Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:30 am
This is a solo RP between Orpheus and Hallows Bane with some of Hallows' mother Kasadya and various NPC's. All are owned by Nayci.
- Note: Hallows and Orpheus are colts during this time period. ---- The air was cool as the sun began to dip behind the clouds and hillside, and a young colt named Orpheus found himself already nervous. Today was a big day, not just for his family and his herdmates, but also himself. Tonight was a big night, the retying of the bonds of blood that they had with the Infernals, their ruling body. Tonight was the night that he would be presented to the shaman Kasadya, to be found either of sound mind and body to help strengthen the herd, as was expected of him, or to be cast out as a failure, a beast, someone unworthy of the bond. Eons had passed since this first ritual came to be, eons since the first tie of blood, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. A lot rode on his young shoulders, multitudes of expectations, and he couldn’t be the first one to fail.
Orpheus couldn’t fail.
His green eyes slid shut as he sighed softly, his body doing what it could to not shiver in both anxiousness and anticipation. He wouldn’t fail. He wouldn’t fail. It wasn’t possible.
But it was possible.
It was absolutely possible that he would fail. See, Orpheus knew he had been born a bit too early, even for soquili standards, and his healing capabilities impacted as such. He knew his training in the healing arts had started earlier than anticipated to make up for this fact, his families desire to make up for that underdevelopment from womb to basket, was a sticking point in how they treated him from birth. Heavy were the expectations. Harsh were the punishments when he failed. Hungry for the approval of the Infernals dealt upon his flesh and blood. He was by very definition, a potential c***k in his herd’s proverbial strong armor. It was unacceptable, and they told him such. As Orpheus stood upon the precipice of his young life the weight of everything was doing whatever it could to come crashing down around him. All because he dared come early from him mother’s womb.
“It’s time to go,” his father’s cold voice spoke from behind, “to be late is to be left behind. Or have you forgotten your place?”
“No father, I have not. I’m on my way,” Orpheus allowed himself to speak as he turned away from the last remnants of the waning sun dive into the darkness and the moon taking it's proper place in the sky.
“You’ll do fine my love.”
His mother, the only kind one towards him his entire life, gave him a small smile and watched him take his place behind her mate at the front, “I have every faith in you”, and took her spot behind him.
Orpheus’ eyes lay downcast as every one of his family and herd mates fell in line behind them as they began making their way towards the mountainside, towards his destiny, whatever that may be. Compared to their home within the trees the looming jagged peaks staring down at them all was foreboding, terrifying even, for the young colt. This was a place of darkness, of ritual, of death, and of blood. It was a place where Orpheus felt he didn’t belong. But Orpheus didn’t have that choice. Thrust upon him the expectations of everyone and everything, their livelihood. There was no choice here. He could only obey and accept whatever was coming…or die.
He didn’t know which he desired more.
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 1:49 pm
Up and up they climbed. Into the vast cave systems that made up the internal workings of the mountains that made up their homes. The breeze was bitterly cold against Orpheus’ hide, making him shiver in tandem with his nerves. The prickling feeling just under the surface of his skin almost enough to fill him with the desire to flee, or least begin to drive him mad. Anxiety was a vexing thing. Always there, always watching, waiting for the right moment to strike. To taunt him into submitting to it’s will. His mother, bless the spirits, was not like his father in treating it like a contagious disease. She understood him, listened to him, was the bright shining star in this dark world of his. Never the one to judge him so harshly for something he could not control. It was for that reason Orpheus was going to be strong today, to not put his mother’s time and energy to waste. Then maybe, just maybe, with his success his father would see him too. To truly see him.
Success, Orpheus was going to succeed like those before him. Be the best healer for the heir to their herd. There would be no failure. Not day. And with that, the young colt steeled himself, steeled his heart in a protective resolve. A quiet, comforting hum echoed behind him. Painting a warm, protective feeling around him, echoing his own feelings. His mother, ever observant, knew his thoughts. Knew his feelings. And her hum was to acknowledge and strengthen him. He was going to be okay.
