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The day was hot, oppressively so and the humidity of the swamp only made it worse as the tall trees above only served to lock in the warm moist heat. One could have almost made the argument that above or below the water you'd end up just as wet. The hum of insects droned on though oblivious to the oppressive heat and as one landed on an innocuous looking bump in the water it was just as quickly snorted away as the bump turned out out to be attached to a head that slowly lifted out of the water and silver glowing eyes slowly opened. Water streamed from her face and mane and the mare twitched her nose and slowly turned to look at the other "log" floating near her.

"Tired of dragonflies on my nose..." she said her voice was thick and rich, yet her words came out slowly, not unlike molasses coating the inside of a container. "And sun on my back...I'm moving the shade of those trees." she nodded her head towards a large tree that hung heavily over the water with several branches trailing into it. A good spot really as her horns would easily blend in and just look like bare branches.

"Mistress." came a hissing voice from the second "log" as it's head rose as well to reveal a tan faced gator.

The water swirled almost unnaturally as something far bigger than what the mare's head indicated should be there moved to the shade of the tree. "Keep your eyes peeled my pet. They should come soon." there was a long swirl of water away from the mare and then back in as she settled into her new spot and slowly sank into the water leaving only her horns and the end of her muzzle exposed. Her eyes glowed eerily below the surface but few would notice thinking it was only light coming from above than below the surface of the water. She took slow steady breaths to not divulge her location and sensed more than anything the movement of her pet in the water to better flank any prey that would wander between them in her new location. She smiled to herself. He was a most excellent pet, her beloved gator. He always seemed to know what she wanted before she could say it.

She allowed one solitary bubble to escape from her lips and it joined the ones that rose from below her as her claws sunk into the soft loamy soil beneath her. Soon the heat of the day would begin to ebb and soon the deer would come to drink after a long day of hiding from the heat. The poor things would never see her and her pet coming. Her mouth watered in anticipation because then...then they would feed.
