Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:41 am
Welcome to 2023 - year of RP! Some prizes if you will... As you know, soquili is currently on a hiatus but that doesn't mean we can't still have fun! During the year of 2023, the Lore team will still be bringing you fun RP shenanigans - but we'll be doing it a little differently to what you're used to to make things easier for us as we work on things behind the scene. What's this?Each week, starting 12:01am Monday EST (a bit later for the first one) we'll be posting a new prompt! During this time, you need to do a little RP (either with friends or solo) replying to the prompt. What about prizes?The prizes will change up a little bit. We may have monthly prizes still, but they'll be infrequent! What Lolly (and a few other amazing staff members!) are going to do is work on a *bunch* of prizes throughout the year and do a big RP giveaway at the end of the year! So why are we entering?You'll be entering for raffle tickets in that giveaway! Each completed prompt entry will earn you 1 ticket and we may have special events to earn more! In December, everyone who enters will be entered into a raffle to win one of the RP prizes. What if I win a monthly prize?You can still enter the end of year raffle - it'll count as December freebie - you just won't receive any tickets for the month that you won in - to spread the luck around a bit!. Struck out part null for month of March. For more information, please read below!
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:41 am
RULES + REGS Rules Usually soquili shop / RP rules apply Please don't delete any posts in this thread. Please turn off posting styles when posting entries in this thread. How to Enter Complete an RP (either solo or with a friend) with a minimum of 250. If you win the monthly prize, any tickets earned for that month are void and will not be put towards the end of year raffle. If there is no monthly prize, OR you don't win a monthly prize where offered, your tickets will be put towards the end of year raffle. We may award bonus tickets each week for different circumstances so keep your eyes open for that! We'll keep track of old prompts for you to use in your RPs but you cannot earn tickets for these prompts.
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:42 am
October prompt is over! Lists will be updated soon, they are partially updated now. Here we go November November is all about having an “attitude of gratitude” and—Scratch that, I hate when people say that but what they really mean is you can’t complain about or be upset about anything. Being grateful is good, but it’s okay to let out our emotions from time to time. In short, it’s okay to not be okay. Say it again. it’s okay to not be okay If you’re mad, sad, or whatever it’s okay to express that from time to time–it’s even healthy. I know this time of year is stressful. Write a 750 word RP about you soquili getting upset,mad, or in an argument. Do they rage against the dying of the light? Rant against the heavens? Finally tell someone enough is enough? Or just let someone else know how they feel, even if it’s not pretty or grateful? Maybe you want to make the RP into a parable that mirrors real life but in soquili way. Example (which you can totally use!) IRL your car has stopped working or those vacation plans have fallen through–tell me about how your soquili’s favorite basket breaks when you need it most. How that jar of honey didn’t come out flavored how they wanted. You’ve got the right to vent, so use this as a way to let it your frustrations (RULE: You cannot make it about any human, soquili can fend for themselves.) Dude, it's been a long year... PROMPT STARTS: NOW! PROMPT ENDS:12 NOON EST December 3, 2023 the Sunday after American Thanksgiving, so you can overcome your turkey lethargy. REMEMBER, you can now win two freebies a month. PRIZE: Points for end of year raffle and Hue Shift Prizes (famliar and soquili) Feel free to mix and match PROMPT REQUIREMENTS: All RP's have to be completed for credit. 750 words minimum per RPer. If you are RPing with someone else, only the person putting in for a prize MUST meet the word requirements. Rping with a partner will give you two tickets instead of one. (Note, the fams match the little birds on the soquili but you don't have to pick that one if you don't like. It's all up to you. XD) [b] Dude, it's been a long year....[/b] [b]Link to RP:[/b] [url=LINKGOESHERE][XxX ][/url] [b]Solo or Partnered:[/b] [b] Which Gaia color scheme would you like?:[/b] [b] Which little birb?: [/b]