He was going to be okay.
With that thought their shadows that danced along the dimly lit walls of the caves no longer felt as oppressive. The breeze was not as cold. His nerves pushed down and into a cage behind his resolve, his desire to do well and show the others that he may have been born early, but that did not negate his healing abilities. He was not a burden, would not be a burden, and would thrive. Thereby continuing the symbiotic nature of his herd with those of the shadow. Today he was going to become more than that.
“We’re here,” he heard his father speak at last, breaking Orpheus out of his thoughts.
Behind his father, he tilted his head to look out of the cave opening. Thick smoke from the fires hid everything but the strongest stars from view. Dancers swayed to the movement of the drums. Soquili large and small lingered around the perimeter of what looked to be a throne of stone and a large circular arena made of sand. Others stood idle while eating or drinking, watching them as his herd exited the cave. It was just enough for Orpheus to realize that’s where he would stand, that’s where he would go through the rite. With everyone watching him.
Next to the throne was a large mare, with a deep purple, almost pitch-black fur, a shawl of other animal fur and bone lay across her shoulders. Her hair in a controlled type of chaos down her head and neck. But it was her eyes, a piercing vivid green, that almost made him stop walking. They stared deep into his own, calculating, judging, sizing him up to see if he would be up to the task. A frown upon her maw. And next to her stood a small colt around his own size, watching everyone in curiosity and anticipation.
"You were almost late," the mare's voice carried over the wind, biting and annoyed.
"My apologies my Queen. It will not happen again," his father bowed his head.
"You best assure it won't," was her only answer, "there will be no second chances."
All his father did was bow his head further, and a chill couldn't help but run down Orpheus' spine when she spoke again, "Come, child. While the moon is high."
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 6:56 pm
With small cautious steps Orpheus moved forward toward the adult male. And when he tried to briefly look back at his mother, his father growled lowly in his throat and cut off his vision, pushing him forward roughly with his muzzle. Orpheus silently yelped and bowed his head, his nerves on fire as he looked forward and stopped in the middle of the arena. The music reverberated in his bones, sickening in its melody. The mare continued to stare him down in judgment. With a flick of her head towards the outside another soquili, this one younger and looked to be a mare, clad in a dark green cloak, stepped forward with a basket in their mouth, walking to the middle and depositing its contents in the front of him.
“Your first task, child, is to name each ingredient and give me two ways in which it can be used.”
When Orpheus looked down, he saw four different herbs—a test of knowledge, he realized. Intrigued, he tilted his head, and with a hoof, he organized them into alphabetical order—easier for him to focus and remember what he was taught.
“The first is Ashwagandha, traditionally used in decreasing inflammation and pain. Or support in reducing anxiety and stress. I’d grind it into a powder and give it with food to reduce the bitter flavor it can have. Just need to be mindful that it can cause nausea so monitoring is desirable.”
“Go on.”
“The second is Echinacea, traditionally to assist with healing wounds and reducing stomach discomfort. It can also help with fighting colds or flus. Steeping it in water to help with hydration as well is also an option. But shouldn’t be used for long term support.”
Orpheus looked up for a moment and when his eyes met the mare’s she nodded for him to continue.
“The third is Ginko. It helps with cognitive concerns, chronic fatigue, and respiratory issues. It can be soaked in water like echinacea to create a drink to assist with hydration. You need to be mindful of the seeds though as they’re toxic.”
Moments later, the final herb came into his vision: " The last is St. John's Wort. It’s normally used to help treat insomnia and depression, and it can help promote wound healing and reduce muscle pain. It can be given in various ways, like a liquid or a tincture, depending on what’s best. Some may feel light-sensitive when given this as well.”
Orpheus blinked as he looked up, his breathing shallow but consistent and firm, his nerves coming back to plague him under his skin. Their queen narrowed her eyes for a moment before gesturing to the mare from before to come get the ingredients. As she did so, their queen spoke again.
“Your first task is complete.”