Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:14 pm
Project Catwalk Cycle 3 Judges:bad wolf bae egggoat Tink_Bel Dante DollyNote → For reference, please view previous Panel threads in the 'Archives' sub-forum ← → When judging a challenge, please do not make a post for every entry ← → Everything in this thread becomes public when the cycle ends ←
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:16 pm
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:18 pm
Challenge 1: Glossy Candies
Darkerdemons (Rae) Score: 7 Comments: The blue background was a bad choice. There is also a lot of description going on for this one. The layering of dresses/dress choice just looks messy at the end of the day I think, and Rae's face is kind of dark for this look and design. Also don't like the bunny on the hat? But I like the over all idea of this, and it's a refreshing look.
Pianette (Jiang Li) Score: 6 Comments: Lordy there is a lot happening on this look. I feel like something - anything - could have been removed and it would have been better cause this is just too much and makes it really hard to see any details. This fills the requirements of the challenge though. And it's nice to see creativity, even attempted, with a generally more casual color scheme.
Edcy (Ginny) Score: 8 Comments: I'm kind of living for this, haha. The arm and leg mods balance out the hair in a great way, and just make for a beautiful and full model. The candy and things in the air might be a little bit distracting - maybe even messy, but it isn't the worst thing. Part of me loves the glasses and part of me hates them. There's eyeshadow on though, which wouldn't be visible if it wasn't for the item list. Which is too bad.
Sana Minatozaki (Abby) Score: 7.5 Comments: I don't like having to click links to look at 'x' inspiration before reading a description. The look and description should be able to stand just fine on their own, and the inspiration should be more of a cherry on top detail. That aside! This is a good look, especially for the first challenge when everyone is kind of getting back into the flow. The background is too dark for the look, and a little bottom heavy, but this is still a good look and a nice take on candy gloss.
elphiethesane (Ophelia) Score: 8 Comments: Putting the white up high to Ophelia's face, when Ophelia is so pale, is not the best thing. But I do like this for the most part, just wish there wasn't so much white. It's a cute little winter look though which is very fitting for this time of year and is a nice choice of things with the color theme. It isn't the most creative though.
sufjan stebens (Tara) Score: 7 Comments: I appreciate the desire for designers to take candygloss and glam it up, going for regal and elegance. But the Gaia simply doesn't have a lot of items that meet both of those things, and part of the challenge with this competition is working within the confines of the Gaia item catalog. This is a relatively successful look, but it is very simple, and part of that is due to the lack of further item options for the look. And before reading the description I really didn't get fairy queen from the look. I think the colors are place in a manner that is very complimentary to Tara though.
Destined Savior (Jessica) Score: 5 Comments: Candy demon is a weird concept to roll with, but I like me some weird. The horns aren't my favourite, especially from all the poses. And the tail is a horrible choice, it's hard to see in most of the angles and distracting everywhere. Bad arm mod. And having everything except the hair and face covered makes them stick out on the best of looks, but when they're a darker tone it really makes them stand out oddly.
Ultrabord (Uma) Score: 7.5 Comments: Would have loved to see more creativity - especially from someone who's been in the competition before - but that's okay. Description is awfully painfully basic though. I would have loved to see some skin somewhere else on the body, but I really like the movement of the pose as it compliments the hair ideally. This is cute though.
METTAT0N (Lucia) Score: 9 Comments: I wish there was some black lower on the look, but that's a small thing. The general style of the outfit is very flattering for Lucia. I'm not sure I love the pants fading from white to pink? But I think this is one of the stronger looks, made stronger by the fact it compliments one of the more difficult models.
Dangerous Tinfoil Shoes (Bryce) Score: 8.5 Comments: I really like how the color is dispersed through this look, and the balance of the color. It is very pleasing to the eye, and the volume of the hat and skirt are balanced well that add to the look nicely. Tinfoil is right, Bryce's colors aren't great for this color scheme, but she worked with them wonderfully and made sure not to make the mistake of floating head like others did. Cats at the bottom are a little hard to see, but I like the thought of them. Wish this was a little more creative I think, but I like this a lot.
RENstrawberry (Robin) Score: 7.5 Comments: I don't like the black outline of the heart. Interesting background choice in general. It says 90s fashion, but I think the outfit just might be more 80s - might just be the background though. It's fine though, but not amazing. I think the headband is part of what's throwing me off.
DAVlD DUCHOVNY (Stella) Score: 3 Comments: So I thought the challenge was pretty clear that candy gloss colors had to be used, but maybe by listing the colors separately it lead to confusion so...a little wiggle room on the wrong colors. Maybe. But these colors don't look very good together? Candy gloss shades work very well together, and these colors are a weird mix of bright and washed out. I don't know what the nose dots are?? Or why they are there?? And having so much on the head just makes the hair stand out more against these colors. I like the pose. The bolded part of the description is odd and I don't see it in the look? I just..this is rough you guys. David has done some great things in the past and this is just not.
catherinearbour (Jen) Score: 1 Comments: ...mm. These colors aren't candygloss, and it's a more jarring not candygloss than David's were. I don't get the smoke?? And this look doesn't work with Jen's sharp facial features what so ever. I don't see the description in the look at all. It's a weird pose over all, mainly because things end up looking kind of chunky and choppy? I just don't like this. I think even a different arm pose would have helped. But I think Jen needed a sultrier kind of look - something in the ballpark of the ringmaster design we saw earlier. That's more of the vein Jen needs to be in, not this soft and ethereal one.
