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Jean Beaumont



Human (possible channeler?)

Snowbelle City, Kalos

Jean was only ten-years-old when he had an accident that caused him to have short term memory loss. He and other kids in the foster home he was staying at were playing hide and seek in the woods behind the house. They saw an absol on a ledge but thought nothing of it, they were only kids after all. Finding a cave, they thought it would be a great hiding spot. Unfortunately, a wild beartic had thought the same thing and wasn't too please that a group of kids had invaded it's home in the middle of winter.

The beartic gave chase. Jean was the slowest of the group and became the main target. As the kids scattered ran and screamed, it triggered an avalanche. That is the last thing Jean remembers.

When he woke up he was in the hospital. To his surprise, the absol was there. The nurses explained that the Pokemon had found him and dragged him to the hospital. However, the bad news was that a cat scan revealed perminant brain damage causing perminant short term memory loss. Every night when he goes to sleep, Jean's mind resets back to the last day before the accident. He had to spend a year in the hospital rehabilitating, learning how to live with his new situation and how to journal everything. The absol stayed with him, Jean giving him the name Ancil. Ancil was trained to be a service Pokemon, helping to look after him and make sure he can love with the memory loss.

When he was finally released, he learned his previous foster parents had returned him to the system stating they didn't know how to care for a child that would just keep forgetting things the following day. He started getting bounced around a lot; some trying their hardest but unable to deal with his needs, other's not even trying and just using him for a check.

A few months ago, right as he turned seventeen, he decided to run away from one such a foster home that treated him and Ancil particularly poorly. It was a hard and dangerous path but they managed to get to a Pokemon center where Jean over heard some Snagem members talking while Ancil was getting treated. He resonated with their plans and ideals and decided to ask about joining.

Ancil (Abol) Lvl 5

1x Hoverboard
1x Snag Machine
1x SNAG (Snagem Network Access Gear, communication device, pokedex, map, etc.)
2x Pokeballs
5x Revives
5x Potions
2x large bags full of Journals and sketch books

Snag Coins: