User Image Sunlight streamed through the sheer curtains that covered Luc's windows, allowing the harsh light to diffuse and create a more cozy, moody atmosphere. Lucrecio had an aesthetic, you see, and they stuck to it religiously. Some might think they kept their home in a constant state of 'dusk' for the 'taurs that came to Luc for the services they offered, that the things Luc did were more believable when candles were lit and crystals glowed in the soft light. And, sure, they'd be right! Lucrecio knew their customers expected a certain look when they came to their readings and they tried their best to ensure the customer got the full experience they were looking for. But - and those that thought Luc was a bit odd at best and a con artist at worst would certainly deny this - Lucrecio kept their home like this all the time. They truly enjoyed the dim lighting, the cozy flicker of candles, the good vibrations the crystals gave off, the smell of incense on their small altar. It set the mood for their customers but it made them feel at home.

And so, although there were no customer readings on the docket for the day, Luc still moved around their sitting room to dust the shelves that held dried herbs and little trinkets collected over the years, to light the candles and get a stick of incense burning. Their bright eyes caught the light of the flames in the gently lit room and once they were satisfied with the mood, Luc moved to the little altar once more. A stack of well-loved cards sat beneath a white rod shaped crystal which Luc gently lifted and placed aside. They took the deck into their hand and shuffled it with practiced ease, the cards soft and flexible from years of use. Lucrecio had been given these cards by the centaur that had taught them how to use them and when they'd been given this priceless gift they'd been well worn already. Lucrecio knew there must be some blessing upon them by some god to keep them from falling apart with how much use they got and the centaur could only pray that they continued to last. They weren't sure what they'd do if one or more of the cards were truly ruined.

The weight of the deck was familiar and comfortable in their hands as Luc shifted to recline by the table they used for readings. There were a few candles lit on one side, dribbling wax down onto a few shiny stones at the base. Yes, that was a bit much, but the customers loved it.

"Spirits, gods, speak to me through the cards. What do you wish for me to know today?" Luc's voice was light but solid, soothing and steady. Some thought they put on an act for their customers, adding a mystical tone to their voice, but it really was how they spoke all the time. They closed their eyes as they continued to shuffle, breathing in deeply through their nose and out through their mouth. They meditated on the question for a few minutes, their hands slowly stopping as something told Luc that that was enough, the cards were ready for them to read.

Opening their eyes, Luc cut the deck into three stacks. They were uneven in size, but Lucrecio knew they were correct. They rearranged the three packs into one large deck again, then slowly but deliberately flipped over the top three cards. The first was put on the left, the second in the center, and the third on the right. That done, they put the deck aside before leaning in to get a good look at the cards, resting their chin on their fist, elbow on the soft wood of the table.

The first card depicted a winged, blindfolded female centaur with a pair of scales in one hand and a sword in the other. She was rearing up, wings spread majestically, and wielding the sword menacingly while holding out the scales like a lantern.

"Justice upright," Luc murmured, tracing their finger over the edge of the card. They pondered on that for a moment before letting their eyes slide to the second card which showed a male centaur this time, a crown on his head and regal robes draped over his shoulders. His eyes were kind but his posture ridged, showing compassion within the pomp and circumstance.

"The Emperor upright," Luc went on, a little smile on their face. They tapped their finger on the Emperor's face before caressing it gently. then moved on to the third and final card. This one showed a young centaur of an undetermined gender with seven yellow pentacles all around them. The young centaur was positioned as if tilling a field, a rake in one hand and the other resting on their brow to show they were tired from the hard work they'd done. The pentacles were large and seemed to be growing amid the plants that were being worked by the centaur.

"Seven of pentacles, also upright," Luc mused, leaning away from the cards. They closed their eyes and thought on the cards, lips moving with unspoken words as they worked out the meaning that the spirits had for them today. Luc sat like that for quite some time, the candles slowly dripping more wax onto the crystals below them. For customers Luc would work through the meanings out loud, but for themself they simply kept it internal. The spirits and gods knew the message and didn't need to hear a mere mortal trying to work out what they were trying to say.

Finally a little smile crossed Luc's lips and they opened their eyes. Reaching out, they picked up the Emperor card and looked at the kind face staring back up at them. Luc didn't say anything but they did give a knowing chuckle as they finally stood, scooping up the other two cards and the rest of the deck. Shuffling on the way back to the altar, Luc placed the tarot cards back down and replaced the selenite wand atop them.

"We shall see, won't we?" Luc said to the deck, giving it a fond pat before turning away to begin their day. Only time would tell if the cards were right, but in Luc's experience, they usually were.

WC: 1060