Toshi Yukiko (Sienna) Score: 5 Comments: There are plenty of candygloss items on Gaia that there's no excuse for this much repetition of items. I appreciate having an idea for your design, but once you see another designer using two of the same items? Change it up. All that said, I like the balance of plaids. The bold pink is also nice, but I think the blue would have been the better color on Sienna? I dunno. The things I like don't balance the things I don't.
Haji Demon (April) Score: 7 Comments: This is a cute look. Well balanced, and it's certainly a complete look. I don't care for the little story under the description spoiler, but the one under process was fine. The legs are too small, but I think some of that and the oversized other accessories sell the childish theme. It's cute.
The Dread Wolf (Isabelle) Score: 8 Comments: Isabelle is a marvelous model for a ringleader look, and I'm very glad Dread Wolf chose to go with this idea. I think there's a wrong leg mod used, looks like there is a sliver of pink skin on her one leg. Might be a shading thing but I think it's the wrong color. I wish there was something in the background, or some prop to help take it to the next level? But this is a strong start.
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 12:50 pm
Challenge 1: Glossy Candies
Sana Minatozaki (Abby) Score: 8 Pros: This was a creative take on the challenge. Good balance of colors throughout. Well thought out description. Cons: The design is a bit bottom heavy with the background and details in the outfit; could have been improved with more detail on the head rather than a large, simple bow.
Pianette (Jiang Li) Score: 7.5 Pros: This design fits the model very well. Creative approach to the challenge. Cons: The amount of pink and detail on the head and hands should have been balanced throughout the rest of the design. The bottom half of the model seems very plain compared to the rest.
Destined Savior (Jessica) Score: 5.5 Pros: I liked the use of the candy in the background for a candy gloss challenge. There was a good balance of color throughout the design. Cons: The chosen theme was lacking in wow factor, in my opinion. I don't think it was cohesive (why would a brightly colored demon be throwing candy out of a magical spell bag?) The skin tone on the arms doesn't match Jessica's skin tone, which is a big no no. The tail is bubblegum, not candy gloss.
DAVID DUCHOVNY (Stella) Score: 3 Pros: Good movement and balance in the design. Cons: I felt that the criteria for this challenge was very clearly laid out and the use of alternative color schemes showed a complete disregard of this criteria. Even if this wasn't a color scheme challenge, I don't feel as if the color schemes chosen worked together at all. I didn't understand the theme, and many of the items used left me confused (horns, sea shell crown, sarong, etc.). The description did not help clear up this confusion.
Ultrabord (Uma) Score: 7.5 Pros: Good flow of design and chosen theme. Good balance of color throughout; I really appreciated the cream in the background that matches Uma's hair. The movement of her hair and pose work well. Cons: The description was lacking. Wasn't the most creative theme.
Dangerous Tinfoil Shoes (Bryce) Score: 7 Pros: Good balance of color. Good flow of design and detail used. Cons: The chosen theme was a bit lacking in creativity and wow factor for me. It was a bit cluttered, I had a hard time seeing the cats.
The Dread Wolf (Isabelle) Score: 9 Pros: This design was pleasing to the eye, very good design skills and flow throughout. Outfit is very fitting to Isabelle, I really liked how her hand seems to be fluffing up her hair. Cons: I think this design could have been improved with a background item or accessory; something added behind or beside the model would have made the design less plain and more fun.
sufjan stebens (Tara) Score: 7 Pros: I think the overall design matched Tara's preset features well. Well thought out description. Cons: There was an overall lack of color and detail.
Haji Demon (April) Score: 9 Pros: Cute theme and good description to match. Fluid design, use of color, and movement. Cons: The black in the overalls really threw me off, especially since there was no black in the rest of the design. Since her black hair was a preset feature, it could have been ignored; but, with the continuation of black into the shoulders I think that it should have been present in the rest of the outfit, too.
Darkerdemons (Rae) Score: 8.5 Pros: There is a good flow of color throughout the piece. I loved the layering and use of detail that is, again, seen throughout the entire piece. Very well thought out description. Cons: Even though the large head piece and skinny outfit for the body was explained in the description, I didn't love it. The simple background was also explained, but I almost feel like it would have been better without (or maybe a use of bubbles without the solid blue background?). Overall, I feel like the background doesn't compliment the details in the outfit as intended. I would have liked to see more Candy Gloss and less Bubblegum.
Toshi Yukiko (Sienna) Score: 5 Pros: Good balance of colors of bold items and matching motif. I appreciated the plaid pink hat with the plaid blue background. Cons: The first thing I noticed was the use of the same background used by Ultrabord, and then I noticed they also used the same leg mod. Both of these were a big no no for me. Ignoring that (which was hard) I felt like the bottom half of the design needed more pink and the top half needed more blue to balance out the colors. This really didn't read as K-Pop to me. The description was lacking.
Edcy (Ginny) Score: 8 Pros: The balance and flow of color is good throughout the piece. I liked the candy motif with the Candy Gloss challenge. Cons: Design was a bit cluttered, which made it a little hard on the eyes. Description was lacking.
elphiethesane (Ophelia) Score: 7 Pros: Overall design fits well with the model. I liked the use of bold colors and items throught the design. Cons: Same hat used as Sienna. Design didn't wow me, whole outfit is a bit plain. I would have liked to see more pink used in the torso area.
RENstrawberry (Robin) Score: 7.5 Pros: Outfit works well with the model. Good movement and balance in pose. Background item with the pose makes for a full and complete looking piece. Cons: The description could use some work. The outfit is very bulky and blocky. A black necklace or belt would have tied together the hair, heart, and shoes for more flow of color.
catherinearbour (Jen) Score: 3 Pros: Pose with certain items used make for a balanced look. Good flow with hair. Cons: First off, not candy gloss. As said before, the criteria for this challenge was very clearly laid out and not using candy gloss shows inability to follow challenge directions. Beyond that; the description was lacking. I don't really get an "ethereal" or "mystical" vibe from the outfit; more victorian?
