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[LOG] Rest for the Weary (Amaryllis, Inkumba, Naresh, Shaji)

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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:47 am
(Backlogged to before God Meta)

He moved through the dim morning light like a phantom, steps soundless as large paws touched the earth. His pace was long and graceful, covering far more ground in one bound than the lioness behind him could. The air around him carried the scent of a neighboring pride, which was why he was being so cautious. Na'resh was a rogue to the core of his being - he had never known anything else, and he wasn't willing to risk running into any other creature now with his child in tow. They had suffered enough hardships in their lives that he avoided the chance of running into more at all times.

Na'resh hadn't seen his own family in ages, but that was for the better. His father had disappeared, and his mother had doted on him to a point where it was sickeningly clear that he was just a stand in for the love she had lost. They were scattered about the lands now, but if Na'resh ever caught a scent of any of them, he vanished. He loved them to some extent, but they were a burden upon him. The dark blue lion was not strong enough to carry the weight of their tragedies as well as his own.

Rose colored eyes glanced behind him, and his heart seized with panic to discover that Amaryllis was not within his sight. 'When had she disappeared?' he thought anxiously. His daughter was the only thing in his life that truly mattered to him. She was the only thing he had to remember her mother by - a young lioness taken far too soon by the nature of the world. He should have been used to it, but he wasn't.

Na'resh had never recovered from that loss.

"Amaryllis!" he called out, trying to keep his voice steady. He tried to be a sensible, reliable father figure for his daughter, but it was times like these where the facade slipped. He was utterly dependent upon the only light in his life.

Amaryllis enjoyed a life that was relatively carefree if a bit, well, cloying. Her father would go to the ends of the world for her and it was something she had never taken for granted but, too, she could never rid him of the little inkling of worry that seemed to be nestled so deeply in his heart. She had never known her mother and knew very little about her apart from the fact that she had died very young and, apparently, that the beautiful rose color of her own fur was her only gift to her daughter.

The young lioness should have known the moment that she stopped (and failed to call out) that he would immediately begin to panic. She was truly not so far away, simply tucked behind a little stone outcrop, but she was halfway through a drink of water that she so desperately wanted to finish. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Inkumba take flight in a flurry of blue feathers - the faithful, steady companion that she always was. In the space of a few breaths, she was circling close to Na'Resh, aiming to draw his attention away from his panic.

"She is just around the bend there, Na'Resh, only getting a sip of water. I stayed with her, do not worry."

Yet even Inkumba could smell the scent of the pride they had cut too close to and as Amaryllis appeared, maw dripping with water droplets, she leveled a worried gaze upon her. The feathered friend did not think her so weak as Na'Resh worried she was but she did absolutely fret over her safety if she were left alone. Amaryllis' view of the world was through rose tinted quartz, she had never met a lick of danger due to her father's strict care.

"I'm sorry papa," she offered once she was within speaking distance, closing it quickly so that she could nudge her head beneath his chin, "I thought you saw me stop."

When she did not immediately answer his worried call, his chest tightened with anxiety and he felt his breath fall short. His daughter was a vision of innocence, a creature far too delicate for this world. The thought of anything ill befalling her could darken the brightest of days. Na'resh had lost her mother - he refused to lose her too. Before panic could truly set in, Inkumba appeared overheard. The bird was not panicked, and so he could only assume that Amaryllis had simply drifted away accidentally.

Inkumba told him not to worry, but he still did. After all, the avian was no longer by his daughter's side to keep watch for her. "She should have told me that she was thirsty," he answered with a sigh. He would have stopped, but he suspected that she did not want to bother him with it. It was true that he was being hyper vigilant, moreso than ever before now that they were so close to another pride's territory. There were lions out in the world that were far too dangerous to become entangled with.
The dark blue lion took a few steps forward to backtrack and retrieve his daughter when she finally appeared. His lips parted to speak, his intent to scold her for vanishing on her, but he couldn't go through with it. Na'resh was simply relieved that she was safe, and that not even a smudge of dirt tarnished that beautiful maroon coat that reminded him so much of her mother. "I didn't," he replied, and again tried to think of a way to impart the severity of her slipping away from him.

But he just couldn't do it. Instead he nuzzled his daughter tenderly, a deep purr rumbling in his chest. "We just have to be careful here. I smell too many lions, and if anything were to happen I alone would not be enough to keep you safe..." Taking a step back, he looked down at his delicate daughter with kind eyes. "For at least my sake, stay close. I cannot survive another heart attack," he joked tenderly.

Then his eyes cast up towards Inkumba, his expression serious. "Inkumba, can you scout ahead a little bit and make sure we didn't attract attention?"

With only a polite chirp for her agreeance, Inkumba altered her swirling path around the two lions and swept up on a draft that carried her forward into the path they were travelling, edging in toward the direction she knew the pride lay. It would show her if any lions were approaching from that direction and, hopefully, give her enough time to warn her two wards if there were.

