•••••••••••••••••• A p p e a r a n c e

Mermaid Form
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Human (town outfit)
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Human (Ball gown)
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•••••••••••••••••• B a s i c s

Name: Tsubaki Kuro


    ☆ 15
    ☆ Female
    ☆ Mermaid
    ☆ Pacific


♡ The beach
♡ Singing
♡ Festivals
♡ Adventure


☠ Bullies
☠ Snow
☠ Silence

•••••••••••••••••• P e r s o n a l

Personality: Quiet but not shy. She likes adventure but incredibly smart. So it would be hard to deceive her.
History: Her mom and dad are both adventurous spirits and were not home a lot while she was young.
Weaknesses: Silence is a sign to her as danger. She used to having at least one friend with her.
Strengths: You could probably give her a pop quiz and she would somehow pass.
Theme Song: none

APPROVED BY: Animushelixrebirth