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[SRP] On Becoming (RĂșnar Tidewater)

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Sparkly Star

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:29 am
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((Latonia Teepee))

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:41 am
Not one to shirk duty, RĂșnar Tidewater seeks a cause or herd to bend his will and strength in the service of. It is to that aim that he departs from his home, his arrival in the Soquili lands occurring without fanfare. He separates from his brother early on, each of them choosing to go their own way in pursuit of their own interests. Still, he swiftly meets strangers from many herds and makes some staunch allies due to his loyal nature and cool head in a crisis.

The decision to leave his herd behind was a fairly simple one, looking back on things. At the time it was practicality, the interest to broaden his horizons and the desire to be free and independent. Practicality, for the herd was strong and overly stocked with warriors. Teeming with brash stallions, young bucks that were eager to prove themselves. Good colts from strong bloodlines that grew up well, strong and fierce and loyal. Runar himself had left several able-bodied brothers behind, feeling no concern for the safety of his parents or the next generation of foals. Better that he move on, see what there was to see in the world, find a place for himself to stand on his own hooves.

But standing on hooves this restless was easier said than done. Rune bid farewell to his homeland days upon days upon days ago, passing through every land known to him without hesitation. It was only stranger lands that interested him, places he'd never been to or met anyone from. He worked his way through some easy guard and escort jobs when they found him, accepting payment in bells and coins to pay for useful and information. On and on and on, until he found something that felt like it might be right. Might be home, one day, if he'd let it become so.


Sparkly Star


Sparkly Star

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:01 pm
Fresh off of an escort task for a Healer returning to the Merchant Faire she sells her wares through, Rune enjoyed the chance to wander amongst the varying vendors and artisans. Everywhere he looks there are goods, many of them strange or unusual compared to what he recalls from his home.

On his right a pair of beautiful mares advertise lanterns, wrought of metal or formed of a rainbow of glass. Just past them a booth advertises dyed fabric, thread, and even dye cakes and herbs to color one's own product or to treat hair, hide and feathers. The smoke colored mare winks at him from behind golden bangs, stretching one wing to display her dyed feathers to a gasping public. At her back, a white wolf-like stallion watches with an affectionate eye. There's another booth filled with flowers, a mare and stallion offering fresh produce, and a snack vendor roasting vegetables and meat over glowing coals and offering them to the hungry public.

Everyone is bedecked in beads and tabards and flower crowns, toting baskets of food or goods from place to place. Bright feathers and glittering scales, sharp claws and graceful paws mixing amongst hoofbeats. It's like nothing he's ever seen, and it's fascinating, but it isn't quite home.

"Well, on to the next thing, I suppose."

Wordcount: 531  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 9:03 pm
Growing tired of the rumble of his stomach due to the sweet-smoke scent of one of the nearby vendors, Runar eventually capitulates to the insistence in his gut. He trades a few coppers for a stick of roasted vegetables and fruits. Wedging the stake in the crux of a nearby tree, he works his way through his meal a bite at a time, taking particular joy in the roasted apple and the slightly grilled peach.

His position at the edge of the food-stalls court means that he's got a good view of one of the nearby stages, reveling in the comedy the actors are putting on as well as the music from a few of the traveling minstrels. The musicians, for their part, weave their way among the booths and linger to play a song for a copper here and there, accepting tips in delicate pouches or the occasional hat. Rune happily tips those that drift within reach, paying them with some of his leftover fee and enjoying a chance to savor their gifts. He had nothing like them in his old herd, and he hopes that -wherever he ends up- he has the chance to return to this place again and enjoy what the Faire offers.

Just as he finishes his meal he hears the strangely-unique sound of hooves and claws, scraping and clicking at the gravel underfoot and approaching him off in his corner. "Can I help you, Stranger?"


Irazu separates from the beguiling mares offering ripe bushels of produce with a final charming bow and a gentle smile. The ladies wish him well with cheerful smiles and flirtatious winking, which he accepts with good humor as their information was so helpful. He wanders his way through the entertainment quarter, trading jeers with comedians and cat-calling entertainers, bowing to jugglers and actors as he passes behind or around their stages.