METTAT0N (Lucia) Score: 8.5 Pros: The more androgynous outfit with Lucia was a good call on the designers part. Outfit fits the model well. Good flow of color and texture throughout. Pose is fluid and balanced. Cons: There's no real set theme. Pose causes model to look a bit thin and stick-like. Could have been solved with a background item or accessory.
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 2:45 pm
Challenge 1: Glossy Candies
Going to be trying something different this cycle where I judge in a pattern so I don't miss anything. Are attributes intact? (I feel like we had some sneaky make-up and missed skin tones last cycle and I want to watch out for that.) Followed by: Challenge met? Pros and cons of look. And finally, description.
Designer (Model): Sana Minatozaki (Abby) Score: 8 Comments: Base look seems to be intact. Candygloss is a go. This is one of those looks I liked more as other entries came in. Looks cohesive, has a creative theme. The outfit doesn't look out of place on the model and the colors are mostly well-balanced. The pink bow is very eye-catching, but unfortunately that highlights the lack of pink in the rest of the look so I do wish there was something different on the head. My big issue is with the description. I'm not going to watch a music video to understand a look. This time it wasn't necessary for me to do so, but in the future Sana needs to make sure the looks can stand alone just as well or he will run into issues. I get the idea behind the selection of several outfit pieces, but I feel the description needed to be more concise, it's really overrun with nonsense (sexy side? eh, not seeing it) and unneeded info about previous cycles that don't tell me much about this look.
Designer (Model): Pianette (Jiang Li) Score: 6 Comments: Base looks good. Candygloss check. So the first thing that struck me was that I had no clue what kind of look this was supposed to be? So I checked the description and Pianette says formal! So based on that, the headpiece is all wrong. It might be okay without the bunny hanging out in it, but it really looks like little kid wear, out of place with the gown. The gown itself is mostly fine, little underwhelming, not sure how many pieces it is? My big issues with this look are that the dress and sleeves layer in such a way that it looks like Jiang Li is both pregnant and has no arms and I think this is one of those looks that could benefit from a background to help push the formal theme. All that aside, the colors are evenly parsed and the look isn't terrible or anything. Description was good and gave me some info I needed, so props for that. Although please mention to the entrants that after this round I will deduct points for weird poems/useless stories. I hate having to skip half a description to get to the...you know, description. Stories integrated into explanations are fine ("This was the story I had in mind when I chose.." ), I just don't need the extras.
Designer (Model): Destined Savior (Jessica) Score: 4.5 Comments: Base correct (face/hair/skin, though that mod is off). Candygloss is (mostly) on. First we have trouble with a mismatched arm mod, then that bubblegum tail. Now, the addition of bubblegum would have been fine if it had been used throughout, but as a slapped-on tail it looks like an oversight. I like the creativity of a candy-gifting demon, but the execution is poor. Another big problem for me is what I call "lollipop head" where the face and/or head looks oversized in contrast to the rest of the body (particularly the skinny stick legs). A lot of this comes from the dark colors of Jessica's base contrasting poorly with the high-saturation brights of candygloss, so some can be forgiven on the grounds of challenge requirement. But, further set legs or legs that show off the model's skin tone can ease this. Smaller horns too would have helped. Description is fine, a little thin. Why choose certain pieces? We also only need to see one pose, more is not better.
Designer (Model): DAVlD DUCHOVNY (Stella) Score: 2 Comments: Base is right, challenge is not. I'm not going to lie, those are pity points. There is so much wrong with this. Putting aside that it was off-theme (why didn't they ask, there was time?!) it's a mess on its own. Colors are everywhere with harsh blue, soft pink, gold for some reason. That giant apron under the overskirt is old pixels and it shows. The sari looks rigid. In places where the outfit looks okay something else juts out poorly. Like Tink, I have no clue what this is supposed to be. The description is just David (sorta) trying to justify breaking the rules, but this was a misfire.
Designer (Model): Ultrabord (Uma) Score: 7 Comments: Base features are correct. Candygloss is on. I have mixed feelings about this. It's cute, the colors are distributed beautifully, it suits the model. However, cliche theme is cliche and Uma has a hard case of lollipop head that could have been solved by a simple change of leg mod. Description is on point though, if a little simple, at least it give me something.
Designer (Model): Dangerous Tinfoil Shoes (Bryce) Score: 8 Comments: Base check, CG check. I think this is a strong look. Nicely balanced, in terms of colors and shape. Neither top nor bottom are too weighty. I think the outfit is charming and presentable. The cat near her face got a little lost, but I sorted it out after reading description. Not highly original concept (witches), but it's only the first round. The description (as it is under the cut) is what I'm looking for, a bit detailed but not over the top. That said, she's wrong about the look working with Bryce's base colors. The first thing I noticed was that the red clashed poorly with the outfit, I just didn't deduct points because the challenge demands these colors, but it will be important for Tinfoil to know moving forward what colors DO work with her model.
Designer (Model): The Dread Wolf (Isabelle) Score: 7.5 Comments: Model check, colors check. I like this look (aside from the giant avatar post). Most of the parts were well-handled, I got the circus vibe right away. Ultimately this one feels top heavy though and it's because the hat is SO pink and huge. It it had been blue or white and the bow layered over it had been pink instead, it might have worked better. A different hat entirely may also have been a good way to go. The look is also fairly simple and wouldn't be my favorite in a later round, but I think it's fine for now. I also appreciate the pixel matching a lot. Excellent description, but not sold on lack of a whip or other handheld either. The model really just needs a bit more oomph!
