Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2024 5:19 pm
Salem Everett Status: Master. Location: In The Wilds. ____________________________________________________
It was time. The eldest male Everett had come to the conclusion that he had given the next generation, those who embodied the future, enough leisure. One by one he plucked them from Eden City when the time came, getting them aboard his helicopter along with his sister, and made the return voyage to Winhill. Or more precisely the Everett Manor. Leaving Lisanna to return to her home, Salem brought the Sorceresses to their new abode. Including the off hand warning that the home was indeed haunted, Remington may not have believed the warning, but Nyale and Etamara having spent far more time there, knew it was not an idle joke.
Not that it was a real threat. It mainly shook the vase, and sometimes would throw a small item across a room. Tangent aside, Salem showed each child their would be room for the stay. And there was a clear warning that they had one evening of sleep for the next day. Though they may stay awake and fraternize as they wish, the Everett man emphasized that their training would start in the morning.
__________________The Next Morning____________________
Whether or not they stayed up, had a party or went to sleep on time, they were each woken up a quarter before five in the morning. The sun still had some time before it would crest over the horizon, and the Sorceresses were expected to be at full combat readiness in those fifteen minutes. Whether or not they were prepared in that time, at the strike of five the man would barge in, gather the girls, and their weapons, and get them transported by car several miles out of town.
On the edge of a forest, Winhill long out of sight line and the sun was still half an hour from revealing the world. This was where they were to exit, and their mentor lined them up, his assistant holding their preferred weaponry. Well, at least for Etamara and Remington, Nyale sort of... cheated. "Nyale, Etamara, you two have received some guidance, and understand the fundamentals of being a sorceress. Remington, consider this a trial by fire. You will not have your weapons, you will be stranded here with nothing but your sorcery." Alarmingly, his eyes began to turn white.
"This is a test, and it is three fold. First, you will be tested on your ability to utilize magic in only the ways a Sorceress can. You do not follow the rules of para-magic, and as two of you know, your instinctual uses of magic are of the utmost importance. It is a part of you, and you should use it like a limb, like breathing, naturally. And like any good limb, it can be used to manipulate."
He held up a hand with two fingers sticking out. "Two. Team building. Alone and so limited, one of you may be over whelmed. Two of you may be pressed, but three of you in tandem should be a force to reckon with. In addition to the first test, you will need to know how to work together and especially learn how each others magic works. You will write a report on your compatriots once this field work is done to show me how much you understand of your comrades abilities."
A third finger rose as he spoke to the girls. "Currently, Rem is largely ignorant on how sorcery works. I expect the two of you to be able to convey the basics to Remington, and while you may understand the concept Rem. Do not feel discouraged if you have trouble manifesting properly at first. But in short, the three of you will adapt, work together and teach..." There was a flash as Raeka pointed his three fingers at the girls, utilizing another one of the high level sorcery abilities he rarely saw but had been working to master for these last two decades. Destroy Stock.
The girls could feel any stored spells they held get blown away. Salem let out a heavy breath after he used the ability, it seemed it took some effort for him to pull it off. "And I will destroy any Guardian Force you summon if you try and use one of them to break my rules. You are to survive in the monster infested wilds until I return to get you."
His blue-green eyes searched each of the girls, looking for weakness, strength, conviction. Everything they may show and try to hide. "Any questions?" ____________________________________________________
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 8:50 am
Remington Estellise La Faustina Nipal
Stock: None.
Status: Put to the test.
The Princess had been quiet all the journey from Eden. She studied those around her and her surroundings, ever reserved. The two exceptions were Nyale, with whom she shared the occasional quiet remark or smile, and her first meeting with the mysterious Galbadian Sorceress.
”Rem Nipal,” she introduced herself to Etamara with a flawless bow. ”I understand we are to be teammates. I look forward to working with you. Perhaps we could practice; I’ve heard you play.”
Come morning, Salem Everett barged into Remington’s room to find her finishing a set of pull-ups using the door frame of her room’s closet. The girl dropped to stand at attention, grabbed her jacket and sword from where they hung on a chair, and followed without a word.
Remington’s face remained impassive throughout the drive, the collection of weapons, and the briefing. All until he pointed at the trio of them and she felt power like a stormwind rush through her, carrying away the glittering motes of magic she’d almost never been out of. She made a mental note about that one while she schooled herself back to composure. Salem found only determination in her eyes.
