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Mega Sex Symbol

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 8:51 am

Reno Vantas


Xerosic has survived the Battle for Black City and made his way back to Kalos. There he is making use for one last gift Lysandre left behind; the Pokemon League Tournament. Right before the Battle for Black City Lysandre had devised a scheme to finally rid himself of the current champion, Diantha, to make for less resistance once he returned to Kalos victorious by installing a puppet champion of his own. The former 'Prime Minister' went as far as pardoning all political opponents, including La Resistance, in order to give the tournament an air of authenticity to finally cement his rule as legitimate.

Unfortunately for Lysandre and Flare he never made it back to Kalos to see through with his plans, however the inopportune Pokemon League tournament is still going ahead thanks to Xerosic who has done his best to block out any news from outside of Kalos, specifically that of Lysandre's almost certain death.

Xerosic plans to also replace the champion but with a few more perks. With Flare's numbers a paltry shadow of its former glory, Sub estimating less than forty percent surviving and even fewer making it back to Kalos, Xerosic is desperate to salvage what remains of Flare. His scheme is to manipulate the outcomes of the battles with his rigged stadium so that the representative of La Resistance and the Crown Prince, who is in on this scheme, both reach the finals. During the final match it will be rigged so that the Crown Prince is victorious, however Xerosic will have planted a bomb, fashioned from the Infinity Generator Aqua stole from Devon Corp for him, underneath the section of stadium where the king, nobility, and their supporters will be seated.

Just as the Crown Prince is to battle Diantha for the title the bomb will go off killing the current king, the other royals, and their supporters. The Crown Prince will then immediately denounce the attacks as being executed by La Resistance in retribution for their 'champion' losing. It will then be 'discovered' that the bomb was 'supplied' by Devon Corp and the new king will further accuse a foreign nation of backing La Resistance as retribution for Unova. The end result, in theory, will be to finally put down La Resistance, get the Kalos populace on the new king's side, reinstate Absolute Monarchy, and once again close off Kalos to the world.

Xerosic hopes that by doing this, and manipulating the new king as his puppet, he'll be able to rebuild Flare from inside a once again isolationist Kalos and continue what Lysandre started.

The Snagems will not allow this to happen, seeing this as a chance to finally snuff out the remaining embers of Flare in Kalos. Their first action is to finally raid Flare's hidden laboratory in Lumiose City and find either the Infinity Generator or some clue as to where Xerosic will be placing it. Another goal is to find the double agent La Resistance had sent to infiltrate the lab months ago. It's believed while he was caught that he was still able to acquire some useful information.

Whatever happens the bomb plot must be stopped and preferably the La Resistance trainer to claim victory over the Crown Prince, that is to put an end to Xerosic's meddling. Xerosic's capture or 'erasure' is also preferred, as he is the last standing figurehead of Flare and the most dangerous remaining member.


In the underground canals of Lumiose City, where the entrance to Snagem's former HQ was, a certain Pinsir hybrid waits, leaning up against a wall, a small PC-tower sized machine humming on the ground next to him. The city's teleportation scrambler hardware was failing and Xerosic had been unable to obtain the parts to get them back up and running to optimum efficiency. Sub had learned this thanks to Larrimore's scouting and by using one of their own teleportation scramblers, tweaked slightly, they are able to punch a hole in the field allowing the other Snagems to teleport directly to where Larrimore stands. For now he waits for a certain Claydol to appear with his teammates.  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 6:31 pm
Freth and Tristen would find their way back to their abandoned headquarters. Freth came in looking rather unamused, not so much as the mission itself, but more of the matter that seems like fate always bring her back to this place for whatever reason, and usually never for the best reasons. It was almost as if this place was cursed. Then again, considering who is still trying to keep the region in their grasp, it was probably just as well.

If anyone that was feeling rather sour about this whole ordeal right now would be the kid accompanying her. The numerous, grueling fights he has been through over who knows how long now, and he's pretty much wanting it to stop now. He never imagined that trying to make such a difference would be so taxing and he's already given it a lot of credit as is and worse when he considers what kind of pressure he's also put on his Pokemon in the process. Rampardos and Meinshao, formerly his Cranidos and Meinfoo, evolved in the span of only one mission. That was, as far as he knew, unheard of under normal circumstances. It was insanity.

When they looked around, Tristen looked surprised, not expecting who was there waiting for them. "Mr. Larrimore?"  


