Hey D-Party gang! We understand it has been difficult on everyone with the new safer-at-home/staycation/quarantine orders...so, with that being said...ALL CONTEST SUBMISSIONS HAVE BEEN EXTENDED! Yes, you heard that right, EXTENDED UNTIL APRIL 30, 2020!!!

Find the links to the following contests below:

Day 2: Battle for Friendship Avatar Contest
Day 3: Little D Art Contest!
Day 3: Diedrich Tells Little D a Never-ending Story!
Day 4: Art Contest - Pietastic!
Day 5: Art Contest - Diedrich 2020 Campaign Poster
Day 6: Avatar Contest - Flexing on Behalf of Bara D
Day 7: Avatar Contest - Professor D
Day 9: Avatar Contest - Paws Love Diedrich
Day 10: Art Contest - Big 10 Cake Decorating