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[Halloween RP Contest] Spirits and Shadows [Winners!]

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Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 5:34 pm
HALLOWEEN RP Contest - Spirits and Shadows
(format shamelessly stolen from 'raze!)

Prompt: There were strangers that had come to the land, so the rumors said, strangers with wild looks and wild magic. One was dark as night and said to be adorned in flame... The other, pale as death, shimmering silver draped across her hide like fetters. Sisters, it was said, sisters that had come together to this part of the island to stay. Who are they? What have they seen? And, perhaps most importantly, what can they do?

Start: Now!
Ends: November 1st @ 12:00 AM PST (midnight!)
Game starts & ends without a post announcement!

The Prizes
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Shadow Taur by Uta
(femme beef lines)
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Spirit Taur by Spelldancer
(femme standard lines)
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 5:39 pm
The Rules
1) You may enter for one or both, but you can only win one!
2) These taurs are sisters! The story should focus only on the pet you are trying to win. Regardless of your winning entry, it will be up to you to discuss the actual relationship or history between the two and come to an agreement with the other owner/winner.
2) You can edit your post up until the closing time.
3) Minor powers are just that - minor.
+ A single effect
+ Usually only affect a single target
+ Only lasts a short while
+ Will only affect a small area
** Powers can be leveled up through XP if you have something more grand in mind for later!
4) Questions, comments, concerns, emotional breakdowns, please ask Tsunake!
5) The winners will still need to post their powers in the power approval thread! No matter who wins, the power still may need revisions or adjustments! Winners can officially use the powers once they are approved in the Power Approval Thread!
6) Once the game has wrapped, individuals who enter may take their prompt and turn it into RP points in this thread!

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Powers Information gaia_left please read  


Territorial Friend


Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 5:40 pm
The Form

[size=28][center][b][color=darkblue]Something A Little Spooky...[/color][/b][/center][/size]
[b]Which Taur?[/b] Indicate which taur above you are entering for.
[b]Centaur's Name:[/b]
[b]Centaur's Personality:[/b]
[b]Centaur's History:[/b]
[b]Describe Minor Power:[/b] The Shadow Taur's power should have something to do with shadows, and the Spirit Taur should relate to the wisps at her feet. Whether it's fog, mist, clouds, light, smoke, etc. is up to you!
[b]Anything Else?[/b]
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 5:42 pm
The Entries:


Territorial Friend


Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 6:10 pm
Open! heart
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:37 pm
Something A Little Spooky...

Username: Artymus
Which Taur? Shadow
Centaur's Name: Nótt
Centaur's Personality: Nótt is calm and quiet, which can be unnerving to others. She doesn't mean to be, on the contrary, she enjoys being in the company of others. While she's normally on the quieter side, content to listen to the stories of others, she can surprise them and become quite passionate when speaking on something she's knowledgeable about. She also loves the dark, but she may be a bit biased because she can control shadows. She loves late night walks, especially during full moons, and loves hearing all the little nocturnal animals going about their business. Nótt also loves her sister very much, and could never imagine a life without her. Even when she faces judgment from others, she knows her sister loves her unconditionally. Nótt also tries to be considerate, and so in their travels she noticed that most other travelers don't do so at night, and came up with an idea. Now she leads the way through the darkness for others, helping them on their journey.
Centaur's History: Nótt is the younger sister, and when she was old enough, her sister took her traveling. Nótt doesn't remember their parents, but her sister often told her they were better off without them. She taught Nótt to never be afraid of her power, and to always be kind, and help others whenever she can. She never told Nótt that their parents had feared her power, called it a curse, and were on the verge of abandoning her. Never told Nótt that she had begged and pleaded to keep her, and that when Nótt was old enough she packed a small bag and they left without a word in the dark of night. The only thing Nótt can really remember is her sister rousing her, and telling her they were going on an adventure. Nótt had never been scared, and had trusted her sister with everything she had. They may not have always been happy, but Nótt always knew she was loved. Sometimes they struggled when they were living in the wilderness, but her sister always kept her safe and fed, and warm. They learned how to rely on themselves and each other, and as they grew, they began to help others where they could. Once when they encountered other travelers, they had been fearful to travel in the dark, claiming that devils and evil spirits were about in the night. Nótt and her sister knew this wasn't true, and were able to convince the apprehensive group that it was indeed safe, and that they could count on the pair to lead them to the next village. While she felt silly doing it, to put the group at ease they used some candles they'd recently purchased, and were able to affix them to Nótt's rump and her head, and led the way through the night. After making it to the next village, Nótt and her sister realized that they had a great opportunity to help others similarly, and began to plan their meanderings more accordingly. For years they did this, and the candles now seem almost a part of her. Now, in their adulthood, Nótt and her sister have decided it's time to put down roots, and made one last journey to their new home.
Describe Minor Power: Nótt can summon shadows to her, and use them to blind someone, or create what amounts to a small 1' x 1' blackout curtain as long as there's something creating the shadows for her to use. If there is too much light, her power isn't as effective.
Anything Else? ilu? <3  