Designer (Model): sufjan stebens (tara) Score: 8.5 Comments: Gloss and base are good! I'm not going to mince words, this is one of my favorite looks of the round. Not because it's complex, or especially original, or the best thing I've ever seen. I like it because it looks good, but more importantly it looks good on the model. I feel like stebens was one of the few people that really thought about what worked on their model in terms of color and shape, when they could have easily put together anything and shrugged off clashing as the challenge's fault. I think it was smart to lean into the white and away from the pink and blue. As a result everything looks complimentary. I go back and forth on if Tara looks regal or a bit nervous, perhaps a change of arm mod would have helped? The only thing I truly dislike about the look is the crown, it just looks cheap compared to everything else and the circlet would have been enough. I don't care for the story time, but no points off until next round. Description is solid.
Designer (Model): Haji Demon (April) Score: 5 Comments: Base good, gloss good. So I get the child-like attempt, and there are some elements I find charming, but overall that's where my positive feelings stop. The looks is boxy, April appears top heavy mostly do to her hair being such a focal point. Instead of counter-balancing the hair, Haji made the look worse by adding a giant bow. Legs are teeny. No more stories please (or item lists), but otherwise the description is passable. I'd like to know more about item choice, but it's fine. Why is April on a roof though? I get the idea of perspective, but all I could think was "child on the edge of a roof!"
Designer (Model): Darkerdemons (Rae) Score: 7.5 Comments: Base yes, gloss yes. I really like this look and the intention. I appreciate Darkerdemons paying attention to not washing out the model (it worked). I think most of the efforts put forth had positive results, but there are still a number of things that bother me. I wish the arm mod had some skin showing, they stand out as almost too white. I could have sworn the first time I saw this look the bubblegum was really apparent, I don't know if they changed something or if I'm going crazy, but I can't pinpoint it now, so thumbs up? I still feel I could have used more glossy pink further down. I love the bubbles, but not the blue background. Plenty of bubble items don't add all that color and wouldn't have sucked as much life from the look. More than anything, I feel like the bunny in the hat and bow on the dress sort of negate some of the sophistication, but overall still a good look. Description is long and a touch pandering, but I appreciate the detail. Good job describing the link too, because I'm not going to click it.
Designer (Model): Toshi Yukiko (Sienna) Score: 4.5 Comments: Base and gloss are there. Look, I collect CG so I know it's a limited scheme, but same legs and background as another look? I'm not giving a pass on this one, plenty of time passed between the entrants, change it up. Moving along, I don't care for this on on its own merits. Tiny legs with attention drawn to the head? Looks like lollipop head to me. The dress is angular and unflattering and I don't like the street cupcake arms on the best of days. The look is somewhat cute, but Toshi should be thankful there were so many misses this round. The description didn't help because the outfit sort of does look like several others shoved together.
Designer (Model): catherinearbour (Jen) Score: 1 Comments: Base is right, colors are oh, so wrong. Up until this look I thought DAVlD would be the one departing this week, but wow. I feel like the contestant didn't even read the rules. There are three or four schemes in here, but not a single on is candygloss. Ignoring the colors altogether this is a bit of a mess. The arms look thick and awkward, top of look doesn't match the bottom aesthetically, and the model appears to be farting smoke. Hard pass. One point for participation.
Designer (Model): Edcy (Ginny) Score: 9 Comments: Base and gloss are check (but there is eyeshadow! No! I didn't even notice, but there it is in the item list!) I actually like this a lot. I think it's cute and charming with very few problem areas. Getting a flouncy mod vibe from it. I love the incorporation of yellow with candygloss, but I wish there had been more so the glasses wouldn't stand out so much. As for description, I need to know about the choices made, not just the concept! Will need to improve descriptions moving forward. Still, hard to be mad here, it's a great look.
Designer (Model): elphiethesane (Ophelia) Score: 8.5 Comments: Base and gloss are good. Much better use of beret! I wish the hat had more white or the torso had more pink, but overall I'm charmed. The look against Ophelia's pale skin gives me a doll vibe, which I love. I get winter or rain ensemble from the look so well done! I also appreciate the thicker legs, partially because I prefer them, and also because anything thinner would have made her look like a partially opened umbrella. Description is also good!
Designer (Model): METTAT0N (Lucia) Score: 7 Comments: Base check, gloss check. That arm and leg combo is weirdly popular, I can't say the number of times I've seen it. I do think the punk look suits the model, so props for that. Needs a background (some alley or a splash of graffiti since the look is leaning into that anyway). Needs a black belt or boots or something else to move the black out of just the center. I'm also not a big fan of the hat. Description is strong though, lots of thought and research. Doesn't always need to be so long.
Designer (Model): RENstrawberry (Robin) Score: 6.5 Comments: Base and gloss are there. I see the nineties inspiration, but feel like it could have gone further. The legs are a nice shape and it's great to see skin, but they are living a different pixel life than the rest of the look. I like the background. I'm not sure about all the blue being the prime color here. Definitely needs some jewelry or something to break up the monotony and incorporate more black and/or pink. Description is on the weak side but I see some effort.
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 11:33 am
Challenge 1: Glossy Candies Additional comments: Seems like everyone had problem finding items. Descriptions could use some work. Do they know they dont need to add their equip list?
Sana Minatozaki (Abby) Score: 6.5 Comments: Not really my cup of tea, but well made. Wish they didn't use a background. Without the description, it looks so disconnected. I hope he sticks to ideas that don't need to be backed by a reference video (I didn't watch it). It also hurts him in the creativity section since it seems to be cosplay. Needs more white on head since rest of outfit is very white.