ONLY ONE SOQUILI AND FAMILIAR EACH. We delight in the joy of the pain of your indecision. SUFFERING! ANUBIS wingless nekCATHARSIS wingless nekGUNMETAL wingless nekMOLUCCELLA wingless nekROSE SAGA wingless nekSAPPHIRE wingless nekVELVETINE wingless nekCERTING TO GENERAL all soquili by Malikztiah Ankhwave Birbs are stuck in migration pattern and will be sorted out in a day or two with the cold front. Birbs made it here! These are coloured by Calixita BUT they go in GC not her personal certing thread this time. Anubis SongbirdCatharsis SongbirdGunmetal SongbirdMoluccella SongbirdRose Saga SongbirdSapphire SongbirdVelvetine Songbird
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:42 am
OLD PROMPTS Ended November 1/2 It’s Hallowe’en night and wind is howling through the trees. The weather is suddenly ghastly. A mysterious mist rises around. Every once in awhile you think you hear the jingling of tack, the huffs of horses impatiently waiting…on what? A cold sense of dread overcomes you. The tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and for a moment everything seems pretenaturally still. Your breath catches in your chest and when you finally release breath it comes out in a white huff of air. It’s suddenly very cold. Your mouth is so dry you can barely swallow even if you can get the shallow breaths to actually force air into your lungs. There’s a loud cracking sound and you think you hear voices on the wind, but you can’t be sure. All you know is that they’re coming, they’re coming, THEY'RE COMING!.... For you. It’s some innate fear that tells you this, something instinctual. You can feel that whatever is out there is hunting you–that you are the prey. It’s imperative you run, the world narrows down to a single field of vision and you run, you run for your life and perhaps something more. The Wild Hunt rides tonight on All Hallow’s Eve. It is composed of a plethora of fallen warriors, lost souls, and mythical beings forever roaming the land on these chilly nights. Extra Rules for this Prompt:
1. You are armed with no weapon but your wits (if you have them). 2. This is a dream or fugue state, even if you’re soquili has wings, magic or glowing plants/crystals, they do not exist in this state. Basically, you’re as basic as can be. Good luck! You have two choices for prompts:1. It's a dark and blustery night, and you've fallen asleep in a thicket in the forest. You dream you've joined the wild hunt. What's it like? How did it happen? You can tackle just one of these questions or explore your own. 2, You fall asleep safe in your bed and dream that for some reason the Wild Hunt is chasing you. Tell us about it. Talk about that breathing down your neck fear that envelops you. Do you know why they’re chasing you? (You don’t have to). Show us what it’s like to be running and scared. . Ended October 2 Prompt: Finish an old RP you never finished OR RP out that plot you never RPed. 750 NEW words to complete an old RP OR 750 words completed RP actually doing that plot you've been meaning to do for forever. Ended September 2 Write me a fairytale with a twist!.You can write it as though it's happening now, as though it's being acted out, as though it's a story being told, or anything else creative you can come up with. But there must be a TWIST! Ended August 2 Small doses of things can be beneficial, while larger doses can be harmeful or even fatal. How much is too much? Remember that plant you found? Well it's unique. You see, it can both be medicinal in certain doses but also toxic For example, the lovely prizes are based on different variations of Foxglove--also known as Digitalis, which is used ins small doses as a medicine.. Please write 750 words per RPer telling me one of the following: 1. How do you figure out it helps but also kills? 2. Tell a story about your soquili intentionally using this plant for good or nefarious purposes. Do they plan on growing more or getting rid of the plant? Your plant does NOT have to be Foxglove. It can be anything you want--real or imagined--as long it meets the prompt requirements. Ended June 1 Write an RP about one or more of your soquili travelling to or in a body of water! It could be the ocean, a lake, underwater caves or just going to the beach! Ended May 1 Prompts: 1. Out on a walk, you see a small bunny. Look! How cute! Wait, does it have blood on it's coat? That's a very strange look on it's face....Then right before your eyes, the rabbit shifts into a grinning feralThe only option is to run. It's the legendary, you thought mythical, Rabbit of Caerbannog. (Remember she is not an NPC and she does exist. You cannot control her in the RP, which is why you have to run. She's looking at you like you're in next batch of indigestion. Run! (BTW, Hoppy Easter!) 