”No, sir.”
The Princess
Ellise Belmont Vice Captain
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 9:28 am
Etamara Vilisantra Status: Early Riser Song of the moment: Airflow ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═✥═━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ The return to Salem's Estate felt long overdue for Etamara, who had been practically on house arrest after her little stunt with the mic at the Galbadian Embassy, and arena. In order to avoid more provocation and issues, she was relegated to office work for the next few days, causing her to gripe and fuss for those next few days in Eden. To her surprise, the addition of the other two sorceresses was unexpected. She didn't particularly enjoy having to share Salem's attention but she wouldn't dare question it or verbally say it outright. Etamara glanced over to Rem as she introduced herself, the sorceress flaunted with her hair, brushing it to the side as she gave an extravagant over the top bow in return. "Etamara Vilisantra. " She introduced herself, giving a polite tone to her despite her expression showing nothing but a strange smug aura to it. When the suggestion of playing together came up, Etamara couldn't help but grin with glee almost. "Oh, I absolutely would enjoy playing with you." She replied, yet somehow that response had a strange unnerving quality to it. Not that it would manifest so quickly.
Eventually the nght passed, and after a bit of interaction between the three sorceresses before the end of the night, the three were off to bed respectively.
==================== In the morning, Etamara was well and ready before Salem even knocked on her door. This wasn't unfamiliar to her in the slightest, and in fact, she was quite used to the physical and survival routines she was placed in. Never with a team, but always supervised until now. Now this appeared to be a test of her labor and efforts. The explanation of what their goal and objectives were made sense, though it meant that both Nyale and Etamara had to pick up the slack for Rem since she had no ability to use her magic as fluidly as the other two did.
She didn't enjoy this idea of her being relied on by others, but this was a new form of training even for her. It wouldn't do her any good if she kept a comfortable routine, and at the end of the day she was a support sorceress, what else was her job but to support others? "Ah. The pains of being perfect for the job." She thought to herself with a proud narcissitic attitude that would make even the most prideful Trabian commend to such a commitment to her own ego. "" ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═✥═━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 1:35 pm
Lost in skies of powdered gold xxxxxxxCaught in clouds of silver ropes xxxxxxxxxxxxShowered by the empty hopes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAs I tumble down, falling fast to the ground
I know I'll wither, so peel away the bark xxxxxxxxx'cause nothing grows when it is dark xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIn spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear
xxxxN y a l exxxxL a y t o s▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ✮ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Ny slept easily enough in the familiar surroundings of Winhill mansion.
She had stayed there so many times in her young life that even the local ghost didn't faze her any longer. And after the dramatic and horrific events in UNITA there was at least a reassuring sense of peace and stability being back on home turf in Winhill. She also enjoyed the evening interactions with her new team mates, though it was hard for her to imagine a more unlikely trio, as their personalities were all so wildly different.
When the knock on the door came at 5am sharp Nyale was up and ready to go. All in black with her silver hair in a long braid, she looked eerily like a young Lisanna. Except for her amber eyes, which were bright with curiosity as she considered what Salem had in store for the day.
The journey to the forest had Ny's nervousness and excitement mounting in equal measure.
Once there, the girl stood in line with Rem and Etamara, dutifully listening to Salem's instructions. Truthfully, she hadn't expected the group to be dumped in the monster forest on day 1 of the training regime, but she had been aware that Salem could throw anything at them. It seemed unduly harsh on Rem though, in her opinion, given that the girl had been a Sorceress for less than 2 weeks. Etamara would be more prepared, at least.
It's going to be an interesting few days...or however long... She mused.
Ny let out a sudden involuntary gasp as Salem's magic rushed through her, breezing away her stored spells like dandelion seeds in the wind. The high level magic was impressive, and she smiled wryly, rubbing her chest. When Salem had finished speaking she crossed her arms.
"Adapt. Work together. Teach. Survive" She repeated.
When he asked if they had questions Ny raised her palm, ever inquisitive.
"How should we get your attention in the event of an emergency? Will you be watching us and intervene if necessary?" She asked. Perhaps he would recognise without her actually saying, that she was concerned about Rem being thrown into the deep end with such an activity. "I realise this is a survival exercise so presumably if you have to intervene, we fail..."
As Ny spoke 3 tiny balls of golden light grew into existence around the girls, hovering benignly in the air and offering better visibility in the pre-dawn darkness. Not so bright as to attract any monsters, but enough so they could see a little better until the sun came up.
