Name:Racheal ‘Rey’ Eir Ross-Kinkade

Basic Information:

Nicknames: Well, ‘Rey’, of course, but that all started when my mother dressed me up as a ‘Star Wars’ character when I was like three years old, and it kinda stuck

Age: Eleven

Birthday: October 13th, 2050

Blood Status: Muggleborn

Wand: Eleven inches long, Ivy wood with Unicorn mane core, flexible with silver etchings of ivy leaves. Fortes are Charms, Healing and Protection spells

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: TBD

Face Claim: Francesca Capaldi

School and Career:

Attending: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

House: Hufflepuff

Year: First

Best Lessons:

■ History of Magic
■ Charms
■ Potions
■ Defense Against the Dark Arts (Protection spells specifically)

Worst Lessons:
■ Transfigurations
■ Defense Against the Dark Arts (Hexes and curses specifically)
■ Astronomy


OWL Scores:
■ Astronomy ~ X
■ Charms ~ X
■ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
■ Herbology ~ X
■ History of Magic ~ X
■ Potions ~ X
■ Transfiguration ~ X
■ Elective ~ X

NEWT Scores:

■ Astronomy ~ X
■ Charms ~ X
■ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
■ Herbology ~ X
■ History of Magic ~ X
■ Potions ~ X
■ Transfiguration ~ X
■ Elective ~ X

Current Employment: Um, I’m a student at a school for the magically endowed, and somehow I qualified

Dream Job: Job? I’m still dealing with being a witch, and you want to start in on me about careers?


■ Loyal- Because the people in my life have a habit of going away, I really hang on to the friends I have, and whatever family I might have at any given time.
■ Compassionate- I’m one who tries to see things from as many viewpoints as possible, and try to be mindful of everyone’s feelings. I’m willing to give others the benefit of the doubt before judging their words or their actions
■ Long Fuse- Because of the fact I tend to view things from differing viewpoints, its hard for me to get angry and stay angry.
■ Stubborn- But don’t take that as license to think I’m a pushover. When I have an opinion or take a side in things, that’s bloody well it.
■ Cynic- Dunno if that’s too strong a word, but being on my third set of parents, I’ve learned to expect little reminders from the world of how much it sucks. Things break and people die, it’s the way of the world, I guess.
■ Sharp- I’ve got a good memory, maybe too good, because I remember things I’d rather forget


■ Pretty clothes. I’m not one for dark colours, I like pastels and flowery stuff
■ Playing on the beach with my friends
■ Warm bread pudding with vanilla ice cream on the side. I don’t ask for much
■ Having music playing when I sleep. It helps keep the nightmares away
■ Cats, but dogs are okay too


■ Curries. Indian food is just too spicy for me
■ Can’t sleep without having a window open
■ People yelling and carrying on, and bothering me when I’m trying to read
■ Crowds. It’s just too…peoplely out there
■ Vegetables

■ Collecting and reading books
■ Drawing and painting
■ Cooking (its my chore at home, so…)

■ No matter what, I will somehow make it, I’m a survivor
■ I’m pretty good at thinking on my feet and solving puzzles


■ Its hard for me to quick decisions
■ I’m always expecting things to go all pear-shaped


■ Being abandoned
■ Fires (the smell of burnt insulation will have me panicking)

Happy Memory to Summon Patronus:

Special Abilities:
Animagus Form:
Apparition Status:
Flying Certification:


■ English (Native)
■ Irish Gaelic (Native)
■ Latin (taught at school. Can read it way better than I can pronounce it)


Childhood: Racheal was born in Dublin, Ireland on October 13th, 2050 at the Dublin University Hospital. Born to parents, Ross and Seffa Greene, Racheal had a loving family, but it didn’t last long. When she was three years old, she and her parents were involved in a deadly multi-car weather-related accident on the highway. While Racheal, safely ensconced in her car seat, was pulled from the wreckage of the car by the firemen with nothing more than a few bumps and bruises to show for what she’d been through, both of her parents were among the dead.

The child was placed in the foster care system, as her parents hadn’t any relations willing or able to care for her. Fortune favoured the little red-haired girl, as she was soon adopted by Carter and Layla Ross, who were looking to adopt a child, as they were unable to have a child of their own by natural means. Racheal moved from the Dublin foster care facility and was soon living with her parents in Tramore, which is not far from the county seat of Waterford.