Pianette (Jiang Li) Score: 6.5 Comments:I like the head ornaments, except the bunny. The green tea on her chest is distracting. Muddled around the torso, can't really make out her arms. The blue ruffles are so harsh compared to the rest of the look. A bit too busy in some areas and plain in others.
Destined Savior (Jessica) Score: 7 Comments: Cute. Just cute. Nice pose. Good use of those horns. It would have been nice to see some skin on her legs since her hair and face are floating in a sea of white. Wish the tail was not bubblegum. It is too soft, can barely even see it. Also, it looks like they might have chosen an arm mod with white skin?? Im not 100% sure so it wont affect my score, but I will be on the lookout for it in the future.
DAVlD DUCHOVNY (Stella) Score: 4 Comments:I like the pose and the movement of the skirt. The jewels on the arms interact well with the scarf on the torso. Not candygloss! Too many disparate elements. Pixel differences. Blue dots on face (bridge piercing?)
Ultrabord (Uma) Score: 7.5 Comments:Nice use of the legmod to look like she is rushing, which really takes the movement in the hair into account. Well balanced and colorful. This was the first to really use all the colors of candygloss. Again, I wish we could see some skin on the legs to balance out her face, but I feel like this is going to be a common complaint.
Dangerous Tinfoil Shoes (Bryce) Score: 8 Comments:The size of the hat balances well with the size of the skirt. Her arms are bare which helps keep her head from floating in her clothes. The colors are spread throughout. Weird cats...oh they're ghost cats. that makes more sense.
The Dread Wolf (Isabelle) Score: 8 Comments:Simple but effective. I do wish they had leaned a bit more into the ringmaster idea with some sort of prop or background, but without those, everything still works well. Like the jaunty angles of that jacket. (Whys she so big though?)
sufjan stebens (tara) Score: 7 Comments:I wish there was more to it. It is pretty plain. They defiantly tried selling it hard in their description though. So kudos for that. I dont really get regal from it. She looks like she is staring off in a daydream, not ruling a kingdom.
Haji Demon (April) Score: 6 Comments:Good use of her presets to support the childish look. The outfit is a little strange, but so are most kids so it works thematically. The background evokes the exact feelings they were going for. The legmods are so thin and small compared to the rest of the outfit, I wish there were a bit heftier. Those overalls are a bad choice; it looks like she is wearing a cardboard box. It makes me sad because I love some good overalls.
Darkerdemons (Rae) Score: 7.5 Comments:Reminds me of Eliza Doolittle. (wrote that before I read the description) Did a good job with such a pale model. Good description! I dont really understand the gown. I like the pink one, but with the blue one on top, it just looks really confusing. The hat kinda blends into the background. Her face doesn't really match the design.
Toshi Yukiko (Sienna) Score: 5.5 Comments:Love the beret and the floofy skirt. Nice that the plaid in the beret matched the plaid in the background. I see three items already used by other contestants but its the first challenge and people are still learning what to do. However, using the same legmod AND background as another entrant? No good. It was long enough between the entries that it was not as if they were working on them simultaneously and they just happened to enter their's a little later. Looking past that, the design is fine. I really dont see k-pop or lolita in this.
catherinearbour (jen) Score:1 Comments: Not candygloss I hate to give such a low score; I just dont see how this fits with the theme, nor is it creative, nor stylish, and there is nothing in the description to help us understand their process. Im really not sure what they were going for. I dont really see sage or muse or mystical or ethereal. If anything, the stars above kinda remind me of a cartoon's stink lines because there is nothing else to lend to them. There is no balance to it. She is cut in half between skirt/legs and top/head. Im not trying to be harsh, but this design, out of the two that did not stick to the color scheme, really did nothing to save itself.
Edcy (Ginny) Score: 8 Comments: Very fun! I like that she took inspiration from the big hair and pastel colors and went 90s with it. The design in the background almost look hypnotic which emphasizes the idea of getting that sugar rush. I get what she was going for with the description, but there was no process to it. I really dont like the glasses.
elphiethesane (Ophelia) Score: 6.5 Comments:Intriguing. Just like overalls, I love a good cape and this is a good cape. Repeat beret. Wish there was a little bit of pink in the middle like a pendant necklace coming out from under the collar. With the addition of the glasses it seems like there is almost too much blue. I wish we could see just a bit more of that skirt. I also feel like the legs are too big.
METTAT0N (Lucia) Score: 7.5 Comments: I like the vibe. Glad to see they took the presets into account for the look. Not a fan of that hat.
RENstrawberry (Robin) Score: 7.5 Comments: Love those legs. Nice to see some skin in a color competition. Unfortunately, I don't see 90s in this. Also, not enough pink.
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:29 am
Hello everyone! So excited to see this cycle off to such a good start. I'll be working on my judging tomorrow, and I'll also be posting a list of all the challenges soon so you guys can get an idea of what's to come and prepare for the challenges you've chosen!
Also Mett was given an extension - as mentioned in her submission - and I've reached out to Ren to see just what came up and if an extension is needed there. Normally I wouldn't give extensions after the fact, especially when I'm reaching out to someone, but since it's the first challenge and Ren has been around before I'm giving some wiggle room for things. Just to give you guys a heads up and try to keep everyone on the same page with things! c:
Edit; Ren was given an extension and got her avatar in already, woot!
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 6:48 am
I started early and still finished last, sorry for holding up the judging. It doesn't look like you've tallied the scores yet though? I was also impressed with this cycle's first round. Some weak looks sprinkled in, but a lot of good ones too!