When Salem met her eyes, he would see calm confidence reflected back in her gaze.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ✮ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬T h exxL i g h t w e a v e r Let your colours bleed and blend with mine...xxxxxxxxxx
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 3:45 pm
Salem Everett Status: Master Location: With The Apprentices ____________________________________________________ It was good to see that determination and confidence dwelled within the girls. While it was his job to swing away at that to see if it would hold, and in that case reinforce it, it was good to see it was there already. Well, except for Etamara. He could already see her puffing her chest about how amazing she was. Probably perfect for the job.
The man sighed at Nyale's question, and took a moment to adjust his right cuff. "I would like to lie and say that there was no intervention, it was life or death, but you and Etamara know me too well that I would not abandon you out here. My intervention will be wholly up to my judgement, not yours." Salem's gaze turned to Rem. "Crying will not stir me." He looked to the other two girls. "Screaming for help and attracting more monsters may only make things harder for you. There is no safety net, beyond me judging when you have done bad enough that you have failed."
"Young Remington. I will need you to keep this in mind. Sorcery is a part of you, and you need to wield it innately, instinctively, as one uses their lungs to breath, we use magic to solve problems." It was something he had done with Nyale and Etamara. Punishing them for simple things like reaching for a drink instead of using their sorcery to nudge it towards them, or other such minor things a person would never think twice about. "Make me proud girls. You are the Sorceress Three, or the S3 team. The first time in history that our kind has designated to work together."
With a motion, his assistant threw forwards a small backpack. It was filled with enough rations for one meal, three water bottles, and some basic bandages and cloth with a knife to for basic survival purposes. He turned to leave, his assistant opening the car door for him, before he stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Right, and Nyale, don't expect the usual troubles out here. I had some friends from Balamb stop by, shake things up a little. There is a T-Rexaur out here. Good luck girls. Ciao."
And that was it. They would be on their own. ____________________________________________________
Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2024 7:07 am
Remington Estellise La Faustina Nipal
Stock: None.
Status: Solemn
The first time…
Rem remained thoughtful ‘til Salem turned away. With the trial apparently having begun, she stepped up and collected the bag. After assessing its contents, she pulled out the survival knife and strapped it to her belt.
”We need water and shelter first,” Rem remarked to the girls while she approached the tree line. She paced the edges of it ‘til she came to a likely candidate. Just a few paces in were saplings in abundance. Rem approached a straight sapling and crouched down, drawing the survival knife. In a few moments, she had cut the sapling free and turned it ‘round, beginning to shave off the budding branches near its top. In short order, she had a functional spear.
”Do either of you know this area?”
The Princess
Ellise Belmont Vice Captain
Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2024 8:16 am
Etamara Vilisantra Status: Early Riser Song of the moment: Airflow ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═✥═━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ With the other two showing some bit of concern over the training, Etamara showed very little to none. To her, this was just another means to prove to Salem that he was right to have selected her as his disciple. To her this was very little about cooperating with the other two and building a bond of trust, and more so about proving her capabilities. Truly, she was a "team player".
The other two seemed much more eager to play to this teamwork, and it helped that Rem and Nyale were already friends, but Etamara was one that found difficulty in being lead by others, and she had every bit to prove to Salem now that she had two other sorceresses with her.
Upon hearing the news of a T-rexaur wandering the woods here did actually change her toon however, because that was something she had never once fought herself. That was her test then wasn't it? Surely taking it down would yield praise from Salem! "Understood!" She said with an unusual tone of excitement.
Once Salem was gone though, and Rem began to set up a plan, Etamara shook her head at the question. "No. While I am familiar with forests in Winhill, I have never once been deep into the forest like this." ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═✥═━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2024 10:21 am
Lost in skies of powdered gold xxxxxxxCaught in clouds of silver ropes xxxxxxxxxxxxShowered by the empty hopes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAs I tumble down, falling fast to the ground
I know I'll wither, so peel away the bark xxxxxxxxx'cause nothing grows when it is dark xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIn spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear
xxxxN y a l exxxxL a y t o s▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ✮ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
So he will be watching, then... Ny thought, hearing her uncle's response to what she asked and pouting ever so slightly. Her query had indeed been predicated on the assumption that he would not, in fact, leave them to die in the woods. Good of him to confirm that. But it was now clear to her that he would intervene at his discretion, and not if they sought help. If things got bad, they'd just have to trust he would help in time...
