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Life hadn't been easy since Aiolos and Ravenna had left their former herd, and this day was no exception. She had convinced Aiolos that they had needed to spend some time in the great plains, primarily so they could have an open, star-lit sky, and easy access to the moons. Though it was risky due to the exposure over the open space, the vast expanse was seemingly perfect. Surely, the moon spirits would think so too...

But luck, it seemed, was not on their side.

In fact, heavy clouds had rolled in the past few days, leaving them with a moonless sky; worse, the heavens had broken open and there was nothing but a heavy rain and storms. Unfortunately, finding refuge wasn't easy; in fact, there was nothing but open plains surrounding them, and no matter how she tried to find the woods and thickets to protect Aiolos and she from the weather--the land seemed more than a little uncooperative. So it was, she had managed to find a few small pines with which to seek shelter beneath, but the heavier woods seemed eternally out of reach. She saw them on the horizon, but no matter how long they walked, they just didn't seem to make any headway.

Such was the magic of the islands... but after a day soggy, wet, and cold, Ravenna was beginning to have doubts. She knew what they were supposed to do--knew that the moon spirits had called to them, to teach them a new way, to grant them a new life--and yet it hadn't been easy. Not only had they lost their home, their friends, everyone they had cared about... but they were still very much alone.

"I'm sorry, Aiolos," she sighed forlornly as she stared out at the heavy rains from beneath the boughs of the tree. "I thought we might find... well, I don't know what I thought, but it seems all wrong now." She wasn't trying to sulk, but she was beginning to doubt her purpose, their purpose. Maybe it was the drear and overall gloom of the stormy weather, or the lack of the moon in the sky to give her comfort... but Ravenna was feeling more than a bit down, and just a little insecure. It wasn't something she liked to feel--but maybe it had been a mistake to leave, to betray the beliefs of their herd.

Some high priestess she made--who would want to follow someone who was filled with doubt?
