Basic Statistics
Name: Makoto Akihiro Ishikawa
Alias: The Cutting Word, Poetry Nerd.
Age: Seventeen
DoB: 1/11
Occupation: SeeD
Maelstrom - A trabian longsword made to emphasize water magic, and to be empowered by the element..
Riptide - Weighted wire rope he uses to restrain or limit the mobility of his opponent.
Pond - A satchel worn by the waist that is effectively a messy utility belt.
Biography: Nothing is really known of Makoto's actual family. They had returned to the new Fisherman's Horizon after being refugees in the war. Though excited to start their new lives with their baby boy, a structural collapse led them all to water graves. Pretty much the only worldly possession they left behind was a book of centran haikus, to which the young child attached himself too. Still in the rebuilding of FH, it was not too long before he was sent off into the Garden System.
With the new nation of Unita, and the Nipal Garden attempting to prevent the child mercenary pipeline, he ended up in their educational system. Despite all of that, all the legends of SeeD saving the world, helping the people or being super awesome and movies based on them. He fell into the same pipeline. That said, he found purpose in becoming a warrior, to make sure he would not become a victim like he did in his youth, and more importantly be able to protect others from the same fate.
Physical Characteristics
Weight: 117
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Hair Style: Messy
Skin color: Caucasity
Distinguishing features: Being annoying with poetry.
Attire: Light or Heavy robes depending on the weather.
Mental Characteristics
Strengths: None.
Weaknesses: Makoto is weak to the allure of drink, and generally any form of art.
Goals: To be known for his (good) poetry.
Hobbies: Playing Shamisen, writing poetry, painting.
Personality: Not well socially adjusted, he mainly speaks through things he obsesses about, such as Haikus. However as he's aware he's not well adjusted, he's become somewhat shy unless he's rambling about a hobby.
Special Characteristics
Natural Affinity: Water.
Talent/Skills: Makoto has trained with many weapons, and though he prefers his unique longsword the most, he typically carries an assortment of tools and gear to harass his opponents.
Battle Overview: Typically Makoto will depend on his speed to simply outperform his opponent, even if his opponent is stronger it doesn't matter if they can't land a blow. Beyond that he will use what he can to hinder his opponent to continue to give himself the edge in a fight. Only on a stage should one fight fair.
Limit Breaks: The Crashing Wave:
A hydrokinetic blade extends the reach and maneuverability of Maelstrom. A running current that can sway and flow with each attack, making it super annoying to defend against.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Health Points: 5
Mana Points: 5
Strength: 4
Magic: 5
Endurance: 5
Speed: 7+1
Channeling: 6
Spirit: 5
Luck: 6
Guardian Force:
Name: Susano'o
Junction: Speed
Additional Notes on This Character
Associations: He has no friends.
Additional Information: