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[Herd I/T] Nox Lunae Herd [U/C - Setting Up]

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:42 pm
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Welcome to information regarding the Nox Lunae Herd!

1. Welcome
2. About the Herd
3. Culture & Beliefs
4. Limitations or Restrictions
5. Herd Ranks
6. Herd Members
7. How to Join
8. How to Leave
9. Other
10. Reserved
11. Reserved
12. Reserved
13. Reserved
14. Reserved
15. Reserved
PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 4:13 pm
About the Herd

Nox Lunae means Night Moon and that sums up the general concept of the herd and its members.

Historically, this herd is relatively new! It began with just two members, the High Priestess Ravenna, and her brother Aiolos. The two had once been part of a herd that was more or less devoted to the Sun and its gods and spirits--but both had been called by the Moon.

Having to either revoke the blessing of the spirits, or pay a heavy price for their heresy, the two decided to leave the protection of their homelands. While exile seemed daunting, and was a significant change for them both, neither Ravenna nor Aiolos were alone. Their faith helped carry them through trials and tribulations, and by choosing a life to honor the moon and its spirits, by seeking refuge at night, the two siblings forged their own path, and founded a new Herd.


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 4:30 pm
Culture & Beliefs

Those of Nox Lunae tend to follow the cyclical nature of the Moon. While not every member of the herd is nocturnal, there are some who specifically are up during the night time hours, while others help guard and protect the herd lands during the day. Many rituals or celebrations tend to happen during the evening or night hours.

Not every member has to be spiritual or religious, but there are some deities/spirits that the herd particularly reveres:


While herd members might opt to pray/worship other deities or spirits, there are some that are ill-favored:

Spirits that are more or less worshiped or revered in the Sun Herd are more or less unwelcome--just due to Ravenna's past experience, but also to avoid any ill-favor with the night gods and spirits. Those who find themselves drawn or called towards the Sun and Light gods will be escorted to the Sun Herd or somewhere not Nox Lunae.

General Culture

Those of Nox Lunae tend to be more inclined towards a nocturnal lifestyle. Their most important rituals and ceremonies always take place at night. Some members will be given jobs to help guard and protect the herd during daytime hours, but they also tend to be put on rotation so they're not completely cut off from night time activity.

Those in Nox Lunae are not required to worship spirits or deities themselves, but all are required to at least be respectful to the moon and night time gods and spirits. Ravenna is the High Priestess of the Moon. Each individual in the herd will be "called" by one of the moon phases, and that will dictate their role within the herd.

OOCly, players have the option of either choosing a role, or rolling for their position.

In terms of everyday life, those in the herd with a calling will focus much of their day-to-day in their position. The herd is a social herd, and each individual member is expected to at least assist in the overall well-being of the herd and its members. Those who are ill, injured, too young, or too old to fulfill their calling will be cared for and protected by the rest of the herd.

While some roles might require a schedule or rotation when individuals should work, generally speaking, each member is expected to help out and pull their own weight on their own schedule.

Each position does have positions of growth. Members who grow within their position or role could be tapped to having more responsibility.

The Calling

One of the most important rituals in the herd is The Calling. As Ravenna and Aiolos were called into their positions, so will each member of Nox Lunae be "called" by the Moon spirits. This ritual is very personal and private. There is no set time frame for an individual within the herd to find their "calling". Generally, members born into the herd and the youth find their Calling just upon adulthood. For new members, it usually happens shortly after their acceptance into the herd. However, this is not a hard rule -- some members takes years before they are called by the spirits.

OOCly, this is up to the players to decide when and how their characters are called. We would prefer if new members and those born roll or choose their position relatively quickly, but for story sake we are open to allowing some members to remain without a calling. Each player may have only one character waiting on their calling at any given time. If you want a different character to have no calling, you will need to have the individual find their position, and then you may have another wait..

If there is a job or role that you feel would fit under a certain calling that isn't listed, please ping Uta! If it's approved, she will add it to the list. Uta has the right to deny the job, in which you'd have to choose from the preset list.

Those who have remained uncalled have no real role -- they are simply assigned to help wherever the herd needs bodies most. They are not allowed to move up in position or rank until they are called.

Open ranks to anyone within the herd!
Waxing Crescent - Creator (Leatherworker, Blacksmith, Alchemist, Tailor)
Waxing Gibbous - Protector (Guard, Warrior, Scout, Ranger)
Waning Crescent - Designer (Vintner, Chef, Jewelcrafter, Architect)
Waning Gibbous - Provider (Hunter, Gatherer, Fisher, Trapper)
First Quarter - Entertainer (Bard, Dancer, Storyteller, Companion, Matchmaker)
Last Quarter - Caretaker (Healer, Nanny, Mindhealer, Teacher)
New Moon - Shadow (Assassin, Sentinel, Spy, Rogue)
Full Moon - Mystic (Priest/Priestess, Oracle, Diviner, Seer)

Special Callings
These are closed and your character must fit the role before they can be applied for! These Callings are not chosen by the individual or player, but are granted usually through bloodlines. Individuals are either born into the role or inherited a gift that would naturally elevate their status. Characters cannot be chosen or rolled into this calling. They must be born into the role, given out in a special event run by Uta, or fit the qualifications.

Celestial - (Gods, Demi-Gods)
Luminary - (Mortal Children of Demi Gods)
Eclipsed - (Members without a Calling)

Celestial Explained: Unlike others who have a Calling, Celestial's are exempt. They are often revered and, so long as they are not causing harm in the herd or disrupting its traditions, are often given free rein among the herd. They are allowed to come and go as they please, for they come from the stars. If any do settle within the herd, it's considered a blessing.

Luminary Explained: These are individuals who have a special gift like the Blessing of Physical Strength, Blessing of Physical Speed, Blessing of Regeneration, Blessing of Foresight, or the Blessing of Hindsight. They may choose their Calling, but they also may change their calling at any point in time. Their gifts mean they might flit from group to group.

Eclipsed Explained: These are individuals who have no rank or title and or otherwise have been spurned by the night spirits, particularly the Moon. It isn't that they simply haven't found their calling, but the Priests and Priestesses have come the conclusion or someone has foresight to realize they will never be called by the Moon. This title can also be given to members who are stripped of their rank for bringing shame or otherwise have done something to lose favor. Whatever happened was not so heinous as to require exile, however, they are considered unlucky, and are not allowed to move up in rank or position. They may stay in the herd, but are assigned whatever tasks that are needed, and are often watched more closely. Some Eclipsed can regain favor and rank. [There must be a good reason for your character to gain this title. It is relatively rare. It is limited to one per player.]

Moon Rituals

There are special rituals that the herd participates in -- some being monthly, while others are more ad hoc as the herd sees fit. Priest and Priestesses are often taught how to perform certain rituals, but more complicated or more important celebrations and rituals are lead by High Priests and Priestesses, o Ravenna herself.

Certain rituals beneath the moon, the stars, and the night take place. There are some that all herd members are encouraged or required to attend, such as the Summer and Winter Solstices when the night is at it's shortest and longest; others, such as blessing a new member or new life into the herd, are more private affairs or are optional for individuals to attend.

New Moon Rituals This is a time for new beginnings. The dark moon is full of possibility and those who are looking to start a new path, or wish to get started on some project, or make a change might wish to partake in a New Moon Ritual. Those that participate will often be encouraged to wear dark fabric, and gemstones such as Obsidian or Crystal Quartz. The priest and priestesses will often encourage the moon spirit to help you with your intentions, to release your fear, and trust your way.

Waxing Crescent Rituals This is a time for commitment, either with ones intentions, or helping to re-establish commitment to ones goals, ones family, and the herd. This can be a time for self-reflection, as well as a time to bond with others in the herd. The priests and priestesses often encourage individuals to wear emeralds and moonstone during this time of the month to help remind others to stay the course.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 1:16 pm
Limitations or Restrictions

This herd is available for any types to join. While it is primarily a centaur herd, other 'taurs and familiars are allowed and welcome provided they are peaceful, respect this is a more Nocturnal Herd, and are here to help make this herd safe for its members.

Those who are not welcome are individuals who worship the Sun and other Day Spirits. These are in direct opposition with the spirits of the Moon and Night, and their worship could cause strife among the herd. Those that are called by the Sun will be escorted out of the herd and not welcome to return.

Individuals can worship other natura spirits, but they should not be in direct conflict with the Night, Moon, Stars, etc.

Relationships are important in the herd. Fated Mates are encouraged, especially among matchmakers of Nox Lunae, but flings are allowed. Same Sex and polygamous relationships are also equally allowed and accepted. Love and peace are encouraged -- so relationships that are wrought with discourse or unhappiness will likely be nullified by the matchmakers and the individuals in question encouraged to find new mates.