Amaryllis watched her go as she leaned her weight into her father's side, taking as much comfort as she was offering. She knew that he was young and that he had suffered a great tragedy in his life that might have forever changed him and there was naught she could do to quell his fears apart from staying at his side. It worried her for his future, for when he grew too old to handle his fears with such grace as he managed now, but that was a long time away yet.

As her feathered companion dwindled in the face of the sun, the rose-tinted lioness shifted her weight and look up at her father with the most gentle, reassuring smile that she could manage.

"I will stay close here, I understand," she reassured him, but turned her gaze up to the sky as she heard a shrill call from Inkumba in the distance. With a frown, she edged closer to her father, doing her best to hide her small, petite frame behind his larger, darker one.

"Is someone coming?" For all the times she felt his fears were unjustified, now she was the one beginning to worry.

He patiently waited for Inkumba to double back towards them. This wasn't the first time he had the bird scout ahead for the pair. It was a small blessing that Amaryllis had formed such a close bond with the avian, for Inkumba's gaze could travel as far as her wings could carry her. She was a reliable source of information and a great comfort to Na'resh. Trusting another lion around his child was one thing, but an avian was nothing he had to fear over. "Thank you," he mumbled softly, but sincerely to his lone child.

Inkumba's call broke the moment of peace, "Yes." The single word was spoken low, hiding his own fear under the bravado and need to protect his child. He angled his body to shield Amaryllis behind himself. Inkumba hadn't gotten very far before making the call - whomever was in the area was close, and Na'resh did not trust that they could get away quick enough to avoid them. "Just stay behind me and remain quiet. If things start to turn for the worse, I want you to run."
There, in the distance, he saw the shape of a lion, as gold as the sun behind him. He was smaller than Na'resh, but older, likely more experienced. If a fight were to happen, Na'resh was uncertain who the victor would be. But when the lion stopped a few metres away from the pair, Na'resh noted the kind features of his face, the pristine pelt free of any scars or injuries that would signal a threatening presence.

Na'resh did not trust him still.

"Good day! My apologies if I startled you." Uzalishaji examined the pair of lions curiously. The two were similar in appearance, and seemed to be rather wary of him. That wasn't unusual for rogues. Some were drawn in by the promise of the Pridelands, while others simply stumbled upon the area by chance. "Welcome to the Pridelands! I'm Uzalishaji, just a hunter, nothing more." He hoped that would sway the two to relax a little bit.

"We are just passing through," Na'resh spoke up, subconsciously moving back against his daughter to keep up the illusion of a safe distance between the two parties. "We mean no trouble." Na'resh was far too wary, far too paranoid to let his guard down even around a friendly face.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:49 am
Inkumba's eyes narrowed in upon the yellow male as he drew closer and closer and then, quite suddenly, just stopped. She felt she was closer than she truly was and by the time she was circling back around to them and dipping low to swoop through the empty air that separated her companions from this new lion, they had already begun to exchange words. He seemed pleasant enough but she caught the air from her dive and circled him a few times, studying his demeanor and getting a feel of him, before she slowed and landed gracefully on Amaryllis' arching back.

It was the rose-tinted lioness that spoke up with the first sound of trust lingering in the timbre of her voice but she did not move from where her father had hidden her behind his larger, darker frame.

"Uzalishaji, just a hunter, what are the Pridelands?" There was a playfulness in how she address him and her head had turned to peek at his bright, golden hide from around her father's dark shoulder. She knew that he had begged her to silence but the male was old enough and at such a distance that she didn't feel threatened just yet. She had no doubt she could outpace him with sheer youth. "Should we be worried here?"

Shaji kept his distance. The father appeared on edge, and the gold lion had no desire to upset them further. That they knew nothing of these lands was surprising, but also explained why the two of them were so wary. He sat down, and cast his gaze up to the sky to see the Inkumba swoop down to land on the young lioness' back. Shaji hadn't paid attention to the sky during his walk, and had no idea that the bird had been going in the same direction as them. What a cautious pair the two lions were to have an avian scouting ahead of them. Shaji hoped he could put them at some ease.

"You two are no trouble. The Pridelands are bountiful, with enough prey and water to sustain quite a bit of life. If you need to take from these lands, we only ask that you do it respectfully." He smiled, warmth emanating from the expression. There was a genuine quality to the golden male. His sincerity and kindness were his best traits. The Pridelands were a peaceful area, but Shaji was exemplary in it. "It is ruled by Tau, and rogue lions are always welcome within its borders." He wasn't sure what these two would want from the Pridelands, but he saw nothing dark within them.

Just two rogue lions who needed a place to rest. "If you would like, I can act as your guide through the area? I have a fresh kill back at my den if you need anything to eat." Oh, his mate would not be entirely happy with Shaji bringing strangers home... but he just couldn't leave these two alone without at least offering his assistance.
Na'resh was still wary, the dark blue lion watching the stranger with a critical eye. The other was an older male with no visible scarring - he had an easy life, one free of strife to still be in such good condition. He could interpret no malice from Shaji, but that didn't mean he would just outright trust the lion. He was too friendly, too eager to help strangers that could mean him harm.

