Legal Name: Kawika Waiwai'ole
Pseudonym: Lancaster
Age: 21
Gender: Masc aligned
Species: Human
Hometown: Hau'oli, Melemele island - Alola


Background: Born and raised in Alola, Kawika oft times found himself dreaming about a world outside the island life. It was partly why he found himself disenchanted with tradition near the end of his Island challenge, eventually dropping from it entirely in order to chase after things outside his home.

He would, however, soon find that not everything is Alola off the islands. That there are severe cases of people completely disrupting the harmony between both pokemon and people.

more tba.


Pokemon: Pyukumyuku ( innards out ) & Mimikyu
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1 x Hoverboard
1x Snag Machine
1x SNAG (Snagem Network Access Gear, communication device, pokedex, map, etc.)
2x Pokeballs
5x Revives
5x Potions1

Snag Coins: 5 count

Still working on this.