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[2023] Kesmi's Rp Solo prompts

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 8:40 am
Monthly solo things here for Soq's RP games.

Let the fun begin!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 8:45 am
Here we go October!

It’s Hallowe’en night and wind is howling through the trees. The weather is suddenly ghastly. A mysterious mist rises around. Every once in awhile you think you hear the jingling of tack, the huffs of horses impatiently waiting…on what?

A cold sense of dread overcomes you. The tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and for a moment everything seems pretenaturally still. Your breath catches in your chest and when you finally release breath it comes out in a white huff of air. It’s suddenly very cold. Your mouth is so dry you can barely swallow even if you can get the shallow breaths to actually force air into your lungs.

There’s a loud cracking sound and you think you hear voices on the wind, but you can’t be sure. All you know is that they’re coming, they’re coming, THEY'RE COMING!.... For you.

It’s some innate fear that tells you this, something instinctual. You can feel that whatever is out there is hunting you–that you are the prey. It’s imperative you run, the world narrows down to a single field of vision and you run, you run for your life and perhaps something more.

The Wild Hunt rides tonight on All Hallow’s Eve. It is composed of a plethora of fallen warriors, lost souls, and mythical beings forever roaming the land on these chilly nights.

2, You fall asleep safe in your bed and dream that for some reason the Wild Hunt is chasing you. Tell us about it. Talk about that breathing down your neck fear that envelops you. Do you know why they’re chasing you? (You don’t have to). Show us what it’s like to be running and scared.

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Travis(Mer) & Donar(Kelpi)
[[ WC: 1406 ]]

The clearing was a nice one, it was close to the water’s edge and the sky was bright with starlight. The water churned beneath the slow dragging tail of a dark coated mer as he laid on the beach near a somewhat brighter, though still dark coated Kelpi. The two nestled close to each other as they watched the last fringes of sunlight fade and the full brightness of the stars and moon take over. Bathing the land in its soft white glow that was cool to the touch.

“It is getting late, you sure you should be out of the water this long?” the kelpi asked as he shifted to look at the mer who was pressed against his side.

“Hmm?” The mer turned his head slightly, vibrant purple locks shifting over his eyes as he did. “Mmmm, perhaps, but it's so warm right here.”

Travis, the mer, snuggled up against the Kelpi who only shook his head. They had been laying like this since the sun’s rays had left the beach and the sands cooled. The tide was currently out, but slowly rising as the moon rose into the skies. Donar, the Kelpi nudge at Travis to get him to move.

“It may be warm, but your scales are starting to dry out. Besides, you can’t quite get to my nest. You should return to yours beneath the waves.” Donar said as his tail flicked to toss sand over Travis’s back.

“Alright, but you owe me.” Travis groaned as he pulled himself up onto his front hooves, his long tail shifting to try and back himself into the rising surf.

“I always seem to.” Donar chuckled as he rose to his own hooves, nuzzling against the bleary eyed Travis. “Have a good night.”

Travis blinked at the nuzzle before giving one of his classic, pretty boy grins. “Good night.” As the surf washed over his pink finned tail, Travis turned and used the water to slide back into the deeper water.

The cold water washed over his scales, quenching the dryness that was setting in. With a few tail flicks, Travis decended into his underwater cave. It wasn’t too far from where Donar made his nest in a water bearing cave. Well, he could swim into it at least, Donar slept outside the water. Settling down upon the kelp that made up his nest, Travis curled up and drifted off to sleep.

That was when he heard them, ears twitched at the distant howls that reached his ears. But that couldn’t be so, he was beneath the waves, there were no fish that howled. Not to his knowing anyways, the seas had been quiet besides the gentle sway of the waves. Opening bright green/blue eyes he looked around at the trees that waved in the breeze that gusted through their branches. Wait…. Branches?!? Travis looked around, even at the ground as he laid on a bed of moss instead of kelp. Scrambling to his hooves, a vibrant colored hair tail flicked wildly behind him. Travis looked over himself at this time and noticed that he… Wasn’t a Mer? This was both frightening and FABULOUS!

“Donar?” Travis called out, not hearing anything but the new closer growls and howls of the wild hunt. “DONAR!?” He shouted louder before something leaped from the shadows and snapped at his hocks.

‘Run little stallion. Don’t be easy prey’ growled something from the trees as it paced, large paws spaying across the leaves to make its movements near silent. ‘Are you that willing to die’

Travis, standing stalk still, jumped as something snapped at him, turning in a circle, another came from the shadows to streak beneath his belly. Voice chanting for him to run, to flee. Bright glowing eyes of white, red and yellow leered out of the shadows at him as bodies moved in a pacing fashion.

Heart thundering in his ears, his breath coming hard, a shriek left Travis’s lungs before he whirled around and dashed through the trees. As he fled the shadows behind raised their heads in howl. The true hunt had begun as the myriad of paws soon took chase after him. Was this the hunt those of the ground walkers spoke of? Why was it that they were after him? He wasn’t a ground pony, he was a seapony.

