User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. "Remember - Always listen to your surroundings. Often creatures will give warning signs when their space has been compromised..." "Yes father..." Elodie smiled, looking up to the stallion and his softly greying fur. "- Oh and the weather! You remember the clouds right..." " for changes in pattern and speed. Not to mention the smell of the air..." She gave a little giggle, despite all the stories he told he really was a worry wort. Elodie wondered if her sisters had gotten the same talk for their first time down the mountain alone. "Father it'll be fine. I have a plan for being away overnight, and i'll come back I promise. I don't want you to send brother Zevach after me anyways..."

Twilight gave a sigh, and a soft smile. How had Cosette handled these nerves of seeing their young adults off on their first unaccompanied adventure? Another thing his travelling had not prepared him for. "I know. I know you're all ready. We just worry..." "Thank you father..." Elodie stepped forth and nuzzled just under his jawline, as he gave a nuzzle to her head. "You said goodbye to your mother, right?" "Of course I did, She and brother Calore were heading out for a drink earlier." It was with another long glance back as she had headed down the hill just before her home had gotten out of sight. Elodie knew this was it, and that she would see home again shortly with tales of her own did she press past the treeline and headed off.

That was this morning though, as now it was past mid day that she was finally at the base of the mountain. There were no trails to lead the way, her father had insisted to never take the same path to avoid leaving trails for predators. So she had picked one of the many her parents had lead her on when they went exploring around their homelands. She had come across a meadow, tall grasses swaying in the breeze as she trotted quite merrily along. To think she was on her own! She could do whatever she wanted, go where she wanted!

Elodie wasn't without a plan though, as she flicked her braided tail...she wanted to go to the sea.

Out of all her father's tales the stories of the ocean pulled at her the most. The massive waves unlike any lake, the sour taste of the water, the sand and land around it. Seeing water farther than the eye could comprehend and watching the very sun vanish below the surface. The mare grinned as she looked around at all the surrounding scenery. grassy hills to the south, followed by a large valley with a river running through it and beyond the wide wide grasslands. You'll see the trees become lush before you hit the ocean.

So without any delay, she had began to walk towards those southern hills. How proud would they be when she came back with a seashell to show her family! That she had went all the way there and back without issue.