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Tags: Centaurs, Mythology, Roleplay, Pegasus, Fantasy 

Reply [IC] Chimereid Island RP
[PRP] Autumn Fun (Freyr x Theseus)

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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 8:48 pm
User ImageAs much as Freyr liked the warmth of summer, he couldn't deny that autumn was his favorite season. True, the days became shorter and yes, he had to don more clothing to keep warm, but the pros more than made up for the cons. The crisp, refreshing air was wonderful to feel after the way the end of summer usually felt, heavy and damp and oppressive. Freyr couldn't stand humidity and the last few weeks had really been quite awful on his mane and tail. The cool weather coaxed the plants to start to ready for winter, their leaves and flowers starting to change to brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows. They'd turn brown and dull later but for now they were glorious. Crops were reaching the end of their growth and the harvest was well under way, centaurs working hard in the fields and groves and orchards to supply their families and herds with food for the coming winter months.

Freyr found himself working as most centaurs did this time of year, two saddlebags tossed over his back that were slowly becoming heavy with the apples he was picking from the trees. He'd been at it for a while now and as much as he knew he should keep going, he was getting so bored. He'd tried singing a bit, he'd sampled the fruit he was picking, he'd paused to braid the longer bits of his mane and pause again later to undo them. Picking apples was only so entertaining, after all.

Finally he pulled the saddlebags from his back and set them down on a rock, careful not to let any of his haul spill onto the ground. There was nothing worse than a bruised apple, if he did say so himself. He stretched a bit to loosen up his spine now that it wasn't laden with produce and he trotted between two of the trees that had already given their fruit for the season, their leaves having turned red and orange and yellow already unlike the trees that were still bearing fruit. Those would remain green for a bit longer yet.

Under the colorful trees Freyr strode, kicking up the leaves with his hooves. He backed up as he worked, slowly dragging the leaves that had already fallen into a small pile. The work was slow going - he could really use a rake - but eventually he'd cleared the grass between the two trees, a decent little pile of leaves in the middle of the tiny clearing. He stood back to admire his handiwork before starting to widen the area, dragging leaves with his hooves to the pile to make it grow.  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 8:18 pm
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Autumn was in full swing on the Chimera Island, and Theseus was well aware of the change in season. Another month or two and the first snows would strike the island, and winter's chill would be upon them all. Already the nights were cooling down, and the trees were giving up their leaves. Most herds and bands and villages he passed were already preparing for the harvest, and storing away food for the more difficult months ahead. Though the island was magical, one couldn't always depend on the spirits offering up a bounty or support amid the coldest times of the year. However, unlike he strangers he passed, Theseus had no herd or band to call his own, and no village where he belonged.

Rather, no village he belonged to yet.

Though he was a sellsword, he was hopeful yet that he might find someone in need of his services. If he were lucky, they would be stationed at a village, and he might reap the benefits. On the other hoof, he might also be paid to travel some long journey, seeking out information, or battling someone's foe -- there were few guarantees in his life, but that was simply the long and short of it. Everything eventually changed, and no amount of grousing would change it; just because he might freeze for a few months, or starve, didn't mean that more fruitful tidings weren't still on their way.

So it was, Theseus was little concerned about the change of seasons, and continued on his way through the foliage.

It was with much surprise then that he picked his way through the underbrush, and found himself not far from a pale coated stallion, seemingly, digging through the leaves. Though he had heard some rustling upon his approach, it was no animal or beast for him to hunt or slay -- instead, it was simply another centaur.

What he was doing was.... gathering leaves? How singular.

He didn't say hello, didn't bother to greet the other, but he did lean against a nearby tree and observe. Theseus wasn't particularly unsociable, but he did sport a slightly bemused smile. Playing in the leaves wasn't something he'd ever thought to do, nor could he imagine anyone else doing the same. Fun and games weren't something Theseus had been raised to do, so he was trying to think of some practical reason for the work.