“AH!” He shrieked as something flashed before him causing him to change directions. “Go AWAY!” Travis cried as the howls turned into laughter as those behind leaped at him again.

This one landed on his back, claws digging into the soft flesh of his shoulders, he was sure he could feel blood seeping. ‘Better keep running, or we’ll gobble you up.’ the shadow growled in his ear, breath stinking of rotting meat. ‘Run until the land runs out or even your legs.’

The shadow laughed as it sprung from his back, his shoulders still feeling like claws were there. Turning in another direction Travis slid to a stop as the trees vanished to reveal a bare cliffside. The waves crashed beneath, reaching high like hands towards him. Stopping at the end, Travis watched as a few small stones and dirt fall from the clifftop.

‘Nowhere else to go little pony’ snarled those of the wild hunt. They had yet to breach the treeline behind him. ‘What are you going to do now?’

The voice growled and teased followed by the others who continued to watch the stallion as he stood against the edge of the cliff. The wind buffeted against him here, his hair feeling like it was being pulled by invisible fingers. What was he to do? The seas called to him like a mother to a foal, but if he jumped the rocks below would surely claim his existence. If he were to run back into the trees, the Wild Hunt would claim him.

Time stretched on before the first shadow lunged from the trees towards Travis. A shrill shriek escaped him as the shadow hit him in the chest. This was followed by another and another. Rearing back, he lashed out with his hooves trying to knock the shadows away. Glowing eyes twinkled with delight as they continued. Taking that one final step backwards, Travis’s hoof missed the ground and sent himself tumbling from the cliff top. As he tumbled, he caught glimpses of the shadows that gathered above. Their snickers and jeers reached him as he flailed, twisting about, he watched the rocks fastly approach.

Just as he was about to smash against the jagged rocks beneath the cliff he thrashed himself awake. Kelp drifted down around him as Travis opened his eyes and looked around at his nest. The moon’s light reflected off the waves from above as he tried to slow his breathing. Was that a dream? Nightmare? Whatever it was, the yips and howls of the Night Hunt still haunted his hearing.

Tail thrashing at the water, Travis headed out of his watery home and towards the den of his Love. Poking his head above the surface, he spied Donar sleeping soundly on his nest of moss and leaves. Flashes of his nightmare flickered over his vision before he swam closer. Pulling himself from the water onto the low rock shelf he poked at Donar.

“Hey, are you awake?” he asked, voice low in fear that his nightmare was real.

Donar groaned as he looked up at Travis through his bright yellow bangs. What was it now? Travis was in a panic and looked like he had seen a ghost or something. Shifting, the Kelpi shifted over a bit.

“What’s happened?” he yawned.

Travis paced in place before he looked at Donar who was staring back at him with worry and a bit of anger for being awoken.

“Roses are red. Violets are blue. I had a bad dream. Can I sleep with you?” Travis said in the most cute way he could, though his voice still trembled.

Donar could only shake his head at Travis. He didn’t know what was cuter, the small poem, or Travis trying to act cute while still trembling like a leaf. “Alright, come on.” He said, shaking his head again and moving over. Travis, not waiting another second dove onto the moss and leaves and snuggled close to Donar.

Wrapping his tail around Travis and resting his head against his, they both fell asleep tangled in each other’s company.  





PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:31 pm

December second chance

The Bow Girls

The last thing you remember is…Well, you don’t remember. Strange?

Where is this place? It looks like you’re in the middle of dark forest. Was it even dark the last time you were….coherent? Just as you’re about to ask yourself what is going on, you hear what you will later start calling The Voice.

“Hello, fool.” The voice is terrifying with how normal it sounds. There’s a slight lilt to it, but that’s it. It seems to come from everywhere or nowhere at once.

“Let’s play a game. Right now you’re in the middle of a forest and all you have to do is find your way out. Simple? Yes, truly, just like your mind.” The airy laugh echoes on. “You have two hours.”

You shout at the voice asking how you get here, along with a bunch of other questions, but the only answer is–

“Tick, tock. Time’s running out little fool. This time we’ll play for a prize and if you fail, well, I won’t take it out on your utter incompetence. But next time…the stakes will be higher.”

You spend the next five minutes trying to talk with the voice or reason with, but it refuses to say another thing.

Really, whether you like it or not, you’ve only got one choice—GET OUT!

Prompt: You wake up in the forest. How you got there isn’t important right now. But the thing is that you’ve been given a time limit by a sinister voice who acts like this is just the first round in some demented game. Whether or not you really want to play, you do know that you don’t want to stay here.

What you need to do:
Write out facing 2-3 obstacles/riddles to overcome before you make it out of the forest. Your prompt should end with you making it past the edge of the woods.