She couldn't help the faint smile that curved her lips as he pepped the S3 team up with his next words. The Sorceress team was an exciting idea, and her ego rather liked the idea of making history - as much as she was trying to not think about the true reason for making such a team. However, at Salem's final comments her smile was quickly replaced with a scowl.
"Ahh, dammit" Ny muttered. She had been to this forest before on occasion as part of her SeeD training and missions, and had fought monsters here, so it was annoying but also understandable that he would throw some unfamiliar foes into the mix for her. Shouldn't have expected any less of him... She thought.
And then the man was gone.
Nyale clicked her tongue, observing their surroundings and thinking to herself whilst Rem busied herself with the pack and making a spear. "Mmm I do know it somewhat, though it's been a good while since I was last here" She remarked to Rem and Etamara. "There are some old ruins where we can shelter approximately..." She turned on the spot, getting her bearings for a moment, and then pointed off into the trees. "...that way: a mile east. There's a stream there too, if my memory serves, so I'd say that's a good bet. Follow me..."
The increasing daylight filtering through the tree canopy was bright enough by now for her to lead the way, following the rising sun. As she set off walking Ny's gaze flicked across at the two girls, her expression serious.
"I think we should discuss powers before we run into anything nasty. It would be good to know what each of us is capable of" She commented, while stepping over tree roots.
"I can start. My affinity is healing and light, as you both may know, which is pretty straightforward. I can wield it in different forms to burn, blind or blast, etcetera, and I can heal physical wounds. And of course, I fly. Not that that's much use in the forest though..." Ny refrained from adding reviving the recently dead to the list. Somehow it still made her slightly uncomfortable to speak about.
"Remington, can you tell us whatever you know so far about yours? Just anything you can think of" Her tone was matter-of-fact as she addressed the redhead. She was unsure how much Rem had discovered about her magic yet. "Also, if you have any questions for us about how to manifest your powers, now might be a good time to ask?" Better to learn now instead of during a showdown with a monster.
"And Etamara, would you explain your magic for us too please?" Ny was aware that Salem's young protegé used vocal magic, so it was mainly for Rem's benefit that she asked. Though she would be intrigued to know more detail on how Etamara's abilities worked.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ✮ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬T h exxL i g h t w e a v e r Let your colours bleed and blend with mine...xxxxxxxxxx
Ellise Belmont Vice Captain
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 8:15 am
Etamara Vilisantra Status: Strategize! Song of the moment: Airflow ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═✥═━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ With Nyale bringing the group together to discuss what they should know about the other, she seemed absolutely thrilled and pleased to talk about herself when she was asked to explain her power. With a wide grin, she took her weapon, the Virtuoso, and raised her bow up to the strings of the instrument. "My gift of magic manipulates the body. The extent of this power can range between controlling the actions of another, and their senses, to using auditory sound to manipulate the mind of another into performing tasks and feats that they otherwise would be incapable of doing so, whether physically or mentally." She said with a proud tone, and to further emphasize and demonstrate what she meant by it, she slid her bow strings across her instrument, sending out a gentle tune for them. As soon as the both of them felt that tune hit their ears, the both of them felt everything around them in a much more significant way. Their senses, strength, and breathing all felt heightened. Every part of their physical being had bolstered, improved, and strangely enough, the both of them felt a weight around their shoulders, as if there was someone gently wrapping their arms around them.
"Now. I haven't really tested the full extent of this power for ethical reasons, at least never on a person. On monsters though, that's another story." She giggled at that, stopping herself from playing any further, ending the effects on both of the girls and the sensations they felt. ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═✥═━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 12:14 pm
Remington Estellise La Faustina Nipal
Stock: None.
Status: Solemn
Rem followed. The butt of her sapling-spear thumped out a rhythm as she walked, studying the forest around her. Sun coming up meant this direction was east. A stream would help, if they found it. While she studied, Nyale talked.
