Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 7:30 pm
Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 7:30 pm
 .... Ordering Use the form below to place an order. You only need to submit the recipient's name and the trade amount, and we'll calculate the ticket amount for you at a conversion rate of 10,000,000 gold = 1 platinum = 1 ticket.
Gold (there must be a minimum of seven 0's at the end)
[b][size=18][color=black][u]RecipientName[/u][/color] [color=goldenrod]has seeds for the garden![/color][/size][/b] [b]Gold Sent:[/b] (minimum seven 0's at end) Platnium
[b][size=18][color=black][u]RecipientName[/u][/color] [color=lightsteelblue]has seeds for the garden![/color][/size][/b] [b]Platinum Sent:[/b] Caps Tickets are unlimited! You may buy for yourself or others, excluding those listed in the Staff Participation list in the front page of the event. You may only win once in the raffle. Co-owning a soquili counts as a win for both you and your co-owner; familiars may not be co-owned.
Payment Payment must be gold/platinum only! Every 10,000,000 gold or 1 platinum will be converted to 1 ticket. A quick conversion sheet is provided below: 10,000,000 (10 mil) gold = 1 platinum = 1 ticket 100,000,000 (100 mil) gold = 10 platinum = 10 tickets 1,000,000,000 (1 bil) gold = 100 platinum = 100 tickets 10,000,000,000 (10 bil) gold = 1,000 platinum = 1,000 tickets 100,000,000,000 (100 bil) gold = 10,000 platinum = 10,000 tickets
Trades All trades are to be sent to Soquili-Activities. If you fail to send the proper amount (e.g. the last seven digits are not 0 in a gold trade), the trade will be cancelled, but you're free to try again. Please do NOT add to your trade. The listkeeper will be as on top of trades as fast as they are able, so if you want to buy a new stack of tickets, please start a new trade. If your trade is open for longer than 24 hours and you want to add more, please PM Soquili-Activities to let us know you're adding. If you have concerns about your trade not being accepted, PM this mule. Again, do NOT edit your in-progress trades to add new ticket orders.
Preferences A preference list must be posted in the Preference Thread before the raffle closes. If a user with no preference list wins, they will be moved to the bottom of the choosing order. If you purchase tickets for other users, please ask that they submit a preference list.
Inquiries If you have any questions or concerns, please bring them up with our raffle listkeeper, Calixita.
Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 7:30 pm
1 - 1,000. Keantha (1,000) 1,001 - 2,000. Andranis (1,000) 2,001 - 102,000. Fayt_of_Redemption (100,000) 102,001 - 102,900. Nikkichomp (900) 102,901 - 112,900. MiddyGlow (10,000) 112,901 - 122,900. mistalina13 (10,000) 122,901 - 132,900. Alanna the Pirate Queen (10,000) 132,901 - 135,900. catmagick (3,000) 135,901 - 137,900. Artymus (2,000) 137,901 - 138,900. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 138,901 - 139,900. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 139,901 - 140,900. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 140,901 - 150,900. nekoFayre (10,000) 150,901 - 151,900. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. (1,000) 151,901 - 161,900. purrrplekitty (10,000) 161,901 - 171,900. CitrusCupcake (10,000) 171,901 - 172,400. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 172,401 - 222,400. Lita Maxwell (50,000) 222,401 - 225,400. dawns_aura (3,000) 225,401 - 228,400. Niyaru Delacroix (3,000) 228,401 - 238,400. Kaya Wolf Moon (10,000) 238,401 - 338,400. LydaLynn (100,000) 338,401 - 340,400. Artymus (2,000) 340,401 - 341,400. Henry_kunz (1,000) 341,401 - 342,400. Lunadriel (1,000) 342,401 - 343,400. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 343,401 - 344,400. irishgirl1017 (1,000) 344,401 - 349,400. Ghastly Demise- (5,000) 349,401 - 359,400. Rein_Carnation (10,000) 359,401 - 369,400. Candle Wick Ghost (10,000) 369,401 - 370,400. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 370,401 - 380,400. lysia_nyteblade (10,000) 380,401 - 390,400. techabyte (10,000) 390,401 - 460,267. ChaosMyotismon (69,867) 460,268 - 462,267. Artymus (2,000) 462,268 - 463,267. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 463,268 - 464,267. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 464,268 - 465,267. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 465,268 - 465,400. ChaosMyotismon (133) 465,401 - 466,400. Artymus (1,000) 466,401 - 467,400. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 467,401 - 468,400. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 468,401 - 469,400. Lunadriel (1,000) 469,401 - 470,400. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 470,401 - 471,400. irishgirl1017 (1,000) 471,401 - 472,400. Naru_Uchiha007 (1,000) 472,401 - 473,400. Kyjoto (1,000) 473,401 - 475,400. Rein_Carnation (2,000) 475,401 - 475,900. Whoan (500) 475,901 - 525,900. Fayt_of_Redemption (50,000) 525,901 - 535,900. mistalina13 (10,000) 535,901 - 585,900. Owlsomniac (50,000) 585,901 - 586,900. SylverStar (1,000) 586,901 - 602,400. Bittersweet Candies (15,500) 602,401 - 612,400. Malikztiah Ankhwave (10,000) 612,401 - 613,400. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 613,401 - 614,400. catmagick (1,000) 614,401 - 615,400. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 615,401 - 616,400. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 616,401 - 617,400. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 617,401 - 618,400. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 618,401 - 619,400. purrrplekitty (1,000) 619,401 - 620,400. techabyte (1,000) 620,401 - 621,400. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 621,401 - 631,400. techabyte (10,000) 631,401 - 632,400. Artymus (1,000) 632,401 - 633,400. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 633,401 - 634,400. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 634,401 - 635,400. Lunadriel (1,000) 635,401 - 636,400. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 636,401 - 637,400. irishgirl1017 (1,000) 637,401 - 638,400. Sleet Tempest Snape (1,000) 638,401 - 639,400. Pinka (1,000) 639,401 - 640,400. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 640,401 - 641,400. Kesmi (1,000) 641,401 - 643,400. Rein_Carnation (2,000) 643,401 - 643,900. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 643,901 - 743,900. Leez0rz (100,000) 743,901 - 793,900. Fayt_of_Redemption (50,000) 793,901 - 803,900. Blue_Sparkle27 (10,000) 803,901 - 806,400. Candle Wick Ghost (2,500) 806,401 - 816,400. Fea Line (10,000) 816,401 - 826,400. Yeonn (10,000) 826,401 - 828,400. Artymus (2,000) 828,401 - 829,400. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 829,401 - 830,400. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 830,401 - 831,400. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 831,401 - 832,400. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 832,401 - 833,400. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 833,401 - 836,400. Mia Lovasz (3,000) 836,401 - 846,400. Poe-tae-toee (10,000) 846,401 - 856,400. sesshiyasha (10,000) 856,401 - 856,500. Tara de Draiocht (100) 856,501 - 866,500. techabyte (10,000) 866,501 - 876,500. Kaya Wolf Moon (10,000) 876,501 - 877,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 877,501 - 878,500. catmagick (1,000) 878,501 - 879,500. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 879,501 - 880,500. Fea Line (1,000) 880,501 - 881,500. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 881,501 - 882,500. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 882,501 - 883,500. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 883,501 - 884,500. Poe-tae-toee (1,000) 884,501 - 885,500. purrrplekitty (1,000) 885,501 - 886,500. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 886,501 - 887,500. