Sphinx - Normal
Kasai - Bold

It had been just a few days since Nara had left Griffith. It felt so weird being by herself. It was...unusual. She missed the giant fluff god dearly, but she knew she needed to do this. Who knew what sort of adventures waited for her.

The adolescent was in avian form as she landed to the ground in a land with a large rock formation in the distance. She eyed it, before glancing around. This place...it felt so...familiar? Nara was sure she hadn't been here before, so why were there the feeling of déjà vu? She'd had to figure it out some other time.

Luckily, no one was around. The eagle chick found herself transforming to her true form, removing the silver gauntlets from her forearms as she nestled them in a hidden spot under a bush. She would retrieve them later.

The gear always made her stand out. She just wanted to feel like a normal creature when amongst the mortals.

The past few months had taken a toll on the Goddess's heart, leaving a hallow pit in her chest that could not be filled, no matter how hard Zimran tired. Before her daughter Yorshka vanished the female's emotionally state was questionable at best... now though things seemed beyond repair. Depression had taken it's hold, burying itself deep into her soul. "I'm going for a walk, Koy." The Goddess spoke with a muddy tone. "I'll be shortly."

Lately the darker female had become a makeshift caretaker for the the Goddess, this fact wasn't lost on Zimran, she was incredibility thankful for the other's companionship. Without Koy Zimrain would be completely alone.

Disguising herself in mortal flesh never felt necessary when the female so easily blended in with mortals, so she never did, even if being cautious was the wise thing to do.

Her wavy painted paws took her to a quiet place, solitude had become her closest friend. Nothing seemed to matter anymore.

Exploring unknown lands was something Nara found herself good at. The mortal disguised godlet could wander into a place one of that had reside in the area would have taken years to find. The pale adolescent stumbled there, looking around the quieter area.

Where was she exactly was questionable. She saw another form, a goddess? No mortal she had met had a horn like that before. But...she was wingless. Nara tilted her head, confusion evident on her face. Maybe she was a goddess? She didn't know. the fact that so many deities could look SO differently was something Nara had trouble figuring out.

"Um...excuse me?" The young Fidelity called out to the horned female, a small smile on her maw. "Do....do you know where we are?" Nara asked softly, slowly approaching Zimran, her dark eyes focusing on the adult.

One thing Nara was founding as she aged, was the familiarity of everything. Was this what all gods went through? They all had past lives some way or another, didn't they?

Blue eyes shifted as a familiar figure appeared, it was in this moment something inside the Goddess snapped. Before her eyes stood a ghost, a haunting thing that had lingered tightly in her soul until Zimran could not breathe. Pinned eyes would struggle to focus on this perplexing figure until the female could no longer stand it, shutting them in disbelief. "How..." A few small breaths pulled her lip inward. "What...." It was like reality was finally settling in - a reality the Goddess had not been aware of until just a second ago.

"Gwenhw-," her raspy voice paused. Something here was not right, the bond she shared with her children was absent in this moment. "What happened to you?" Tears trickled down her masked face. In this moment the Goddess realized the loss she was truly suffering and mourning for. Not only had the female lost her youngest mortal daughter to a sudden disappearance... here stood the ghost of her youngest Godling, Gwenhwyfar.

Yet, somehow Zimran knew she was Gwenhwyfar no more. Rebirth was something the female understood better than most, her once mate Griffith had always cycled through his life - it was something the Goddess experienced with him. Still, this fact didn't make this reunion less heartbreaking. "I...," another pause, this time her voice broke under the weight of her sorrow. "Why is this happening?" The Goddess questioned in a whisper, her shock was transparent.

There was a name, or partial name, Nara had heard before. Gwen. Wasn't that what the scrumpy raven had called her?

'What happened to you?' Nara blinked, taking a step back as her ears pinned to her skull. "I...I don't know what you mean." The younger goddess stated, noting the tears that had formed and trickled down the other's cheek. "Oh...Oh please don't cry. I'm...I'm sorry," Nara frowned, her dark eyes welling up now. "I didn't mean to upset you," she blinked, a big fat tear falling from her eye.

"I...I just didn't know where I was...and...and..." Nara was speechless. Why was what happening?

How come most of the gods Nara met seemed upset with her at first. "I...I'm sorry," Nara apologized again, ready to turn away from the other goddess.

Zimran never meant for her sorrow to effect the younger female, yet something about her tears made the motherly Goddess stir as she moved a little closer, speaking out with a soft voice, it cracked a few times in desperation. "No," Zimran plead, trying her best to settle the other's sadness. "Do not cry, It's not your fault." Her voice hushed the younger female as she did her best give the 'newcomer' strength.

