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The heat of summer has finally broken, and the cooler winds of autumn are finally rolling in, much to the relief of some. What was once green and lush has become a brilliant of tapestry of burning oranges and reds as trees and plant-life begin to prepare for the inevitable arrival of winter. Still, there's plenty of time before the bitter cold! Some crops thrive during this period of cooler weather, larders to stock, and homes to reinforce to keep out the chill of the night. The more nomadic sorts may be considering scouting out a good place to hunker down once the snows finally arrive.

What is your 'taur doing now that fall is here? Are they busy harvesting or otherwise preparing? Are they simply enjoying the change in season? The cooler temperatures do make hot food and drinks that much more delectable, after all...

Whispers had reached Tavares of her. His sister. The one he had been searching for, for a long time. Finally. Finally he found her… or at least, he had an idea where to focus. Finally he would have his chance to get his revenge. Mirari had never been one to stay in one place for long. Not even before everything had transpired. She had been afflicted by wanderlust. The same as he. Though that was likely the only thing they shared aside from blood.

He was by and far her superior, in every way. Yet she had been the adored one. Perfect, precious Mirri. He still sneered to consider it. She had been the herd’s perfect precious darling. She was everything to them. While he, he was always in her shadow. Even when she was disgraced, and driven away. She was exiled, and warned against ever returning. Yet still, she was allowed to be, to live. As long as she was still alive, he would only ever be in her shadow. He could only ever be seen as second best. A state of affairs he could not tolerate. He was far from second best.

So ever since her exile, he had kept an ear and eye out during his travels. Kept seeking out news of her. Not for any good reason. He knew that she could not survive, not if he were to have the life he desired. Mirri would die.
One way or another. He would be certain of it. And then, only then could he have everything he deserved. He would make sure of it.

As the heat of summer faded into the cooler temperatures of fall, he knew she would be travelling south. Winter was never a favorite season, not for either of them. So she would be seeking more temperate climes. Away from the forests, and mountains. Away from the snow and cold. Where one might see wonderous sunrises and equally great sunsets.

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As winter approached, Mirari knew she would need to start seeking warmer climes, or a place she could set up. A place she could call her own. It wasn’t the first winter she experienced since her exile – and it wouldn’t be her last – but she still had yet to find anywhere to set down roots. No place that had yet called her to stay for any length of time. She had seen many places that were beautiful. Many that had all she could ask for, and offered chances for her to dance and perform. Many where she could be happy. But none that she felt she could live in for long – not without her past coming to light.

The reason for her exile. Even if she could settle, and if her past came out, even if she was not sent away, she would be ostracized. Set apart. Again, and not in a good manner.

And worse still, word of her could get out and reach the ears of those who might not be best pleased. Might reach the ears of those who meant her evil.

More than anything else that was her fear. Others finding her. More than just others, she feared Him. Her little brother. If he found her. He would without a doubt kill her. And in some ways, she not only understood, but could understand why he felt the need. And perhaps, in some small dark portion of her soul, she could agree that if anyone had the right to see her dead, it was him.

The evening breeze was chilly and cut through to the bone. Winter was very clearly nipping in at autumn’s heels. The night’s were already longer, and the cold was too much. But it was a good night for the hunt to begin. The prey was marked, and come hell or high water he would find her. He would find her, and with his own hands, he would end her life.

Whispers on the wind, reports from several trusted advisors suggested Mirari had been seen near a mountain town in the north at the fringes of lands under their herd’s control. Near where none would have expected, given how close it was. How near the crime and the aftermath. How close that if she was discovered, it was well within the rights of the one who found her to carry out further punishment without any reprisal.

So that would be the best starting point. Even if it was far from likely that she was still there, it was a good lead. It was fresh, and was a place to find out how she looked, where she headed, and to get an idea how to proceed from there. He didn’t have any clue as to how far he would have to go, or how long it would take before he found her. But he would.

Now he had a concrete plan, he could return to his current place and pack. To get his affairs in order and hunt.

Mirri felt restless. She had already been here too long. Too close to finding it comfortable. A place she could learn to be comfortable and call home. The village was close to her past, probably closer than it could still should be. But the winter winds had started to blow. The chill reaching into her very being.