Divine Krampus

Fea Line

Spoopy Kitten

15,725 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Cool Cat 500
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 10:32 am
Something A Little Spooky...

Username: Fea Line
Which Taur? Silver Spirit
Centaur's Name: Bia (meaning spirit of force or power)
Centaur's Personality: Aloof but sensitive and kind deep down. It takes a long while for her to open up to anyone (save for her sister, where there is already a strong connection) and as such appears as cold and distant as she looks. To those few who manage to break her barrier, however, she is far more warm and kind hearted than you might initially realize. Bia speaks softly but often her words carry loud actions. She isn't one to beat around the bush or sugar coat things. If something is going to harm you, she will tell you. If she is displeased by your action, she will let you know. At times she may even simply just walk away, feeling that using effort to form words to speak would waste too much of her time.
Centaur's History: As a young foal she wasn't able to fully control her power which led to many issues as one can imagine. Frustrated that she couldn't control it and feeling wounded by her father's outburst (of frustration, admittingly he lost his temper) her emotions boiled and spilled out in a silvery rage, consuming her and leaving her unconscious for weeks. When she awoke, she had no memory of the event, what happened, how it happened or much past that either. Bia has fond memories of her parents but they are fleeting and far between. Much of it is now a void, a blank darkness plaguing her mind and causing immense pain should she try to focus for far too long. All she remembers is them simply disappearing and then traveling with her sister, learning to survive on their own and doing the very best she could to provide for her sibling in any way she could, physical or emotional support.
Describe Minor Power: Bia can turn the wisps around her ankles into mist-like chains resembling the markings on her body. These affect only a single creature, or herself, latching on and draining a bit of their energy at the time, leaving them feeling exhausted. (A good nights rest restores them as if nothing had happened. Being made of mist, naturally the 'chains' break or dissolve quickly until strengthened via training.)
Anything Else? BABES i could not choose crying  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 3:11 am
Something A Little Spooky...

Username: spelldancer
Which Taur? Shadow Taur
Centaur's Name: Isra
Centaur's Personality: The first thing most taurs see is that Isra is creative. Her creativity extends to her art, speech, and actions. It serves her well in a fight for the opponent can’t predict her actions easily. She is outspoken and will not be cowed into submission. Her opinions expressed clearly and to the point. She doesn’t have time for niceties. It makes it hard for anyone to get past the protective layer she has built around herself in self preservation. Beyond that, she can be abrasive and harsh for she never really learned how to communicate differently.

Still, she is loyal to a fault. She will help bury the body for those that she lets in.Maybe it is because she has so few that she trusts that it hard for those that earn it to lose it. Despite her upbringing she loves deeply and will do anything for those that she gives that love too. She can be kind and thoughtful that to those that she feels deserve her time.

Willful was often a word used around her as a child. She refuses to be forces into doing something she doesn’t want to as long as possible. Her determination to be her own person and not some mindless follower, as she puts it, and her drive to have her way causes her to of often clash with others.

When she is doing something, she focuses on that task, that taur she is interacting with, and that activity she is engaged in. She lives in the present most of the time, focusing on the here and now. She still has dreams of what she wants the future to be and thoughts of her past, but she does not allow them to to distract her from the current moment. Her focus can become too much and cause her to miss things that are going around her, especially when the is creating art.

Centaur's History: Born to parents who were effervescent and full of light, it was no surprise that they were dismayed by a child that appeared to be dark and ominous. Isra found the whole thing insulting, for it was if they didn’t see her, just her appearance and her shadow power. Her parents were neglectful in some ways, derogatory in others, though they tried to fight against it. It is just hard to be supportive and caring when your daughter scares you. This made Isra act out and rebel as a child, feeling like any attention would be good attention.

