Cole: this is Michael Cole here backstage outside the dressing room for the Intercontinental Champion Bison Mbadi.

Cole knocked on Bisons door, the Caribbean Colossus opening the door with the title belt on his shoulder.

Cole: Bison first of all congratulations on your successful victory against Rex. Question is do you have anything to say about the WWFG title match results and what it means for Apex?

well first of all, thank you. I told everyone what would happen and I delivered. My message has been sent, ain't no one taking this belt from me. I am the pinnacle of combat sport. I am the top of the mountain, the final boss. The one to face to make your name in this business. Cartwrights pet monster may have gotten himself some shiny gold, but this is the top title of the WWFG. This is the top title because I am the one holding it. Avari dropped the ball, but I wish him a swift recovery. What it means for Apex? Apex still has a champion, and he's standing right here. I am the last champion standing in Apex, and as long as I am a part of Apex we will never lose hold of the gold.

Bison tapped his belt proudly, letting the camera focus on the IC title.

Cole: you say Avari dropped the ball, but you he did put up an incredible match even when still feeling the damage from Vengeance.

I will only say this one last thing on the matter, Cole. Avari did his best, and he has had an incredible title run. He was a proper fighting champion, and I take nothing away from what he has done.... however, if it was me... Disciple would have been the one carried out of the arena... just like Rex...

Bison stepped back into his dressing room, closing the door.