School Years: Racheal attended a public preschool and primary school in Waterford, up until the age of eight. During this time, she was adopted by a stray cat who she named Rosie, and she brought it home. After much begging and pleading she was allowed to keep her new friend, and this proved to be a good thing. One night the house the Rosses lived in suffered an electrical fire, and the cat licked the girl’s nose to wake her up, as she would have perished from smoke inhalation. While Racheal and Rosie escaped the house unscathed, her parents did not.

By this point, Racheal believed she’d be stuck in the foster care system until she was an adult, and she wasn’t at all sure she really wanted to get adopted again anyway, given her luck with families. One thing was sure, though, she refused to be parted with Rosie, as she knew the miniature bobcat saved her life, so any prospective families had to understand they were a package deal. Shortly before her ninth birthday, she was adopted into the Kinkade family, where she not only had parents, but an older brother and sister. Not long afterwards, she had a baby brother.

Several odds things happened as Racheal turned ten. Weird and terrible things started happening around her, like having clusters of fireflies buzzing around that only she and Rosie could see, or having a beaker at school spontaneously explode when another girl was being mean to her. Her dad, Cameron Kinkade, was murdered by a man robbing the grocery store he was in, while she was a couple aisles over looking at the sweets. Seeing the man who killed her father, she spat a curse at him as he was taken away by the police. He was found dead in his cell the next morning, his face frozen in a wide-eyed mask of terror.

With her foster father dead, her foster mother moved in with her mother, who lived in Waterford proper, to create a joined household, and provide some stability for the family. One day, after school she asked a friend, Finneas MacDavis-Grey to walk with her, as she was nervous about leaving by herself. The two of them were set upon a gang of older boys, boys who didn’t belong in the nice part of Waterford the school they attended was in. It was clear to her these boys planned to rob and maybe kill both of them for the pocket change they had on them.

A couple of them pulled out knives and were laughing at both of the kids. Finn put himself in front of Racheal, and just before the girl figured they were about to die, something else intervened. A large shaggy dog was suddenly there, and Racheal knew it wasn’t there the moment previously. One of the boys took a swipe at the dog with his knife, and…

Much past that, Racheal and Finn were running for their lives, and they didn’t stop until they got to her grandmother’s house. It wasn’t long after that when Racheal was visited by men in long coats, and that’s when things got weirder still. Finn was being homeschooled, and while something happened at the park, she and Finn were nowhere near to see anything. Except, she knew it was all a lie, even if she couldn’t recollect what took place, and she had nightmares about large black dogs as fragments of memory slowly reasserted themselves.

At the end of the next summer, Finn was attending some boarding school in England, the same one many of the Greys attended, or so she was told, including his cousin, Linsey Grey-Cavendish.

The Sorting Hat:
The Professor set the hat down carefully on the student's head. For a moment the hat was silent before speaking....

How I do this all is my concern,
New to you will make you learn!
You can be whatever you choose,
But if family's what you're after,
Then there's really no other choice!


First Year:

Second Year:

Third Year:

Fourth Year:

Fifth Year:

Sixth Year:

Seventh Year:



Family: Ross Greene (birth father, deceased), Seffa Greene (birth mother, deceased), Carter Ross (foster father, deceased), Layla Ross (foster mother, deceased), Cameron Kinkade (foster father, deceased), Saoirse Davin (former foster maternal grandmother), Callie Davin-Kinkade (former foster mother), Holly Kinkade (former foster younger sister), Zac Kinkade (former foster older brother}, Ben (former foster older brother)

Friends: Kids at her primary school, kids whose families attend the church in Tramore, Finneas MacDavis-Grey, Linsey Grey-Cavendish

Best Friend: Finneas MacDavis-Grey

Romantic Interest: Uh, yeah, right, next question, please

Enemies: Nobody, I hope

Pets: Rosie, my cat. She found me one day, out in the park, and I brought her home with me. She looks like a miniature bobcat, and I’ve been told she’s half-Kneazle, whatever that means. Don’t know about any of that, I just know she saved my life, and I’m not going anywhere unless I know she’s coming with me.

Update Log: (Signature Access by Crew Only)

Created: May 22nd, 2024
Pending: 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 05/23/2024
Updated: ✯ Alice ✯ 06/16/24