"Need a hand?" He finally asked. If the fellow was going to drag leaves into a pile, it's possible he might want someone like Theseus to help -- and might have a little coin to line his coffers.



Shy Mage


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 6:52 am
So engrossed in his work was Freyr that he didn't notice the approach of the other centaur, nor feel the eyes on him as he went about his self appointed task. If he really put his mind to it Freyr might notice someone watching him, but usually he was so focused on whatever he was doing, whoever he was talking to, or so caught up in his own thoughts that the sensation of being watched went right over his head.

The question made him jump slightly, his heart racing with the quick adrenaline rush that the unintentional scare sent racing through his system. He turned towards the direction of the noise, alert and ready to bolt, but relaxed when he saw a fellow centaur. Phew. Giving a friendly wave as he caught his breath, Freyr returned the smile with one of his own.

"Sure are quiet for someone your size," he said with a little laugh. Though not as stocky as some of their kind could get, the stranger was certainly big. Freyr wasn't nearly as sturdily built as most of his kin were, but he was fairly tall. That being said, the other centaur certainly outweighed him quite a bit with muscle. How creatures that large could pass unheard through the forest was impressive.

"Sure, if you want to!" he added, finally letting the question register. Eight hooves were probably better than four and although the other centaur didn't have a rake or anything to pile the leaves any quicker, Freyr would at least appreciate the company.

"Just sort of...scooping them all towards the center there," he said, motioning with a hand to the ever widening circle of cleared grass and dirt. Looking back at his new companion, Freyr tilted his head with a curious grin on his face.

"Not sure I've seen you around here before. I'm Freyr." Judging by the sword and shield adorning the black equine body Freyr gathered the other centaur was probably one who traveled quite a bit, either in search or work or for his own personal reasons. Freyr was far too comfortable in the village where he lived to consider the life of a nomad. Travel was fun, but he liked having a cozy cottage and his familiar posessions to go home to afterwards.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 2:46 pm
Theseus gave a small snort and smile at the others observation. "You learn to be, in my line of work," he admitted. He hadn't meant to startle the other, but he also hadn't gone out of his way to make his presence known. Knowing where and how to step was imperative in some situations, and could be the difference between a success and failure, or in very tight places, life or death. Being a mercenary wasn't always sunshine and roses, after all -- and imperiling a mission because of a snapped branch or twig was met with a heavy consequence. So it was, Theseus tended to move lightly despite his larger size.

Giving his tail a flick, the one-eyed centaur stepped away from the treeline to better inspect the work ahead of him. It was true he had no rake or equipment, but he did have a shield, hands, and hooves. Between the two of them, he was certain he could help, even marginally. So it was, he began to move the leaves with his front hooves as best he was able into a small pile, with the intention of picking it up in his arms and bringing it towards the center. "Well met, Freyr. I'm Theseus," he introduced himself, "I'm new to these parts," he explained, not that he expected it to be a surprise. "On the move, looking for work, or at least ready to offer aid." Scooping up leaves wasn't usually the sort of work he looked for, but this was more of a social encounter. Perhaps he'd get some information or at least notice of where the next village might be.

With a small pile of leaves gathered, he leaned down and swept them up in his arms. "So, uh, what's the fate of this pile?" He asked, curiously. A ritual? A fire to cook? Some sort of offering to the wood spirits? All the above?

Sorry for the delay! I'll try to expedite tagging this so we can get it done for the monthly RP game. :3


Shy Mage


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:16 am
As his new companion began to gather the leaves at his hooves Freyr's grin widened. That was nice of him to humor his request, he thought to himself. Usually the big, sword-bearing types didn't have time for things like making a big pile of leaves, but it just went to show that you couldn't judge a book by its cover.

"Bet you didn't think this was the type of aid you'd be giving," he teased, a little laugh to his voice as the larger centaur scooped up his pile with his arms and brought it over to the bigger one Freyr had been working on. It was hilarious and adorable all at once, though that was a thought he'd be keeping to himself.