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 10:07 am
It's totally alright! I've been dealing with bad weather and a brief eye emergency so I haven't been around a whole lot the last few days. If you hadn't finished today I was going to get things tallied and gone from there. But since you finished, we can finish up properly! :D
TOP SCORES; Edcy with 8.3 METTAT0N with 8 The Dread Wolf with 8.1
BOTTOM SCORES; DAVlD DUCHOVNY with 3 catherinearbour with 1.5
Over all I was very impressed with everyone this week, even the weaker looks showed potential, and I think we're going to see some great things this season!
As for the winning designer and eliminated one this week, I always tend to follow the numbers - especially at the start when there isn't a body of work to reference at all. I think Edcy should get the win, and catherine should be eliminated.
What do you all think?
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:10 pm
bad wolf bae
It's totally alright! I've been dealing with bad weather and a brief eye emergency so I haven't been around a whole lot the last few days. If you hadn't finished today I was going to get things tallied and gone from there. But since you finished, we can finish up properly! :D
TOP SCORES; Edcy with 8.3 METTAT0N with 8 The Dread Wolf with 8.1
BOTTOM SCORES; DAVlD DUCHOVNY with 3 catherinearbour with 1.5
Over all I was very impressed with everyone this week, even the weaker looks showed potential, and I think we're going to see some great things this season!
As for the winning designer and eliminated one this week, I always tend to follow the numbers - especially at the start when there isn't a body of work to reference at all. I think Edcy should get the win, and catherine should be eliminated.
What do you all think?All for Edcy gettin the gold and Catherine leaving.
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 4:21 pm
egggoat bad wolf bae
It's totally alright! I've been dealing with bad weather and a brief eye emergency so I haven't been around a whole lot the last few days. If you hadn't finished today I was going to get things tallied and gone from there. But since you finished, we can finish up properly! :D
TOP SCORES; Edcy with 8.3 METTAT0N with 8 The Dread Wolf with 8.1
BOTTOM SCORES; DAVlD DUCHOVNY with 3 catherinearbour with 1.5
Over all I was very impressed with everyone this week, even the weaker looks showed potential, and I think we're going to see some great things this season!
As for the winning designer and eliminated one this week, I always tend to follow the numbers - especially at the start when there isn't a body of work to reference at all. I think Edcy should get the win, and catherine should be eliminated.
What do you all think?All for Edcy gettin the gold and Catherine leaving. That sounds good to me!
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 5:02 pm
Sounds great to me babes! I’ve got the feedback all written and things ready for the next challenge, when I’m back on my laptop later I’ll gdt it all posted!
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 7:51 pm
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 7:58 pm
Challenge 2: Everybody Say Love
Darkerdemons (Rae) Score: 8 Comments: I wish the description wasn't under a spoiler, but it's a minor thing. I don't know if this screams Valentine's or date to me? But the red is really good on Rae, and the red does say romance so I think it works. It's flirty and well balanced, really an adorable beach avatar. The arm pose results in some kind of weird shading. I do like the belt chosen and how the dress layers and looks over all. I also like that she noted the outfit worked with or without the background, though the background does really pull it all together.
Pianette (Jiang Li) Score: 8 Comments: Had to struggle to see the wings, really can't make them out entirely even when I started to see some of them, but I absolutely love the idea of them and the fallen angel vibe. I don't care for the belt or skirt or whatever results in the hanging black tassels. I like this good and evil in love, don't super love the hanging heart but it does help sell Valentine's - the speech bubble falls in the same area for me - so I'm willing to overlook issues with both of them. Over all this is a good look, little faded and washed out, but it is good. And definitely different from earlier entries.
Edcy (Ginny) Score: 0 Comments: No entry. I've had to chase after her before this round, and I'm pretty irritated she didn't enter despite having conversations about things. I have no qualms about eliminating her.
Sana Minatozaki (Abby) Score: 5 Comments: Jesus Christ with the disclaimers. Ti Amo is Italian, Senpai Japanese, and they're in Paris. None of these things actually matter, and this part of the comment will be deleted, but bloody hell. Description is technically better, but it provides details that don't make sense and bring down the look. Abby doesn't say Japanese to me, and I wish Sana wouldn't try to force the model into being something she isn't, or trying to explain her as something she isn't when it isn't needed. The speech bubble was not needed at all and is a bad choice as it blocks part of the companion. Outfit seems technically fine, Base appears to be in tact, color is dispersed, says school like she wanted it to. But between the bow on the head and the skirt, this gives me serious deja vu to the last outfit. Also the only other entrant thus far already went with a school theme so..marks down for that.
elphiethesane (Ophelia) Score: 8 Comments: This look is super fitting for Ophelia, which is a great thing to see. I even like the broken heart speech bubble thing and that this is a different take on Valentine's Day. Colors are extremely well balanced throughout the outfit, and and the proportions are really nice as well. Does she have on a glove or is it just the wrong skin tone? Or odd shading that makes it look wrong. The box is odd at this point, maybe the description will make it work better. Edit; THE BOX IS A PHONE! I couldn't see the phone at all until she said it, now I can, and I like it haha.
sufjan stebens (Robin) Score: 7 Comments: "The problem with doing a roller skating scene on Gaia, though, is the lack of roller skate items to choose from." And this is one of my first problems. If you know there are a lack of items to choose from - and ones you choose have issues - you've chosen the wrong theme. That said, I think the theme works out really well! I got skating rink before reading anything. I just wish she hadn't included this in the description. The skates are dark, but they balance her hair and hat - still wish there had been something dark in the middle but the skates aren't a problem. I wish there was more skin visible. The proportion of the top and skirt are off for me.