Either this was an act, or the lion was just far too naive. Na'resh cleared his throat, a little concerned by his daughter's interest in the stranger. Amaryllis was young still, she did not quite know how to discern whether someone was a friend or foe. "I... don't think so," he told his daughter, refusing to give her a definitive answer to keep her from doing something silly. "Just, stay behind me still." His daughter was going to give him a heart attack, and he wasn't even that old.
"Thank you for the offer, but we're just passing through," he told the lion sternly.

"Oh, please, take some time to rest here at least. No one will chase you away, and none will harm you," Shaji insisted. They looked weary - they needed rest. "Your child looks like she especially needs it."

Even Amaryllis seemed not quite certain over the male. Her father had told her stories of crafty lions, liars and tricksters, and with his guidance she had come to understand that trust was not an easy thing to simply place in anyone - yet there was that gut instinct of hers that said this lion was not a danger to him. Perhaps it was how well fed he seemed or the fact that his pelt seemed in oddly pristine condition. Even her father, who she could tell was considerably younger than the male, seemed more scrawny and rough than the golden male.

It was making it hard for her to fear him. She didn't think he could run very fast.

"Dad," she said quietly, leaning her shoulder into her father's hip so that she could get his attention. When she spoke, her words were quiet and reserved for his ears alone, though her gaze remained on the lion she could see just beyond her father's dark hide, "Maybe.. just this once? He seems fat and happy, not starving and territorial."

On her back, Inkumba stayed oddly still and indecisive. She wasn't about to get between Amaryllis and her father, she already knew how stubborn he could be and who was a little bird to say that he should trust a stranger? It was easy to not think too deeply when one could just take safety in flight.

Na'resh was not nearly as trusting as his daughter. Her naivety, while endearing, was the very thing that could lead her into trouble. It was why he was so reluctant to leave her alone for any length of time, but in doing so he never really gave her the chance to learn. He frowned, looking back over his shoulder and to his daughter. Her judgment really wasn't that far off this time. Na'resh did not think the older male was a threat, but he wass reluctant to take him up on his offer for hospitality.

They needed rest, a chance to recover without fear of harassment. If these lands could provide such respite, Na'resh would be a fool to turn away from the opportunity. He sighed, the sound heavy enough to make the world bend to its weight. "All right," Na'resh relented. But, that didn't mean he was about to follow this too-happy lion home. "We'll stay here for a while, only," and his eyes fixed on her sternly, "if you do not leave my sight."

His words were meant for Amaryllis alone, but it seemed the older male caught on to the shifting mood. Uzalishaji seemed to be brimming with excitement, barely able to contain his eagerness to help the two lions out.

"We'll stay," Na'resh announced to the male, his tone still different. He hoped the lion picked up the meaning. They weren't friends yet, and he wanted his little family to be left alone until he was comfortable.
"Oh, excellent!" Shaji smiled brightly. He was over-enthusiastic, but he wasn't oblivious to how wary the rogues were of him. "Look, my den is only a couple miles west of here. If you need anything, just head in that direction and I'm sure you'll find me." On the plus side, Kiasi couldn't be irritated with him for dragging strangers home now.

"Uh, thank you?" Na'resh sounded uncertain, but his mind was made. He couldn't keep pushing his daughter to travel long distances without letting her first get some rest.

"You're welcome! Bye now!" Shaji knew when to ease off, and now that Na'resh and his daughter knew they were welcome to stay Shaji's mission was done. The gold lion backed away and turned to make his way home to his mate.

Amaryllis' eyes widened with quiet pleasure as her father, at last, caved to her wishes. She knew better than to think that he had well and truly devoted himself to this decision but it was a chance to prove to him that they could be safe and belong somewhere, that they needn't put blisters on their weary paws with constant travelling. She knew it would be best for them, for their anxiety and their hearts, and for her little Inkumba too.

"Thank you, Papa," she said gently, leaning into his shoulder as the golden male turned and wandered away without a second word.

On her shoulder, Inkumb cooed and nipped lovingly at the fluff atop her skull even if she was not apt to speak up and ruin this small moment for her best friend and her father. Even if she was better at traveling long distances she still would have liked to rest, to not be so worried over spotting oncoming rogues before they were upon her tiny, odd family.

Amaryllis pulled away from his shoulder and smiled up at Na'resh, trying not to seem too overeager in case it made him more wary of this decision.

"Let's go and find somewhere quiet to rest, okay? We don't have to go to deep into the pride but I think.. this place is safe. At least we have Inny to watch, right?"

At her back, she heard Inkumba chirp pleasantly again before she took tok the skies without question. She circled forward now, a little hesitant but leading the way toward the place they knew the pride dwelled.

Amaryllis flashed a smile at her father and began to follow, leaving behind her promise.

"I won't leave your sight, I swear."

And hopefully, she thought, it would be enough for this new beginning to take root.



Eloquent Lunatic

[IC] Pridelands

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