The question that arose made a light flush rise to Freyr's cheeks and he pawed at the ground with a hoof out of mild embarrassment as he tried to decide if he should tell the sellsword the truth or make something up. Theseus didn't look the type to enjoy rolling about in a pile of leaves, but if the armful of colorful foliage reminded the smaller centaur of anything it was to not judge based on appearances.

"Probably getting tossed all over the place again," he finally said with a sheepish smile. "Maybe not as far flung as they once were. Crushed a bit as well, probably. See, I'd been harvesting all day and my back was getting sore from the weight of the apples so I figured I'd take a little break, have some fun..." He trailed off as one of his hind legs gently kicked back to push the pile up a bit higher.

"Haven't jumped in a good pile of leaves since I was a colt," Freyr added, reaching up to rub the back of his neck, eyes just barely looking over Theseus' shoulder rather than at his face. "Thought it might be fun."

Sounds good to me!
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 6:40 pm
Theseus didn't mind the work. It certainly wasn't the most difficult task he'd ever been asked, but without a proper tool, it was a bit trickier and slower going. Additionally, all the bending over was surprisingly a bit of a workout, despite being a very basic skill. Regardless, the stallion was glad to be of help, even if it was simply piling up the leaves. The work would get done faster with two, after all.

At Freyr's question, Theseus gave a small snort and a grin. "You're right about that," he concurred, "But not every mission need be filled to the brim with grueling work, treachery, or hardship." It was, he supposed, a nice reprieve. It wasn't often he got to work side-by-side with strangers, and the colorful centaur was proving to be companionable enough. Not everyone he worked for, or with, was so aimable. Depositing another large armful of leaves, and brushing a few off his chest, he took pause while the other pawed at the ground.

If he noticed the light flush in Freyr's cheeks, he said nothing -- the stranger was colorful enough as it was, especially compared to Theseus.

When Freyr did speak, and admitted that he was here to play in the leaves, Theseus raised a brow in surprised. "Huh," he replied, looking at Freyr and then at the leaves. He pawed the ground thoughtfully, before giving a small bark of a laugh. "Not what I would have guessed. I didn't realize leaves were meant to be jumped in," he admitted, still rather baffled by the prospect.

Was that something colts and fillies did? Clearly, he'd missed out.

"Well, we'll just have to make this pile extra plush then," he determined, giving his hoof one more stomp before heading back to his task with more fervor. If Freyr wanted to play in a pile, then it would need to be quite the pile. Theseus wasn't sure rolling in leaves would be considered fun, but fun wasn't something he was well-versed in. "If you need help with the apples while you play, I can be of service there, too," he added.

Reaching over, he unhooked his shield and decided to use it to help sweep up the leaves, albeit in a rudimentary fashion. It wasn't battle in the usual way-- but it was a fair bit swifter than scraping with his hooves. If he picked up some ground in the process, well, such was the risk. He was already going to be covered in leaves-- what was a little dirt?


Shy Mage


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 3:16 pm
Freyr stood ready for the laugh, the eye roll, some sort of sign from the larger centaur that indicated he thought it was a childish idea or one that wasn't befitting creatures such as themselves. Sure, it was mostly reserved for colts and fillies and other youths but Freyr was of the firm belief that it was important to enjoy life's simple pleasures. Jumping in the leaves wasn't hurting anyone, it wasn't causing destruction to property, it was just good, simple fun!

When Theseus did laugh it wasn't the condescending tone Freyr had been expecting, nor was the offer to continue to help. His ears pricked up a bit in surprise at that and he watched as Theseus began to redouble his efforts to get more leaves to the ever-growing pile.

The offer to help with his apple picking while he played in the leaves drew a little laugh from Freyr himself, finally shaking off the surprise he was still experiencing.

"After you're helping me make the pile? That wouldn't be fair," he said, resuming his own efforts. He didn't have a shield to use as a shovel but his hoof method was working all right, dragging leaves from other areas over to the pile. "You have to jump in too! Especially if you've never done it before." Now that the relief of not being made fun of or judged had passed Freyr was very set on the idea of getting the rugged taur into the leaves.

