SummerSlam had just begun, and the show was well underway. The fans had just been treated to Luis Leone vs Tiger Hat, and they had just torn the roof off this arena!

The camera pans to Avari Fusion sat in his locker room, hood up and head down, Champonship belt on his lap. He cocked his head whilst looking at the Championship, breathing in deeply, and running his fingers over the gold filigree.

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"Tonight I face quite possibly my toughest test since becoming World Heavyweight Champion.

Tonight I face my nemesis, a man who has tried to break me time and time again.. Omen.

Avari continued to run his fingers over the gold, hood still up, which masked his face. His body language was hard to read, but he shifted his shoulders, perhaps showing some unease at the situation.

"Any man that steps into the ring with Omen would be a fool if he wasn't at least a little apprehensive. They'd also be a fool to think that this man can just be kept down that easily.

The last time I faced off with Omen, the action spilled into the crowd. It continued to the back, where I was left almost lifeless through the windshield of a nearby parked car.

Avari brought the gold up towards his face for a moment, before nodding and placing it on his shoulder. He looked up at the camera, a serious face, one that showed how he was taking this upcoming match.

"I was left out of action at Vengeance.. meanwhile, Omen hospitalised Bad Boy in a brutal match.

I think.. I think I might be partly responsible for what Omen has become.

When we first faced off, that .. beast of a man.. he whispered four words to me. Four words that I have taken as my own, that have settled in my head and my heart, and that drive me on.

Don't die on me.

Now, that sounds like a guy that doesn't want to inflict all of this hurt on people. It sounds like a guy that was just following orders, just doing as he was told, just doing.. his job.

But, then I was able to defeat him after that moment. At that point, something inside Omen's head switched.. almost like a killswitch had been activated.

Avari grabbed the title belt on his shoulder, looked at it again, and then held it up for the camera.

"Omen gets a chance at this gold tonight, and a chance to dethrone my as your Champion. When I say that I will have to be killed to relinquish control of this title tonight.. that's no word of a lie.

If there is at least some oxygen in my lungs, I will get back up again..

The question is whether Omen continues his destructive run to put me in the ground.

Tonight.. SummerSlam.. we find out if I can withstand the incoming storm.

Omen.. I'll be ready, I hope you are too.

I won't die on you.. I promise.