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 887,501 - 888,500. techabyte (1,000) 888,501 - 889,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 889,501 - 939,500. Fayt_of_Redemption (50,000) 939,501 - 949,500. purrrplekitty (10,000) 949,501 - 959,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (10,000) 959,501 - 969,500. L e r i l y e (10,000) 969,501 - 970,000. Poe-tae-toee (500) 970,001 - 975,000. Whoan (5,000) 975,001 - 1,025,000. Summer Raaven (50,000) 1,025,001 - 1,035,000. Poe-tae-toee (10,000) 1,035,001 - 1,036,000. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,036,001 - 1,037,000. Whoan (1,000) 1,037,001 - 1,038,000. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 1,038,001 - 1,039,000. sesshiyasha (1,000) 1,039,001 - 1,040,000. magnadearel (1,000) 1,040,001 - 1,040,500. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 1,040,501 - 1,090,500. Chisato Mikami (50,000) 1,090,501 - 1,100,500. techabyte (10,000) 1,100,501 - 1,150,500. Kivras (50,000) 1,150,501 - 1,160,500. Summer Raaven (10,000) 1,160,501 - 1,170,500. Kivras (10,000) 1,170,501 - 1,270,500. Fayt_of_Redemption (100,000) 1,270,501 - 1,280,500. Fea Line (10,000) 1,280,501 - 1,281,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,281,501 - 1,282,500. catmagick (1,000) 1,282,501 - 1,283,500. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 1,283,501 - 1,284,500. Fea Line (1,000) 1,284,501 - 1,285,500. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 1,285,501 - 1,286,500. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 1,286,501 - 1,287,500. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 1,287,501 - 1,288,500. Poe-tae-toee (1,000) 1,288,501 - 1,289,500. purrrplekitty (1,000) 1,289,501 - 1,290,500. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 1,290,501 - 1,291,500. Summer Raaven (1,000) 1,291,501 - 1,292,500. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 1,292,501 - 1,293,500. techabyte (1,000) 1,293,501 - 1,294,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,294,501 - 1,306,500. Mameha Otome (12,000) 1,306,501 - 1,311,500. Candle Wick Ghost (5,000) 1,311,501 - 1,312,500. Keantha (1,000) 1,312,501 - 1,313,500. Andranis (1,000) 1,313,501 - 1,314,500. Midnightglow18 (1,000) 1,314,501 - 1,317,500. CitrusCupcake (3,000) 1,317,501 - 1,327,500. Malikztiah Ankhwave (10,000) 1,327,501 - 1,337,500. ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ (10,000) 1,337,501 - 1,347,500. Mewsings of An Angel (10,000) 1,347,501 - 1,349,500. Artymus (2,000) 1,349,501 - 1,350,500. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 1,350,501 - 1,351,500. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 1,351,501 - 1,352,500. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 1,352,501 - 1,353,500. Henry_kunz (1,000) 1,353,501 - 1,354,500. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 1,354,501 - 1,355,500. irishgirl1017 (1,000) 1,355,501 - 1,365,500. techabyte (10,000) 1,365,501 - 1,375,500. mistalina13 (10,000) 1,375,501 - 1,385,500. Kaya Wolf Moon (10,000) 1,385,501 - 1,395,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (10,000) 1,395,501 - 1,396,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,396,501 - 1,403,500. Poe-tae-toee (7,000) 1,403,501 - 1,404,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,404,501 - 1,405,500. catmagick (1,000) 1,405,501 - 1,406,500. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 1,406,501 - 1,407,500. Fea Line (1,000) 1,407,501 - 1,408,500. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 1,408,501 - 1,409,500. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 1,409,501 - 1,410,500. Mameha Otome (1,000) 1,410,501 - 1,411,500. Mewsings of An Angel (1,000) 1,411,501 - 1,412,500. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 1,412,501 - 1,413,500. Poe-tae-toee (1,000) 1,413,501 - 1,414,500. purrrplekitty (1,000) 1,414,501 - 1,415,500. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 1,415,501 - 1,416,500. Summer Raaven (1,000) 1,416,501 - 1,417,500. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 1,417,501 - 1,418,500. techabyte (1,000) 1,418,501 - 1,419,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,419,501 - 1,420,500. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 1,420,501 - 1,470,500. Fayt_of_Redemption (50,000) 1,470,501 - 1,480,500. Poe-tae-toee (10,000) 1,480,501 - 1,490,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (10,000) 1,490,501 - 1,510,500. Melomar (20,000) 1,510,501 - 1,511,500. catmagick (1,000) 1,511,501 - 1,512,500. Natelie (1,000) 1,512,501 - 1,513,500. tefla (1,000) 1,513,501 - 1,514,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,514,501 - 1,516,500. C o w b o y P e e p (2,000) 1,516,501 - 1,518,000. magnadearel (1,500) 1,518,001 - 1,518,500. medigel (500) 1,518,501 - 1,519,000. houllow (500) 1,519,001 - 1,519,500. Prism Shine (500) 1,519,501 - 1,520,000. Revel1984 (500) 1,520,001 - 1,520,500. Thaliawen (500) 1,520,501 - 1,523,500. Mameha Otome (3,000) 1,523,501 - 1,524,500. Artymus (1,000) 1,524,501 - 1,525,500. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 1,525,501 - 1,526,500. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 1,526,501 - 1,527,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,527,501 - 1,528,500. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 1,528,501 - 1,529,500. irishgirl1017 (1,000) 1,529,501 - 1,530,500. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 1,530,501 - 1,531,500. purrrplekitty (1,000) 1,531,501 - 1,533,500. Rein_Carnation (2,000) 1,533,501 - 1,536,000. Candle Wick Ghost (2,500) 1,536,001 - 1,536,500. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 1,536,501 - 1,537,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,537,501 - 1,538,500. catmagick (1,000) 1,538,501 - 1,539,500. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 1,539,501 - 1,540,500. Fea Line (1,000) 1,540,501 - 1,541,500. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 1,541,501 - 1,542,500. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 1,542,501 - 1,543,500. Mameha Otome (1,000) 1,543,501 - 1,544,500. Melomar (1,000) 1,544,501 - 1,545,500. Mewsings of An Angel (1,000) 1,545,501 - 1,546,500. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 1,546,501 - 1,547,500. Poe-tae-toee (1,000) 1,547,501 - 1,548,500. purrrplekitty (1,000) 1,548,501 - 1,549,500. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 1,549,501 - 1,550,500. Summer Raaven (1,000) 1,550,501 - 1,551,500. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 1,551,501 - 1,552,500. techabyte (1,000) 1,552,501 - 1,553,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,553,501 - 1,554,500. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 1,554,501 - 1,557,000. Candle Wick Ghost (2,500) 1,557,001 - 1,607,000. Fayt_of_Redemption (50,000) 1,607,001 - 1,617,000. Fea Line (10,000) 1,617,001 - 1,619,000. Blue_Sparkle27 (2,000) 1,619,001 - 1,621,000. FrostyPeaches (2,000) 1,621,001 - 1,622,000. Artymus (1,000) 1,622,001 - 1,623,000. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 1,623,001 - 1,624,000. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 1,624,001 - 1,625,000. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,625,001 - 1,626,000. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 1,626,001 - 1,627,000. Naru_Uchiha007 (1,000) 1,627,001 - 1,628,000. Fatal Irony (1,000) 1,628,001 - 1,629,000. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 1,629,001 - 1,631,000. Rein_Carnation (2,000) 1,631,001 - 1,631,500. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 1,631,501 - 1,633,500. Whoan (2,000) 1,633,501 - 1,635,500. sesshiyasha (2,000) 1,635,501 - 1,637,500. Blue_Sparkles27 (2,000) 1,637,501 - 1,641,500. Poe-tae-toee (4,000) 1,641,501 - 1,647,500. Mameha Otome (6,000) 1,647,501 - 1,648,500. Whoan (1,000) 1,648,501 - 1,649,000. Lady Argentum Draconis (500) 1,649,001 - 1,649,500. Poe-tae-toee (500) 1,649,501 - 1,659,500. ChexaRain (10,000) 1,659,501 - 1,669,500. Kaya Wolf Moon (10,000) 1,669,501 - 1,679,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (10,000) 1,679,501 - 1,689,500. Wasteland Wyvern (10,000) 1,689,501 - 1,699,500. tefla (10,000) 1,699,501 - 1,701,500. Fea Line (2,000) 1,701,501 - 1,711,500. FrostyPeaches (10,000) 1,711,501 - 1,721,500. mistalina13 (10,000) 1,721,501 - 1,723,500. Whoan (2,000) 1,723,501 - 1,724,000. sesshiyasha (500) 1,724,001 - 1,724,500. Poe-tae-toee (500) 1,724,501 - 1,726,500. Whoan (2,000) 1,726,501 - 1,728,500. sesshiyasha (2,000) 1,728,501 - 1,730,500. Blue_Sparkles27 (2,000) 1,730,501 - 1,740,500. Poe-tae-toee (10,000) 1,740,501 - 1,741,000. Leez0rz (500) 1,741,001 - 1,741,100. o-Elixir-o (100) 1,741,101 - 1,741,200. techabyte (100) 1,741,201 - 1,742,200. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,742,201 - 1,743,200. catmagick (1,000) 1,743,201 - 1,744,200. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 1,744,201 - 1,745,200. Fea Line (1,000) 1,745,201 - 1,746,200. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 1,746,201 - 1,747,200. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 1,747,201 - 1,748,200. Mameha Otome (1,000) 1,748,201 - 1,749,200. Melomar (1,000) 1,749,201 - 1,750,200. Mewsings of An Angel (1,000) 1,750,201 - 1,751,200. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 1,751,201 - 1,752,200. Poe-tae-toee (1,000) 1,752,201 - 1,753,200. purrrplekitty (1,000) 1,753,201 - 1,754,200. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 1,754,201 - 1,755,200. Summer Raaven (1,000) 1,755,201 - 1,756,200. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 1,756,201 - 1,757,200. techabyte (1,000) 1,757,201 - 1,758,200. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,758,201 - 1,759,200. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 1,759,201 - 1,761,700. Candle Wick Ghost (2,500) 1,761,701 - 1,763,700. Fea Line (2,000) 1,763,701 - 1,765,700. Blue_Sparkle27 (2,000) 1,765,701 - 1,767,700. FrostyPeaches (2,000) 1,767,701 - 1,768,200. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 1,768,201 - 1,769,700. Nikkichomp (1,500) 1,769,701 - 1,819,700. Leez0rz (50,000) 1,819,701 - 1,869,700. techabyte (50,000) 1,869,701 - 1,969,700. Fayt_of_Redemption (100,000) 1,969,701 - 1,973,700. dawns_aura (4,000) 1,973,701 - 1,983,700. techabyte (10,000) 1,983,701 - 1,984,700. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 1,984,701 - 1,985,700. catmagick (1,000) 1,985,701 - 1,986,700. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 1,986,701 - 1,987,700. Fea Line (1,000) 1,987,701 - 1,988,700. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 1,988,701 - 1,989,700. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 1,989,701 - 1,990,700. Mameha Otome (1,000) 1,990,701 - 1,991,700. Melomar (1,000) 1,991,701 - 1,992,700. Mewsings of An Angel (1,000) 1,992,701 - 1,993,700. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 1,993,701 - 1,994,700. Poe-tae-toee (1,000) 1,994,701 - 1,995,700. purrrplekitty (1,000) 1,995,701 - 1,996,700. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 1,996,701 - 1,997,700. Summer Raaven (1,000) 1,997,701 - 1,998,700. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 1,998,701 - 1,999,700. techabyte (1,000) 1,999,701 - 2,000,700. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 2,000,701 - 2,050,700. Kyjoto (50,000) 2,050,701 - 2,150,700. medigel (100,000) 2,150,701 - 2,151,700. Fea Line (1,000) 2,151,701 - 2,152,700. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 2,152,701 - 2,153,700. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 2,153,701 - 2,154,700. Fea Line (1,000) 2,154,701 - 2,155,700. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 2,155,701 - 2,165,700. Rita Zyon (10,000) 2,165,701 - 2,175,700. techabyte (10,000) 2,175,701 - 2,185,700. Kaya Wolf Moon (10,000) 2,185,701 - 2,195,700. Blue_Sparkle27 (10,000) 2,195,701 - 2,205,700. Wasteland Wyvern (10,000) 2,205,701 - 2,215,700. Dea and #Teddy# (10,000) 2,215,701 - 2,315,700. Fayt_of_Redemption (100,000) 2,315,701 - 2,316,200. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 2,316,201 - 2,317,200. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 2,317,201 - 2,318,200. catmagick (1,000) 2,318,201 - 2,319,200. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 2,319,201 - 2,320,200. Fea Line (1,000) 2,320,201 - 2,321,200. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 2,321,201 - 2,322,200. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 2,322,201 - 2,323,200. Mameha Otome (1,000) 2,323,201 - 2,324,200. Melomar (1,000) 2,324,201 - 2,325,200. Mewsings of An Angel (1,000) 2,325,201 - 2,326,200. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 2,326,201 - 2,327,200. Poe-tae-toee (1,000) 2,327,201 - 2,328,200. purrrplekitty (1,000) 2,328,201 - 2,329,200. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 2,329,201 - 2,330,200. Summer Raaven (1,000) 2,330,201 - 2,331,200. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 2,331,201 - 2,332,200. techabyte (1,000) 2,332,201 - 2,333,200. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 2,333,201 - 2,343,200. mistalina13 (10,000) 2,343,201 - 2,344,200. Artymus (1,000) 2,344,201 - 2,345,200. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 2,345,201 - 2,346,200. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 2,346,201 - 2,347,200. Poe-tae-toee (1,000) 2,347,201 - 2,348,200. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 2,348,201 - 2,349,200. irishgirl1017 (1,000) 2,349,201 - 2,350,200. Naru_Uchiha007 (1,000) 2,350,201 - 2,351,200. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 2,351,201 - 2,353,200. Rein_Carnation (2,000) 2,353,201 - 2,354,200. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 2,354,201 - 2,354,700. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 2,354,701 - 2,355,700. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 2,355,701 - 2,356,700. catmagick (1,000) 2,356,701 - 2,357,700. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 2,357,701 - 2,358,700. Fea Line (1,000) 2,358,701 - 2,359,700. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 2,359,701 - 2,360,700. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 2,360,701 - 2,361,700. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 2,361,701 - 2,362,700. Lady Argentum Draconis (1,000) 2,362,701 - 2,363,700. Mameha Otome (1,000) 2,363,701 - 2,364,700. Melomar (1,000) 2,364,701 - 2,365,700. Mewsings of An Angel (1,000) 2,365,701 - 2,366,700. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 2,366,701 - 2,367,700. Poe-tae-toee (1,000) 2,367,701 - 2,368,700. purrrplekitty (1,000) 2,368,701 - 2,369,700. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 2,369,701 - 2,370,700. Summer Raaven (1,000) 2,370,701 - 2,371,700. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 2,371,701 - 2,372,700. techabyte (1,000) 2,372,701 - 2,373,700. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 2,373,701 - 2,378,700. Kaya Wolf Moon (5,000) 2,378,701 - 2,383,700. Blue_Sparkle27 (5,000) 2,383,701 - 2,388,700. Wasteland Wyvern (5,000) 2,388,701 - 2,393,700. Yumitoko II (5,000) 2,393,701 - 2,398,700. IvoryRyu.20 (5,000) 2,398,701 - 2,403,700. LydaLynn (5,000) 2,403,701 - 2,408,700. Jackariah Beckett (5,000) 2,408,701 - 2,413,700. sesshiyasha (5,000) 2,413,701 - 2,414,700. Artymus (1,000) 2,414,701 - 2,415,700. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 2,415,701 - 2,416,700. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 2,416,701 - 2,417,700. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 2,417,701 - 2,418,700. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 2,418,701 - 2,419,700. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 2,419,701 - 2,420,700. Naru_Uchiha007 (1,000) 2,420,701 - 2,421,700. Wasteland Wyvern (1,000) 2,421,701 - 2,423,700. Rein_Carnation (2,000) 2,423,701 - 2,433,700. ramenli (10,000) 2,433,701 - 2,435,200. Wasteland Wyvern (1,500) 2,435,201 - 2,436,700. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,500) 2,436,701 - 2,438,200. Rein_Carnation (1,500) 2,438,201 - 2,438,700. Poe-tae-toee (500) 2,438,701 - 2,440,200. Whoan (1,500) 2,440,201 - 2,540,200. Fayt_of_Redemption (100,000) 2,540,201 - 2,570,200. stormflower (30,000) 2,570,201 - 2,670,200. Mameha Otome (100,000) 2,670,201 - 2,680,200. Mewsings of An Angel (10,000) 2,680,201 - 2,681,200. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 2,681,201 - 2,682,200. Fea Line (1,000) 2,682,201 - 2,683,200. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 2,683,201 - 2,684,200. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 2,684,201 - 2,685,200. Fea Line (1,000) 2,685,201 - 2,685,700. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 2,685,701 - 2,686,700. Moire Frost (1,000) 2,686,701 - 2,734,700. Ellanoire (48,000) 2,734,701 - 2,735,700. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 2,735,701 - 2,736,700. catmagick (1,000) 2,736,701 - 2,737,700. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 2,737,701 - 2,738,700. Fea Line (1,000) 2,738,701 - 2,739,700. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 2,739,701 - 2,740,700. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 2,740,701 - 2,741,700. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 2,741,701 - 2,742,700. Lady Argentum Draconis (1,000) 2,742,701 - 2,743,700. Mameha Otome (1,000) 2,743,701 - 2,744,700. Melomar (1,000) 2,744,701 - 2,745,700. Mewsings of An Angel (1,000) 2,745,701 - 2,746,700. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 2,746,701 - 2,747,700. Poe-tae-toee (1,000) 2,747,701 - 2,748,700. purrrplekitty (1,000) 2,748,701 - 2,749,700. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 2,749,701 - 2,750,700. Summer Raaven (1,000) 2,750,701 - 2,751,700. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 2,751,701 - 2,752,700. techabyte (1,000) 2,752,701 - 2,753,700. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 2,753,701 - 2,754,200. Leez0rz (500) 2,754,201 - 2,754,300. o-Elixir-o (100) 2,754,301 - 2,754,400. sage_the_vampirc_angel (100) 2,754,401 - 2,754,500. Moire Frost (100) 2,754,501 - 2,755,000. Poe-tae-toee (500) 2,755,001 - 2,755,500. sesshiyasha (500) 2,755,501 - 2,757,000. Whoan (1,500) 2,757,001 - 2,758,000. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 2,758,001 - 2,775,000. Painted Moose (17,000) 2,775,001 - 2,775,500. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 2,775,501 - 2,815,500. SwordOfTheDarkOnes (40,000) 2,815,501 - 2,823,500. Tygress Dream (8,000) 2,823,501 - 2,828,500. Niyaru Delacroix (5,000) 2,828,501 - 2,838,500. Geyser Eelborn (10,000) 2,838,501 - 2,840,500. Fea Line (2,000) 2,840,501 - 2,841,500. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 2,841,501 - 2,941,500. Fayt_of_Redemption (100,000) 2,941,501 - 2,951,500. Candle Wick Ghost (10,000) 2,951,501 - 2,952,500. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 2,952,501 - 2,953,500. Niyaru Delacroix (1,000) 2,953,501 - 2,954,500. Fatal Irony (1,000) 2,954,501 - 2,955,500. Yeonn (1,000) 2,955,501 - 2,957,500. Whoan (2,000) 2,957,501 - 2,958,500. Artymus (1,000) 2,958,501 - 2,959,500. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 2,959,501 - 2,960,500. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 2,960,501 - 2,961,500. Lunadriel (1,000) 2,961,501 - 2,962,500. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 2,962,501 - 2,963,500. irishgirl1017 (1,000) 2,963,501 - 2,964,500. Sleet Tempest Snape (1,000) 2,964,501 - 2,965,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 2,965,501 - 2,967,500. Rein_Carnation (2,000) 2,967,501 - 2,968,500. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 2,968,501 - 2,973,500. Kaya Wolf Moon (5,000) 2,973,501 - 2,978,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (5,000) 2,978,501 - 2,983,500. Wasteland Wyvern (5,000) 2,983,501 - 2,988,500. Yumitoko II (5,000) 2,988,501 - 2,993,500. Kettyn (5,000) 2,993,501 - 2,998,500. Nyx Queen of Darkness (5,000) 2,998,501 - 3,003,500. Cheyriddle4 (5,000) 3,003,501 - 3,008,500. SwordOfTheDarkOnes (5,000) 3,008,501 - 3,013,500. Rein_Carnation (5,000) 3,013,501 - 3,018,500. CitrusCupcake (5,000) 3,018,501 - 3,023,500. Artymus (5,000) 3,023,501 - 3,028,500. Fatal Irony (5,000) 3,028,501 - 3,029,500. Fea Line (1,000) 3,029,501 - 3,030,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 3,030,501 - 3,031,500. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 3,031,501 - 3,032,500. Fea Line (1,000) 3,032,501 - 3,132,500. Mameha Otome (100,000) 3,132,501 - 3,182,500. Summer Raaven (50,000) 3,182,501 - 3,185,000. Candle Wick Ghost (2,500) 3,185,001 - 3,187,500. Epine de Rose (2,500) 3,187,501 - 3,197,500. mistalina13 (10,000) 3,197,501 - 3,198,500. Moire Frost (1,000) 3,198,501 - 3,198,600. Leez0rz (100) 3,198,601 - 3,199,600. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 3,199,601 - 3,200,600. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 3,200,601 - 3,300,600. Fayt_of_Redemption (100,000) 3,300,601 - 3,301,600. shadica (1,000) 3,301,601 - 3,302,600. Artymus (1,000) 3,302,601 - 3,303,600. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 3,303,601 - 3,304,600. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 3,304,601 - 3,305,600. Lunadriel (1,000) 3,305,601 - 3,306,600. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 3,306,601 - 3,307,600. [X]Natty-Chan[X] (1,000) 3,307,601 - 3,308,600. Yumitoko II (1,000) 3,308,601 - 3,309,600. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 3,309,601 - 3,311,600. Rein_Carnation (2,000) 3,311,601 - 3,312,100. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 3,312,101 - 3,313,100. chi honda (1,000) 3,313,101 - 3,315,600. Candle Wick Ghost (2,500) 3,315,601 - 3,316,100. Poe-tae-toee (500) 3,316,101 - 3,316,600. sesshiyasha (500) 3,316,601 - 3,318,100. Whoan (1,500) 3,318,101 - 3,320,600. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 3,320,601 - 3,323,100. Blue_Sparkle27 (2,500) 3,323,101 - 3,325,600. Wasteland Wyvern (2,500) 3,325,601 - 3,328,100. Henry_kunz (2,500) 3,328,101 - 3,330,600. [X]Natty-Chan[X] (2,500) 3,330,601 - 3,333,100. Ririka (2,500) 3,333,101 - 3,335,600. Inari Miko (2,500) 3,335,601 - 3,338,100. Lunarflowermaiden (2,500) 3,338,101 - 3,340,600. Chisato Mikami (2,500) 3,340,601 - 3,343,100. Kiara Lime (2,500) 3,343,101 - 3,345,600. AislingJuno (2,500) 3,345,601 - 3,348,100. purrrplekitty (2,500) 3,348,101 - 3,350,600. Summer Raaven (2,500) 3,350,601 - 3,353,100. Tara de Draiocht (2,500) 3,353,101 - 3,355,600. Fatal Irony (2,500) 3,355,601 - 3,358,100. mistalina13 (2,500) 3,358,101 - 3,368,100. ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ (10,000) 3,368,101 - 3,378,100. Malikztiah Ankhwave (10,000) 3,378,101 - 3,379,100. Artymus (1,000) 3,379,101 - 3,380,100. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 3,380,101 - 3,381,100. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 3,381,101 - 3,382,100. Inari Miko (1,000) 3,382,101 - 3,383,100. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 3,383,101 - 3,384,100. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 3,384,101 - 3,385,100. Yumitoko II (1,000) 3,385,101 - 3,386,100. Ririka (1,000) 3,386,101 - 3,388,100. Rein_Carnation (2,000) 3,388,101 - 3,390,600. Candle Wick Ghost (2,500) 3,390,601 - 3,392,600. CitrusCupcake (2,000) 3,392,601 - 3,395,100. Guardian 0f Heaven (2,500) 3,395,101 - 3,400,100. Candle Wick Ghost (5,000) 3,400,101 - 3,401,100. Revel1984 (1,000) 3,401,101 - 3,402,100. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 3,402,101 - 3,403,100. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 3,403,101 - 3,404,100. magnadearel (1,000) 3,404,101 - 3,405,100. Guardian 0f Heaven (1,000) 3,405,101 - 3,406,100. Whoan (1,000) 3,406,101 - 3,407,100. ~Twilight...Angel~ (1,000) 3,407,101 - 3,408,100. tefla (1,000) 3,408,101 - 3,409,100. dawns_aura (1,000) 3,409,101 - 3,410,100. Candle Wick Ghost (1,000) 3,410,101 - 3,420,100. Geyser Eelborn (10,000) 3,420,101 - 3,520,100. Fayt_of_Redemption (100,000) 3,520,101 - 3,520,600. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 3,520,601 - 3,530,600. Lunadriel (10,000) 3,530,601 - 3,531,600. Artymus (1,000) 3,531,601 - 3,532,600. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 3,532,601 - 3,533,600. LydaLynn (1,000) 3,533,601 - 3,534,600. Whoan (1,000) 3,534,601 - 3,535,600. Candle Wick Ghost (1,000) 3,535,601 - 3,536,600. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 3,536,601 - 3,539,100. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 3,539,101 - 3,541,600. Blue_Sparkle27 (2,500) 3,541,601 - 3,544,100. Wasteland Wyvern (2,500) 3,544,101 - 3,546,600. Yumitoko II (2,500) 3,546,601 - 3,549,100. Keantha (2,500) 3,549,101 - 3,551,600. Fayt_of_Redemption (2,500) 3,551,601 - 3,554,100. MiddyGlow (2,500) 3,554,101 - 3,556,600. Alanna the Pirate Queen (2,500) 3,556,601 - 3,559,100. Artymus (2,500) 3,559,101 - 3,561,600. .Tortured. .Pumpkin. (2,500) 3,561,601 - 3,564,100. nekoFayre (2,500) 3,564,101 - 3,566,600. ~Twilight...Angel~ (2,500) 3,566,601 - 3,569,100. Lita Maxwell (2,500) 3,569,101 - 3,571,600. dawns_aura (2,500) 3,571,601 - 3,574,100. Niyaru Delacroix (2,500) 3,574,101 - 3,576,600. Ghastly Demise- (2,500) 3,576,601 - 3,577,600. chi honda (1,000) 3,577,601 - 3,580,100. Candle Wick Ghost (2,500) 3,580,101 - 3,581,100. Fea Line (1,000) 3,581,101 - 3,582,100. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 3,582,101 - 3,583,100. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 3,583,101 - 3,584,100. Fea Line (1,000) 3,584,101 - 3,594,100. Painted Moose (10,000) 3,594,101 - 3,694,100. Alanna the Pirate Queen (100,000) 3,694,101 - 3,695,100. Moire Frost (1,000) 3,695,101 - 3,697,100. CitrusCupcake (2,000) 3,697,101 - 3,702,100. Ruhane Chiisai (5,000) 3,702,101 - 3,707,100. Lunadriel (5,000) 3,707,101 - 3,717,100. mistalina13 (10,000) 3,717,101 - 3,717,600. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 3,717,601 - 3,720,100. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 3,720,101 - 3,722,600. Blue_Sparkle27 (2,500) 3,722,601 - 3,725,100. Wasteland Wyvern (2,500) 3,725,101 - 3,727,600. Candle Wick Ghost (2,500) 3,727,601 - 3,730,100. lysia_nyteblade (2,500) 3,730,101 - 3,732,600. techabyte (2,500) 3,732,601 - 3,735,100. ChaosMyotismon (2,500) 3,735,101 - 3,737,600. Whoan (2,500) 3,737,601 - 3,740,100. Owlsomniac (2,500) 3,740,101 - 3,742,600. SylverStar (2,500) 3,742,601 - 3,745,100. Bittersweet Candies (2,500) 3,745,101 - 3,747,600. Malikztiah Ankhwave (2,500) 3,747,601 - 3,750,100. Fea Line (2,500) 3,750,101 - 3,752,600. Mia Lovasz (2,500) 3,752,601 - 3,755,100. Pinka (2,500) 3,755,101 - 3,757,600. magnadearel (2,500) 3,757,601 - 3,857,600. Fayt_of_Redemption (100,000) 3,857,601 - 3,858,600. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 3,858,601 - 3,859,600. Fea Line (1,000) 3,859,601 - 3,863,600. Mia Lovasz (4,000) 3,863,601 - 3,864,600. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 3,864,601 - 3,867,100. Candle Wick Ghost (2,500) 3,867,101 - 3,869,600. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 3,869,601 - 3,870,600. Artymus (1,000) 3,870,601 - 3,871,600. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 3,871,601 - 3,872,600. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 3,872,601 - 3,873,600. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 3,873,601 - 3,874,600. irishgirl1017 (1,000) 3,874,601 - 3,875,600. Naru_Uchiha007 (1,000) 3,875,601 - 3,876,600. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 3,876,601 - 3,877,600. Sleet Tempest Snape (1,000) 3,877,601 - 3,879,600. Rein_Carnation (2,000) 3,879,601 - 3,881,600. CitrusCupcake (2,000) 3,881,601 - 3,884,100. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 3,884,101 - 3,886,600. Blue_Sparkle27 (2,500) 3,886,601 - 3,889,100. Wasteland Wyvern (2,500) 3,889,101 - 3,891,600. Yumitoko II (2,500) 3,891,601 - 3,894,100. Kivras (2,500) 3,894,101 - 3,896,600. Chisato Mikami (2,500) 3,896,601 - 3,899,100. Poe-tae-toee (2,500) 3,899,101 - 3,901,600. Melomar (2,500) 3,901,601 - 3,904,100. C o w b o y P e e p (2,500) 3,904,101 - 3,906,600. houllow (2,500) 3,906,601 - 3,909,100. L e r i l y e (2,500) 3,909,101 - 3,911,600. Natelie (2,500) 3,911,601 - 3,914,100. Kesmi (2,500) 3,914,101 - 3,916,600. ChexaRain (2,500) 3,916,601 - 3,919,100. Leez0rz (2,500) 3,919,101 - 3,920,100. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 3,920,101 - 3,921,100. catmagick (1,000) 3,921,101 - 3,922,100. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 3,922,101 - 3,923,100. Fea Line (1,000) 3,923,101 - 3,924,100. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 3,924,101 - 3,925,100. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 3,925,101 - 3,926,100. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 3,926,101 - 3,927,100. Lady Argentum Draconis (1,000) 3,927,101 - 3,928,100. Mameha Otome (1,000) 3,928,101 - 3,929,100. Melomar (1,000) 3,929,101 - 3,930,100. Mewsings of An Angel (1,000) 3,930,101 - 3,931,100. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 3,931,101 - 3,932,100. Poe-tae-toee (1,000) 3,932,101 - 3,933,100. purrrplekitty (1,000) 3,933,101 - 3,934,100. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 3,934,101 - 3,935,100. Summer Raaven (1,000) 3,935,101 - 3,936,100. techabyte (1,000) 3,936,101 - 3,937,100. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 3,937,101 - 3,939,600. Guardian 0f Heaven (2,500) 3,939,601 - 3,942,100. Candle Wick Ghost (2,500) 3,942,101 - 3,945,100. CitrusCupcake (3,000) 3,945,101 - 3,955,100. Inari Miko (10,000) 3,955,101 - 3,973,100. dawns_aura (18,000) 3,973,101 - 3,974,100. Artymus (1,000) 3,974,101 - 3,975,100. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 3,975,101 - 3,976,100. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 3,976,101 - 3,977,100. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 3,977,101 - 3,978,100. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 3,978,101 - 3,979,100. Naru_Uchiha007 (1,000) 3,979,101 - 3,980,100. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 3,980,101 - 3,981,100. Kesmi (1,000) 3,981,101 - 3,983,100. Rein_Carnation (2,000) 3,983,101 - 4,083,100. Fayt_of_Redemption (100,000) 4,083,101 - 4,133,100. stormflower (50,000) 4,133,101 - 4,134,100. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 4,134,101 - 4,135,100. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 4,135,101 - 4,136,600. Whoan (1,500) 4,136,601 - 4,236,600. o-Elixir-o (100,000) 4,236,601 - 4,239,600. CitrusCupcake (3,000) 4,239,601 - 4,349,600. ChaosMyotismon (110,000) 4,349,601 - 4,352,100. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 4,352,101 - 4,354,600. Blue_Sparkle27 (2,500) 4,354,601 - 4,357,100. Wasteland Wyvern (2,500) 4,357,101 - 4,359,600. Nikkichomp (2,500) 4,359,601 - 4,362,100. Lady Argentum Draconis (2,500) 4,362,101 - 4,364,600. Kyjoto (2,500) 4,364,601 - 4,367,100. medigel (2,500) 4,367,101 - 4,369,600. Thaliawen (2,500) 4,369,601 - 4,372,100. Rita Zyon (2,500) 4,372,101 - 4,374,600. Andranis (2,500) 4,374,601 - 4,377,100. ramenli (2,500) 4,377,101 - 4,379,600. catmagick (2,500) 4,379,601 - 4,382,100. Mewsings of An Angel (2,500) 4,382,101 - 4,384,600. o-Elixir-o (2,500) 4,384,601 - 4,387,100. Moire Frost (2,500) 4,387,101 - 4,389,600. Ellanoire (2,500) 4,389,601 - 4,399,600. Geyser Eelborn (10,000) 4,399,601 - 4,409,600. Ice_Dragon_Demon (10,000) 4,409,601 - 4,419,600. Lady Argentum Draconis (10,000) 4,419,601 - 4,519,600. Fayt_of_Redemption (100,000) 4,519,601 - 4,520,100. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 4,520,101 - 4,521,100. Lunadriel (1,000) 4,521,101 - 4,522,100. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 4,522,101 - 4,523,100. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 4,523,101 - 4,524,100. ~Twilight...Angel~ (1,000) 4,524,101 - 4,534,100. ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ (10,000) 4,534,101 - 4,544,100. Malikztiah Ankhwave (10,000) 4,544,101 - 4,624,100. Mameha Otome (80,000) 4,624,101 - 4,655,100. AislingJuno (31,000) 4,655,101 - 4,656,100. Artymus (1,000) 4,656,101 - 4,657,100. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 4,657,101 - 4,658,100. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 4,658,101 - 4,659,100. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 4,659,101 - 4,660,100. irishgirl1017 (1,000) 4,660,101 - 4,661,100. Kesmi (1,000) 4,661,101 - 4,662,100. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 4,662,101 - 4,663,100. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 4,663,101 - 4,665,100. Rein_Carnation (2,000) 4,665,101 - 4,765,100. Leez0rz (100,000) 4,765,101 - 4,865,100. techabyte (100,000) 4,865,101 - 4,866,100. Lunadriel (1,000) 4,866,101 - 4,869,100. CitrusCupcake (3,000) 4,869,101 - 4,969,100. Fayt_of_Redemption (100,000) 4,969,101 - 4,974,100. Candle Wick Ghost (5,000) 4,974,101 - 4,974,600. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 4,974,601 - 4,977,100. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 4,977,101 - 4,979,600. stormflower (2,500) 4,979,601 - 4,982,100. Painted Moose (2,500) 4,982,101 - 4,984,600. Geyser Eelborn (2,500) 4,984,601 - 4,987,100. sage_the_vampirc_angel (2,500) 4,987,101 - 4,989,600. Revel1984 (2,500) 4,989,601 - 4,992,100. shadica (2,500) 4,992,101 - 4,994,600. Cheyriddle4 (2,500) 4,994,601 - 4,997,100. ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ (2,500) 4,997,101 - 4,999,600. FrostyPeaches (2,500) 4,999,601 - 5,002,100. chi honda (2,500) 5,002,101 - 5,004,600. Guardian 0f Heaven (2,500) 5,004,601 - 5,007,100. Lunadriel (2,500) 5,007,101 - 5,009,600. Ruhane Chiisai (2,500) 5,009,601 - 5,012,100. Rinial Sisterdragon (2,500) 5,012,101 - 5,014,600. Naru_Uchiha007 (2,500) 5,014,601 - 5,018,600. Kaya Wolf Moon (4,000) 5,018,601 - 5,029,600. AislingJuno (11,000) 5,029,601 - 5,030,600. [X]Natty-Chan[X] (1,000) 5,030,601 - 5,033,600. CitrusCupcake (3,000) 5,033,601 - 5,035,600. Whoan (2,000) 5,035,601 - 5,040,600. Ruhane Chiisai (5,000) 5,040,601 - 5,041,100. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 5,041,101 - 5,051,100. Mewsings of An Angel (10,000) 5,051,101 - 5,061,100. Artymus (10,000) 5,061,101 - 5,071,100. Rein_Carnation (10,000) 5,071,101 - 5,081,100. lysia_nyteblade (10,000) 5,081,101 - 5,091,100. Ghastly Demise- (10,000) 5,091,101 - 5,101,100. Kaya Wolf Moon (10,000) 5,101,101 - 5,111,100. Lunadriel (10,000) 5,111,101 - 5,121,100. Naru_Uchiha007 (10,000) 5,121,101 - 5,131,100. Henry_kunz (10,000) 5,131,101 - 5,141,100. IvoryRyu.20 (10,000) 5,141,101 - 5,151,100. techabyte (10,000) 5,151,101 - 5,161,100. Kivras (10,000) 5,161,101 - 5,171,100. Melomar (10,000) 5,171,101 - 5,181,100. Yeonn (10,000) 5,181,101 - 5,191,100. Whoan (10,000) 5,191,101 - 5,201,100. Yumitoko II (10,000) 5,201,101 - 5,211,100. Alanna the Pirate Queen (10,000) 5,211,101 - 5,221,100. Malikztiah Ankhwave (10,000) 5,221,101 - 5,231,100. Sleet Tempest Snape (10,000) 5,231,101 - 5,241,100. ChexaRain (10,000) 5,241,101 - 5,251,100. Blue_Sparkle27 (10,000) 5,251,101 - 5,261,100. stormflower (10,000) 5,261,101 - 5,271,100. Nyx Queen of Darkness (10,000) 5,271,101 - 5,371,100. Fayt_of_Redemption (100,000) 5,371,101 - 5,372,100. [X]Natty-Chan[X] (1,000) 5,372,101 - 5,382,100. AislingJuno (10,000) 5,382,101 - 5,387,100. Candle Wick Ghost (5,000) 5,387,101 - 5,392,100. CitrusCupcake (5,000) 5,392,101 - 5,392,600. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 5,392,601 - 5,396,000. Inari Miko (3,400) 5,396,001 - 5,406,000. mistalina13 (10,000) 5,406,001 - 5,408,500. Guardian 0f Heaven (2,500) 5,408,501 - 5,411,000. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 5,411,001 - 5,413,500. Wasteland Wyvern (2,500) 5,413,501 - 5,416,000. o-Elixir-o (2,500) 5,416,001 - 5,418,500. Fayt_of_Redemption (2,500) 5,418,501 - 5,421,000. Candle Wick Ghost (2,500) 5,421,001 - 5,423,500. Fea Line (2,500) 5,423,501 - 5,426,000. Yeonn (2,500) 5,426,001 - 5,428,500. Artymus (2,500) 5,428,501 - 5,431,000. Mia Lovasz (2,500) 5,431,001 - 5,433,500. Poe-tae-toee (2,500) 5,433,501 - 5,436,000. Tara de Draiocht (2,500) 5,436,001 - 5,438,500. techabyte (2,500) 5,438,501 - 5,441,000. Blue_Sparkle27 (2,500) 5,441,001 - 5,443,500. L e r i l y e (2,500) 5,443,501 - 5,446,000. Whoan (2,500) 5,446,001 - 5,448,500. Yumitoko II (2,500) 5,448,501 - 5,548,500. Summer Raaven (100,000) 5,548,501 - 5,554,500. AislingJuno (6,000) 5,554,501 - 5,559,500. CitrusCupcake (5,000) 5,559,501 - 5,564,500. Kaya Wolf Moon (5,000) 5,564,501 - 5,565,500. Inari Miko (1,000) 5,565,501 - 5,566,500. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 5,566,501 - 5,567,500. Yumitoko II (1,000) 5,567,501 - 5,568,000. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 5,568,001 - 5,569,000. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 5,569,001 - 5,570,000. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 5,570,001 - 5,571,000. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 5,571,001 - 5,782,000. Fatal Irony (211,000) 5,782,001 - 5,784,500. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 5,784,501 - 5,787,000. Wasteland Wyvern (2,500) 5,787,001 - 5,817,000. Mameha Otome (30,000) 5,817,001 - 5,819,500. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 5,819,501 - 5,822,000. Wasteland Wyvern (2,500) 5,822,001 - 5,824,500. Yumitoko II (2,500) 5,824,501 - 5,827,000. Andranis (2,500) 5,827,001 - 5,829,500. dawns_aura (2,500) 5,829,501 - 5,832,000. ~Twilight...Angel~ (2,500) 5,832,001 - 5,834,500. purrrplekitty (2,500) 5,834,501 - 5,837,000. Guardian 0f Heaven (2,500) 5,837,001 - 5,839,500. FrostyPeaches (2,500) 5,839,501 - 5,842,000. xKOVAKtheWOLFx (2,500) 5,842,001 - 5,844,500. Mameha Otome (2,500) 5,844,501 - 5,847,000. Dea and #Teddy# (2,500) 5,847,001 - 5,849,500. Blue_Sparkle27 (2,500) 5,849,501 - 5,852,000. tefla (2,500) 5,852,001 - 5,854,500. LydaLynn (2,500) 5,854,501 - 5,857,000. Yumitoko II (2,500) 5,857,001 - 5,860,000. Whoan (3,000) 5,860,001 - 5,910,000. Fayt_of_Redemption (50,000) 5,910,001 - 5,920,000. AislingJuno (10,000) 5,920,001 - 5,930,000. Candle Wick Ghost (10,000) 5,930,001 - 5,935,000. CitrusCupcake (5,000) 5,935,001 - 6,035,000. Alanna the Pirate Queen (100,000) 6,035,001 - 6,036,000. Lunadriel (1,000) 6,036,001 - 6,037,000. stormflower (1,000) 6,037,001 - 6,237,000. LydaLynn (200,000) 6,237,001 - 6,247,000. Rita Zyon (10,000) 6,247,001 - 6,253,000. AislingJuno (6,000) 6,253,001 - 6,254,000. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 6,254,001 - 6,255,000. catmagick (1,000) 6,255,001 - 6,256,000. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 6,256,001 - 6,257,000. Fea Line (1,000) 6,257,001 - 6,258,000. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 6,258,001 - 6,259,000. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 6,259,001 - 6,260,000. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 6,260,001 - 6,261,000. Lady Argentum Draconis (1,000) 6,261,001 - 6,262,000. Mameha Otome (1,000) 6,262,001 - 6,263,000. Melomar (1,000) 6,263,001 - 6,264,000. Mewsings of An Angel (1,000) 6,264,001 - 6,265,000. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 6,265,001 - 6,266,000. Poe-tae-toee (1,000) 6,266,001 - 6,267,000. purrrplekitty (1,000) 6,267,001 - 6,268,000. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 6,268,001 - 6,269,000. Summer Raaven (1,000) 6,269,001 - 6,270,000. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 6,270,001 - 6,271,000. techabyte (1,000) 6,271,001 - 6,272,000. