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Ares stretched his wings as the new uproar was finally settling. Erik had ******** up another relationship, not to Ares’ surprise. His father didn’t seem to have a committal bone in his body. Not that it was his fault, he was just a free spirit and couldn’t be contained to one place long. His disappearing acts were known to him since he was a foal. It was his own undoing, and he knew Sekhmet needed more. It was in her eyes, and even for Ares it was painful to see. He hoped that some day his father would get his s**t together respectively, but to be fair Ares was far from having his own affairs in order. He, like his father had troubles settling. Although his father would make commitments to his partners, Ares had a fear that he would turn into his father in that way. Something he didn’t wish for any partner that he loved. Instead he roamed the world alone and never settled although his heart longed for more lasting friendships and relationships. However, it was Ares who always got stuck in the ‘what if’ instead of actually letting something play out.
His cool blue eyes searching the sea of white for any form of life, it was the perfect day for a flight. The air being cool, was nice to not overheat. His black speckled wings outstretched as he ran into soaring above the lands. The wind under his wings was refreshing. He had the goal to make it to the great lake, he hadn’t been there since he was a child and was curious to see if it had frozen over yet. It was a bright, sunny day so the ice would be a sight to see if it didn’t blind him first.