"After we've had our fun you could help me carry them back to my cottage," he offered, sensing Theseus might stick around if he had another job to do after the fun. "I'm afraid I don't have much by way of coin but if you need a place to rest for a bit I have more than enough room. I'm on the outskirts of the village as well so you may find more lucrative work there tomorrow."

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 4:00 pm
Theseus wasn't troubled by the work, as it gave him something to focus on. He wasn't so proud as to think helping another build a massive pile of leaves was beneath him -- one didn't question another's wishes, after all. Just because he didn't understand the appeal, didn't mean it wasn't important. A mercenary wouldn't get far if they questioned the reasoning behind their clients wishes--and though Freyr wasn't exactly paying him to do the work, Theseus didn't mind a little charity work.

"I'm built to labor," he mused, giving his red tail a little swish. That wasn't to say Freyr wasn't, but in terms of picking apples it would be easier for him to reach and carry them compared to the pale and smaller centaur before him. "You can enjoy the leaves while I can at least help get you some of the fruit from the higher branches." It simply made sense.

Of course, when Freyr mentioned he'd need to jump in the leaves, Theseus did pause in his work from surprise. Why on earth would he do such a thing? Giving a small, non-committal grunt, Theseus hurried back to the task at hand. "We'll see," he mused aloud, unsure if he would take the other up on the offer. Was it really so fun to jump in? Theseus wasn't known for playing games, or finding much time for idle amusements. But then again... would it hurt anything besides his pride?

Freyr's encouragement to return with him was appealing. "A fair trade," he remarked, giving a nod and another flick of his tail. "I'd take a night inside over my usual arrangements -- and can head to the village in the morning. Until then, consider me at your service." Anything Freyr might need or wish help with for the rest of the day, Theseus would oblige. Even if that meant rolling around in leaves.

He's absolutely adorable. I need to get him his Beef Baker, hahaha. heart But he's welcome to have his fun in the meantime. ;D


Shy Mage


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 4:25 pm
Theseus' response - both verbal and physical - to jumping in the leaves had Freyr hiding a little giggle behind his hand. It was always the big, tough centaurs that got twitchy when things got less serious and more focused on fun. Sure, centaurs were known for their strength and prowess in battle but Freyr likes to try to pull those warrior types out of the role they'd gotten used to and open up their minds a bit.

The fact that he agreed to take Freyr up on his sleepover offer satisfied him a bit, glad that he hadn't spooked the larger 'taur off with his request to join him in the leaf jumping that was soon to come. Maybe he could get him to loosen up a bit more over dinner.

"If you'd come along a bit earlier I might've taken you up on that offer to help with the apples, but the bags are pretty full," he said as he gave the pile a push with his hands, helping to make it a bit taller as opposed to wider. "But if you can reach some of the ones I couldn't I'm sure we can fill our arms up on the way back. My place isn't too far from here, just through the orchard." Backing up a bit, Freyr dusted off his hands before placing them on his hips, surveying their work.

"I think that'll do it," he said, glancing over at Theseus with a grin. "Want to watch me to see how it's done?"

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 7:25 pm
Theseus still wasn't sure whether or not he had gotten out of jumping in the leaves, but the stallion wasn't completely against the idea. It just baffled him on why anyone would want to? He wasn't here to judge, of course, but the idea of fun and games eluded the mercenary much like oil was averse to water. It wasn't that he couldn't have fun, he just plum didn't know how.

Pushing the last of his leaves into the pile, he gave his shield a little shake, before replacing it against his side. He'd need to clean and polish it up later that night, but there was time enough for it. "I'd be happy to grab some on our way out," he agreed, giving his red tail a little shake. An easy job for a meal and shelter -- while he didn't walk away with coin, he'd happily take a bite to eat and a little shelter from the elements.