Aged Detective

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:15 pm
Aile would walk up right after them, hands in her pockets and looking around casually, or at least seemed to be casual anyways. The woman was quite apprehensive, actually, especially for one reason she hoped that she wouldn't have to bring up. She'd shift around in her jacket, trying to get comfortable with her staff between the bomber jacket and her back. Obviously, it wasn't going well. "So, you're going with us, or just briefing us," she'd ask, resigning her jacket to how it was. She really needed to find a better way of carrying that staff hands free...  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:41 pm
Reno would fade into existence behind Aile, feet propped up on the handlebars of his hovercycle as he was juggling a few Pokeballs. Sitting in the sidecar would be Beau, continuing to throw in more Pokeballs for Reno to juggle. Until Reno eventually just palmed one of the Pokeballs and beaned Beau straight in the forehead. "Jackass." Reno muttered, quickly throwing the rest of his own Pokeballs into his bag before swinging himself into a normal sitting position. "So then. Larrimore. Where exactly are we going and how loud do you want the entrance?" He asked, looking around at the others who had been enlisted. "....looking at everyone else here, I think I made the wrong decision in friend to bring along on this."

In the sidecar, bent over from getting his own Pokeball thrown into his face, Beau would be doing his best to avoid Larry's attention. Because there was no way he was having that conversation right now.  

Reno Vantas
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Mega Sex Symbol

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:11 am

Reno Vantas


Larrimore was mostly silent as the Snagems began to show up. First Freth and Tristen, then Aile, and finally Reno along with an annoying little Binacle clung to him. Not the person he wanted to see today but for now he would ignore it. "Yes, it's me, monsieur Tristen." The Pinsir hybrid said as he stood up straight and patted the younger hybrid on the shoulder as he approached the group, giving Beauregard just the briefest of glares.

"I will be venant with all of you, mademoiselle Aile. I wouldn't dare miss this opportunity. Either way we should immediately get down to our affaires." Picking up the sword leaning up against the wall, the one from his days as a 'knight', the hybrid would continue to explain things as he strapped it to his side. "Commandant Sub has given us permission to throw la précaution to the wind, believing there is nothing else to lose here but all the more to gain. We may encounter the sky patrol and maybe the shadow patrol but I doubt they'll be as cohesive as they were before, Flare had almost completely replaced the ranks of the Royal Guard and now with Flare's numbers decimated they simply do not have the manpower anymore to keep the patrols at full power." Larrimore said, giving them some good news.

"Don't even worry about sneaking and staying out of sight, the worse they have are some grunts mindlessly roaming around. Just move quick and head straight for Lysandre Cafe. If we're caught on the way there then so be it. We are short on time and must catch Xerosic off guard. "Monsieur Reno, I trust you'll give us a magnifique entrance that history will not soon forget." The man said with his demonic looking smile.

"I hope you've all been practicing your running skills, or have other transportation..." He said, sizing up Reno's hovercycle, without even looking at Beauregard. "...because I would like us all to keep together as a group and move quick. So, with that said. Allons-y!" With a shout the Pinsir hybrid would kick off the ground and begin to race along the ledge of the canal with a Quick Attack, quickly picking up speed. It was time to end this.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:54 am
Even the big burly bug can speed out of anything with quick attack. Once again, Tristen found himself with a spout of jealousy. "Alright, you heard the man, let's go." Freth said, rushing off after him. Tristen went on and followed as fast as he could as well.

The two didn't think getting there would be too much of an issue. Sky patrols? Tristen should be able to handle that; even more so when the forces has been thinned out. The big fight they expect would happen once they get in the Flare base itself. Regardless, Tristen in particular would get a couple of Pokeballs at the ready, just in case.  


Aged Detective

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 2:41 pm
A small, amused smirk would come across Aile's face as Larrimore spoke, though she would spare a glance for the recipient of the hybrid's glare, raising an eyebrow at the reaction. The line with grunts mindlessly wandering about was enough to draw her attention back, piquing her interest once more. "Mindlessly? Huh, did we demoralize them that bad in Unova?" She'd grab for one of the Pokéballs in her pocket as Larrimore finished speaking, thinking about something before shaking her head. "Allons-y, indeed." She'd head out running herself, but didn't take the same exact path as the rest. As long as some of her old routes from back before she joined up with Snagem weren't altered dramatically, she was pretty sure she knew of a damn quick way to get there from here. If not, Lumiose was still a part of her old stomping grounds. She was confidant of her ability to navigate the city quickly.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:26 pm
Watching as the others left the warehouse, Reno would glance over to sidecar as Beau finally emerged. "You know that you are going to have to talk to Larrimore at some point, right?" Reno said, slowly starting up the hovercycle as he looked towards the large warehouse door in front of him. All it would take for them to get there was a quiet drive that wouldn't look too out of place. Especially since he had stolen the bike from here originally.