Powers. It felt strange to use the word. Human beings didn’t have powers. Not like those. However, Nyale’s abilities had saved their lives during the Fall, as a number of Unitans had begun to call it. And healing! How malevolent could healing be? If she could mend people like Nyale could…
Ny looked to her. Rem glanced Etamara’s way, hoping to defer. It worked; the girl seemed happy to talk about herself. She’d seemed happy in general from what little time Rem had been around her. A little positivity went a long way, after recent events. The redhead frowned as she listened, however. She’d read about Sorceresses controlling minds and bodies. Most often, it sounded like a fairy tale; a horror story meant to make them even more dreadful. Etamara drew her peculiar instrument/weapon, however, and-
Rem stumbled. The sound washing over her made the world pop around her like the whiskey just hit! She touched her head, before noticing the sensation of pressure around her shoulders. Before she could object, the sound ended, and with it the bizarre clarity. It might have been something positive, but Etamara found Rem watching her with an uneasy look while they resumed their trek. At least, ‘til she mentioned ethics. Okay…Okay, that was…good. It had been something positive, right?
”That’s…a Hell of a talent,” she praised Etamara.
But after that, there were no more excuses. The girls each looked to Rem, expectant. Rem turned her gaze back to the woods.
”I…haven’t had the chance to explore much.” Chance, emotional capacity, whatever worked. She schooled herself- this was serious! This was her chance to start figuring this all out! Salem would rather drop them in the wilds than give her an introductory course, which meant Nyale and Etamara were her teachers now. She took a deep breath, straightened her back, and lifted her chin.
I am Remington Nipal, daughter of Nona Nipal.
”I’ve made myself…quicker,” she said at last. Back that night when she had confronted Raeka and Mai at the festival, she’d done something a lot like a spell she didn’t possess. Not to mention- ”Others, too. And…I think I managed to do something to Ixion during the fight. Slow it down.” She scowled at herself for her clumsy explanations.
”I’ve read everything I could on Sorceresses,” she said, drawn back years. ”It seemed like every one had a specialty, but also…things they could all do.” For months after the malboro attack, she’d practically been barricaded into her room. She pored over books, journals, articles, and literally anything online she could find on the subject. Sorceresses were a topic of critical importance to their world, but had barely been studied. The greatest strides taken to understand them were Dr. Odine’s work studying Sorceress Adel.
Sorceress Rem. Will they call me that, someday?
She could feel it there, at the edges of her perception. Invisible, flowing around her. It had always been there. Waiting. Waiting to be acknowledged.
”...What does it feel like? For you.” she asked at last. Etamara could feel the tension in Rem on the topic. Just talking about Sorcery had her coiled tight as an anacondaur. Her free hand went to her chest, where her breath came tight. But it was…easier. A little easier, than last time.
”When we…we fought the Hexadragon, I felt it. Like a river I couldn’t see. It washed me away when I let it out.” She still wasn’t sure she remembered the moment at all, or if her brain was making up something to fill in the blank space.
”It’s…still there. Always. It’s…it doesn’t feel like para-magic.” Not like those embers inside her, like she’d swallowed molten coals and could bring them back up, just as they were, any moment. Something which could be snuffed out, as Salem had done. This was something always around her. Running…through her.
”I don’t…I don’t know how I did it. It’s like moving your own arm,” she tried to explain. You didn’t need to know the names of all the muscles in your arm to make it work, or calculate the angle you wanted it to move. You just…do it.
The Princess
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 12:43 pm
Remington Estellise La Faustina Nipal
Stock: Whatever I desire.
Status: Magnanimous
It stirred. A sense of annoyance. Frustration. Did this girl still not understand what she could do, was she truly wasting her gift basking in ignorance and self denial. This could not stand.
We are already Sorceress Remington.
It was true. Did she forget that Salem had called them the Sorceress team. No matter what she did, as a known magic user it would become part of her legacy no matter what. What could she keep it a positive label, or would she be spoken in venomous words such as Adel.
To be kalled that is an honor. Greater than any other.
Sorceresses could move the world. Adel. Ultimecia. Even Salem was making great political changes, such as making Winhill independent, and he always seemed to not be too far from major events. Was he shaping the world?
You know what your power is. Klaim it. It is your right, and to kower from it leads only to weakness.
You do not want to be powerless, do you?
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 5:16 pm
Lost in skies of powdered gold xxxxxxxCaught in clouds of silver ropes xxxxxxxxxxxxShowered by the empty hopes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAs I tumble down, falling fast to the ground
I know I'll wither, so peel away the bark xxxxxxxxx'cause nothing grows when it is dark xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIn spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear
xxxxN y a l exxxxL a y t o s▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ✮ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Ny listened to Etamara's explanation of her magic with interest whilst they walked, ducking beneath branches, heading deeper and deeper into the forest. The girl's abilities had the the potential to be terrifying, should she be inclined to use them for ill. No wonder Salem had taken her on. Ny had to pause while she felt her senses temporarily heightened by Etamara, and the strange feeling of a weight on her shoulders, before the feeling vanished as quickly as it arrived. It was...unsettling.