2.Demonstrate teaching someone a game that you made up. 3. Embrace diversity, learn about a different custom from another soquili and tell about it or how it has affected you. 4. Spring has sprung and new plants have begun growing. You find a plant that you've never seen before. Did you plant it? Or did it come by accident or design? What's it supposed to do if you know and if you don't what do you think it'll do? (Please remembrer the location of this plant as you will check in on it in a future prompt to see if you were right) Ended April 1 The Bow Girls The last thing you remember is…Well, you don’t remember. Strange? Where is this place? It looks like you’re in the middle of dark forest. Was it even dark the last time you were….coherent? Just as you’re about to ask yourself what is going on, you hear what you will later start calling The Voice. “Hello, fool.” The voice is terrifying with how normal it sounds. There’s a slight lilt to it, but that’s it. It seems to come from everywhere or nowhere at once. “Let’s play a game. Right now you’re in the middle of a forest and all you have to do is find your way out. Simple? Yes, truly, just like your mind.” The airy laugh echoes on. “You have two hours.” You shout at the voice asking how you get here, along with a bunch of other questions, but the only answer is– “Tick, tock. Time’s running out little fool. This time we’ll play for a prize and if you fail, well, I won’t take it out on your utter incompetence. But next time…the stakes will be higher.” You spend the next five minutes trying to talk with the voice or reason with, but it refuses to say another thing. Really, whether you like it or not, you’ve only got one choice—GET OUT! Prompt: You wake up in the forest. How you got there isn’t important right now. But the thing is that you’ve been given a time limit by a sinister voice who acts like this is just the first round in some demented game. Whether or not you really want to play, you do know that you don’t want to stay here. What you need to do: Write out facing 2-3 obstacles/riddles to overcome before you make it out of the forest. Your prompt should end with you making it past the edge of the woods. At the end of the month the mysterious voice will let you know whether you made it out in time. Who made it out on time will be chosen by rolling a few from the list of those who entered. Those rolled will also get ONE ticket for the end of the year raffle. This is the first time you have heard this voice, but it won’t be the last. Ended March 1 "Don't move," says a small quavering voice from above. "Don't panic." Of course, now you are starting to panic. "But you're in the middle of a patch of poison ivy," the small hummingbird finishes. Without another word it flits off. Submit an RP with your Soquili having just been told they are in the middle of a patch of poison ivy. How does your soquili react? How do they get out? Do they panic and make it worse? How do they try to stop the oncoming break out?. BONUS: Possible bonus point if you make whoever is on RP staff actually laugh out loud reading it. Ended Feb 20 Have you ever been changed by love on an almost celluliar level? Was it because of the love of family, a friend, or even someone romantic? Is it something or someone that you can really explain? Try. Submit an RP with your Soquili recalling a time love changed their life or that love is changing their life. Ended Jan 29 The world is a vast and endless place. Some Soquili leave their homes one day to find a new one. Others are endless wanderers, roaming to their hearts content. Spring is all about new beginnings, after all. Submit an RP with your Soquili traveling to a new place or recalling a time they traveled. Ended Jan 22 The moon has once again continued its journey around the world and you can feel the chill of winter slowly starting to ease. It's time for new life to emerge, new beginnings and new experiences. Submit an RP with your soquili experiencing something new! Maybe they made a new friend or went outside their comfort zone!
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:42 am
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:43 am
END OF YEAR PRIZE POOL To save myself some sanity, I'll update this every month. I won't be posting when it is updated because it's not being rolled until the end of the year.
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:44 am
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 2:07 am
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 2:07 am
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 2:07 am
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 2:07 am
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 2:07 am
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 2:07 am
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 2:07 am
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 2:07 am