When she was six, she received a present of clay from her mother. It was obligatory in her mother’s eye and clay just happened to be available for cheap at the market. Isra didn’t mind. As she worked with the clay she found she enjoyed it. It became a way to express herself that actually got attention from those around her. And she was good at sculpting. It relaxed her as she worked. At first her creations were simple, a horse that used corn silk as a mane. A bird with wings of leaves. Isra often incorporated other material into her sculptures. She was praised for it and her parents were relieved to find something easy that they could use as presents.

At ten, she began to question the way she was treated. Not only by her parents but by others as well. They often feared her. It wasn’t that she had no friend, there were a couple ones of her age that saw beyond what she looked like and were loyal to the bone. And she would do anything for them as well. But they were all bullied by other children who saw the way the adults reacted and were emboldened by it. Isra and her friends got into a lot of fights, not willing to simple accept the bullying. Isra was all too willing to call people on their hypocrisies and fight in both word and hoof. She even used her power despite how it furthered the fear that was an undercurrent of the fear, often using it to temporarily blind her opponent in a fight.

Eventually, around the age of sixteen, she began to realize that this was not a normal way to interact with those around her. That her treatment as wrong and they did not deserve her attention. Ignoring them was the best way to hurt them for she believed that many did it out of their own need to for attention and validation. She was the one they tore down to make them feel superior. This didn’t stop her from playing small pranks on others utilizing her abilities to manipulate a shadow. Knocking a full cup into someones lap was very gratifying after all.

Her art began to take on a darker edge. By adulthood she was known for pieces that where both beautiful and disturbing. They made people face emotions. thoughts, and ideas that many tried to bury and forget about but where part of every day life. Incredibly she had a devoted following of patrons as well as often having her pieces purchased by more mainstream taurs. With power she was able to help her in her creations, often being used a a third hand when a something small was needed or she needed to work in a small space allowing for intricacies that would otherwise be impossible.

Still, she struggled with the resulting confidence and self esteem issues resulting from her childhood. That too came out in her art and each piece sold seemed to heal a little bit inside her. Yet her self worth became tied up in her art. Sometimes her art extended to things that could be worn, often in unconventional ways.

As a young adult, Isra still works a side job to support herself. She dreams of a day when she could survive purely on her art alone.

Describe Minor Power: Isra is able to summon a shadow from those around her into solid form. The solid part is small inside with an edge of intangible shadows surrounding it. She can only sustain the solidity for a short period of time and only powerful enough to lift small objects. Her power has grown since she was a child for being able to only summon a small ball to able to summon and manipulate a hand sized shadow.
Anything Else?  


Swashbuckling Fairy


Wind-up Waffles

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 11:56 am
Something A Little Spooky...

Username: Melomar
Which Taur? Shadow Taur
Centaur's Name: Senka
Centaur's Personality: A very compassionate person, she hurts when she sees others suffering. Despite her appearance, she is gentle and sweet. However, there is the warrior's side that manifests a grim focus to her deeds. Whenever she kills (in battle), she does so with mercy and respect.
Centaur's History:
The full sibling of Manas, it is difficult to say they look related at all. But they each took half the appearance of each parent. Their powers, too, are rather unique but tied to darker magicks. That doesn't make them evil, however.

From a young age, Senka was bullied by other children. Even though she was larger and tougher, she seemed able to absorb the power of any punch and just... take it. She never fought back, and she never talked back. It just made her very sad. It is probably unsurprising, therefore, that she did not have many friends outside of the animals. She swore off meat because she wanted no harm to come to any creature. She can't help what other people do, but she likes to make her own corner of the world more bearable. She also likes to help people with whatever they need and if they are not openly afraid of her, she can be found at someone's place fixing their eaves or something.

When she was much younger, she was conscripted into the local army and served for a number of years. She butted heads with the higher-ups because she refused to kill anyone, but she learned techniques to disable an opponent and everyone seemed okay with that. By the time she returned home from the army, she was no longer close to her sister. Something had changed in both of them.

In their travels here, they have made efforts to re-connect and to become friends once again.
Describe Minor Power:
Minor Power - Dark Heal or Dark Hands
- Lays hands on wounded party.
- Heals someone's small wound, scratches, or other superficial wounds. Later will heal deeper wounds, trauma, etc.
- Takes a little of her life force to do it. Currently only takes a certain amount of HP. Later will take time away from her life.
- She can heal herself this way, but it will take life force from the beginning.
- See, it's a dark art because it slowly kills her.
Anything Else?Senka means "shadow" in Serbian and Croatian  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 11:56 am
Something A Little Spooky...

