



FACECLAIM Asher Angel at the age of...

AGE Fifteen

BIRTHDAY September 10, 2046



WAND Springy 13 inch Dogwood Dragon Heartstring with a Bent Shaft
Dogwood: Quirky and mischievous; they have playful natures and insist upon partners who can provide them with scope for excitement and fun. Capable of serious magic; have been known to perform outstanding spells under difficult conditions, and can produce dazzling enchantments. Refuse to perform non-verbal spells and they are often rather noisy.
Dragon Heartstring core: Most power and capable of the most flamboyant spells. Tend to learn more quickly than other types. Bond strongly with the current owner. Easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. Most prone to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
Springy: Charms. Energetic disposition and Friendly
Bent Shaft: Quirky and Entertaining.

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR Fifth

HOUSE Gryffindor

DREAM JOB Teacher, like his dad


SPORTING Matthew treats others fairly and doesn't have any issues sharing with others, whether it be his food or a neat gadget.
PASSIONATE Matthew tends to show his true feelings without holding back, whether that means turning red and raising his voice when angry or laughing and giggling when happy or excited.
RETIRING Although Matt likes attention, he also enjoys being alone and observing the world around him. When the attention is not on him, he finds that he falls into the background and rather enjoys letting others have the spotlight for a change.
ENCHANTING No matter who Matthew tries to communicate with, he tends to grab a hold of their attention rather easily. Perhaps it's the way the words flow off his tongue or his winning smile. Either way, he doesn't seem to have a hard time.
SHORTSIGHTED When making in the moment decisions, Matthew does not tend to stop and think about them. He doesn't entirely realize that his decisions and actions have consequences that may come at a later time.
HAUGHTY Matt tends to think that he is better than other kids when he successfully manages to do something well and sees that they are struggling to do the same.

■ Succeeding
■ Ping Pong
■ Popping bubble wrap
■ Mac and cheese
■ Fireworks

■ Rain
■ Cacti
■ Tomato soup
■ Sunscreen
■ Church

■ Showing his feelings
■ Moonwalking

■ Shortsightedness
■ His ego

■ Clowns


EARLY CHILDHOOD Matthew was born in 2046 to Yvonne and Jonas Spencer. They live in a dark blue home in England.

(2047 - 2048 ) Matthew had been spending lots of time with Cordelia's daughter Noreen.

(2048 - 2049) Matthew's little brother Tobias was born on March 28th.

(2049 - 2050) Cordelia was pregnant with her and Dakota's second child.

(2050 - 2051) Cordelia had given birth to her son James in August. Zoe had also gotten a boyfriend who had the same accent as her and Matthew's mum.

(2051 - 2052) Matthew spent a lot of his time with his brother Tobias as well as with Noreen and her little brother James. The four of them played together a lot.

(2052 - 2053) Matthew had started school this year.

(2053 - 2054) Kylian had proposed to his aunt Zoe and his uncle Gabriel had proposed to Darian.

(2054 - 2055) Matthew had attended Zoe and Kylian's wedding on New Year's Day, where his mum was a Bridesmaid and his brother was the Ring Bearer.

(2055 - 2056) Matthew's mum had quit her job and purchased a shop of her own in Diagon Alley, and Zoe and Kylian had welcomed their daughter Melodie into the world.

(2056 - 2057) Matthew had overheard his parents talking about a vampire professor at Hogwarts, which sounded kind of cool if he was being honest. However, he then heard his mum say that she wanted to send him to Beauxbatons, which he wasn't thrilled about. Not only was his French worse than his English, but he was excited to finally go to Hogwarts.

(2057 - 2058 ) In June, Zoe and Kylian welcomed their son Tallis into the world. In October, Matthew had attended Philip and Chelsea's wedding. The rest of the year, he had pleaded with his mum to send him to Hogwarts rather than Beauxbatons, and she eventually caved. When he received his Hogwarts letter, Matt was very excited and eager about checking off that he'd be accepting.

SCHOOL YEARS (2058 - 2059) Matthew was sorted into Gryffindor, and he joined the Adventurer's Guild. Philip and Chelsea welcomed their son Tristan into the world.

(2059 - 2060) Matthew had a fun yet quiet school year. He mainly kept to himself and his participation in the Adventurer's Guild.

(2060 - 2061) Matthew's year had been pretty quiet with his classes and continuous participation in the Adventurer's Guild except for the funeral he had attended for his great-grandfather Gabriel.

(2061 - 2062) Matthew got a pet African Bullfrog and named her Voodoo. He brought her to school, but other than that, he had a normal, quiet year.


■ Father: Jonas Spencer
■ Mother: Yvonne Quimby
■ Grandparents: Daniel Spencer & Elizabeth Spencer, Felix Quimby & Renee Quimby
■ Brother: Tobias Spencer
■ Uncle: Gabriel Spencer
■ Aunt: Esther Spencer
■ Aunt: Lydia Spencer
■ Aunt: Zoe Quimby ♥ Kylian Marteau → Melodie Marteau, Tallis Marteau

■ Alexandria Quimby-Scott ♥ Christian Barrett → Penelope Barrett, Syd Barrett
■ Rosabella Winthrop
■ Cordelia Quimby-Winthrop ♥ Dakota Vann → Noreen Vann, James Vann
■ Philip Quimby-Winthrop ♥ Chelsea Durant → Ethan Durant, Tristan Quimby-Winthrop
■ Jessica Quimby-Winthrop

■ Lewis Abrams



■ Andrea Hart
■ Gaspard Dufour
■ Darian Yaxley
■ The Adventurer's Guild (2058 - Present)
■ Gryffindor Students (2058 - Present)

■ Frog: Voodoo


UPDATED 08/16/2024

■ Updated bio

PENDED BY ~𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰 [01/29/2023]
ACCEPTED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 [10/13/2023]