I am happy to say, I have completed the current event but just barely. The Lake Kindred event was supposed to end tomorrow but due to issues was extended to September 4th. I may not have gotten one of each kin but I did get some and completed all the achievements with the help of my daughter who loaned me a kin that could defeat the boss.
[rant] My biggest problem with this event is the rate of drops. We are supposed to catch 8 of the new kin to get one of the achievements but I found that over a thousand battles later I had only amassed 4. Luckily for me I had two accounts and thus just combined the kin from each to get the achievement. Second to that complaint would be how powerful the boss is. If it wasn't putting me to sleep or electrifying me, it was one punching me to death and of course paying the billion gold to not die just meant dying a few more times. All of that to get the achievement of beating the boss ten times. I guess I was not meant to play the live, die, repeat games or what is the new term today "Grinding or Farming". [/rant]