Beau would look over at Reno for a moment, silently placing a pair of goggles on his eyes and a pair of earplugs into his ears before responding. "Look....He can speak to me if he wants. I did nothing wrong....for once." Beau said, sheepishly looking at Reno as he realized exactly how it sounded when he ended his last sentence early.

Looking at the Bug hybrid, Reno rolled his eyes again before flicking a switch on the bike's right handle and began putting his own earplugs in. Across the bike, a few panels would flip around to the outside of the bike. "Welp, lets get this thing ready to roll. I don't want to disappoint on the big entrance." Reno said, plugging an auxiliary cable into his SNAG slash arm as he revved the engine and took off at high speeds out of the warehouse, already preparing for his inevitable landing in the middle of the Flare Cafe.

It would take barely any time at all for Reno to reach his chosen position, a lane through Lumiose that he knew would give a relatively straight shot towards the front of the cafe. All it had taken was the occasional high speed turn that vaguely threatened the civilians of the city tor each this point, but he was sure they were used to people on hoverbikes being asses. Opening a Pokeball, Reno would nod at Nalu before extending his right arm towards the lightposts to allow lightning to arc out of the thing. Directing the extra charge into the bike, he could feel the engine beginning to thrum with extra power. Opening another Pokeball, Reno would direct the slime armor growing around his arm to extend across the front of the bike and begin to form into a ram. Finally, he began to tap at his arm to bring up the music player in the SNAG. "Oh, its time to announce our presence in the only way we know how, Beau."

"As loud as humanly possible and full of explosions?"



From inside the cafe, the sound of an echoing piano piece would ring through the glass, drawing the few patrons and many Flare Grunts in disguise towards the front in order to see what exactly was loud enough to echo through the nearby area and still come through the glass. Which is the point when everything went to complete chaos as the people inside the cafe discovered the sight of a charging hovercycle with some kind of spike mounted to the front coming towards them, the music blaring out of the thing now coming in with screaming guitars and pounding drums, and a trail of smoke erupting out of the back of the thing from the sidecar. With the calm and serenity that characterized the Kalosian people, all of the normal patrons dove for cover either outside or anywhere within the building far from the impact site while the Flare Grunts began to grab for Pokeballs. However, it seemed like the bike just sped up even faster as they began to reach for the Pokeballs. And suddenly, they weren't prepared at all when the spike blasted through the front window and the rest of the bike quickly followed, a cloud of black haze being sucked into the building after the vehicle as it slammed itself into the far wall of the cafe. Panicking and shouting orders at each other, the Flare members would only get a moment's notice from the sudden sparking around one of the lights before the black haze erupted into an explosion that sent the remaining windows flying out onto the now empty streets in shards and flattened the still standing Flare members. This would be finished off by a second bright flash of electricity as the control panel for the now broken secret door shot an arc of bright electricity that bounced between all of the Flare grunts in as loud and flashy way as it possibly could.

Taking off the helmet and earplugs they had donned, Reno and Beau would nod at the absolute anarchy that they had generated before turning towards where they had broken down an apparent secret door. At least that saved an awkward search after that absolute display of showmanship they had committed to.  

Reno Vantas
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Mega Sex Symbol

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:23 am

Reno Vantas


If any of the Talonflame hovering over Lumiose City were to spot and then strike at the Snagems as they headed towards Lysandre Cafe they would make other plans before they even had a chance as a crazed maniac and his pyromaniac pal rammed straight into the cafe promptly followed by a massive explosion, sending debris and grunts flying out onto the streets alike. Anyone near the cafe at the time would have fled screaming, emergency sirens wailing immediately in response and the sky patrol darting straight for that location. This would allow the other Snagems to arrive safely to see the immediate aftermath of the explosion, things still smoldering and lit aflame.

Speaking of flame at least two Talonflame and numerous Fletchinder, Flare obviously shorthanded if using the non-fully evolved and under trained ones, would begin to descend down towards the cafe with its front wall completely blown off along with most of the roof, majority of the building now exposed to the elements. While Reno and Beauregard were probably still recovering from that one of the Talonflame attempting a sneak attack as it began to dart down towards Beauregard with a Brave Bird. Before it had the chance though one Pinsir wide raced forward with Quick Attack, jumping on what remained of the counter, then onto a leftover portion of the roof before finally throwing its self in the way of the Talonflame, snatching it up with his elongated and glowing horns as he executed a Vice Grip.