Ny murmured her agreement with Rem's observation. Hell of a talent indeed.
And then came Rem's explanation. Or lack of one. Understandably she didn't seem to have found out much detail about her abilities yet. Hopefully that would change in the forest, Ny reasoned.
"It's...time and space magic..." She commented in a hesitant and wary tone, after hearing how Rem had used her powers so far. Like Ultimecia She contemplated, shivering slightly, recalling what Salem had told her.
"Yes exactly, it's not something easy to teach. You have to learn to use it instinctively and it just...gets stronger and more intuitive the more you do it. Like training a muscle. Sorry, I don't know how helpful I can be. Salem really should've done this..." Ny glanced at Rem apologetically as she walked, still leading the other girls through the trees. "How does it feel...? Mmm...it is different for everyone, I guess. I don't even think about it much anymore but...for me it's like having a burning sun constantly inside my body. I draw my magic from that, channel it out however I need to, and it burns brighter and hotter the more I reach for it..."
Like Rem had said, it never went away.
"It sounds like you're becoming more aware of your powers and how they feel, which is good. Keep letting that river flow, and you'll learn to control it over time. Don't...don't be afraid of it"
Easy to say, but harder to do.
Why, Salem, would you not just give her one to one training?? I'm not a teacher. I don't know how to do this... Ny lamented internally, repressing a dismayed sigh.
The trio made good progress through the forest and soon enough Ny led them out into an overgrown clearing. In the midst of the clearing stood the ruins of an ancient stone church. Clearly it had been abandoned long, long ago, left to be reclaimed by the forest. Ivy, thick vines and ferns all crept haphazardly up the grey walls, weaving through the empty windows and arches. Wildflowers surrounded the ruins and what few crumbling gravestones were left, wafting gently in the breeze. It was almost romantic.
Behind the place, the clear sound of a trickling stream could be heard, babbling peacefully, which came from a small waterfall down the rock face.
"Well, here it is" Ny remarked, gesturing at the place.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ✮ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬T h exxL i g h t w e a v e r Let your colours bleed and blend with mine...xxxxxxxxxx
Ellise Belmont Vice Captain
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 6:46 pm
Etamara Vilisantra Status: Strategize! Song of the moment: Airflow ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═✥═━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ Listening to Rem's praise brought nothing but an ego driven satisfied smile across Etamara's face, and it only grew as she heard Nyale's praise of her. Of course she was great! All would know of such talent waiting to be bursting forth to the scene of the world! "Oh yes! I am very happy with my gift. It has brought me much joy in my life." She grinned with amusement, amused by how frightened a new sorcereress could be with such a power. It was such a stark contrast between the three of them. Rem, the reserved and hesitant of the bunch to accept her power, Nyale, the level headed leader and perhaps the most attentive of the bunch, and of course, Etamara, who held such pride and ego over her gifts.
She did not feel fear towards such power and sensation, and she understood well of Rem's description of the current. She had to nod in agreement with Nyale in letting one freely flow into the wave, and added onto it. "It is true, that there is a certain wave that we all can sense. That is the rushing of raw mana flowing through you; real power. Not borrowed, although that isn't quite true in your case." She teased a little, giggling as she then further continued with her own description of what she felt using her gifts. "Like Nyale said, I feel something different when it comes to using my gifts. For me, I can sense something akin to the rhythm of the universe. Or perhaps its just my ability to sense the flow of mana through auditory cues; and sensations throughout my body are just that attuned to it. I truly do not know the nitty gritty of it all, but what I can tell you is, it is another current that I ride when I perform. I can feel the music of another person, the musical echoes that resonate from one's soul, and I can manipulate it, to draw it out, and caress that person's being to bend it to my will."
The further she described the feeling, the more she appeared to sound enraptured by it. "It is truly a very intoxicating sensation for me. But, it is very much like stretching a muscle. Do it too much, and you'll overexert yourself." As she finished her comment, she looked up at the deserted building, wondering what exactly laid in wait for them? Gripping Virtuoso, and her bow tighter, she eagerly made her way in, following after Nyale.