Username: Melomar
Which Taur? Spirit Taur
Centaur's Name: Manas
Centaur's Personality: Calm and collected, she seems like a confident ice queen. But she is rather timid when she isn't at work. Most living people make her nervous, though she hides it well. When at work, well, no one's talking back or judging her.
Centaur's History:
The full sibling of Manas, it is difficult to say they look related at all. But they each took half the appearance of each parent. Their powers, too, are rather unique but tied to darker magicks. That doesn't make them evil, however.

From a young age Manas was rather sickly, and tall but willowy. To say that she was not bullied would be a lie, but she seemed to scare people with her eerie, aloof demeanor. Once she even stopped some bullies on her sister just by arriving and standing behind Senka. She views her sister as weak and herself as strong, however, because Senka sacrifices herself to help others. Because Manas is so weak physically, she cannot afford such a luxury and takes instead from the dead. What do they need of their energies and memories, if they're already dead?

Like Senka, Manas was drafted into the local army, where she quickly rose in the ranks. She made a much better leader than her sister, but it was all about her powers and the air about her. People wanted to follow her, so she let them. Due to Senka's prowess in the army, Manas came to admire her sister. She was able to get around the rules without breaking them or being insubordinate.

In their travels here, they have made efforts to re-connect and to become friends once again.
Describe Minor Power:
Minor Power - Chain Speech
- Chain markings become real chains that can reach into the netherworld and speak with the dead.
- Only lasts a short time. So make it quick! The chains "break" and the spirit goes free.
- Can not control whom she calls. Later on she will be able to choose a type (such as a warrior), or a specific person.
Anything Else?Manas is from Sanskrit, meaning "mind, intellect, spirit"  


Wind-up Waffles


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:21 pm
Something A Little Spooky...

Username: Cheri
Which Taur? Spirit
Centaur's Name: Yasu
Centaur's Personality: Named out of the hope that she would grow up to be quiet and responsible, Yasu almost fits the bill. More than just responsible, Yasu was born with a very strong stubborn streak, as well as an out of proportion sense of duty. She possesses a tenacious will that saw her striking out on her own at a fairly young age, as well as a deep and abiding love for her sister. Since she grew up with very little in the way of love, she can find it difficult to accept it when it's given, not quite believing that it's genuine. But inside her is a deep capacity to love, and real empathy for others who might find themselves in similar situations. She can be a little slippery, and very avoidant, but her heart is in the right place. It has become habitual for her to gloss over some areas of her life that were less than pleasant, and to this day she struggles to express her needs. Older than her years, Yasu grew up much too fast and saw too much to go back to foalhood innocence.

Centaur's History: Born to a pair of powerless centaurs, Yasu was the eldest, though only by a handful of years. Still, the gap is large enough that she remembered her parents' response when first she and then her younger sister developed magical abilities. In Yasu's case, her parents were more accepting, deeming her minor muffling power to be fairly harmless, although it was clear to her from a young age that they did not approve. More disturbing, however, was when her baby sister's powers first manifested. Although she was excited to no longer be the proverbial black sheep, having found that their family line indeed possessed the magic that her parents profaned, she saw the signs quickly enough. Between the two parents, her mother was especially toxic in her treatment toward her, and toward her little sister.

From then on, she heard disturbing things at night. Whispers of what her parents might do to cast the eerie magic from their lives. She had tried to reason with them, tried to convince them that however strange it might seem to them, neither filly were of any harm to them. Afraid that they might take more drastic action, Yasu had debated long and hard what to do to protect not only herself, but her innocent sister. One night, when she had finally had enough, she packed up their meager belongings and led her baby sister away from the family lands. From then on, she tried to raise her sister and provide as stable and nurturing of an environment as could be found on the open road, but she was young and alone. It wasn't easy to feed the both of them, not when grass was scarce in the area, and she hadn't a thing to trade for food. Nor was there any shelter to be found.

Fearing that she would not be able to care for her sister, she took to using her power to steal small things here and there. A loaf of bread, a thin and thread bare blanket. Things that she thought surely would not be missed, and that she desperately needed. It wasn't too many such thefts later that she was caught in the act. Although her powers could muffle her hoof beats, the time that she could hold true silence was short, and a cany shop owner found Yasu with a sack of grain, just about to lift it away. Begging and pleading that the stallion allow her to take it away to feed her hungry sister, she was surprised to find a sympathetic ear. And, in time, a new family.

