I'm going to be keeping an eye on our beloved lead admin lanzer and keep track of this particular quote from him.
any subsequent updates will be marked with an update. recent news will be kept in this post.
Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 8:36 pm
internet grandpa
internet grandpa
Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 8:36 pm
Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 8:38 pm
spoons ⭐tab If you see something, say something. i.e. if it hasn't been shared here show us. tab ⭐ tab what suggestions can you offer to BG? what would you like to see?
internet grandpa
Destructive Daredevil
Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 9:57 pm
occult dad
Sounds like the post-game display glitch. The BG payouts are actually in the hundreds most of the time - even when the display says 1:1. Slowly passing the message around that the post game earnings display is incorrect, but it doesn't reach everyone. It's a pity the glitch makes most users think booty grab doesn't grant much platinum when in fact it's actually one of the most lucrative platinum-granting activities on Gaia.
Things I would love to see more than anything else on Gaia: - Aquarium Snowflakes item glitch fixed - Re-release fish that never seem to show up anywhere anymore (e.g. Tiny Terror) - Aquarium snowfall during December (based on an actual, albeit old, event). Skeleton fish and Fish Costumes (also old events) would be cool too.
Fish Bunny Ears - During Easter 2009 all fish sported cute bunny ears. Screenshot by Shadey Kitty.
Aquarium Creepy Phonograph - This item used to turn your fish into skeleton fish when the song "Calm Water" was playing during Halloween 2008. Unfortunately, that song is no longer an option, so the phonograph is just a regular item now. Screenshot by Shadey Kitty.
Fish Halloween Costumes - For Halloween fish used to wear different types of costumes. The costumes have not appeared in recent years.
Snowing in the Tanks - During Winter of 2009 there was snow falling in the tanks: YouTube Video.
sweatdrop You've probably got a dozen notices since I edited this post a few times to add images and items I realized could get added. Apologies!
Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 9:58 pm
Users who aren't familiar with the quirks of earning platinum from Booty Grab (e.g. Game Results 1:1 - which is incorrect most of the time): check out the Booty Grab Currency Guide.
Destructive Daredevil
internet grandpa
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:19 am
No worries about the notifications. I get way too many as it is so I gotta spend time sifting through them anyway. No worries.
I think since it's the season, tomorrow's ATS would be a very good place to ask if we could see the return of the phonograph. I think it would generate some hype that Aquariums haven't seen in awhile.
but you make a fair point it would be nice to see some of the old events and scripts that came with them in booty grab. It hasn't been done in years. : o
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:03 pm
I try not to get hopeful, even when a post looks promising, but still crossing my fingers.
SITE-IN-GENERAL What is your plan for the phase-out of flash in 2020?
We are putting together resources to convert some of the current Flash games to HTML5, meanwhile, there should still be some options to play the flash games on Gaia. We are also looking into having flash support through any stand alone applications, and potentially porting games like zOMG to its own flash app too.
Browsers do not like Flash because the platform is prone to bad flash apps that create security exploits, blocking support on those apps at the expense of all other flash applications that are complete safe to run such as Gaia's flash apps, which is unfortunate.
Some games such as Towns are fairly easy to convert to HTML5, which is what we will do. However others such as Aquarium and zOMG have a lot of animations unique to Flash, and cannot be converted to HTML5 directly. We're hoping to make those games run outside of a browser.
Destructive Daredevil
internet grandpa
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 6:57 am
I think rather fortunately if the booty grab community really fights for it to be saved, then it likely will. It's really the small niche communities that are keeping gaia alive right now.
Amended: No answer unfortunately, but it looks like they do not have plans to re-add calm water to the aquariums to trigger the event. depressing. emotion_skull
Amended: No answer unfortunately, but it looks like they do not have plans to re-add calm water to the aquariums to trigger the event. depressing. emotion_skull
Thanks for inquiring about that event! Every once in a while I bring up the Aquarium Snowflakes glitch at ATS, but never got an answer.
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 5:45 pm
Glad someone mentioned it to lanzer. The glitch is annoying and throws off people who try out booty grab. Also tank owners should be getting more than 1 plat -_-