Starts:11/02/24 @ 8:00 PM EST Open! Ends: 11/08/24 @ 9:00 PM EST
The centaurettes are getting ready for the festival to celebrate Bacchus, but their faun helpers are nowhere to be found! It's an emergency! How are they supposed to impress their centaur suitors for the festival without looking their best? They need your help finding a flower crown beautiful enough to be the envy of the party. Will your offerings be enough to earn their favor?
You will need a way to upload images. Imgur is free! Please do not use Photobucket or Discord to host images. Download the flower crown above and color it in! These should be flat colors; do not add shading or highlights. All work must be your own. Please do not use stamps unless you made the stamps yourself. Late entries will not be accepted! Judging will be based on creativity, not skill! The prizes will be distributed as follows:
The first, second, and third place winners will get first pick based on their preference lists. The remaining prizes will be raffled away between the remaining participants.
When you're done, fill out the form below and post it here!
You can only win one freebie Soquili and one freebie Familiar during the event. You may co-own a Soquili prize, but the prize will count as both your and your co-owner's Soquili freebie for the event. You may gift a specific person your prize, but the prize will count as both your and the other person's Soquili or Familiar freebie for the event. You can only win one prize from this game. Proxies are not allowed for this game, sorry! Late entries will not be accepted. No exceptions! Do not delete your posts. If you need to withdraw your entry, just cross it out, please. This is a judged contest, therefor staff are unable to win a prize from this game. However, they are welcome to play for fun! All other usual Soquili rules apply. Feel free to PM me if there are any questions!
(◡‿◡✿) Username: Kirowyn Love Preference List: 1, 2, 3, E, B, C, H, D, A, G, pass
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2024 10:53 pm
(◡‿◡✿) Username: Pollack Preference List: 2, 1, 3, G, H, B, D, A, C, E, F
Fashionable Mage
Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2024 2:40 pm
Hi Seleena!
I'm so sorry, I hate to be a grinch but one of the rules for this game was that all work needed to be your own. sad I'm afraid I have to disqualify your submission since you didn't color it yourself.
Please tell your daughter that her color choices were amazing and that Mr. Cali thinks she did a great job!
-- Calixita
(◡‿◡✿) Username:Seleena Preference List:1,2,3
My little muffin puffin Ariana(6) took great joy in entering and choosing prefs heart