Tiger Hat was hanging out in his locker room, as he often was, once again isolated from his compatriots in Cartwright Strong Style. Omen was no doubt isolating himself to focus, and Tiger did not want to disturb him. He was a kindred spirit in a way - a part of the team, yet felt more at home away from them.

As he was pacing back and forth, a knock could be heard at the door, as none other than WWF:G's resident interviewer, Michael Cole, once again disturbed his thoughts. He sat down, sighing deeply.

"Come in Cole, I know it's you."

Michael entered, trademark microphone in hand. Tiger tried to remain cordial with him. His voice remained monotone, despite his seemingly upbeat vocabulary.

"How can I help today?"

Michael raised the microphone to his mouth, preparing to interview the intercontinental championship contender.

"Tiger, your thoughts on your match tonight against Bison Mbadi?"

Tiger sighed again.

"Honestly? I look left, Apex. I look right, Apex. I sneeze, Apex. I shower, Apex is there. I feel that everything I do a member of that cursed clan is there. And why not? There are about a hundred of them at this point.

And look at Bison. He is a change from the usual mix. We have thugs, thieves, drunks, and now we have a grifter. He's the truest face of Apex yet. I'd say I'm surprised, but that would be a lie."

Tiger turned his head.

"The truth of it is Cole... I'm tired. We have Apex swinging weapons. We have the Pride smashing limos. Do you remember when wrestling was about.. well, wrestling? I do. I used to love this. But this company is draining me. The only thing keeping me going, the only light left, is watching these stables crumble under the weight of their own inadequacy."

Tiger waved his hand. He couldn't even muster the energy to go on, he was so sick of it all.

"Bison is next to the knee. Now get out."

Cole backed out of the door, bowing his head in acknowledgement. Tiger sat still, in thought, not even acknowledging the interviewer as he left. He was focused now. His words becoming real.