Open Now until December 1 at 11:59PM EST
Introducing our host: Ilya (he's my personal soquili

Ilya, founder of (and for a long time the only member of) SOAP, bounces up and down on his hooves with excitement. His dream of hosting something like this in practice rather than in theory has taken a long time to come to fruition. For some reason though, the fates had aligned, giving Ilya a perfect place to host this first meeting. Typically, it took months to hunt down one myth or legend, if you were lucky. But something mysterious was going on, because there had been sightings of various creatures in one place. It was hardly something that any Student of the Obsure and Arcane Phenomenon could miss. This was exactly that--a phenomenon. His scientific brain was trying to form a hypothesis of why, suddenly all these creatures were here at once. He took a few notes down, then cleared hs throat and made himself be still and not bouncing around like a foal that had to pee. Then he began his speech.
"Welcome to the first meeting of Students of Obscure and Arcane Phenomenon, otherwise known as SOAP. Our goal is to learn about myths and legends to lure them to us, defend ourselves against them, or enchant them into our care. We don't condone violence, which means that some of our methods are quite ununsual. This is a historic and unprecendented time in history. Never have there been so many sightings in one place. It's simply astounding. We have to take advantage of the moment while we can.
"Everyone will set up their own tent, and we will watch patiently to see when one of these phenomenons appear. Then we'll briefly go over what we see and what we need to do. Stay studious! Stay vigilant! This is all good, clean fun."
Ilya dismissed everyone to put up their tents and make themselves comfortable to stay for the next month.