



FACECLAIM Florence Pugh

AGE 11

BIRTHDAY 13 September 2050


SEXUAL ORIENTATION Probably straight

WAND 12 inches, Ebony, Unicorn Hair


PET A lizard

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR First

HOUSE Slytherin

DREAM JOB A musician


AMBITIOUS Jo never wants to settle for less than exactly what she wants. She has a plan for what she wants and will do whatever she needs to achieve it. She’s motivated by her goals and every action works toward them.
REBELLIOUS Jo has a natural rebellious nature. She doesn’t want to go by the book, most especially her parents’ book. She is always comfortable doing her own thing and won’t immediately respect people just because they are in a position of authority.
RESILIENT Jo doesn’t let anything stop her. She uses any challenges she faces as a stepping stone and won’t allow things to drag her down. If one plan doesn’t work, she’ll come up with another one without hesitation.
CONFIDENT Jo knows herself very well. She knows what she wants, she knows what she’s good at, and no one’s opinion is going to change that. She doesn’t feel the need to please other people and it shows. She’s completely comfortable being who she is.
HONEST One thing you can always be sure of with Jo is that you will get the truth from her. She speaks what’s on her mind and rarely has a filter. She’s fairly decent at not being outright rude, but if someone asks her opinion, she will share it without hesitation.
PROTECTIVE Even though Jo can come off a bit rough, when she does make friends, she takes care of them fiercely. She will happily put herself in between a friend and danger, be it physical or emotional. She can’t stand the people she loves being hurt. She’s a defender by nature.

■ Being in charge
■ Clothes
■ Music
■ Drumming
■ Rainy days
■ Painting

■ Hiking
■ Judging others on things they can’t control
■ Feeling trapped
■ Being told what to do
■ Swimming

■ Learning instruments
■ Taking charge

■ Can be overbearing
■ Struggles with authority

■ Bugs


EARLY CHILDHOOD Joanna Valkova was born to Radoslav and Florence Valkova. Her father was a half-Veela from Bulgaria and her mother was from a somewhat aristocratic Pure(ish)-blood family. Both parents worked at the Ministry of Magic and her mother, much to Jo’s chagrin, modeled in her spare time. They were both beautiful, rich, and very traditional, and even from a young age, it drove Joanna crazy.

Jo did inherit a love for music from her parents but while they were into classical and opera and things that made Jo’s skin crawl. By the time she was eight, she already wanted to be listening to heavy metal. Now, if she liked it or if she was just doing it to spite her parents is anyone’s guess. Jo also took up any instrument she could get her hands on and was able to pick up most of them, without much work. She’s especially into drumming.

When Jo received her Hogwarts letter she could not have been happier. The idea of being on her own and out from under her parents’ thumb makes her heart soar.

FIRST YEAR (what happened your character's first year of school; this section will be added in after their first year is completed)
SECOND YEAR (what happened your character's second year of school; this section will be added in after their second year is completed)
THIRD YEAR (what happened your character's third year of school; this section will be added in after their third year is completed)
FOURTH YEAR (what happened your character's fourth year of school; this section will be added in after their fourth year is completed)
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)


UPDATED (date of most recent update)

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PENDED BY ✯ Alice ✯ 05/31/24
ACCEPTED BY ✯ Alice ✯ 06/16/24
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