Oh, how she couldn't wait to perform.
"" ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═✥═━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 7:36 pm
Remington Estellise La Faustina Nipal
Stock: None.
Status: Solemn
You do not want to be powerless, do you?
Rem shook herself out of a daze. The chill morning air prickled on her skin, and she drew her jacket closed against the sudden vulnerable feeling. Nyale was looking at her. Rem looked away from eye contact. Listen. Listening would do.
"Don't be afraid"
They weren’t. Nyale spoke with a warm comfort, and Etamara delighted in her abilities! The woman described it like poetry. It was fascinating to listen to; how much had Etamara practiced to feel things out in such detail? Fascinating except for the needling. She shot Etamara a sour look at the remark.
Not much longer, though. Rem caught sight of stonework through the trees, and soon they were emerging into the remains of an old church. Rem found herself walking up moss-covered stone steps. Ivy and wildflowers had overtaken the ruin.
”How old is this place?” she wondered. The girls could hear the soft awe in her voice. It felt like the sort of place she’d read about in a fairy tale. ”Probably even older than Winhill…Maybe there used to be a town in these woods?” Climbing up to the upper level, Rem looked all about, but the forest gave up no more secrets. In all directions, she found only wood and stone.
”Perfect spot to camp,” she praised Nyale. Shelter from the weather, plus available water! She set down the backpack of survival gear and pulled out one of the durable water bottles for a swig. ”I’ll work on water,” she informed. Hn. No pots, no bowls…The bottles were metal, at least. ”We’ll have to boil it in the bottles. As long as we can find food and this isn’t the Rexaur’s favorite nap spot, we can hunker down here until Master Everett comes to get us.”
Provided neither of the girls stopped her, Rem took her simple spear and the survival knife and went looking for the sound of the burbling water.
And once basic needs were taken care of? Nothing to do but sit, talk…and practice.
I see what you’re doing, Sorcerer King.
The Princess
Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 5:54 am
Lost in skies of powdered gold xxxxxxxCaught in clouds of silver ropes xxxxxxxxxxxxShowered by the empty hopes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAs I tumble down, falling fast to the ground
I know I'll wither, so peel away the bark xxxxxxxxx'cause nothing grows when it is dark xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIn spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear
xxxxN y a l exxxxL a y t o s▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ✮ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
The younger girl didn't require much prompting and seemed more than happy to talk about herself with unbridled narcissistic glee. Ny listened to Etamara's description of her magic with a curious look. The detail of her powers was intriguing, and Ny looked forward to seeing it in action.
They began to walk up the mossy steps and Ny gazed up at the peaceful ruins whilst Rem spoke. "Around 300-400 years old, from what I was able to find out in the Winhill archives when I was a student" She replied. The history of this place had long ago been lost to time. "Perhaps it was abandoned when monsters took over the forest. There's no record of a town here, from what I found, but there could've been one"
The snowy haired Sorceress smiled back at Rem's praise and gave a nod at her suggestions. "Sounds good. I'll look for some food. There might also be some stuff we can use inside the ruins, actually. Etamara, would you see if there's anything useful in there?"
As Rem prepared to go off in search of the stream behind the ruins Ny looked at her two companions.
"My suggestion would be not to stray too far from this place alone - we should stick together as much as possible" It probably didn't need to be said, but wandering off into the forest alone would be foolish and risky. "Rem, my uncle will be expecting us to use our magic to solve problems, so take every opportunity to practice, wherever you can. I'd say just start with small steps to get comfortable with your powers"
They could hunker down here but Ny expected trouble would find them at some point. The sooner Rem started practising, the better prepared she thought the girl would be.
"If anyone needs help, just shout. Let's meet back inside the nave, we can build a fire there"
With that, Ny began to explore the grounds immediately outside the ruins, searching for anything they could eat in the bushes, trees, and undergrowth. They had the basic rations in the backpack of course, but anything extra they could source would help. She kept her eyes peeled and her ears open for any sign of sound of movement, whether monster or animal. Before long she managed to spot a berry bush that she knew to be non-poisonous outside one of the walls. The girl immediately whipped off her jacket to use as a make-shift satchel and began piling up berries inside it.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ✮ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬T h exxL i g h t w e a v e r Let your colours bleed and blend with mine...xxxxxxxxxx