"I'm sorry if I made you upset." Though the Goddess was fighting her own tears back Zimran tried to find strength to comfort her once daughter. The female knew her child wouldn't have re-birthed herself without reason, this internal question lingered in the back of her mind as she moved closer still. "I should be apologizing," she paused with a deep sigh. "This is very unbecoming, let me explain myself." As Zimran spoke her eyes narrowed.

"You just look like someone I used to know." It was hard to lie about something so personal. "She's no longer... with me." Admitting this didn't make anything easier. "So forgive me, my intention was never to offend you. I was startled."

Nara paused when Zimran began to speak. She wiped away the tears that had started to fall, sniffling as the other explained herself.

"I...get that a lot." Nara said with a frown, shaking her head as she stared at the ground. "I use to think it was just a coincidence...but as I have gotten older I fear it isn't." Cub Nara probably would have just giggled, said you were crazy, and moved on. Older Nara...she was trying to put it together.

"Sometimes I don't even know who I am anymore." Nara whispered. Zimran would have to strain her ears to hear what she said.

"My name is Nara," she introduced. "Goddess of...." she hesitated. "...of Fidelity." the word was still foreign to her. She had yet to realize exactly what it meant, nor had she unlocked any sort of powers that could go along with it. She turned to stare at Zimran. "I did not mean to startle you. I...it's my first time really on my own...I have not been here before...at least, I don't think I have."

The older female gave Nara a soft smile as she did her best to contain her mixed emotions. Everything was starting to come full circle now, and the loss Zimran suffered was now before her, ready to be faced. Softly she spoke with a soft gaze and friendly voice. "Nara, that is a very lovely name." Though the reality of the situation had become clear the hurt was still ever present. "I'm Zimran, Goddess of Purity." It felt strange having to introduce herself like this, something about Nara's voice crept into the deaths of her heart.

"Being alone can be exhausting, I try to always keep company in the form of loved ones or friends." As the blue eyed Goddess spoke her tail tucked to her side in hesitation. "If you would like company I would be delighted to join you -- if you'll have me?" Her daughter was gone, this was the truth here, but Zimran had a second chance to get to know Nara. "You remind me of my own children, you see, so when you happened upon me it brought to light some buried emotions."

She was trying to walk the thin line of truth and caution. It was not her place to tell Nara of her once life - that was something the younger Goddess would have to figure out herself.

Nara tilted her head. "Purity?" she found herself repeating. What did that mean? Domains were always an unusual subject for Nara growing up. They were words she hadn't learned. She was having trouble figuring out just what her domain really meant. Maybe it was something she should have asked before going off on her own.

She was definitely kicking herself for not thinking about it previously.

"I don't like being alone..." Nara found herself whispering. Rarely did she think of herself alone when she was growing up. There was always someone else there beside her, to help her if needed. Now...now she didn't like it.

"I...just left a loved one. I thought that's what growing up was about. Maybe I was wrong..." She sighed, before her ears perked up about the company. "Oh...! I mean...I would love some. If...if it doesn't trouble you that is..." Nara found herself hesitating slightly.

"Oh? Do you have many children?" Nara asked. "I never thought of having any...but...the idea kind of tugs at me." She found herself pondering.

Nara was very different from her daughter before yet nothing felt unfamiliar, it was hard to explain and rationalize, so she wouldn't try to. "I see, I'm sorry you are alone now. It doesn't have to be so, come with me for a while, I can show you around and introduce you to my son." Zimran quickly corrected herself, she didn't want Nara to assume it was to play matchmaker. "He reminds me a lot of you, you are both wingless like I am. It's charming." The older female blushed softly before she spoke again, this time with a softer voice, her sorrow-filled once tears had faded into her pale cheeks. "You are a treasure." she mused.

"That is, if you would like to." Her motherly affection was kicking in as the Goddess made sure to consider Nara's feelings with every word she spoke. The star necklace she wore dangled softly against her chest. That's when the Goddess noticed Nara's lack of necklace, regardless of rebirth.. the gift was eternal, so where was it now? Zimran frowned softly to herself as her tail flicked from side to side. She would wait for Nara's reply.

Nara nodded, a small smile on her lips as she described her son. "Ohhh." She cooed. "I know a few other wingless gods. There...aren't many of us around it seems," Nara pondered, glancing at Zimran. She, too, was wingless.

"I would love too. It'll help me get my bearings around here too...I am starting to like visiting new places," the goddess said with a smile, eyeing the necklace she wore before she sighed. She missed her own trinket. One day...One day she would try to get it back. Until then, she would continue on.

"Lead the way," Nara giggled, strolling back up to the other goddess, intending on following her. She was ready to learn more. She almost craved it.