Around Yorshka's neck lay a necklace made from silver and attached to it was a blue stone, raw and untumbled. It was a gift from her mother, a token symbolizing affection. The gemstone bounced against her chest as she moved along the tall grass, making a path for her new friend Aldan to follow. The younger male had expressed interest in seeing Pride Rock up close, how could she say no? The pale lioness saw no harm in showing an outsider around, regardless of where he came from, Aldan didn't seem dangerous.

Maybe she was being naive in her assumptions but Yorshka trusted her instinct, this wasn't going to blow up in her face... she hopped.

"So, where are your traveling companions?" The question was innocent and backed with a soft smile. The pale female wondered how intense his headaches could become without another seer accompanying him.

"Do you travel with family?"

ldan hadn't even caught sight of the necklace at first glance with the female. It was only until they had started moving, that he caught the glint of the small charm on her chest. He glanced curiously at it, before his ears perked forward at her question.

"Oh... Umm...they were closer to where I first met you. I am not quite sure where they may be now. I am what my pride calls a reaver...and sometimes we get to go off on our own. We have had some...changes...recently. Normally my friend Aya would join me, however she has to stay with the Captain according to our 'new leader'." Aldan mentioned the leader with a tone of slight disdain. He hadn't known the being for long, but the radical change were ruffling some feathers.

"They were nearby when I first saw you." he repeated. It would explain why the headache had just begun on their first meeting. He was just out of the scope of Aya's (and technically Lucifer's) presence.

"I do not. Ayanga mainly. Runa joined us last time with my former captain Ciro, but...we got ambushed and had to cut our trip short." Ciro had to heal in that unknown pride, which put them off schedule by a few weeks. "I'm not sure if my family would join me on an outing." he found himself shrugging slightly. "Dad probably would, now that all his kids are of age." For the time being. Aldan knew he was trying to woo some other lionesses in the pride, and was unsure if he had been successful.

"Does your mother live here?" He wasn't sure if she actually had said, just that her mother was of divine.

All the information he was feeding her only made her mind drift more. The culture felt so different, much more intense. Still, it was enjoyable to listen to his story, regardless of how short the summary was. The lioness could connect some dots on her own. Yorshka turned left and motioned for him to follow with a raised paw, heading deeper still past the tall trees and riverbed. It was still mid-day, something she was glad for. The pale female hoped to make it before dark so that he could get the best view of Pride Rock, seeing it in all it's glory for the first time.

"My mother lives here, she tends to cubs-" As she spoke she sighed softly, frustration creeping into her tone.

"Usually. Lately.. not so much. She's been a little weird." It wasn't shameful to admit, maybe venting about it would do her some good. Yorshka normally kept her personal issues to herself.

"It sounds like you have a lot of close friends." Maybe friends wasn't the right word, but she wouldn't know for sure, after all the two had just met.

It was weird, knowing some didn’t know about the life in the Stormborn, when everything to him felt it a norm. Aldan nodded, following the lioness deeper in to the pride, past the trees and riverbed. It was also strange that there didn’t seem to be a cloud in the sky, yet the terrain here was lush and bright. “Do you guys ever get big storms?” the winged male joked. The feeling of the sun on his back was pleasant in comparison to cool water droplets or heavy mug.

“Oh, so does she tend to all the cubs…?” His question drifted as Yorksha continued.

“How so weird?” The young Reaver was confused.

“Only a few. Ayanga really, and K’i-lin, although she isn’t able to wander out of the pride because she took the route of priestess. Aya and I would always scuffle as children, so when we had the opportunity to go out on our first outing we both jumped at it. She’s pretty smitten by one of the males in the pride, and I am the ear she likes to express allll of these to.” He chuckled. Aya would kill him if she heard him talking about her.

“This pride seems so big, just from the land. Are there a lot of lions here? So many potentials to make friends it seems?”

orshka was bewildered, stopping dead in her tracks.

"You've honestly never heard about my mother before?" The pale lioness had always assumed everyone knew of Zimran, she was the head nanny of the pride, she had helped care for so many cubs over the years it was hard to keep count of them all. Yorshka felt like she had siblings everywhere.

"If a mother needs help with caring for cubs she steps in, without question." As she spoke she nodded and turned back face forward once again, continuing her trek through the lands. As she walked her tail swayed from side to side, following her every step in unison.

With his next question she found herself frowning, though she kept this from him. It was a fleeting thing anyway, because as soon as she could find the proper words she spoke, her tone shifting to a more serious one.

"I wish I could answer this question for myself. She seems sad lately. Like... maybe disconnected would be the right word? She hasn't been in herself in sometime. I have no idea what triggered it, one day she just woke up crying. I have been trying to take care of her when I am able."

She shared a lot with her mother, so seeing her this way...

"Your life seems so exciting." Softly she added, trying to removed herself from her own sorrow.