A hesitant Yasu brought her baby sister to meet the shopkeeper and his mate, and to her astonishment, they took both of them in. Neither he nor his lovely spouse cared a wit for the magical powers that had given the fillies so much trouble, and she found herself almost pathetically grateful. Seemingly overnight, she had a new home and parents who appeared to want her and her sister, whom she was assured was not cursed. It turned out that the shopkeeper's husband was a baker by trade, but with a magical ability of his own, a minor trait that allowed him to heat the fires in his oven through his powers alone. For the price of a promise to only use her power for good, she was given the world. At home at last, Yasu gladly agreed.

Describe Minor Power: Muffled/silent hoof falls. Truly silent for ten minute spurts, and otherwise louder or softer based on distance to the nearest living thing. A living creature beside her would hear her hoof beats as normal, softening until nearly silent the further away they got.

Anything Else? 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:29 pm
Something A Little Spooky...

Username: Cheri
Which Taur? Shadow
Centaur's Name: Scáthach - pronounced Skah-ha
Centaur's Personality: Born with a wicked sense of humor, Scáthach is akin to a large, inscrutable crow. Her essence distilled from the camaraderie of her herd and close, kinship bonds. She can be very protective of those more vulnerable than herself, but that protection is reserved only for taurs who cannot defend themselves, or for those closest to her. Scáthach possesses an artless sort of grace, but it's the languid athleticism of a tiger, the nonchalant je ne sais quoi that cannot be faked.

Laughing and yet inwardly very serious, Scáthach meets the world with dancing eyes. She has the soul of a warrior, but was born with a gift that has shaped her future. Part wisewoman and part skald, it is Scáthach's honor to carry on the traditions of her foremothers and forefathers. Although she is brave and just, she is also cunning and will avoid a fight if it's not truly necessary. Never think her a coward, for she is not. It is merely that she chooses her battles with care.

One unfortunate trait that she's never been able to shake is a predilection for shiny things. Along with actual objects themselves, Scáthach is drawn to beautiful beings, and relishes greatly in their company. Her hedonistic nature can tempt her into doing things which she by all rights should not, going down paths that she might otherwise avoid. Whether it's a love of fine silk or satin, jewelry, or a devastating beauty, it's all the same: a distraction away from the path she was meant to take. For as much as she does have a wise nature in general, her perception can be clouded by such pleasures.

Centaur's History: Born one of two daughters, Scáthach came into the world with a relish for life that has not relented since it began. One quick to laughter and slow to anger, she pranced through her foalhood with nary a care. That is to say, until her dear sister was almost taken from her. Although not in any mortal danger, Scáthach's sister was left weak from a plague that somehow passed her by. Frightened by the close call, Scáthach clung ever more tightly to her sister, working hard to make her sickly sister laugh through the misery of recovery. When she thankfully survived the illness, she was notably frailer, prone to becoming sick again at what seemed like the faintest provocation.

It is because of this that Scáthach has grown quite sensitive to the needs of others and particularly those less powerful than herself. For the young mare is quite strong and hardy indeed, and the plague left her untouched. It was not only her sister who sickened, but several of the elders of her herd. Scáthach had an existing knack for music and rhyme, and so she found herself learning at the hooves of the local bard. As a tiny filly, she had envisioned a future as a wandering warrior, but that future had been wiped out by the plague, as surely as the elders of her herd who lay wasting away from its ravages.

The very eldest of the elders had survived with little harm done, but it was only a matter of time before she moved on to the great pastures. So it was that Scáthach resigned herself to her fate, but in repeating the tales of old, she found that she had a peculiar power: she could replicate them in shadow form. For all that it was not long in duration, it was certainly splendid. Gone were the dreams of striking out on her own as a freelancer. Rather, Scáthach now thought of the richness she could give to the stories of her herd, showing others what had once been lost to time. A sense of excitement renewed her, ushering her toward a future where the elder's memories would now be preserved for all to not only hear, but see.

Describe Minor Power: Scáthach uses her shadow magic to recreate tales of old, a type of shadow puppetry that grows in sophistication as Scáthach progresses in her skill. Music and spoken word enhances its duration, but it can only last for an hour at most, before it fades away as if it had never been.

Anything Else? She has a close, loving bond with her sister. Very protective and careful of her, lest she accidentally cause her harm with her great strength.  


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate


Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 1:40 pm
Apologies for the delay in judging this! Your patience is appreciated! Without further ado, our winners! Congratulations, and thank you for entering! Remember, you will need to take your powers to the Magic & Power Approval thread!

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