria. Now in his new stomping grounds, he looks forward to meeting new people, learning of their tales, and possibly stirring up some trouble?

        ---------------《The One pulling my strings》------------------------------