The bug man would fall back down into the cafe with the Talonflame tightly squeezed in his horns, the bird flailing around violently as it wildly spewed flames which licked and seared the Bug type. Turning to looking at Reno and Beauregard he simply tilted his head and motioned with his eyes to go on ahead before leaping back up with another Quick Attack to kick a Fletchinder and throw his captured Talonflame into another, landing on the roof after to see the other Snagems arriving. "Go on ahead, I'll deal with these." He informed them as his horns receded until they were just nubs again, also releasing his Chesnaught who would linger over him and his Pineco which immediately shot a String Shot at Larrimore, the improvised 'rope' wrapping around his wrist. He had a clear type disadvantage but it didn't appear to bother him.

As for the others they would be able to enter Lysandre Labs easily thanks to the hole Reno and Beauregard made in the wall, exposing a hallway behind with a short set of steps heading up into a much different room from the cafe. Colored in dark grey with Flare orange-red lights the Snagems would find themselves in Lysandre's hidden laboratory, where he devised all his schemes and technology. There was a warp panel immediately nearby, some arrow pads which would immediately send you flying in a certain direction if you stepped on it, and an elevator directly in the middle. They had a few choices it would seem, they could examine this floor or try to move to a lower one by some means but before they could do that they would at least find some of the remains of Flare as two grunts stepped out from the warp panel to greet them.

"You! You're that one freak that blew a hole in Lumiose Wall and got away from my babies! They should have burnt you to a crisp!" A female grunt shouted at Freth, apparently remembering the day her Cloyster remodeled the city's wall. She would release a Flareon as she prepared to fight. Her partner, a younger male grunt, didn't have as much to say but instead released a Simisear.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:01 pm
Tristen and Freth would soon close in, though Freth skidded to a stop, pushing back Tristen for a second. The two notices the Talonflame starting to make their run in. "Oh, isn't this a familiar sight." Freth said, remembering her last excursion in Lumiose. "Come on, get off it already!" Freth shouted. To their surprise however was Larrimore making his way in and clamping down on one of the birds in his vice like grip, despite it searing him and trying to get away. "Well, I guess that's...one way..."

Freth then perked up, staring at the two flare grunts who apparently recognized her from that faithful day she and her Pokemon punched a hole in the wall on the outskirts of Lumiose. "...huh...that famous, right?" Freth then said, tossing out a Pokeball, which landed before the Simisear and Flareon. A massive burly Walrien appeared from the flash of light and roared out, ready to battle. "Then the two of you should ALREADY KNOW WHO THE HELL YOU'RE DEALING WITH!" She shouted.

Tristen wanted to help Larrimore but he kind of needed to get in the fight with Freth as well. An idea then suddenly hit him. The boy tossed out a Pokeball of his own. "Castform!" The boy shouted. The ball pops open and out comes the happy cloud, spinning about for a second then got ready for battle. "Rain Dance!" Tristen then shouted. The Castform squealed and clods above started to gather, bringing down a torrential downpour suddenly over the Flare cafe, allowing Castform to go from cloud to happy raindrop. "Freth, now!"

"Huh, works for me. Walrien! Hydro Pump!" The massive Walrien roared out and feeling invigorated by the rains let loose a massive blast of water towards the two Pokemon.  


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:16 pm
Not even Aile's shortcuts would get her to the cafe before Beau and Reno, and when she got to the scene, she could only sigh and facepalm. "I understand we all dislike to hate Flare, but this is a hell of a way to show it. One could at least dream of minimal property damage...." She shook her head and hurried in, only stopping for a moment when Larrimore said he was going to hold them off. "Just remember that discretion is the better part of valor sometimes. Good luck, however. She'd run down with the others to see the two grunts there at the bottom coming up to Freth. "I can assume you two have this then?" She'd run towards the arrow pads, immediately bracing while bringing up the layout of the pads in the room to mind.  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:09 pm
Reno and Beau would groggily emerge from the hovercycle, smirking at each other as they observed the chaos and destruction they had created by blowing up the building. Hauling themselves and the small pile of Pokemon that they had generated in an Alolan Raichu and Reuniclus, Reno and Beau would look at Freth for a moment before leaving the two Pokemon behind to aid the assault. Popping off of the ground, Reno would look to Beau. "Welp, time to see if you can fall with a little style."

Beau would glance between Reno and the Pokemon before holding up a hand. "First, I wanna do something. Nalu, Thunder! And.....uh.......um....." While Beau's orders a had started out strong, it was plain to see that he had absolutely no idea what the heck a Reuniclus could actually do. Stupid backwoods forest upbringing, failing him at the most inconvenient time.

"Shock Wave the Simisear, Aleister!" Reno shouted, quickly sliding beside Beau as he shouted the order.