The sea-colored stallion that they recommended, a mercenary with a cream-colored mane, is at the edge of the Entertainment Quarter where it borders among the food vendors. He seems to have visited the smoked vegetable stand, a booth Irazu is familiar with and quite fond of. Still, it seems the stallion is done with his meal and there doesn't appear that a better chance than this will be afforded to him.

Careful to scrape and click his claws and hooves as he passes through the shale-and-gravel footing, the black Gryph stallion makes his approach. He slicks his feathers down and folds his wings close to his back, careful to keep his posture relaxed and his ears perked forward. Irazu doesn't want to give the impression of being an aggressor, would rather approach while appearing as harmless as possible.

"I certainly hope that you can, my friend."


The polite cadence of the words, as well as the softly alerting steps, indicated that his new companion was at least the civil sort, which went a long way in Rune's book. With a faint shrug he turned to face the stranger, blinking in surprise as he was face to.. beak? The stallion that had arrived was a Gryph, taller than Rune himself stood, with a proud feathered crest large black wings and a lethal beak to go with his clawed forelegs.

The strange sound of his approaching steps suddenly made a lot more sense.
'Here's hoping he doesn't eat Soquili.' Rune thought to himself with a faint smile.

"I'm afraid I'm at a bit of a disadvantage." He admitted pleasantly. "I happen to be a stranger in this land that only found my way to this herd by way of a companion who trades and sells wares here. If you're asking for directions, I don't think I'll be too helpful."


Irazu eyed the ocean-colored stranger, giving a smile and a bob of his head when he noticed the stallion regard him with something approaching wariness. Whether he was pleasant or not, there was no way to avoid that he used to be a warrior among his home herd. His sharp beak and broad chest lent itself to that, to say nothing of his strong legs and sharp talons. But he didn't hunt Soquili, didn't belong to the Ahiri Island herd any longer, and didn't mean this stranger any harm.

"Have no fear, it is no directions that I seek." He gave a soft laugh. "Though I confess I am also a stranger here and know very little of the terrain. Considering that, it is unlikely I will be able to offer you any sort of direction either. I do hope you will forgive me? No, I had heard you were something of a soldier or escort for hire, and I wanted to inquire about the nature of your business amongst this Faire."

Shifting faintly on his feet, Irazu cleared his throat. "I do not mean to be unfriendly. Indeed, I am need of colleagues and I was wondering if you were available for recruitment."

Runar Tidewater Wordcount: 402
Irazu Wordcount: 421


Sparkly Star


Sparkly Star

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:57 pm
Runar Tidewater considered the stranger's approach with a patience sort of stillness obtained through training as a warrior. He could recognize a challenge in the taller stallion, that alone made him take note. The black was taller and quite a bit broader, bearing natural weapons that could easily tip the balance between prey and predator. Such things increased the possibility that in combat he would win out as a superior, but Rune at least had no interest to test it in true combat. If they could remain peaceful, he'd prefer it.

Then again, if recruitment was the stranger's goal, he wasn't sure how a rejection of the proposal would go. Hopefully, it would be peaceable.

"The greeting and inquiry, albeit somewhat awkward, in themselves were not unfriendly." He offered with a faint shrug and a gentle smile. "I am not sure whom you've spoken to that have knowledge of such information, as I have only offered my services as an escort to a few merchant ladies on their travels. But in general, I have no trouble confirming that is correct. While I am for hire, I reserve the rights to choose my own clients. I trust you can understand?"


"My name is Irazu, and I understand that a stallion called Runar is a recent arrival. Possibly one looking for work."

Irazu gave a faint nod, his beak clicking as a rueful expression darted across his face. He knew the words themselves were awkward, his general speach stilted and uncertain. In his defense, Irazu didn't have much cause to talk in his post as a warrior, much less reason to speak to strangers. Beyond relaying orders to his fellows, there was only the slightest of interaction with the herd citizens during the varying seasonal festivals and gatherings. The acolytes rarely talked outside of themselves, beyond delivering prayers or sacred messages during rituals; and tribute and handmaidens only interacted when delivering messages.

On the whole, the Ahiri herd was much, much different from anything in this land. Beyond tracking down the Lady of Fire and failing to convince her to return home, Irazu had only true conversations with a handful of others. Of them all, Kieron had been the easiest to get along with, a mercenary that was somewhat no-nonsense in his speech. It was Kieron who thought a day operative would be a useful addition to their team. Hopefully, Runar would be amenable to the idea. If not, well, they didn't really have a second choice but he supposed they'd have to find one. Or more. But those were problems for the future if they came to pass at all.