"Is Aya your sister?" The pale lioness looked back at him with a smirk.

"It's pretty big, I don't think it's possible to know everyone here by name, everyday I see a new face and I figure the Pridelands are one of the largest prides around." She paused, relocating her focus to the surroundings in front of her. Just a little bit further now.

"I don't have many friends." The last words came pouring out like some sort of sad confession, still, she would smile if he looked up at her. Her smile was her shield.

If Aldan wasn't paying attention, he probably wouldn't have stopped, and would have crashed right into her.

He paused abruptly, glancing at her curiously. "" Aldan said with a frown. "Should I have...?" The reaver questioned. "My pride doesn't really talk about gods that much. Unless they are Lightning, Thunder, War, Warriors or Conquest..." He shrugged a little bit, continuing to follow.

"Oh..." Aldan said with a frown. "Maybe she is just lonely? She should see the world. That seems to brighten the spirits of the reavers when they are about to go out. Surely it might do the same for her?" The winged male offered with a shrug, unsure if it was helpful or not.

"It's interesting bits." A chuckle.

"Oh GOD no." Now a laugh. "I mean, she should be considered my sister as much as we travel together. But no, she is most definitely not my sister. Not related. Just a friend."

"I get that. The Stormborn has grown tremendously. It's hard to know who is who unless you are on an outing with them." Also, Aldan had the added knowledge of trying to find those of god blood or godhood themselves to rid his paralyzing headaches.

"Surely that can't be." Now another frown. "I will be your friend." A smile, now with an affirmative nod. "It definitely would give me a good reason to come back here, since I know I can't stay."

At his final words she smiled a bit wider, curling her lips until her cheeks hurt. A new friend was never a bad thing, right? With a soft sigh she nodded in agreement, turning back to face him for a moment, just long enough for him to see her blush.

"I'd like that very much."

It wasn't like she was ignoring anything he said before, just... the thought of having someone new to talk to made her feel less sorry for herself.

He was far wiser than he age would suggest, that was becoming very obvious to the female, still, he had a charming youth about him that made her a little envious. He was able to see so much and still be so young. He was lucky.

"Can't stay?"

That made her stop right in the middle of the conversation, spinning around to face him with a worried look dancing across her face. Maybe she felt a little disappointed?

"So you're telling me you are my friend, but you have to go? When?" Maybe it was her fault for thinking she was going to be able to talk like this for longer, opening up emotionally was a euphoric feeling - but this news only seemed to crush whatever joy she felt. All she could taste was ashes in her mouth.

"Will you come back?" The pale lioness questioned softly, her ears pressed back and withdrawn.

Again, Aldan found himself pausing his steps.

" mean...I have to return home. It is part of my job to go out and return home." He didn't miss the look of disappointment that crossed her features.

"Soon?" He said quietly, his ears pinning back slightly, trying to hide in his still growing mane. "If I don't get back to my group closer towards sundown, I am sure they will come looking for me just to drag me back. I'd...rather not have my entire pride try coming after me, so it is best I abide by my Captain's word." Aldan explained.

"Of course I will come back! Friends don't have to be close to be called friends! Besides, just think of the stories we can tell each other the next time we see each other, hmm?" Aldan said with a smile. "I'm not sure what other lands I will be visiting this time, but I can tell you about them. Maybe the stories will help your mother out too?" Aldan asked cautiously.

"I promise I will come back though," he saw the look of defeat that seem to etch across her features. "Pinky swear." He rose his paw, wiggling the end toe.

She needed to collect herself, being overly emotional would only make this whole situation far more awkward and in truth the lioness knew she was overreacting a little bit... it just felt sore right now, maybe it would feel better when he returned

"Mmm. That's true, well. When you come back I will hold you to it. I want to hear all about your adventures and what you've seen."

When he lifted a paw and wiggled his last digit she snickered and laughed, sitting down as she rose a paw to meet his, tapping her pinky against his with a smile.

"Pinky swear."

Well, one this was for sure, he would need to see this damn rock before it was too late, if Alden needed to head out soon they would have to make haste, the day was growing old and soon the moon would outshine the sun - and he would be gone as quickly as he appeared.

"Alright, enough of this, let's get you to Pride Rock before the day is lost."

With that she stood back up, wrinkling her nose before she took off into a light dash, running through the tall grass with claws extended and eyes shut tight, she laughed-

"Come on!"

"I am a lion of my word!" Aldan laughed, smiling when her own paw took his in the shake. "There we go, a binding promise I will keep!" The lion said. "Once I get back home, I will make plans to go on another trip. Aya would have to come along too..." Or maybe Runa, if Aya decided not to.

"Oh, yeah...we better hurry before both Ayanga and Lucifer come out looking for me." He joked, following the female in her trot. "I am right behind you, don't you worry!" He laughed, his light trot turning into a lope to keep up with the taller female.

His mind was already in the works for his next mission. He was excited to get that one started already!