Destined Savior (Jessica) Score: 4.5 Comments: What the hell is on your head boo? SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE A PRINCESS?! Oh no ma'am. Colors are balanced, but aren't the most flattering shades on Jessica. Back views are especially just..bad. Milk bottle, branches, extra flowers on head too? I just?? Need more skin I think. Dress shape makes her look pregnant. This is just a mess for me.
Ultrabord (April) Score: 6 Comments: Did a great job matching pinks in April's outfit and the companion, but I have mixed feelings on them matching. Especially when the focus is this shade of pink cause it kind of washes things out. I didn't even notice the romantic movie in the background until she mentioned it. Also this is dangerously close to being another school girl, it's a little more generic young love than the others, but come on there can be more creativity. Black square in the background muddles things, wish it wasn't there. 100% looks like April is sexy and trying to seduce this guy that doesn't even notice her.
METTAT0N (Lucia) Score: 7.5 Comments: The bed item was well chosen. I wish Lucia was in some kind of a bra, and I really despise the item she chose to emphasize the breasts. I have the item - in several shades - because it's great for this purpose. But the shade she chose especially is not invisible, and that pink color isn't present anywhere else in the avatar, much less her outfit. This is just simple though. It absolutely meets the challenge, just wish the lingerie used had been more creative or visually dynamic.
Dangerous Tinfoil Shoes (Bryce) Score: 7 Comments: I really like the chair and table and the date feel to things. I wish she didn't have on the black tights, it just feels a little..covered? And kind of dated, but not in a terrible way. I also think the background could be changed. I feel like her hair looks like a wet mop on her hair? I think if things weren't as matched or maybe she had some kind of fascinator or hat it would have looked better. This definitely meets the challenge for me though!
RENstrawberry (Tara) Score: 9 Comments: This is a so much better look than her original entry. I appreciate why she chose the dove and wanted to include it, but it should have been left off because it just doesn't match the rest of the look. I don't love the fabric veil either, but it isn't terrible by any means. Tara looks amazing in the heavenly color scheme, and the color scheme also suits the Aphrodite goddess idea wonderfully. Arm mod is a little odd.
DAVlD DUCHOVNY (Jen) Score: 6.5 Comments: So...David already has a look in. Less than an hour after the challenge was posted. Not a terrible thing necessarily, but going that fast definitely means you aren't taking time to really think things through. Maybe there will be edits. I like the idea of being from the same school, and the color matching was spot on and sold the school idea even before reading the description. The cardigan/sweater is very frumpy looking though,and makes Jen's proportions look odd.
Toshi Yukiko (Sienna) Score: 6 Comments: Seen the hanging hearts before, but considering the challenge I'll forgive them a bit. I'm not sure this red is the right hue for Sienna, things kind of blend together a bit? Just doesn't stand out as much as I would like to see. As voluminous as the skirt is her legs look insanely teeny tiny and like she'll topple over at any moment. It's a decent look though.
Haji Demon (Uma) Score: 7 Comments: Same floating petals that Dread used - they're on theme but they aren't needed. Long description and big picture under spoiler, not going to go through all of that right now. I think this matches the theme well enough, don't super love this. I'll have to look over this more a bit. Colors in the outfit match almost too well I think, and it results in things fading together. I zoomed in on my screen to catch the details. I don't think I like the sheer vest/robe? And as soft as her face is, the shading on the arms comes off as harsh. This is a very romantic look and essence though, which fits the challenge.
The Dread Wolf (Isabelle) Score: 9 Comments: This is the lingerie bed look that Mett was going for with Lucia, this was just such a better execution. Red petals stand out a lot, they suit the theme but I'm not sure they were needed. This lingerie is much more dynamic - even if it is one piece - and I love the legs and the bow in the hair. I'm even fine with the lingerie being a darker focus that isn't anywhere else. I'm glad Dread didn't put Isabelle in pink lingerie, I think it would have faded too much. I love the shape Isabelle's pose creates. This is one of the only entries so far that just SCREAMS Valentine's to me, and the description is also a good one.
Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 7:38 am
(I'm shamelessly stealing your format wolf!)
Darkerdemons (Rae) Score: 7 Comments: The hat fits her hair very well. I get why they kept coming back to it. The red works well. I like that they decided to not make a "seductive sitting pose." That said, I don't really see valentines with this. Its February. I don't think anyone spends valentines on the beach unless you live in Australia. Looking at this makes me really cold. This is defiantly a summer look, not really a winter one. Also, I cant tell what the little blue blobs are that are hovering near her head. Are they birds? Water? Glasses are overkill.
Pianette (Jiang Li) Score: 8 Comments: I really liked this. I cant make out the wings that they are referring to, but I loved the idea behind them. This was well thought out and the color choice, while already done by an earlier entry was a good choice to complement their companion since there is some amaranth in the companions face. I don't hate this wordbubble as much as the first one used since it does not cover much, but at the same time, it does not add anything to the image. Really my only complaint is that the light pink washes her out.
Edcy (Ginny) Score: x Comments: No submission sad
Sana Minatozaki (Abby) Score: 5.5 Comments: Young love in Paris! Im having trouble focusing on Abby. There are so many elements to this. I think im also distracted by the emojis under the picture. I was not sure how I would feel about a word bubble showing up, since I often use them myself, but now I know; I really don't like them. It looks tacked on to try to sell a story that the picture itself is not telling, Sana should embrace Abby, not try to make her something else! It also covers the companion, which covers Abby, which is who we need to see. In regards to the companion, I wish he had added some reflection of them like a couple of small seabreeze accessories somewhere just to tie the two together. I get he wanted to not have them in the same colors but I think he went too far. Maybe even if he had chosen a companion in warm bright colors instead of dull. Would be nice to have hot pink in the hair too, but that might have just been overkill. The sleeves dont really work with the look. Didn't expect to see two schoolgirl entries, I hope that is where it ends. (didn't click the link or read the disclaimers) (I feel like im just nitpicking at this point and will probably delete this in a day or two but theres a japanese girl in paris, yet the title is in italian?)
