Welcome to the celebration of my little turning 3! This raffle is going to be in celebration of that the staff have compiled a number of her favorite things for you guys!
Rules. 1. No proxies 2. This counts as 1 of your 2 freebies for April (be it soquili or familiar). If you're uncertain of your wins this month (this includes the RP pets as well!) please check the cooldown tracker. So if you've won 1 of both already from other raffles and have also submitted for the rp pets (but haven't been given them yet as they won't be listed on the tracker yet) then you're maxed for the month of April. 3. You may only win 1 prize from this raffle. 4. Please list all your preferences, don't just put any. 5. This opens at 12:30pm on 4/27/24 whether anyone says open or not and closes at 7:30pm (Mountain time!) if you’re unsure of the time zone you’re in when in comparison please google. This is all on the 27th! 6. The length of the of the contest is the amount of time it took for me to know to go to the hospital until she was born. 7. DO NOT DELETE YOUR POSTS -You may edit your post until the thread is locked at 7:30 MST
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 7:06 pm
Start: 4/27/24 at 12:30 PM MST (1:30 CST/2:30 EST/11:30 PST) Closes:4/28/24 at 12:30 PM MST (1:30 CST/2:30 EST/11:30 PST) 4/27/24 at 7:30 PM MST(8:30 CST/9:30 EST/6:30 PST)
[align=center][size=18][color=#FF0000]Happy birthday![/color][/size][/align] [size=11][b]Username:[/b] (Please do not leave this blank!) [b]Preferences:[/b] (Please list all preferences from most to least wanted.) [/size]
List of Entrants
Page 1 Revel1984 Sareibear Eos Galvus ChexaRain mistalina13 Fayt_of_Redemption xo maho
Page 5 magnadearel Phail Ninja Keantha Samuel Carlin Kesmi Rein_Carnation TheFairyRogue Naru_Uchiha007 Tirokio Kaya Wolf Moon SilverLutz Natelie SpaceDadDisapproves Roserain Nyx Queen of Darkness
Page 6 Kettyn Seleena -MoomoolatteCha- Blue_Sparkle27 Mewsings of An Angel Mythi Red Panda Kyjoto Teigra chi honda Kitsune Mistress Nyoko Lunadriel Kalahari-Summers ArashiX Ebonrune RockerWolfie1616
Page 7 RadiantRose Midnight Pijrrh I--LiveWire--I Andranis Ririka LydaLynn stormflower ahmazeinlee Kirowyn Love Twitchapher the 3rd
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:42 am
Sparkly Fairy
Offensive Hero
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:25 am
Happy birthday!
Username: SilverLutz Preferences: O, H
This isn't open yet. It opens at 2:30pm EST. Please repost during the open time frame.
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:47 am
Happy birthday!
Username: Fatal Irony Preferences: K, J, E, A, B, N, M, I, D, C, O, G, 16, 17, 19, 26, 20, 6, 4, 1, 8, 13, 14, 27, 30, 31, 29, 3, 9, 25, 32, 22, 24, 23, 18, 11, 10, 15, 5, L, H
Fatal Irony
This isn't open yet. It opens at 12:30 PM MST (1:30 CST/2:30 EST/11:30 PST). Please repost during the open time frame.
Username: Sareibear Preferences: a, h, k, m, n, e, f, b, l, g, i, o, j, 4, 9, 14, 6
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:36 am
Happy birthday!
Username: Eos Galvus Preferences: B O M N A C D E F G H I J K L 3 1 2 4 5 6 7 b8 9 10 11 12 131 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32