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 6,272,001 - 6,273,000. Moire Frost (1,000) 6,273,001 - 6,276,000. Whoan (3,000) 6,276,001 - 6,326,000. Fayt_of_Redemption (50,000) 6,326,001 - 6,328,500. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 6,328,501 - 6,331,000. Wasteland Wyvern (2,500) 6,331,001 - 6,333,500. Lunarflowermaiden (2,500) 6,333,501 - 6,336,000. houllow (2,500) 6,336,001 - 6,338,500. Lunadriel (2,500) 6,338,501 - 6,341,000. Summer Raaven (2,500) 6,341,001 - 6,343,500. Artymus (2,500) 6,343,501 - 6,346,000. Malikztiah Ankhwave (2,500) 6,346,001 - 6,348,500. Inari Miko (2,500) 6,348,501 - 6,351,000. ~Twilight...Angel~ (2,500) 6,351,001 - 6,353,500. Fayt_of_Redemption (2,500) 6,353,501 - 6,356,000. magnadearel (2,500) 6,356,001 - 6,358,500. Niyaru Delacroix (2,500) 6,358,501 - 6,361,000. Thaliawen (2,500) 6,361,001 - 6,363,500. ramenli (2,500) 6,363,501 - 6,366,000. Cheyriddle4 (2,500) 6,366,001 - 6,376,000. Candle Wick Ghost (10,000) 6,376,001 - 6,381,000. CitrusCupcake (5,000) 6,381,001 - 6,391,000. Artymus (10,000) 6,391,001 - 6,401,000. Rein_Carnation (10,000) 6,401,001 - 6,411,000. lysia_nyteblade (10,000) 6,411,001 - 6,421,000. IvoryRyu.20 (10,000) 6,421,001 - 6,431,000. Kaya Wolf Moon (10,000) 6,431,001 - 6,441,000. Rinial Sisterdragon (10,000) 6,441,001 - 6,451,000. Lunadriel (10,000) 6,451,001 - 6,461,000. Ghastly Demise- (10,000) 6,461,001 - 6,471,000. Naru_Uchiha007 (10,000) 6,471,001 - 6,481,000. Yumitoko II (10,000) 6,481,001 - 6,484,000. Mia Lovasz (3,000) 6,484,001 - 6,486,000. Revel1984 (2,000) 6,486,001 - 6,516,000. Mameha Otome (30,000) 6,516,001 - 6,526,000. SSBrosB (10,000) 6,526,001 - 6,550,264. Aria Starstone (24,264) 6,550,265 - 6,550,764. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 6,550,765 - 6,551,764. Artymus (1,000) 6,551,765 - 6,552,764. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 6,552,765 - 6,553,764. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 6,553,765 - 6,554,764. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 6,554,765 - 6,555,764. irishgirl1017 (1,000) 6,555,765 - 6,556,764. Kesmi (1,000) 6,556,765 - 6,557,764. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 6,557,765 - 6,558,764. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 6,558,765 - 6,559,764. Revel1984 (1,000) 6,559,765 - 6,560,764. Cheyriddle4 (1,000) 6,560,765 - 6,561,764. Naru_Uchiha007 (1,000) 6,561,765 - 6,562,764. Caitlyn Hellstorm (1,000) 6,562,765 - 6,563,764. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 6,563,765 - 6,564,764. Yumitoko II (1,000) 6,564,765 - 6,569,764. Rein_Carnation (5,000) 6,569,765 - 6,575,764. AislingJuno (6,000) 6,575,765 - 6,625,764. Fayt_of_Redemption (50,000) 6,625,765 - 6,650,764. Artymus (25,000) 6,650,765 - 6,675,764. Rein_Carnation (25,000) 6,675,765 - 6,700,764. lysia_nyteblade (25,000) 6,700,765 - 6,725,764. Rinial Sisterdragon (25,000) 6,725,765 - 6,750,764. Ghastly Demise- (25,000) 6,750,765 - 6,775,764. Naru_Uchiha007 (25,000) 6,775,765 - 6,783,764. Inari Miko (8,000) 6,783,765 - 6,784,764. Mewsings of An Angel (1,000) 6,784,765 - 6,785,764. Summer Raaven (1,000) 6,785,765 - 6,795,764. Poe-tae-toee (10,000) 6,795,765 - 6,797,764. Whoan (2,000) 6,797,765 - 6,799,764. Blue_Sparkle27 (2,000) 6,799,765 - 6,801,764. sesshiyasha (2,000) 6,801,765 - 6,821,764. stormflower (20,000) 6,821,765 - 6,828,764. Niyaru Delacroix (7,000) 6,828,765 - 6,831,764. sesshiyasha (3,000) 6,831,765 - 6,834,764. Kaya Wolf Moon (3,000) 6,834,765 - 6,837,764. Candle Wick Ghost (3,000) 6,837,765 - 6,840,264. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 6,840,265 - 6,842,764. Jackariah Beckett (2,500) 6,842,765 - 6,845,264. SSBrosB (2,500) 6,845,265 - 6,847,764. Aria Starstone (2,500) 6,847,765 - 6,850,264. Lunarflowermaiden (2,500) 6,850,265 - 6,852,764. Mythi Red Panda (2,500) 6,852,765 - 6,855,264. SylverStar (2,500) 6,855,265 - 6,857,764. Malikztiah Ankhwave (2,500) 6,857,765 - 6,860,264. Kivras (2,500) 6,860,265 - 6,862,764. Ririka (2,500) 6,862,765 - 6,865,264. Fayt_of_Redemption (2,500) 6,865,265 - 6,867,764. Pinka (2,500) 6,867,765 - 6,870,264. Owlsomniac (2,500) 6,870,265 - 6,872,764. houllow (2,500) 6,872,765 - 6,875,264. ChexaRain (2,500) 6,875,265 - 6,877,764. Chisato Mikami (2,500) 6,877,765 - 6,887,764. Geyser Eelborn (10,000) 6,887,765 - 6,893,764. Whoan (6,000) 6,893,765 - 6,900,464. The_Great_Book_Wyrm (6,700) 6,900,465 - 6,905,464. CitrusCupcake (5,000) 6,905,465 - 6,906,464. chi honda (1,000) 6,906,465 - 6,909,464. AislingJuno (3,000) 6,909,465 - 6,911,964. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 6,911,965 - 6,914,464. Wasteland Wyvern (2,500) 6,914,465 - 6,919,464. [X]Natty-Chan[X] (5,000) 6,919,465 - 6,921,964. Kaya Wolf Moon (2,500) 6,921,965 - 6,924,464. Wasteland Wyvern (2,500) 6,924,465 - 6,926,964. Dea and #Teddy# (2,500) 6,926,965 - 6,929,464. muffled_undertone (2,500) 6,929,465 - 6,931,964. The_Great_Book_Wyrm (2,500) 6,931,965 - 6,934,464. Mythi Red Panda (2,500) 6,934,465 - 6,936,964. nekoFayre (2,500) 6,936,965 - 6,939,464. Epine de Rose (2,500) 6,939,465 - 6,941,964. MiddyGlow (2,500) 6,941,965 - 6,944,464. Blue_Sparkle27 (2,500) 6,944,465 - 6,946,964. SSBrosB (2,500) 6,946,965 - 6,949,464. CitrusCupcake (2,500) 6,949,465 - 6,951,964. HoneyTeaTree (2,500) 6,951,965 - 6,954,464. IvoryRyu.20 (2,500) 6,954,465 - 6,956,964. irishgirl1017 (2,500) 6,956,965 - 6,959,464. Kyjoto (2,500) 6,959,465 - 6,960,464. catmagick (1,000) 6,960,465 - 6,961,464. Natelie (1,000) 6,961,465 - 6,962,464. tefla (1,000) 6,962,465 - 6,963,464. stormflower (1,000) 6,963,465 - 6,964,464. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 6,964,465 - 6,974,464. Nyx Queen of Darkness (10,000) 6,974,465 - 7,124,464. Nyx Queen of Darkness (150,000) 7,124,465 - 7,144,464. Mameha Otome (20,000) 7,144,465 - 7,164,464. Lady Argentum Draconis (20,000) 7,164,465 - 7,184,464. Mameha Otome (20,000) 7,184,465 - 7,204,464. Lady Argentum Draconis (20,000) 7,204,465 - 7,224,464. Mameha Otome (20,000) 7,224,465 - 7,244,464. Artymus (20,000) 7,244,465 - 7,264,464. lysia_nyteblade (20,000) 7,264,465 - 7,284,464. Rein_Carnation (20,000) 7,284,465 - 7,304,464. Naru_Uchiha007 (20,000) 7,304,465 - 7,324,464. Ghastly Demise- (20,000) 7,324,465 - 7,334,464. Lunarflowermaiden (10,000) 7,334,465 - 7,340,864. Whoan (6,400) 7,340,865 - 7,390,864. Fayt_of_Redemption (50,000) 7,390,865 - 7,490,864. Alanna the Pirate Queen (100,000) 7,490,865 - 7,510,864. AislingJuno (20,000) 7,510,865 - 7,520,864. Tygress Dream (10,000) 7,520,865 - 7,521,364. ~Twilight...Angel~ (500) 7,521,365 - 7,621,364. Draconian_Peacock (100,000) 7,621,365 - 7,631,364. Mythi Red Panda (10,000) 7,631,365 - 7,636,364. Kaya Wolf Moon (5,000) 7,636,365 - 7,656,364. Mythi Red Panda (20,000) 7,656,365 - 7,666,364. Kaya Wolf Moon (10,000) 7,666,365 - 7,671,364. Mythi Red Panda (5,000) 7,671,365 - 7,672,364. Artymus (1,000) 7,672,365 - 7,673,364. Ghastly Demise- (1,000) 7,673,365 - 7,674,364. lysia_nyteblade (1,000) 7,674,365 - 7,675,364. Lunadriel (1,000) 7,675,365 - 7,676,364. Rinial Sisterdragon (1,000) 7,676,365 - 7,677,364. irishgirl1017 (1,000) 7,677,365 - 7,678,364. Naru_Uchiha007 (1,000) 7,678,365 - 7,679,364. Sleet Tempest Snape (1,000) 7,679,365 - 7,680,364. Kesmi (1,000) 7,680,365 - 7,681,364. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 7,681,365 - 7,682,364. nekoFayre (1,000) 7,682,365 - 7,683,364. Kyjoto (1,000) 7,683,365 - 7,684,364. Yumitoko II (1,000) 7,684,365 - 7,685,364. Prism Shine (1,000) 7,685,365 - 7,686,364. [X]Natty-Chan[X] (1,000) 7,686,365 - 7,691,364. Rein_Carnation (5,000) 7,691,365 - 7,692,364. Moire Frost (1,000) 7,692,365 - 7,792,364. Teigra (100,000) 7,792,365 - 7,812,364. Nyx Queen of Darkness (20,000) 7,812,365 - 7,842,364. stormflower (30,000) 7,842,365 - 7,855,364. Whoan (13,000) 7,855,365 - 7,955,364. Dea and #Teddy# (100,000) 7,955,365 - 7,965,364. Kaya Wolf Moon (10,000) 7,965,365 - 7,975,364. Wasteland Wyvern (10,000) 7,975,365 - 7,985,364. Mythi Red Panda (10,000) 7,985,365 - 7,995,364. Nyx Queen of Darkness (10,000) 7,995,365 - 8,005,364. LydaLynn (10,000) 8,005,365 - 8,015,364. Kettyn (10,000) 8,015,365 - 8,025,364. Thaliawen (10,000) 8,025,365 - 8,035,364. magnadearel (10,000) 8,035,365 - 8,045,364. Jackariah Beckett (10,000) 8,045,365 - 8,055,364. Nikkichomp (10,000) 8,055,365 - 8,065,364. Candle Wick Ghost (10,000) 8,065,365 - 8,071,364. CitrusCupcake (6,000) 8,071,365 - 8,540,364. techabyte (469,000) 8,540,365 - 8,545,364. Malikztiah Ankhwave (5,000) 8,545,365 - 8,645,364. Alanna the Pirate Queen (100,000) 8,645,365 - 8,665,364. Fayt_of_Redemption (20,000) 8,665,365 - 8,666,364. Lunadriel (1,000) 8,666,365 - 8,667,364. Dea and #Teddy# (1,000) 8,667,365 - 8,668,364. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 8,668,365 - 8,669,364. Wasteland Wyvern (1,000) 8,669,365 - 8,670,364. Mythi Red Panda (1,000) 8,670,365 - 8,671,364. Nyx Queen of Darkness (1,000) 8,671,365 - 8,672,364. Kettyn (1,000) 8,672,365 - 8,673,364. Jackariah Beckett (1,000) 8,673,365 - 8,674,364. Nikkichomp (1,000) 8,674,365 - 8,675,364. CitrusCupcake (1,000) 8,675,365 - 9,075,364. LydaLynn (400,000) 9,075,365 - 9,125,364. Artymus (50,000) 9,125,365 - 9,175,364. lysia_nyteblade (50,000) 9,175,365 - 9,225,364. Rein_Carnation (50,000) 9,225,365 - 9,230,364. Artymus (5,000) 9,230,365 - 9,235,364. lysia_nyteblade (5,000) 9,235,365 - 9,240,364. Rinial Sisterdragon (5,000) 9,240,365 - 9,245,364. Naru_Uchiha007 (5,000) 9,245,365 - 9,250,364. Rein_Carnation (5,000) 9,250,365 - 9,260,364. Thaliawen (10,000) 9,260,365 - 9,270,364. Mewsings of An Angel (10,000) 9,270,365 - 9,332,864. ~Latonia de la Courtel~ (62,500) 9,332,865 - 9,395,364. Silver Metallic Dragon (62,500) 9,395,365 - 9,457,864. Fantasy_Rocks13 (62,500) 9,457,865 - 9,520,364. DarkenWoodWolf (62,500) 9,520,365 - 9,521,364. xSakura Serenityx (1,000) 9,521,365 - 9,531,364. Candle Wick Ghost (10,000) 9,531,365 - 9,536,164. Kiara Lime (4,800) 9,536,165 - 9,586,164. Leez0rz (50,000) 9,586,165 - 9,636,164. techabyte (50,000) 9,636,165 - 9,639,164. catmagick (3,000) 9,639,165 - 9,640,164. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 9,640,165 - 9,641,164. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 9,641,165 - 9,642,164. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 9,642,165 - 9,742,164. LydaLynn (100,000) 9,742,165 - 9,747,164. Erina_Nobara (5,000) 9,747,165 - 9,755,164. dawns_aura (8,000) 9,755,165 - 9,765,164. Kivras (10,000) 9,765,165 - 9,775,164. Excited Apathy (10,000) 9,775,165 - 9,925,164. Nyx Queen of Darkness (150,000) 9,925,165 - 9,925,264. Nyx Queen of Darkness (100) 9,925,265 - 9,925,364. Ice_Dragon_Demon (100) 9,925,365 - 9,925,464. Geyser Eelborn (100) 9,925,465 - 9,970,464. [Mistress Morbid] (45,000) 9,970,465 - 9,972,964. Nikkichomp (2,500) 9,972,965 - 9,982,964. ~Twilight...Angel~ (10,000) 9,982,965 - 9,987,964. Kaya Wolf Moon (5,000) 9,987,965 - 9,990,464. Wasteland Wyvern (2,500) 9,990,465 - 9,992,964. Nyx Queen of Darkness (2,500) 9,992,965 - 9,995,464. Tygress Dream (2,500) 9,995,465 - 9,997,964. tefla (2,500) 9,997,965 - 10,000,464. Kettyn (2,500) 10,000,465 - 10,002,964. catmagick (2,500) 10,002,965 - 10,005,464. Lady Argentum Draconis (2,500) 10,005,465 - 10,007,964. Rein_Carnation (2,500) 10,007,965 - 10,012,964. Kaya Wolf Moon (5,000) 10,012,965 - 10,015,464. Naru_Uchiha007 (2,500) 10,015,465 - 10,017,964. xSakura Serenityx (2,500) 10,017,965 - 10,020,464. stormflower (2,500) 10,020,465 - 10,022,964. Yeonn (2,500) 10,022,965 - 10,025,464. DarkenWoodWolf (2,500) 10,025,465 - 10,027,964. Caitlyn Hellstorm (2,500) 10,027,965 - 10,030,464. Erina_Nobara (2,500) 10,030,465 - 10,032,964. Silver Metallic Dragon (2,500) 10,032,965 - 10,035,464. Excited Apathy (2,500) 10,035,465 - 10,037,964. Fantasy_Rocks13 (2,500) 10,037,965 - 10,042,964. Kaya Wolf Moon (5,000) 10,042,965 - 10,142,964. techabyte (100,000) 10,142,965 - 10,159,964. Fayt_of_Redemption (17,000) 10,159,965 - 10,179,964. AislingJuno (20,000) 10,179,965 - 10,180,064. Leez0rz (100) 10,180,065 - 10,310,064. sage_the_vampirc_angel (130,000) 10,310,065 - 10,311,064. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 10,311,065 - 10,312,064. catmagick (1,000) 10,312,065 - 10,313,064. Fayt_of_Redemption (1,000) 10,313,065 - 10,314,064. Fea Line (1,000) 10,314,065 - 10,315,064. FrostyPeaches (1,000) 10,315,065 - 10,316,064. IvoryRyu.20 (1,000) 10,316,065 - 10,317,064. Kaya Wolf Moon (1,000) 10,317,065 - 10,318,064. Lady Argentum Draconis (1,000) 10,318,065 - 10,319,064. Mameha Otome (1,000) 10,319,065 - 10,320,064. Melomar (1,000) 10,320,065 - 10,321,064. Mewsings of An Angel (1,000) 10,321,065 - 10,322,064. Mia Lovasz (1,000) 10,322,065 - 10,323,064. Poe-tae-toee (1,000) 10,323,065 - 10,324,064. purrrplekitty (1,000) 10,324,065 - 10,325,064. Rein_Carnation (1,000) 10,325,065 - 10,326,064. Summer Raaven (1,000) 10,326,065 - 10,327,064. Tara de Draiocht (1,000) 10,327,065 - 10,328,064. techabyte (1,000) 10,328,065 - 10,329,064. Blue_Sparkle27 (1,000) 10,329,065 - 10,519,064. SylverStar (190,000) 10,519,065 - 10,524,064. Kaya Wolf Moon (5,000) 10,524,065 - 10,529,064. AislingJuno (5,000) 10,529,065 - 10,534,064. techabyte (5,000) 10,534,065 - 10,549,064. Jackariah Beckett (15,000) 10,549,065 - 10,559,064. Lunadriel (10,000) 10,559,065 - 10,574,064. ~Twilight...Angel~ (15,000) 10,574,065 - 10,579,064. FrostyPeaches (5,000) 10,579,065 - 10,589,064. [X]Natty-Chan[X] (10,000) 10,589,065 - 10,594,064. Mythi Red Panda (5,000) 10,594,065 - 10,599,064. IvoryRyu.20 (5,000) 10,599,065 - 10,604,064. Kivras (5,000) 10,604,065 - 10,614,064. Kesmi (10,000) 10,614,065 - 10,619,064. Excited Apathy (5,000) 10,619,065 - 10,624,064. Erina_Nobara (5,000) 10,624,065 - 10,629,064. Caitlyn Hellstorm (5,000) 10,629,065 - 10,879,064. stormflower (250,000) 10,879,065 - 10,884,064. catmagick (5,000) 10,884,065 - 10,984,064. SylverStar (100,000)
Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 7:30 pm
Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 7:30 pm
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 1:17 am
Keantha has seeds for the garden! Platinum Sent: 1000
Andranis has seeds for the garden! Platinum Sent: 1000
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 3:54 am
Fayt_of_Redemption has seeds for the garden! Gold Sent: 1,000,000,000,000
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:20 am
Nikkichomp has seeds for the garden! Platinum Sent: 900
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 6:53 am
MiddyGlow has seeds for the garden!Platinum Sent: 10,000 MiddyGlow Hi Middy! Please update your form in this post with the recipient's name! -- Calixita
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 7:18 am
mistalina13 has seeds for the garden! Platinum Sent: 10,000
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 7:43 am
Alanna the Pirate Queen has seeds for the garden!Gold Sent: 100,000,000,000g (10,000p) Alanna the Pirate Queen Hi Alanna! Please update your form in this post with the recipient's name! -- Calixita Calixita Sorry about that! THanks for the catch
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 7:49 am
catmagick has seeds for the garden! Platinum Sent: 3000
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 8:01 am
Artymus has seeds for the garden! Platinum Sent: 2,000
lysia_nyteblade has seeds for the garden! Platinum Sent: 1,000
Rein_Carnation has seeds for the garden! Platinum Sent: 1,000
IvoryRyu.20 has seeds for the garden! Platinum Sent: 1,000
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:33 am
nekofayre has seeds for the garden! Platinum Sent:10,000
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:47 am
.Tortured. .Pumpkin. has seeds for the garden! Platinum Sent: 1,000