bold = San played by Pandorus Sphinx
non bold = Radi played by KasaiLoki


With the world in havoc, Radi chose to stay far away from the chaos. She had found a small place near the outskirts of the Pridelands, probably closer to the Outlands territory than she would like it. However, it was either that, or risk losing a limb or life with the destruction the gods were bringing to the central lands.

Radi sighed. Her children were amongst the chaos. She hadn't gone to check on them, and was curious if they were even still alive. She knew many perished, and her heart broke thinking two of her children had as well. She knew Ledimo and Leihlo had left well before the god's appearance, so at least they were safe.

The dark lioness stepped outside her den, stretching. The bad part of living on the outskirts of town, things got a little lonely. She needed to find someone to entertain her until the pride returned to normal.

San was a moron. Make so mistake, he spent a lot of his time ignoring responsibility and took pleasure in doing things mostly half-assed. It wasn't like he was incapable of being productive - he just lacked motivation. The spotted male had gotten this far in life by doing the bare minimum, why change that now? He wore a s**t-eating grin most days and took pride in his independence. The male had never needed to care for anyone else but himself and had grown to prefer things this way. So, when calamity came crashing down his world fell apart. It was hard to pretend not to care when lives had been taken and the Gods waged war between themselves.

So, San had left his den and found refuge closer to the border, far from the central lands. Death was depressing and he had no stake in this war between mortal and Gods.

"Eh..." He groaned before sitting himself down beside a small watering hole. No matter how far he went he could still smell smoke. Something had to give. San wanted his easy-going life back.

Radi's eyes focused as an image made its way into her view. Oh. What did we have here? She knew she wanted entertainment, and it was as if the great kings of the past were listening to her. Or, the swamp deity she had grown to learn about.

Regardless, Amusement was on her way.

The lioness flashed a small smile, thinking to herself as she approached the lone figure in the water hole.

"Getting away from the chaos as well?" She asked with a small frown, lowering her head to lap the water briefly before focusing on the male. "So much death and despair, I don't know why more lions don't move out this way. It seems those gods aren't focused here, so it's become rather peaceful." Perhaps, a little too peaceful.

"Radi'kilima," the lioness introduced herself.

"O--oh." San felt himself shutter as a voice called out. This female was light on her feet because he only just noticed her, her eyes haunting him with one glance. How long had she been here for? San smirked as she spoke, something familiar lingered in her voice...

"Getting away as much as I can, yeah. It feels like everywhere I go this s**t follows me." The blue-eyed male sounded annoyed but it was obvious he was trying to cool himself back down. Or at least pretend to. He stood up and wandered over the take a sip from the water with her, his spotted pelt warm under the sun's gaze.

"So are you living out here now? Permanently relocated?" The male looked for something interesting to say but felt underwhelmed under the pressure. Why was he starting to feel anxious? Why was she so collected?

"San." He gave her his name in return.

"Ah, yeah, for now. It seems to be the best option." Radi admitted. "Maybe when things cool down I will head back to my original den, but...this one seems rather cozy." Her attention turned back towards the den entrance, a small smirk forming on her maw. "However, it does get...a little lonely being out here." She commented, her tail lightly flicking at his hind end.

It was a subtle move, perhaps one he wouldn't even notice.

"Ah, pleasure San." She found herself putting. "Nice name, surprising I haven't seen you around before all hell broke loose. then again, I guess I have been a little preoccupied raising some cubs. Now that they are grown...." she eyed the male. "Perhaps you can tell me a little about yourself?" she hummed.

"Cubs? Huh. You don't look like you've had cubs." Was he trying to complement her? Well, yeah but he was really bad at it. San had little to grace in him, still, she was pretty and it was hard to ignore.

"I see..." The male's words trailed off as he felt her tail brush against his back leg, this caused him to blush surprisingly. What on earth was she doing? Was.. she flitting with him?

"Nice name? Huh, well, I've never had anyone complement me on my name before..." San spoke with a narrowed gaze. In truth he had never flirted with a female before, let alone spent much time with anyone one on one like this, so if she was flirting some of it might have gone over his head. Only some though, he wasn't blind, just dumb.

"I'm from here, grew up here, family lives here. I'm honestly not very interesting." He sighed, was he a loser?

"I don't have any cubs or anything like you do, though. Just a lot of family spread out through the pride."

Radi found herself chuckling at the comment. "Oh, I have actually had two litters, but thank you, I try to keep up my appearance as best as possible." Did she just wink at him?

Well, wasn't this male a can of awkward conversation. Apparently he wasn't getting her...slight hints, hmm? Maybe she should take it up a notch.

"Ah, nonsense. Everyone is interesting in their own little way. Perhaps you just haven't found what your best at." Perhaps he hadn't tried?

"No cubs you say? Is that something that interests you?" She purred out, now with a wide smile on her maw. "Perhaps your talent may rise in teaching cubs, or...producing them?" My, was she a forward lioness currently or what. Perhaps it was knowing her children were gone, and she just needed something to give her. Maybe it was the fact she had been without a companion for a long time, in both the intimate sense or even just plain old companion.

As Radi spoke San could feel his heart beat quicken. What was she insinuating? His blue eyes rolled from the ground and back to her face as he searched the lioness over once, frowning a little bit to himself. San wasn't use to anyone giving him any type of attention, let alone this kind, so when she spoke so boldly the male found himself swept up in confusion.

"Are you messing with me?" The question came followed by lowered ears. If this was all a ruse he was going to be pissed. Still, the lioness didn't seem ill-willed. What was she getting at anyway? Was she really coming onto him? Or did she find pleasure in his lack of experience?

"I.. ugh, I'm never had a mate, or cubs, and I've never tried to have any of those things." Well, this conversation was starting to feel heated. He gulped at her purr. Producing cubs? s**t. Oh s**t.

"Umm...." His face was bright red.

Radi found herself humming again. “Nope.” She said rather casually, shrugging her shoulders a bit. “I mean, I am serious about it. Now, I’m not saying you areee, but if you have never tried you would never know. I’d like to consider myself pretty seasoned in that matter so... I could be a pretty could judge of it.” Radi thought almost to herself before her blue eyes focused back towards San.

“Unless you’re... scared?” Now she was taunting him. She glanced back towards her den before closing the small gap between her and the male. “Are you scared, San? Afraid you might enjoy a lioness’s touch a little... too much?” Again, a smirk, but the lioness backed off, pivoting on her paws as she faced her den.

“The choice is yours San.” She said quietly, flicking her tail as she walked away. Would the lion take the bait she lay out for him?

What on earth was happening? His eyes went wide with disbelief as the female spoke. Was she actually daring him to sleep with her? It was true he had never once been with a female but this wasn't something the male was expecting when he woke up this morning. Still, hearing her taunt him only made San feel a little cocky. Was this her intent?

"I never said I was afraid." His nose wrinkled as spotted male flicked his tail from side to side. Radi seemed to know what she wanted and was aimed to make it happen. This was kind of a turn on.

"....It is." As she started to walk back to her den the lion stood still for a moment, as if taking a second to sift through his options before he settled on taking the plunge deep into the wild unknown. What could he lose? Maybe San would end up learning something from this, or maybe it would just be good fun. With a smirk the male followed, giving her time to enter the den first.