"I understand the preference to choose one's own clients, naturally." Irazu agreed with a nod. "I myself have been afforded few opportunities to do so, and am enjoying the freedom of it now."


"Well met, Irazu." Rune gave a bob of his head and resettled one forefoot with a brisk clip. "My name is Runar, and I am indeed looking for employment as well as a herd to join and settle within these lands. However, I admit the herd is more of an interest to me than more wanderer's work. I would prefer something long-lasting and with definitive borders, rather than the anchorless drifting like mercenary jobs tend to be."

Leaving his home herd behind hadn't been a very difficult decision for Rune to make, knowing the herd was in good hooves with the young warriors that were rising up in the ranks. He also had left behind a wealth of brothers and half-siblings, ensuring there would be plenty of his relatives to succeed their parents should there be a need for it. At the end of the day, the herd didn't require him to be present, so he sought one in which he could pledge his services. He preferred the idea of a herd where he'd be integral, necessary as a warrior or scout, perhaps.

"I don't suppose you're speaking as an envoy for such a herd?" He wondered with a faint tilt of his head.


"Pleasant to meet you, Runar." Irazu grinned. "Irazu, formerly of Ahiri and a bit of a transplant myself. I certainly understand preferring a more stable home to that of wandering... A traveler's life is not the life for everyone, and there is not any shame in that. It is particularly understandable to want a change if you've been traveling for some time, as I imagine you needed to do in order to arrive here."

With so few dealings with herds in the area and having more experience interacting with solitary beings rather than envoys, Irazu regretted the fact that he didn't even have any herds to recommend to Runar as seeking a keen mind and a stout pair of hooves. Still, his knowledge lay in specific bodies, not so much the broader territories.

"Not an envoy of a herd at all, I'm afraid," Irazu admitted with a nod. "A solitary mercenary in this land, doing an odd array of jobs and seeking for a daytime hand or two. But I wish you good luck with it, all the same. If you do have any interest in some mercenary work, keep me in mind?"

Runar Wordcount: 403
Irazu Wordcount: 466
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:10 pm
"A pleasure indeed, Irazu," The sea-colored stallion returned, his voice pitched to a polite lilt, inclining his head in a brief nod.

The dark stranger certainly seemed a pleasant sort of fellow, so Runar felt there was little harm in hearing him out. Particularly if it turned out he was indeed associated with or acting as an envoy for a local herd. Though in the next moment, those hopes were somewhat dashed. By the sound of things, it didn't seem that Rune would be so fortunate as to find a promising lead right off the bat. He didn't know of the Ahiri herd and Irazu referring to himself as a transplant seemed to indicate that they were far away, if not utterly unreachable.

A pity, because the traveler's life truly wasn't suiting Runar particularly well. He was made for a calling, for a herd or clan that needed him, for codes he could adhere to and fight to his last breath to protect and uphold. Such things were not inherent to a wanderer's life, a solitary life. Even his own code of ethics could only do so much. He was made for more than this, built to protect and defend and to serve. But first, he needed to find something that was worthy of service, and the right opportunity had not yet made itself known.

Perhaps soon, hopefully, one day.

"No trouble at all, and certainly no failing of yours," Rune offered with a careless smile and a bit of a shrug. "I left my home herd in search of change, and if nothing else I am certainly finding plenty of that. Still, I appreciate the offer and will certainly keep it in mind. It may be a better alternative than the current course of things unless a keen opportunity decides to fall out of the sky and land before me."

He paused and gave a faint laugh. "Although I know the saying is something like 'never say never', it doesn't seem particularly likely at this given moment, so there's certainly a chance you'll hear from me. So long as there is no issue taken with the fact that such an offer would be accepted only on a temporary basis, I might even say that you can be sure of it. That, at least, would be non-negotiable. Any tasks I might pick up, shy of joining a herd, would be temporarily filled. I am seeking a singular cause, a suitable task somewhat predisposed for a lifetime of dedication. Odd tasks and mercenary work won't suit my temperament or strike me as particularly fulfilling. It's the aimless and somewhat vagabond nature of such things that I find disagreeable. I trust you can understand?"

Runar Wordcount: 452  


Sparkly Star

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