Littles -- such as baby foals, born into the herd or found elsewhere, and baby taurs and familiars of any stripe and color are adopted among the herd members. If parents are not available or uninterested in raising their children, the herd will adopt them out to another member or members. The young will never be without family and will be loved regardless.

There are ways to be immediately exiled from the herd: the blatant murder of one of the herd; taking advantage of anyone within the herd; or otherwise harassing and becoming a threat to a member in the herd. Those of Nox Lunae take care of each other!


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 1:17 pm
Herd Ranks

Waxing Crescent - Creator (Leatherworker, Blacksmith, Alchemist, Tailor, Artist)

Waxing Gibbous - Protector (Guard, Warrior, Scout, Ranger)

Waning Crescent - Designer (Vintner, Chef, Jewelcrafter, Architect)

Waning Gibbous - Provider (Hunter, Gatherer, Fisher, Trapper)

First Quarter - Entertainer (Bard, Dancer, Storyteller, Companion, Matchmaker, Writer)

Last Quarter - Caretaker (Healer, Nanny, Mindhealer, Teacher)

New Moon - Shadow (Assassin, Sentinel, Spy, Rogue)

Full Moon - Mystic (Priest/Priestess, Oracle, Diviner, Seer)

Celestial - Gods & Demi-Gods. Unlike others who have a Calling, Celestial's are exempt. They are often revered and, so long as they are not causing harm in the herd or disrupting its traditions, are often given free rein among the herd. They are allowed to come and go as they please, for they come from the stars. If any do settle within the herd, it's considered a blessing.

Luminary - The mortal children of Demi-Gods. These are individuals who have a special gift like the Blessing of Physical Strength, Blessing of Physical Speed, Blessing of Regeneration, Blessing of Foresight, or the Blessing of Hindsight. They may choose their Calling, but they also may change their calling at any point in time. Their gifts mean they might flit from group to group.

Eclipsed -- These are individuals who have no rank or title and or otherwise have been spurned by the night spirits, particularly the Moon. It isn't that they simply haven't found their calling, but the Priests and Priestesses have come the conclusion or someone has foresight to realize they will never be called by the Moon. This title can also be given to members who are stripped of their rank for bringing shame or otherwise have done something to lose favor. Whatever happened was not so heinous as to require exile, however, they are considered unlucky, and are not allowed to move up in rank or position. They may stay in the herd, but are assigned whatever tasks that are needed, and are often watched more closely. Some Eclipsed can regain favor and rank. [OOCly, There must be a good reason for your character to gain this title. It is relatively rare. It is limited to one per player.]
PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 1:18 pm
Herd Members

Herd Founders

Herd Leader & High Priestess of the Moon
Ravenna (Uta)

Herd Protector
Aiolos (`raze)

Herd Leaders

Waxing Crescent Leader:

Waxing Gibbous Leader:
Atheron (RuSilverDragon)

Waning Crescent Leader:
Lunaris (Cheri)

Waning Gibbous Leader:

First Quarter Leader:

Last Quarter Leader:

New Moon Leader:

Full Moon Leader:

Herd Members

Waxing Crescent - Creators - Leatherworker, Blacksmith, Alchemist, Tailor, Artist
Elara Lilura (Cheri) - Alchemist

Waxing Gibbous - Protectors - Guard, Warrior, Scout, Ranger
Artemis (Uta) - Guard

Waning Crescent - Designers - Vintner, Chef, Jewelcrafter, Architect
Lunaris - (Cheri) - Jewelcrafter

Waning Gibbous - Providers - Hunter, Gatherer, Fisher, Trapper
Selene (Cheri) - Gatherer

First Quarter - Entertainers - Bard, Dancer, Storyteller, Companion, Matchmaker, Writer
Qoaha (Uta) - Dancer
Lian (Fea Line) - Dancer

Last Quarter - Caretakers - Healer, Nanny, Mindhealer, Teacher
Soteira (Cheri) - Healer
Layla (Cheri) - Mindhealer
Nasima (Uta) - Nanny

New Moon - Observers - Assassin, Sentinel, Spy, Rogue

Full Moon - Mystics - Priest/Priestess, Oracle, Diviner, Seer
Enheduanna (Cheri) - Priestess
Persephone (Cheri) - Seer
Arkteia (Artymus) - Diviner

Celestials - Prophets - Gods & Goddesses

Luminaries - Enchanters - Children of Gods

Eclipsed - Outsiders - No Calling / Stripped of Rank


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 1:19 pm
How to Join

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 5:33 pm
How to Leave



Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:02 am

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