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[[ WC: 1090]]

Claws scratched at the leaf coated grounds as the feeling of things closing in caused the leaf maned stallion to panic. He hated closed spaces on a good day and the scent of the tall pines was making things even worse.

‘Don’t be a pansy!’ muttered the bulb that grew from his flank. ‘It’s just a few trees.’

“Shut up.” Daidolas muttered to himself as his ears pressed backwards. “I don’t need this, I don’t even know where I am…”

Feeling around the ground, his claws clicking off stones and scratching against roots that were lifted from the ground, he knew he wasn’t in his labyrinth. He had heard the voice not too long ago, it felt like whoever was speaking was right at his shoulder. As the breeze blew past it felt like the voice was breathing against his pelt. It wanted him to run, but run where? Taking that first step forward, this was going to go completely wrong.

‘Tree to your left.’ said the bulb as if it had eyes to see things. ‘No, no your other left!’

“I said shut up, if I could reach I would pull you from where you are rooted.” Daidolas shouted, turning in a circle, whacking himself against a nearby tree.

‘Time is ticking, best keep moving little stallion’ said the voice as Daidolas picked up his pace. Letting his claws show him the way as they scratched against the ground he soon came to a floor that didn’t feel like dirt.

The ground itself felt like it was made of stone, there was not a leaf or needle to be felt. Stopping at the edge of the stone, Daidolas listened to the space around it. For all he knew it was silent, besides the offhanded muttering of the bulb behind him. Walking further across the new floor the ground gave a rumble as if something were being raised. Ears flicking and taking a step backward his backend bumped into what he could only assume was a wall.

“Hello?” he called out, walking forward again until he bumped into something low. Raising a claws foot he ran his claws around the edge. It felt like a pedestal of some sort. The top had a dip within its center like it was made for something.

‘First challenge little stallion. Something easy, even for you. Once, twice and thrice again. I’m small and round and grow from the ground. Sweet and tart, just follow your heart, find me.” said the voice in a confusing riddle as the sounds of objects falling to the ground could be heard.

Daidolas frowned as he hated riddles even though he was the guardian of a labyrinth himself. But he had to think, he had heard something fall. But this didn’t even make any sense, guess that was how riddles worked? Once, twice and thrice again? Had that meant the order of the items that had fallen? Thinking back he had heard three things fall. It had been each time the voice had said something. One sounded like it could have been a stone bouncing along the floor. The second thing sounded like a piece of wood that bounced end over end. The last hit the ground and sounded like it rolled. Was that what he was looking for?

Scratching his claws against the stone flooring, he walked over towards where he had heard something roll. Eat twitching, his claws bumped against something that indeed rolled. Reaching down he missed picking up the item a couple of times before finally succeeding. His teeth bit into the soft skin of the item and the sweet taste filled his mouth. An apple, that was what was wanted. Backtracking to the pedestal nearly colliding with it, Daidolas dropped the apple. He wasn’t sure if it had fallen where it was supposed to be, but a resounding jingle sounded within his head.

‘Well done little stallion.’ was all that was side as the sounds of grating assaulted his ears as the walls retracted back to where they had come from.

Daidolas was ready to leave, he didn’t know how much more time there was, but he felt that he didn’t have enough time to escape. Dashing through trees and scratching undergrowth, Claws dug deep into the soft soil that seemed to get softer the further he ran. It was only when his feet got a little stuck in mud up to his knees did Daidolas take a breath. What was this now? Struggling to lift his legs, Daidolas felt himself sinking lower into the soil.

“What now?” Daidolas said in despair.

‘It’s a mire you idiot.’ the bulb finally says as it was covered in mud from the struggling. ‘So stop moving!’

Daidolas stopped moving and the sinking also stopped, for the time being. Panting from the panic, he listened around at the forest, it was still as silent as ever. There had to be a way to get out of the mire. Was this one of the challenges of the area? Was the stranger trying to actually kill him? Shifting slightly, Daidolas pulled one foot free from the mire to try and walk forward. He once more sunk into the mud. But the ground beneath felt firmer than before. Taking another high step and moving forward, he pulled his hindlegs from the mud to slowly move closer, he made his way closer to the edge, or what he thought was the edge. Bumping against something that laid at the edge of the mire, Daidolas grabbed a hold of it with his claws and pulled himself free.

‘Good job, now. Can we get out of here?’ the bulb grumped ready to be free of this place and hoped for a bath.

“Getting out sounds like a wonderful idea.” Daidolas agreed as he listened around, just where was out?

‘Just move forward, don’t turn backwards.’ the bulb advised and Daidolas headed forward.

It wasn’t long until he felt the sun over his back, the leaves that were his mane started to reach upwards towards the light. Was this freedom? Raising his head to sniff at the air and listen, the sounds of birds reached him. The wind brushed against his coat as the tall grass of the open meadow brushed against his legs. Turning his head as if to look over his back, Daidolas gave an shudder at what had happened and he made no more of a pause before running forward and away from the dark silence that had been the forest.  
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