gaia_diamond hello everyone! long time lurker, rare poster. but there's some exciting news for louisiana con goers! (if you havent already heard.) gaia_diamond

wasabicon is coming to new orleans on may 11th and 12th (saturday and sunday) at the sheraton on canal street. HERE is the new orleans page!
and here is the general page! interesting, right? wasabicon is a small chain that began in portland, OR and is expanding to jacksonville, FL and new orleans, LA. whats interesting is who's taking on management of wasabicon NOLA.

jon russo, founder of mechacon, is playing a big role in wasabicon's new orleans events. for those unaware, mechacon had its final show in 2021 (after being postponed from 2020). it was unexpected with only a couple year's prior knowledge, and a massive loss to the southern convention community; louisiana has nothing else matching its scale. the con had grown to over 10,000 guests over its 11 year run. its sorely missed, but theres hope with wasabicon.

theres some understandable trepidation with a new convention. but i hope to see lots of my old friends at wasabicon again! and if youre in the area and never had the chance to experience mechacon- why not come with us? huge chunks of the mechacon crowds plan to go, so it will still be a great opportunity to make new friends and showcase your cosplay. new orleans makes for some beautiful backdrops for photos as well, so i encourage you to experience a little of the city if youve never been.

i really want to get the word out about wasabicon for new orleans, so i hope this piqued your interest! i dont know every cosplay i plan to bring, but ill probably bring rohan kishibe since friends recognize me as him, and caesar zeppeli since i just finished and wore him to katsucon and had so much fun. emotion_bigheart

feel free to discuss what cosplays youd bring, and if you have any additional info about management, or even reminisce about mechacon with some hope to relive those moments at wasabicon. its been a long time since ive met gaians at events, so that would be a special experience for me as well. emotion_yatta