The two Psychic types would quickly add a dose of high voltage to the absolute torrent that was streaming towards the pair of Flare grunts and their Pokemon. While they weren't exactly the most accurate or strongest attacks, the two crash test dummies had been banking on the water conducting the electricity to compensate for that to a fair degree. So a Thunder would soon find itself streaking towards the Flareon and a Shock Wave to the Simisear.

As for Beau and Reno, Reno would have his arms locked around Beau before he began to spin himself around. As Beau's feet lifted off the ground higher and higher, the Bug hybrid began to look towards his destination and approximating when Reno had let go. "Now!" Beau shouted, letting Reno release him and allowing his wings to unfurl and send him gliding....straight into the elevator door. Chuckling to himself, Reno would slowly glide his way across the floor with a few lazy pushes of his feet, keeping an eye on the fight in case it turned into a bit more of a fight than expected.  

Reno Vantas
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Mega Sex Symbol

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:43 pm
The combo attacks were simply too much for the Flareon and Simisear, to absolutely no surprise to these lowly grunts. Both of them were really pondering why they didn't realize who they were dealing with at first. Stupid grunt ego. Despite their realization their Pokemon would not stand much of a chance. The rain began to fall, an inescapable Thunder crashed into the Flareon while an equally unavoidable Shock Wave zapped the Simisear. In their dazed and and twitchy state both were sitting Psyducks for the empowered blast of Hydro Pump coming straight for them both, both of them sent flying on impact in the same direction as Beau.

Unless Beau did something to the elevator door, or to himself, he would slam into it unceremoniously along with the unfortunate Pokemon. Otherwise the easily dispatched and knocked out Pokemon would slam into it and/or fall into the elevator compartment inside if it so happened to open. Regardless the combination was too much and knocked out the Pokemon. While the grunts were weak battle wise they did have a few tricks up their sleeves. During the sudden chaos of the fight the male immediately ran over to a nearby wall and elbowed a glass case on the wall and pressed the button inside, causing sirens to wail and the already red lights to flash brighter. Even though they had blown a hole in the door leading into here three thick steel walls would shoot up out of the ground in front of it, one after another, sealing the exit. Furthermore, during this the female grunt escaped into the warp panel just before it turned off, leaving behind her male colleague who had no other choice but to coware in a corner as he awaited to see what the Snagems did once they realized that he had trapped them in here, alerted the others, and allowed one of his own to escape.

As for Aile she would glide along the arrow panels probably effortlessly, having already been accustomed to them during her time among Flare prior. Skipping the uninteresting rooms, which were largely unmanned due to lack of man power, she would eventually find herself in a room with a deactivated warp panel and a sealed steel door. The dead panel was worrying as it was the only way to advance further on this floor but she had already reached the destination of interest here; Aliana's office. If there was any valuable information to be found the office of one of Flare's scientists might be a good place to start looking. Unfortunately the triggering of the alarm system had locked and sealed the entrance. She would need to come up with some alternative action to get inside.  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:56 pm
With the fire types virtually shocked then washed out, Freth stepped forward,with Tristen, his Castform, and her Walrien following, ready to drive a stake in Flare. However, before she knew it, she heard the alarms blare and steel walls rose quickly. Freth tried to rush for the door, but stopping, not wanting to chance getting crushed. She then around, noticing that her way was blocked off and by extension cut off from Larrimore, at least. "...really?"

"Now what?" Tristen then asked. "I don't think much of ours can punch a hole in that." He said. He had really strong Pokemon, but to punch through that? Doubtful.

"...." Freth noticed one of the grunts that got stranded in here with the rest of them herself. "Yes...tell us. Now what?" Freth said, stepping towards the grunt. "The way out. Now."  


Aged Detective

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:15 pm
Aile looked up at the ceiling as she finished her excursion through the tiles, the alarms blaring loudly piquing her attention. “Well, if they didn’t know from before..” Her gaze would fall to the barricaded door, bringing out a Safari Ball and tossing it up and down in her hand. “I know someone that can break through this, you know.” The trainer would toss out the ball, revealing her greedy, metal clawed mole. “Eisley, we need to get in there, and I’m sure you know how to get in.”

“Exca!” The Excadrill would sharpen his claws against each other, honing them before throwing himself at the door, going into a spin to try and create a hole in the door. If that didn’t work, he would start shoving his claws into the metal, doing his damnedest to shred it.

While Eisley was working his way through the door, Aile would find a camera to look up at. “Well, you wanted me so bad last time. Here I am now,” she’d mutter, staring daggers at it before walking through the opening her mole had made.  
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