elphiethesane (Ophelia) Score: 8 Comments: This reminds me of Catherine's submission last week. Its the same legmod/skirt and headband. Pretty tired of amaranth (it does wash her out) at this point but I get that when you find the perfect item, you just have to work with it as best you can. I think this is a very effective use of a wordbubble, it does look like it is coming from the phone receiver and it ties the story together. I don't think it would have worked nearly as well without the wordbubble. This was a fun/sad take on valentines and I always appreciate not sticking to the norm.
sufjan stebens (Robin) Score: 8.5 Comments: This is sooo adorable. I love this idea, which I feel like is common date idea in real life, but not seen here on gaia often. The background was done perfectly. I wish I was there! This is the one that has really stood out to me so far. Good use of the face presets to lend to the story idea of shyness and then not having to go though the hassle of finding a companion to use. Obvious pixel differences but I cant think of any other roller skate items so sometimes it cant be helped. She could have used something dark on her waist like a slim belt to help break up the lightness. The grey square isn't cutting it. That, or changed the hat for something lighter and let her hair balance out the darkness of the skates.
Destined Savior (Jessica) Score: 5 Comments: I like the front of the dress. The colors work well together. Having an armmod would have helped the design not look so stiff and helped center the shoulders over the dress, instead it just looks pasted on like a paper doll. Description is lacking. Its just a story with no insight into the design process. Im going to come right out and say it...the head is just not good. Why is there a milk bottle spilling milk down the side of her head?
Ultrabord (April) Score: 6 Comments: ANOTHER SCHOOLGIRL! ughh. Too many. Im glad they took their feedback into mind and didn't make another "lollipop head" Overall, its cute, the colors are appropriate, the background works thematically. I really don't want to see a teenager seducing her boyfriend. I wish this was not another schoolgirl look. Its a day dedicated to love, why are we only getting schoolgirl entries? Doesn't everyone deserve love? I would rate her higher, but there has to be some sort of penalty for making the third schoolgirl in a row. The colorscheme is overpowering and washes them out. It would have benefited from a different color in there to break up the pink and black. Even choosing a different skin color for the companion would have made all the difference. It kind of makes me laugh because it looks like she is trying her best to get his attention by stripping down and striking a pose, but her boyfriend would rather look at his phone.
METTAT0N (Lucia) Score: 7.5 Comments: Woah boy. That is one scantily clad model. I'm not sure there is much to judge here. It seems like the wrong choice to overemphasize her boobs like that. It would have been better to have some sort of bra instead of full out boobs. After all, even dominatrices need boobular support. I'm a sucker for that drape item because it always makes such a good frame, but because she is dressed so simply, I would have liked to see a more involved background, not just the drape and bed.
Dangerous Tinfoil Shoes (Bryce) Score: 7 Comments: I'm glad someone finally made a classic Valentine date; going to a restaurant! This outfit kinda reminds me of a business woman from the 1980s. Also, I dont think that matching the hair like that worked out too well. I feel like it could have been saved by a better background. I do love that chair and table item though.
RENstrawberry (Tara) Score: 9 Comments: Oh good! This is sooo much better than the earlier iteration. This is how you do an almost nude model! The only critiques is the fabric wrapping around the hair makes it look weird and the dove, being an older item that looks weird and cartoonish compared to everything else, could have been left out. Also, the arm mod is fine but I wonder if something else might have been better.
DAVlD DUCHOVNY (Jen) Score: 7 Comments: She definitely looks like she belongs in detention, in a good way. I don't feel like this is a date of any sort. It looks like a uniform contest or match the companion theme. This does not scream Valentines...it doesn't even whisper it. David could have done more with the pose to make her look like she is interacting with the companion. I don't really see school sweethearts. It looks like the companion is longing after Jen and that Jen does not care a bit about them. Excluding the companion, Jen is good. I kinda dig those boots. Im not sure about the shirt under the sweater, I like it because it gives Jen more personality, but it seems to jarr the overall look. The colorscheme is overpowering.
Toshi Yukiko (Sienna) Score: 6.5 Comments: I think the outfit works well. Its very valentines and thats a good choice of red. It works well with her lip color. It does seem a little too dark though. Legmod was not a great choice, they look she will topple at any second. Also used by Darkerdemons already. Outside of the balcony item, that background is terrible. Balcony item should have been lighter.
Haji Demon (Uma) Score: 6 Comments: I get that the avatar builder is glitchy, I've been where he is, so I totally get it. However, I don't want him to tell me that he got frustrated with it and just submitted this even though it wasn't up to his standards. Even if thats what happened, he shoudnt be telling us that. I just see a mess and can only wonder if he had taken the time to redo it, would it have turned out better? The sari is too harsh and stiff for the rest of the outfit. The petals are unnecessary. It looks like she is plugging her ears because she is tired of listening to someone talking. The pillows were the wrong choice. There are a lot of sofas and chairs and pillows to choose from, these are not good. The idea behind it was great, but the execution was not.
The Dread Wolf (Isabelle) Score: 8.5 Comments: Great use of the bed item. The splotchy shades of it match the shading of her hair. I haven't seen that item used well until now. This whole thing screams Valentines. I'm not a fan of the bow. It has a childish quality that does not lend well to seductive woman. However, looking again, I can see there is a sheer white teddy, that when paired with the shoes and bow, gives it a retro vibe which works really well. It is just so hard to see. White on white was not a good choice. Without the teddy, it is all a bit disjointed.