Stepping back from the pile, he did peer curiously between the pile and Freyr. The pale fellow was certainly determined to continue his romp into the leaves, though once again, Theseus wasn't quite sure what the appeal might be. "That would be best," he agreed with a small smirk. "Let's see if you can convince me to join in on all this...fun."

Could Freyr really blame him for doubting?

Freyr is just too darn adorable! I gotta get Baker Beef!
Sorry for the short tag, haha.


Shy Mage


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 10:31 am
The subtle challenge made Freyr's grin widen and he took it to heart. He was going to make jumping in a pile of leaves look so fun even a centaur like Theseus couldn't resist!

"Get ready to put that shield down then, I'm very convincing." He couldn't help the teasing wink he tossed in as he spoke before turning around to walk a few paces away from Theseus and the pile of leaves. Once he turned again to face his target, Freyr scuffed the ground with a hoof as if he were about to charge top speed toward the leaves. Instead when he did finally move, it was almost a leisurely trot that, as he got closer, turned into a few prancing jumps. Finally he gave a little whoop as he leapt upward and forward, twisting as best as he could to land into the pile on his side. The leaves flew up around him as he landed, those at the bottom cushioning his fall. His laughter from within the pile was hardly muffled as he shifted to get his legs back under him, rising from the leaves with a grin.

"And that's all there is to it!" Freyr laughed as he lifted a hand to pull a few leaves out of his hair, crunching through the pile to exit. He made sure to push the leaves back into place, making the pile tall and ready for its next jumper which would hopefully be Theseus. "Now you!"

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 5:05 pm
Theseus really wasn't sure about this whole thing, but he wasn't going to be rude. Perhaps this was something other centaurs did -- ones that hadn't spent their foalhood and youth under blade and shield and work. So it was, Theseus did his best to quiet his judgment, and watched as the smaller centaur went barreling into the pile.

It certainly didn't look difficult, but the pale stallion also seemed to enjoy himself. As he stood up and extricated himself from the leaf pile, Theseus couldn't help but smile at the absurdity of it all. Perhaps that was the point. Still, he wasn't going to deny the other his wish. "Very well then -- consider me convinced," which might have been a bit of a half-truth.

Setting his sword and shield aside, Theseus took a moment to ponder the leaf pile, before giving a warriors cry. With a bolt and start, he ran full-pace towards the leaves, before throwing himself into it like it were some enemy. To say the leaves went everywhere was a bit of an understatement. By the time he rolled to his feet, he was covered in leaves and debris, but a chuckle rumbled from his throat. It was, perhaps, coming from a sense of awkwardness--but he had fulfilled the task Freyr.

"Is that how's it done?" He asked, giving himself a bit of a shake to remove some of the leaves and twigs sticking onto his body and hair. He still didn't quite understand the point of it-- but it did remind him, for a fraction of a moment, of the rare happier moments of his youth. There weren't many, and he'd forgotten or buried or had beat out of him the rest--but for just a moment, he seemed to recall splashing in puddles during the heavy rainstorms.

Not an entirely unpleasant memory, certainly.



Shy Mage


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:34 am
Freyr backed away from the pile once it was suitably built up again and turned to face Theseus, an eager, hopeful look on his face. He was delighted to see the larger 'taur was smiling and a moment later he began to divest himself of his sword and shield in preparation of his leap.

"Wooooo!" Freyr whooped, pumping a fist in the air with delight, hooves prancing on the ground as Theseus gave in to his request. The responding yell from the sellsword made him balk in surprise, but he recovered quickly and continued with his joyous laughter and yelling as Theseus blasted through the pile.

"That. Was. Awesome!" the pale male cried as he bounded over to Theseus who now stood in the remains of the pile. It seemed half of it was stuck to the larger male and the rest had been completely obliterated but, in Freyr's opinion, it was well worth it.

"Maybe next time try a little more of a jump and less of a charge, but that was still the best leaf explosion I've ever seen," Freyr said with a laugh, reaching up to pull a rather large twig out of Theseus' red, wavy hair. "I consider it a job well done!"

[IC] Chimereid Island RP

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