Sounds of the wolves of sorts could be heard as if something was happening. The sun was already rolling up into the sky. It was gonna be a pretty day with a breeze of the wind, allowing the fall weather to be seen. But today wasn't gonna be that day. Darkness slowly started to descend onto the land, making it look like a land of nightmares. Even the howls had changed... They knew.. But what? Soquilis of every size scattered like rats, running towards the safety of their home. This kind of darkness was not seen for a several lifetimes. They didn't know how to react except for get to safety.
The only one that was not letting the darkness get to him. That was the wolfshifter, Lucas. His crimson tinted black fur soon 'melted' into the darkness. He smiled at the welcomed darkness as if it was an old friend. "Ah... The darkness of legends... What a calmness I feel from you.." He looked up at the sun that was turning black slowly. He suddenly let loose a deep husky howl into the air. His coat bristled with excitement. Several minutes later, he looked towards the land. The wolf that protected the herd was lost in his eyes. He licked his lips. No one would be able to calm him unless it was his soul mate who has not been seen in these lands as of yet. He started to run across the lands, jumping over any stream with ease. His ears listened for the other wolves. Several had answered him. It was the day that he could really be the wolf his soul mate really love.. a feral that could never let anyone get near him or.. her. "..Izzie.." He whispered before losing himself to the feral within himself.
He jumped onto a huge silver boulder, growling loudly to alert anyone that could be near by. He looked up to the darkening sun. A 'Halo' was starting to be seen. "... Are you the one that will help me find her? You are the darkness of legends!" His words were for fraught. He flattened his ears. "I need her like you need me.. a wolf that belongs to the darkness. But she is my light. Please...." He frowned softly. Sounds of howls erupted throughout the land. His body could not be seen as it was complete darkness by now. He walked off of the boulder. "Until she is found.. until she becomes my light.. I will be among the shadows of the night. The darkness.. I shall run." The howls were closer and louder. They call to him. His ears pricked up at the sounds. He knew that he had to answer. He lets out a huge howl to alert the pack that he was heading to them.
The sound of her voice appeared on the wind. "It'll be alright, my love. I will be there. I am your shadow...Run for me." Lucas stopped in his tracks, hearing the those very words. "..... I shall, my love.. I shall." He took off towards the wolves that were waiting for him. The darkness were theirs for the day. Lucas couldn't help but smile, knowing he'll find her. There was some glimpses of her, he thought over time. It could have been his mind playing tricks on him. He wasn't completely sure. It only made him more determined to find her.
A big shadow of a pack of wolves had appeared in the forest. He smiled even more, feeling his pride rising. "Time to run with the shadows of the night.. Lets." He barked at the wolves. Their response? Barks and howls, encouraging him to come to them. He took one last look at the 'sun' then at the wolves. "What kind of chaos shall we make?" He kept running towards the pack until his body melted onto their shadows. He had shifted into his wolf form.
His paws thundered over the land as he ran with them. He didn't know any of them but it didn't bother him. One of the wolves sniffed the air and grunted at another. He perks up at the two, wondering what was going on. That is when he saw a clearing up ahead. The second wolf looks towards him with an inviting look. He nodded. There were more howls that appeared ahead of them. The Eclipse had helped them earn two massive kills which were elks that was away from the other soquilis. The scent of the kills had hit his nose before he could even see the kills themselves. His coat bristled, getting thicker. He moved faster, knowing just what they were inviting him to. He jumped over a fell log. The first wolf nodded at him, motioning for him to get closer. It seemed to be an elder alpha wolf.
"... You are new.. one that I haven't seen before."
Lucas flattened his ears and nodded. "Forgive me, sir if I am in your territory." The whole group of wolves skidded to a stop. The second wolf laughs. "He wouldn't have called you to us if he didn't feel safe by you. Besides.. no wolf should ever enjoy The Darkness alone. The Feast is a tradition." He looked towards the wolf. "The Feast?" The wolf nodded softly. "The Darkness only appears maybe once in our lifetime. The Darkness calls us to be who we are.. wolves. The Feast is a way we show our appreciation to it." The wolf walked right towards one of the kills and uses it claws to open it a bit. Every wolf stepped backwards from the kills in that moment. "The newest wolf gets the first bite.. That is the tradition. We always welcome those who are needed the Feast the most first."
Lucas widened his eyes at the wolf pack then at the kills. They were allowing him to have the first bite?! He slowly walked towards the wolf, looking into its eyes. "... .." Silent words were shared between them. The wolf smiled at Lucas, motioning him to the kill. Lucas stood proudly for a moment, thanking the Darkness for this. The wolf released the feral within himself and took a huge shred piece of the meat. He looked to the pack before moving to a soft bed of clovers to eat. Once he was relaxed, the pack dove onto the kills to eat. He watched them, wondering if they had really called him as a brother. He now understood why The Darkness is considered a friend to all wolves. What he didn't know was that it was not the same for others.
The Alpha moved to lay down besides him while he ate. "The Darkness is a friend yes.. but.." He looked towards the soquilis that are hidden in their home. "To some of them.. it is not." Lucas tilts his head towards him. "It is not? What do you mean?" He took another bite of his meal. "The Darkness cannot harm them.. right?" The alpha frowns softly. "There are stories of some that changes them. There are some that lose their minds. To wonder like that for a lifetime is something worse than death. Not having your mind like it was before." The crimson wolf flattened his ears. "Losing your mind.... you mean insanity." The alpha nodded softly. "You may not have been told the hell that The Darkness can give one of them."
Lucas sighs and shook his head. "No.. I was only told what it does for wolves. I heard about this from the familiars." The alpha nods. "The familiars don't know the truth of everything of The Darkness... That is not even the worst of it." He looked at the land with a stare that seems to go for miles. "Losing the very memory of anyone.. yourself.. your loved one.. Even your own cubs/foals." Lucas's blood ran cold. ".... No... " He immediately had thought of his soul mate. A whine is heard from him. That is when the Alpha knew. ".... She isn't a wolf.. is she?' Lucas sighed softly, flattening his ears. "She has some wolf in her but... she is feline.. a snow leopard shifter.. " The wolf raised his paw to Lucas. "We don't know just how it'll affect someone like her. Try not to be worried. We will find out." He tilts his head slightly. "To have someone like you as her soul mate, she must be a very a strong feline." Lucas blushed softly. ".. She doesn't believe it but she is." The alpha nodded softly. "Then.. why worry?"
He whined a bit more, glancing down at the mostly eaten meat. "She is my soul mate.. I can't.. I just can't bear to think of that.." The alpha nodded softly. "Look for her once the sun rises up again.." Lucas nodded softly. "Yes, sir." He lays his head on his own paws, knowing all he could do is wait. Soon, he had fell asleep.
Darkness can be a friend if you allow it to be.. Darkness can be anything. But one wolf, it was a friend. But for others? It can be a nightmare....